Read Nookie's Secret (Nookie 2) (Nookie Series) Online

Authors: Anieshea; Q.B. Wells Dansby

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

Nookie's Secret (Nookie 2) (Nookie Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Nookie's Secret (Nookie 2) (Nookie Series)
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He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he entered her. The only thing Joy felt was his zipper scratching her pussy. “Shit.” she said. Dre took that to mean she liked it and sped up. Joy tried to tell him but he came. Sweating, face scrunched up his body jerked and Joy would have laughed if her pussy didn’t hurt. Dre tapped her ass and grinned. He zipped up his pants and left.


“Joy, Joy…”


“You good? You never answered. I thought you was sleep again, until I saw your eyes open.”

“Yeah. Just thinking.”

“Bout what? You not worried are you?

“Naw. I just have some stuff on my mind.”

“Oh.” he sounded hurt but Joy ignored him.

Joy began to regret asking Dre to help her. The knots in her stomach that appeared after her dream further convinced her of this. She had to find a way to get away from him. He would bring her down and she couldn’t have that. The past few months of Joy’s outlook on life had changed. She went from a sheltered young girl to a woman on a come up. She thought of Kevin. She wondered what he was doing. She tried to forget him but now she wished he was present.

Joy looked over at Dre, who concentrated on the road. A plan formed in her head to get away from him. She took a deep breath and tried to get enough courage to go through with it.



Chapter Three


Joy’s entire body felt hot, her head throbbed and her blood pressure was up because of what she was about to do.

“Can we stop? I have to pee.”


Dre drove a little farther down the road before he reached a gas station with a restroom. They both got out the car and went to the bathroom. Joy opened the door, the stench of mold and urine hit her dead in the face, almost making her turn and leave. She felt Dre behind her and stopped, causing him to bump into her.

“What you doing?”

“I thought I could get some head right quick.” he said, with a stupid grin; closing the door. Dre didn’t wait for an answer. With one hand he unzipped his pants as he pushed Joy to her knees. With a heavy heart, she took his tiny dick into her mouth. It didn’t even reach her throat.

After only three minutes, he cum filled her mouth. He didn’t help her up. She got up and spat his cum on the floor. With his pants still down, he walked to the toilet and peed all over the place. Joy turned her head away.

“I’m going to the car to get a tampon out my bag.” After she said that she realized that she couldn’t remember the last time she had her period. “Shit” she thought. But she couldn’t worry about that now.

“Uh huh.” was all he said, still relieving himself.

As soon as the door closed behind her, she ran to the car. She opened the driver side door; she grabbed her pocketbook and opened the trunk. She closed the door grabbed the backpack with the money. She looked back at the bathroom door to make sure Dre wasn’t coming. She peeked through the gas station window; the clerk was helping a customer. Bag in hand, she ran to the other side of the station. She searched around for a place to stash the bag until later. She found an old recliner. She opened it up and stuffed the money and her bag under the seat and closed it back. Her plan was going to happen sooner than she thought.

Joy panicked thinking that Dre was out of the bathroom and at the car. She didn’t know when she would have another opportunity to get away. Her breathing became short, making it hard for her to breath. She peeked around the corner to see if Dre was in the car. Surprisingly, he wasn’t. “
Not in the store either. He must be taking a shit
,” she said aloud to herself. Time to put her plan in motion. She ran her fingers through her shoulder length hair to give a wild look. Knowing that wouldn’t be enough, she repeatedly smacked herself in the face until her face stung and felt swollen. She could tell that it had to be red because of how hot her skin felt. She took her sneakers off and threw them behind the chair. She ripped her shirt at the bottom and unbuckled her pants.

She then ran to in the store, behind the counter to the clerk. “You have to help me,” she screamed, wild eyes. Tears running down her face.

“What happened to you? I’ll call the police.”

“Please.” Joy said crying harder.

The clerk already had the phone in his hand, told the person, “I will call you back.” and began dialing the police.

Out the corner of her eye, Joy watched Dre walking towards the car. Joy ducked down and watched Dre go to the car, noticing it was empty; he looked on direction to the store. The clerk who was off the phone, looked down at Joy, confused.

“That’s the man who hurt me.” Joy pointed toward the door that Dre just walked in.

The clerk becoming nervous, pushed Joy more under the counter and stood in front of her trying to hide her. Joy held her breath and tried to calm down. She was so scared that Dre would see her that she began to shake.

“Did you see a girl like 5-5, brown skin?”

“No, it’s been pretty dead in here.” the clerk said, cutting Dre off.

Dre walked out the store mumbling, “racist muthafucka.” thinking the clerk was being short with him because he was a racist white man. Joy peeked out from the counter. Both her and clerk watched Dre get in the car, he sat there for two minutes before he started the car. Then something must have dawned on him. He jumped out the car and ran to the trunk. He tried to pull it open. He ran back, popped it open. “Fuck.” he yelled at the top of his lungs. “Joy you dirty bitch.” He pulled the gun from his waist. He heard some cars pull up and car doors slam. Before he could turn around he heard, “Freeze. Drop the gun.”




Chapter Four

Dre’s heart sank. He didn’t know why the police showed up but he guessed it was Joy’s doing. He knew that he had no way out of this because the gun he brought off his cousin might have bodies on it. He was glad he dumped the other guns he used after robbing Shawn. All these thoughts ran through his head in the three seconds between the cops pulling up and them repeating for him to “drop the gun.”

The cops took Dre’s no response as a threat, and opened fire.

Joy watched from behind the counter, as Dre’s body jerked and fell against the hood of the car. The clerk was so engrossed in what was happening, he didn’t notice the young woman he went out of his way to help, slip from behind the counter and into the back of the store. She looked over her shoulder to see if the clerk noticed. He hadn’t. Finding the back room, she entered and noticed an exit sign over a door. Joy went to the exit, peeked out and after seeing no one stepped outside.

Once outside, she took a deep breath. She heard the police walkie-talkies and her heart pounded. Lifting the chair out, she looked down at the bag with the money. She reached down to pick it up, when she heard, “What are you doing back here?”

Joy turned around to face the voice. A tall and skinny, young white dude wearing a smock stared at her.

“Shit, why you sneaking up on people?” she replied, reaching down grabbing the bag and her sneakers. She reached in and took a few bills from out of one of the rolls of money and handed them to the dude. She put her finger to his lips, as if to say shush, leaving him there with his mouth open. He looked down at the few hundreds in his hand, placed them in his pocket and walked off.

Joy continued down the road, hoping the police weren’t looking for her yet. She knew that they would want to know what happened. The thought of having to talk to the police again made her walk faster. No cars passed and that made Joy wonder what the time was. Since she knew she was close to Philly, she needed to find a bus stop. With no clue to as where to go, she walked.

Flipping open her phone she saw that it was almost midnight. Joy began to think that she should have come up with another plan of getting rid of Dre. A plan that didn’t include her hungry, tired and in the middle of nowhere. She wasn’t surprised that she didn’t feel the least bit sorry that the police killed him.

Joy opened the bag and took out a couple of rolls of money and put them in her pocket book. She looked around before placing the bag on her back. Finally, she thought when a car coming her way, she could find a way out. The car slowed down as if to help her but passed right by her. When cars began to pass frequently Joy felt like she maybe close to a highway or maybe a bus stop.

One of the drivers beeped the horn and Joy looked back to see that he had pulled over. She kept walking, not wanting to get in a strange car but she thought about how long she been walking. The car moved forward about to pull off. Joy ran a little. The driver noticed, waited for Joy to come to the car. Joy went to the open window and looked in.

Inside was a middle age woman, with a warm smile. Joy was surprised and relieved that it wasn’t a guy. It clamed her nerves and Joy got in and relaxed in the seat.

“So where you headed?” the woman asked.

“I was hoping to get back to Philadelphia.”

“Oh, I headed that way. That’s not that far. What’s your name?”


“Joy. I like that. I’m Brenda. So where in Philly are you going?”

“It doesn’t matter. You can drop me at a bus stop.”

“No, I’ll take you where you got to go. It’s getting late and the streets aren’t safe. I don’t mind driving. I actually enjoy it. I just came from Harrah’s casino.”

“Oh.” Joy not really paying attention.

“Yeah. I lost my rent money but I had a good time.”

“Damn.” Joy looked out the window. The road seemed familiar. “Is this Roosevelt Boulevard?”


“I‘m headed to Frankford. I don’t know how I’m going to tell my daughter I lost seven hundred dollars.”

Joy shook her head. A little irritated with the lady talking about the money she lost.

“I only live right over there in Frankford, you can spend the night. I have an extra room.” She hesitated, and then said, “It is kind of late.”

“Umm.” Joy didn’t know what to say. She thought that maybe it was a hint that she was too tired. “Okay.” She didn’t like the idea of staying at her house. She figured she could handle her if it came down to it.


They rode the rest of the way in silence. Five minutes later they arrived at a three-story building. Brenda parked and led Joy through the building. Joy was nervous because the hallway was dark. She flicked a switch and everything lit up. Right in front of them was a staircase but Brenda led them to a door on the right.

Opening the door, she let Joy go first. Joy stepped in and looked around. It was clean but cluttered with too much furniture and stacks of opened mail.

“The bathroom is right there to your left and where you’ll be sleeping is back here.”

She led Joy to the back of the apartment where there was two bedrooms. She opened the door. Joy quickly looked in and noticed a made bed and television.

“Thank you so much for letting me stay here tonight.”

“No problem. Goodnight.”


Brenda walked back towards the living room. Her bedroom must have been the door Joy noticed to the right when she walked in. Joy went in the room and shut the door behind her. Sadness swept over her. Here was someone else, helping her. Tears swelled in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. Her throat burned and she had to swallow to wet her throat and relieve the sensation.

She took her shoes off and lay across the bed. Joy felt lost. She thought of Kevin but she realized that she didn’t think about him as much any more. Maybe she didn’t care about him after all. She wanted to feel loved but when she may have had it with Kevin, she messed it up.

And when Shawn showed her that he cared about her she had him robbed and murdered. She blinked to get rid of the image of his dead body in the bathtub with a bullet hole in his head. For the first time, she thought about the murder. She thought about Shawn’s little boy who would grow up without a father and it hit her. She was destroying the love of the people that Shawn, Josh and Dre loved and those who loved them. In some sick way she was showing them her pain.



Chapter Five


Joy opened her eyes for what felt like the thousandth time. She knew at least an hour passed and still she was unable to sleep. Her body felt exhausted and she hardly wanted to move. She needed to leave. She had something on her mind and she had to handle it.

She reached in her bag and began counting the money. There were twenties, hundreds, tens, fives and one. When she was done, she was speechless. The amount she counted, adding the money she gave dude outside the store came to 334,300. Which was way less than the little over 500,000 Dre quoted earlier. She was happy since she never had this much money in her life. Plus, she didn’t have to split it with Dre any more. That thought made her think of something else. Picking up the pen and paper she used to calculate the money amount, she divided the amount in half.

“Shit. 167,150. Just like in the dream,” she thought to herself.

She couldn’t believe it. The dream was trying to tell her something after all. She flipped the paper over and began to make a list of things she needed to do. She needed a car and a place to live
. Where
? She wasn’t sure. Maybe New Jersey or maybe she’d go back to New York. She had people she knew there and she wouldn’t be totally alone. It would be easy for her to get an apartment.

Joy counted out a stack and laid it on the bed. She gathered the rest of the money and her belongings and placed them all in her bag. She put her shoes back on and opened the room door. It was too dark to see. Slow, she moved with her hands out. It was a straight shot to the living room. She found the door, cracked it open and went out and closing it behind her. She went through the second door and let out the breath she was holding. She really hated to sneak out like that but she wasn’t for all the questions when she didn’t have any answers. Joy always had been very impulsive; something she needed to try to control.

BOOK: Nookie's Secret (Nookie 2) (Nookie Series)
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