Read NorthernPassion Online

Authors: Cynnamon Foster

NorthernPassion (8 page)

BOOK: NorthernPassion
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Desiree was bewildered. “I thought they would ask me more
questions, maybe find out what I needed or what type of business I was running
before they invited me in.”

He slipped his arm around her waist. “Maybe they are just a
market research firm, like they say they are.”

Desiree’s brow furrowed. “No, I don’t think so. That would
mean there are way too many coincidences and you know I don’t believe in those.”

Sam agreed. He had to admit he felt the same. There were
just not too many true coincidences in life. “And it would mean someone’s
research was way off. And that hasn’t happened in a long time.” The agency
typically employed people who were are the top of their game, whether they were
out in the field or stuck in a bunker somewhere in the back office. He frowned.
“Reed and his minions are usually very thorough. This type of thing is normally
an easy bet for them.”

Desiree put her nose in Sam’s neck and inhaled. “Speaking of
Reed, he seemed unusually concerned about us. As if he thought we would let our
relationship get in the way of doing our job.”

Sam paused, rubbing his hand across Desiree’s back. “Yeah,
well, he would be. He doesn’t understand how we can be the way we are. I can’t
recall him having any relationship lasting more than two days in the past ten
years. If he has, he’s kept them to himself.”

“That’s sad.” Desiree’s iPhone blinked, the screen lighting
up with a Facebook notification. She glanced at it. “It’s beginning.”

“Well,” he said. “Post something. Four times a day, right?”

“At least.” She paused to think about it, then clicked to
open the Facebook app on her phone. Desiree felt the adrenaline flowing through
her all the way down to her fingertips.

DC: Had a great time last night with neighbors and new
friends. It felt real good.

“Felt real good, huh?” He laughed. “Is that code for we felt
each other up?”

“I’m glad you could be so amused. I’ll bet you had some
groping going on when you were sequestered in the Jenilhams’ secret room
without me. What happened back there?” Desiree didn’t really expect him to
answer and wasn’t sure she wanted to know anyway. She trusted whatever had
occurred had happened for the sake of the assignment.

“I felt her up, but she didn’t get to feel me. I was so
surprised I almost fell over myself when that woman reached out.”

Desiree was still mystified with her neighbor’s forwardness.
“I bet she doesn’t even remember what happened. All of them were a little

She was getting better at hiding her surprise and rolling
with the punches. She’d learned there was no telling what she would encounter
in this line of work. The words “Expect the unexpected” were constantly in the
back of her mind.

“More than a little.” Sam shook his head. “I’m not
convinced. You’re right. There was a lot of touching going on where I was too
but it didn’t bother me any. I just took it in stride. You can’t let that type
of thing catch you off guard. You don’t want to raise any suspicions.”

Desiree’s phone flashed again and she clicked over to


We loved hanging out with you too. Hope you’ll come
again. Matter of fact, plan on it, or we’ll bring the party to your house.


“What happened back there with Geneva Jenilham? It looks as
if she’s extremely eager for us to come to one of their parties again.” She
held the phone out so he could see the message.

Sam stared at the screen. “Looks like an invitation to me.”

“Uh huh. Like how you change the subject.” She punched him
in the arm. “What happened?”

Sam winked. “How about this, after this run, I’ll show you
what we did.”

A feeling of warmth spread throughout Desiree’s body. “A
demonstration is always a good thing.”

Chapter Nine

Dinner with a Twist


Sam kept their relationship romantic and Desiree appreciated
his thoughtfulness. He’d courted her when they first met and now, even though
they both considered themselves a couple, he kept right on doing it when he had
the chance. She sat in the restaurant waiting for him, back in the corner. The
bistro he’d picked was small, with more outside than in as was the French way.
The place was designed so most of the people would sit outside and watch as
others walked past. When she’d gotten back to the house that afternoon, there’d
been a single rose in the middle of the kitchen table with a note attached.

The night is ours.

The message had been simple. It had those four words, plus
an address and time. Butterflies tickled the insides of Desiree’s stomach as
she thought about finding the note. He might as well have written in detail
about what he was going to do with her and where. Her imagination was running
rampant, conjuring pictures of all manner of debauchery. Her face flushed hot.
She pressed on her face lightly with her fingertips to try to quell her
blushes. It was all she could do to contain herself. Sam had a way of making
her feel like a teenager, even after all the time they had been an item. The
romance felt as good to her as it had when he’d rolled his mail cart past her
desk back in Texas. The memory was clear and vivid even though that place and
that life were a world away. Sam had nodded and licked his lips. Then kept on
going by her. His swagger had caused her breath to be caught inside her throat that
day. Just like now, her heart had flip-flopped every time he was near.

Desiree had dressed for a date, forgoing the little black
dress for a sexy red one, complete with matching shoes and bag. All of her
layers were red. The plan was that her shoes would match her attire no matter
how undressed she got.

She sat at the table with her legs crossed at the ankles and
toyed with the glass of wine the waiter had brought her. Before she left the
house, she’d dabbed a touch of her favorite perfume behind her ears and then
spritzed some into the air and walked through the mist. The scent was layered
so that if they got that far, Sam could enjoy it all the way down to her skin.

Finally he walked through the door and slid up to the bar,
ignoring her. Desiree opened and then closed her mouth, a frown passing over
her face. What in the world? She was in plain view so there was no way he could
have missed her in the small space. She took another sip of her wine. Clearly,
Sam had games up his sleeve. She liked it. And she would play. If nothing else,
Desiree was a good sport and loved a challenge, but he would have to wait.
There was no way she was going to go to him. If cat and mouse was what he
wanted to play, Desiree was a master.

She bounced her leg as she waited and wondered where he was
going with things. Sam seemed to be calm as he perched on the bar stool. She
might have been imagining it, but it felt as if Sam was trying extra hard not
to look in her direction.

Sam said something to the bartender, then ordered a drink.
The bartender reached down and pulled out a glass clouded with cold. He picked
up an ice pick and chipped away at a block of ice behind the counter, chipping
until he’d formed a block of ice, perfectly fit to the glass. Desiree relaxed.
Sam must have ordered a fancy vodka or something. Probably an Oban, a Scottish
whisky only people who were serious about their spirits knew anything about. A
purr started in her throat. Oban made Sam get real comfortable real fast. Made
him forget about the job, Reed, anything that wasn’t right there, right then.

Desiree squeezed her knees together to keep her composure.
If he had any inhibitions at all, they would be gone by the time he threw back the
whisky. A slow smile crept across Desiree’s face. Maybe he would have two. Some
things were worth waiting for.

Finally, Sam pushed away from the bar and turned toward
Desiree. He winked, then grabbed his Oban in one hand and a wineglass in the
other. As he walked toward Desiree, their gazes locked. Her heart skipped a beat.
Their times together like this were usually few and far between and Desiree
cherished them. At times like this, they didn’t have to be anyone but

Sam stopped just short of the table. “This seat taken?”

“It is now,” Desiree said.

He set the wineglass in front of Desiree. “I thought you
might enjoy this. It is some of the finest Malbec they have here.”

Desiree wet her lips, pulling the glass toward her. Sam
smelled wonderful. She inhaled, enjoying his scent. A teenager on a first date
had nothing on her. Her face was hot and her hands were sweating. It should be
illegal for a man to have this kind of effect on a grown woman.

“Are you waiting for someone?”

So we’re playing that game
, she thought. Desiree took
a breath before she spoke. “I was, but I think I’ve been stood up.”

Sam gasped. “Really? Who in their right mind would do such a
thing to an exquisite creature like you?”

Desiree’s legs parted involuntarily. “It’s a shame he stood
me up. I left my panties at home and everything.”

“No panties, huh?” A sly grin moved across Sam’s face as he
slid into the seat. “Maybe I can help you with that problem.”

“Trust me, it’s not a problem.”

“My bad. You have to forgive me. I’m the kind of man who’s
always trying to insert myself into a woman’s problem.”

Desiree tried to avoid giggling. “Apology not necessary.
Into a woman’s problem, huh? I might just need a hand fixing things.”

Sam didn’t hesitate. “I’ve been known to be quite handy.”

“Really? Gauging from your hands, you do look as if you might
be quite good with them.” She sipped her wine, letting the smooth liquid slide
over her tongue.

“If I remember correctly, this restaurant has really
exquisite restrooms.” He lowered his voice and leaned closer to her. “And I
hear the doors have locks.”

“Really? Maybe I do need to go and powder my nose.” She
paused. “Or get something shined.”

Sam looked on expectantly.

Desiree wet her lips and leaned in. “You know, normally if
I’m out with a girlfriend and one of us has to powder her nose, we both go. You
know, for safety.”

“Is that so?”

“Uh huh.” She stood. “So, I’m going to go now. It looks as
if things might be kind of precarious back there.” She motioned toward the
hallways. “If I’m not back in five minutes, it means I need some assistance.
You’re going to have to come help.” She didn’t wait for him to answer. Instead
she grabbed her small clutch purse and headed toward the back of the restaurant
in the direction of the bathrooms.

The bathroom was large and made for a single person. The
granite counters were clean and a long washbasin ran the length of one wall.
Vases of fresh flowers decorated it and there was a mixture of river rock and
ice in the sink. The tiled floors were immaculate and a chrome bench was pushed
against the far wall. Desiree smiled as she looked behind her at the door. Sam
had done his homework when he’d picked the place. There was indeed a lock on
the door.

She barely had time to reapply her lipstick before Sam came
through the door behind her. His eyes met hers and he reached behind him and
threw the tumbler on the door lock.

“I think that’s a fire hazard, sir,” Desiree said. “We won’t
be able to get out of here—”

“And no one else will be able to get in.” He walked toward
her. “The only fire in this building will be right here in this bathroom. And
you won’t be trying to escape it, either.”

Desiree let him embrace her. “Hmm. What if it’s too hot in
here for me to handle?”

“Well, then you can get out of the flame and back into the
pan.” He let out a deep, throaty chuckle. “But I somehow think you’ll be fine.”
Sam pulled Desiree back into him, burying his nose in her neck. He kissed her
gently, slowing edging them back until they were almost up against the wall. “Now,”
he said, “about your absence of underwear problem.”

They finally hit the wall and Sam pulled Desiree’s leg,
lifting it into the air. She moaned, breathing out words in-between pants. “Yes?
What of it?”

Sam didn’t wait for her to come up with an answer. Instead
he inserted his index finger into her as far as it would go, hooking it against
her walls. “I guess there really are no panties here.” He removed his hand and
lifted her other leg, letting her wrap them around his waist and backing her up
to the edge of the console table against the wall opposite the sink. “That is so

Their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Both Desiree and
Sam’s breathing became heavy. In one movement, Sam unzipped his pants. “I’m not
wearing any underwear, either.”

“I like commando,” Desire said. Her wetness was already
making her thighs slick.

Sam thrust himself inside her, pushing her up against the
wall. “I guess we’re two of a kind then.”

Desiree held on to him, enjoying the feeling of his body so
close to hers. She could do this all day, every day. They were still for a
moment. The sound of their breathing mixed with the artificial bird track
playing in the room. The wall was cold behind Desiree in contrast to Sam’s
warmth in front of her. She shivered.

“You cold?”

“How could I be?”

He cupped her ass cheeks and moved, slowly at first, then
faster. Desiree held on tight and wrapped her legs around him, arching her back
in order to feel him as deep as she possibly could. “Yes, that’s it. A little

Sam groaned. “I like it when you tell me what you want.
Sometimes you seem so far away from me.”

Desiree didn’t answer. Instead, she pulled him closer. When
they were working, he was the one who stood on the other side of an
un-crossable chasm. This was the first time she’d felt so close to him in days.
This was the first time they’d been together when the assignment wasn’t first,
time they were technically stealing.

Sam worked on her and Desiree responded, letting all else
slip into the background. The sounds that were so loud a minute ago became
nonexistent as they moved together. Everything they were in France was washed
away and the only thing that mattered was the two of them there, in that

“I love being with you, Sam.”

He breathed deeply, holding onto Desiree as if everything
depended on them coming together in this semi-public place. “You are so good
for me,” he said. “You keep me connected to the real world. To life. I don’t
want to be like Reed. I can’t become him. You are saving me. Don’t you know

Desiree’s heart raced. With those words, Sam had given her
something she desperately needed. She needed to know she mattered to him as
much as he did to her.

Sweat broke through onto Sam’s forehead as they moved
faster. Desiree’s shoes fell from her feet as her toes curled. She moaned and
closed her eyes.

“Look at me, Dez. Open your eyes. I need to see your eyes.”

“Sam.” Desiree’s voice was throaty.

She didn’t have to say more. “Me too,” Sam said. His
strength was failing, but still he thrust into her strong and hard, bracing
against the wall.

Desiree cried out as she felt the first jolts of electricity
hit her. She slapped down, against the tiled wall, and tried to brace herself
for the explosion about to come.

Sam came violently, thrusting against her, trying to use the
wall for balance as Desiree’s body quaked against his. They held on to each
other, finally closing their eyes as Desiree relaxed against him.

She didn’t want to let go, becoming slowly aware they were
indeed, still in a public bathroom. Eventually, slowly, Sam let her go. She slipped
her feet back into her shoes and tried to smooth her dress.

Sam wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, playfully
biting her lip.

“You know we can’t stay in here.” Desiree said. “Someone
will eventually have to use the bathroom.”

Sam nodded. “I know.”

“Did you have an exit strategy?” She didn’t really want to
leave what felt like their secret hideaway, but it was inevitable. The evening
was going to have to end.

He smiled. “You know I do. My father used to tell me if you
act as if you belong, no one would question you. We’re going to walk out of
here as if both of us being in here is the most normal, everyday thing in the

Desiree had intended to talk to Sam about their future, but
was satisfied with the small nugget he’d given her. “And if that doesn’t work?
What’s going to happen if we open this door and the
Police Nationale
waiting for us?”

Sam smiled and moved a lock of unruly hair from Desiree’s
forehead, pushing it behind her ear. “Well, we’ll act as if we don’t know what
is going on and pretend we don’t speak a lick of French. And then we’ll run.”

It was impossible for Desiree to contain her laughter. “And
you think that will work?”

Sam shook his head. “No. Not really, but we’ll have one
helluva story.”

It didn’t matter what he’d said. All of it sounded good to
Desiree. For once, real Sam had peeked out from under his armor. He said he
needed her. He needed her. That was enough. For now.

BOOK: NorthernPassion
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