NOCB 008 - Scions 02.5 - Patrice Michelle - Perception (5 page)

BOOK: NOCB 008 - Scions 02.5 - Patrice Michelle - Perception
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He planted a hard kiss on her sex and said in a dangerous tone, “Not near as much as you’re kil ing me.”

Abby let out a half-hysterical laugh. “Sorry—” but cut herself off when he slipped a finger inside her. She forgot everything she was about to say, she was so lost in the decadent sensations splintering through her.

Adding another finger, he began to thrust, stretching her blissful y. “Come for me, Abby.” He growled. “Show me what I have to look forward to when I move deep inside you.”

As he slid his fingers seductively in and out of her body, Gabriel leaned forward and ran his tongue along her pink skin. The moment his lips latched onto the tiny bud of responsive flesh and began to suck hard, the bar and bal piercing rol ed over her in an erotic, rhythmic glide, and Abby tumbled into a visceral plane of indescribable pleasure.

Fisting her hands in his hair, she jerked her hips forward, pressing closer to him as her orgasm slammed through her in unrelenting contractions of ecstasy. Starting in her core, the waves scattered throughout her body in successive explosive bursts, leaving every part of her trembling and shaking in their wake. When she final y slowed her movements, her heart stil thudding at a rapid pace, Gabriel quickly stood and captured her mouth in a heated, soul-searching kiss. The tension in his shoulders and the aggressive thrust of his tongue swiping against hers, carrying her essence and his own masculine flavor, only spiked Abby’s arousal al over again. She ran her hands across his shoulders, encouraging him. In a swift, effortless movement, Gabriel gripped her butt and lifted her legs, fitting his cock against her wet sex. He groaned against her mouth and jerked his hips forward, thrusting hard against her body.

As the shelves behind her shook and the books shifted, Abby welcomed his dominant aggression with insistent movements of her own, before she tore her mouth from his and said in a breathless whisper “Tel me you have a condom.”

Gabriel nodded, his expression edgy with tension. He gripped her waist and lifted her as if she weight nothing more than a piece of paper. “Wrap your legs ful y around me, sweetheart.”

Putting her hands on his shoulders, Abby dug her fingers into the hard muscles flexing underneath her palms. The moment she encircled his hips with her legs and he pul ed her body flush to his, time seemed to slow down. Their hearts thumped to the beat of the candlelight’s sputtering flicker. Shadows bounced through the room and across Gabriel’s hard body, while the wind outside howled, tossing sleet against the window with each strong gust. Even through the thin cotton shirt, Gabriel’s heated skin warmed her breasts. His rock-solid chest and stomach pressing against her made Abby want to kiss every single muscle. He pul ed her even tighter against him, his fingers flexing on her rear.

“Once we start, I won’t be able to go back.”

He sounded so serious, like he was trying to warn her. Abby wanted nothing more than to indulge in his masculine, sexy self for as long as he’d let her. “I only want to go forward, Gabriel,” she whispered as she kissed him. “Only forward.”

Gabriel waved his hand over the candle to extinguish the flame. Kissing her jaw, he rasped. “Close your eyes and count to five.”

She grinned. “This is new…”

“Just count, sweetness,” he said, nipping lightly at her neck. Goosebumps scattered across her bare skin and she sighed, feeling more lighthearted and carefree than she’d ever felt with a man. Abby closed her eyes.

“One, two, three…” Cool wind blew across her skin and she felt like they were running, but it seemed more like…flying. By the time she reached five and opened her eyes, Gabriel was setting her feet on the carpet in the upstairs bedroom. She laughed, completely taken by surprise. “Wow, I can’t believe how fast you did that. I felt like I was flying—”

Gabriel kissed her, silencing her nervous babbling.

Excitement pooled in her bel y as he slanted his lips across her mouth. She wanted to feel his skin sliding against hers just as intimately. Stepping back, Abby whipped off his T-shirt and tossed it to the floor. His hungry gaze devoured her body in a long leisurely sweep, making her shiver in anticipation.

He stepped flush against her and ran his hands down her back, his long fingers and broad palms massaging the muscles. Then he slid his palms to her ribs and upward to press his thumbs along the sides of her breasts before he moved his hands lower and splayed his fingers around her waist, touching the tips of his fingers at the base of her spine. “So beautiful,” he whispered, before sliding his hands along her hips. Cupping her ass in a possessive hold, he pressed a tender kiss against her forehead. More than a little shaken by his attentive tenderness, Abby returned the favor, moving her hands up the ripped muscles along his back and across the bulge of his biceps to grip his wide shoulders. Pressing her lips to one of his pectorals, she flicked her tongue against a hard nipple, then stood on her toes to press a tender kiss to his lips. As she lowered her feet to the floor, she grabbed his jeans waistband and gave him a come-hither smile, tugging him in the direction of the chaise lounge. Once they’d reached the chaise, Abby felt a bit out of sorts. Normal y she just went with the flow with men, but with this one…she felt more on edge, like she couldn’t connect with him fast enough. She fumbled with his jeans button, but she managed to get it open and the zipper down. Her entire body shook and her legs began to tremble as she pushed the jean material and boxers out of the way. She’s never wanted a man as much as she did this one.

Watching Gabriel step out of his clothes, his muscles flexing as he retrieved the condom from his pocket, was like viewing fine art in motion. He was so beautiful y proportioned, as though he’d been created just so others could stare in awe. Hard, wel -built legs gave way to trim hips. His upper body was sleekly muscled and twice the width of his narrow waist. Only fine dark hair sprinkled his chest, narrowing to a thin line that split his six-pack right down the middle. When she lifted her hand to touch his erection pointing toward his hard abs, he handed her the condom, his voice raw. “Not a good idea, Ab. The condom, sweetheart.”

Abby glanced up and saw his jaw jutting slightly. He stood motionless, his body so taut she realized he was barely holding back.

As soon as she began to slide the protection over him, Gabriel’s fingers covered hers, making her pulse jump. She met his gaze and they pushed the condom to the base of his erection together. The expression on his face humbled her. The man could very wel be the best actor, but at that moment she didn’t care. He looked at her as if she was the only thing that mattered…as if she was the center of his world.

Gabriel laced his fingers with hers, then kissed her knuckles before he led her to the chaise.

Once Abby had lain down, Gabriel put his hands on the cushions beside her head to settle his hard frame between her legs. The light outside shined through the sheer curtain, highlighting every bend of his powerful muscles, and she experienced a sharp stab of unadulterated jealousy for every woman who’d had this beautiful man in her bed before her. As she pushed Gabriel’s hair away from his face and wrapped her arms around his corded back, Abby welcomed his weight pressing her thighs wide and desperately wished she could let go of her past. Because, for the first time in her life, she realized that this one man, with his beautiful perceptive eyes, might be one she could al ow to get close.

Abby lifted her head to kiss his jaw, but Gabriel caught her mouth with his, thrusting his tongue past her lips at the same time he guided himself inside her. The sensations of both penetrations at once made her moan against his mouth and dig her nails into his back. Lifting her hips, Abby encouraged his ful taking, but Gabriel withdrew slightly and repeated the action at the same time as he nipped at her bottom lip.

The erotic pain that shot through her lip made her channel clench in response and she instantly locked her legs around his hips, encouraging a deeper connection. “I want al you,” she panted.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he groaned against her mouth, then pushed further, his width stretching her ful , stealing her breath.

Abby keened her pleasure and rol ed her hips. “I’m fine. Trust me, I can handle everything you’re wil ing to give and then some.”

Chapter Eight
Abby’s encouraging words affected him on many levels. Gabriel thrust ful y inside her warmth and she gasped, her nails pul ing him closer, drawing blood. He bit back his wolf’s howl of satisfaction and silently relished the powerful emotion of fulfil ment that scattered across his skin and down his spine in a deep, ful -bodied shudder.

He’d never experienced anything like the way he felt when he connected with this intriguing human. Their bond wasn’t just physical…it was oddly metaphysical. He sensed her joy and apprehension, understood instantly that she was holding back her true self from him—her worries and fears. Al the sensations of rightness and clarity bombarding him were so damned erotic he tensed his entire body to keep from losing it.

When Gabriel stared at her flushed cheeks, her sexy half-closed eyes and sweet lips, swol en from his earlier kisses, his canines ripped through his gums in a painful reminder of just how right she was for him. Gripping the cushions beside her head, he clamped his lips in a hard line and ground his jaw in frustration, mental y forcing his teeth back into submission. He knew his inner wolf would fight him hard, snarling and growling his demands that Gabriel make her his completely, but the man in Gabriel acknowledged the truth. He wouldn’t mark her as mate until he’d gained her absolute trust in him.

Abby leaned close to his ear and whispered the sexiest words he’d ever heard. “I meant to warn you…I’m a biter,” right before she bit him on his shoulder. Hard.
I’m so screwed!
The moment her teeth connected with his skin, Gabriel’s wereclaws unsheathed. The jaw-grinding act of her teeth sinking deep sent him thrusting deep inside her in a powerful jerk of his hips at the same time he pul ed down on the cushions.

He barely heard the sound of the ripping fabric over her scream as her body began to contract at a rapid pace around his cock. Gabriel set his jaw and tried hard not to come from the sweet warm feel of her clasping him tight. He pushed her harder into the cushions, pressing against her to prolong the friction as she rode the ful length of her climax.

When she was stil panting, he withdrew and rocked back inside, growling low in his throat at how good she felt. So right.

Abby rol ed her hips and began to pant al over again, only encouraging his inner wolf to want to mate. Gabriel felt the heat rising inside him, but he ignored the beast and focused on Abby. He didn’t want to climax without her. Concentrating to retract his wereclaws, he cupped her jaw and moved within her while kissing her with al the heat he wouldn’t al ow to flow into his cock for a ful wolf mating. Abby bucked and moaned and even bit his tongue as her desire built al over again. When her body spiraled into another orgasm, the pleasurable sensations of her warm, wet body fisting around him, Gabriel dove over the edge and into his own mind-numbing release.

A few minutes later when their breathing slowed, Abby sighed contentedly and he rol ed onto his side, pul ing her in front of him.

“Do you want to move over to the bed?” he asked. “You’l be warmer under the covers.” She snuggled her sweet ass closer and settled her back against his chest, making him hard with the need to claim her over again.

“You’re al the warmth I’l ever need,” she said in a tired voice. Satisfaction fil ed him, despite the fact her comment could’ve been post-sex euphoria talking. Gabriel kissed the back of her head and wrapped his arm around her waist, splaying his fingers across her stomach. As he listened to Abby’s breathing grow steady in sleep, one thing he knew for certain: his inner wolf wouldn’t wait forever to claim his mate. The more they connected on an intimate level, the harder it would be to hold back with her during sex. Tonight had been incredibly difficult. His muscles ached and his brain felt like it had been ground up in a blender. Scooping Abby into his arms, he carried her to the bed. Once he settled in behind her and pul ed the covers over them, he knew he would have to find a way to earn her trust soon, before his wolf’s primal need to claim his mate overrode the man’s desire for her ful acceptance.

Something hard slammed into Gabriel’s jaw, yanking him ful y awake. He jerked upright, growling, his wereclaws and canines ful y extended. Abby thrashed on the bed beside him, rol ing back and forth. Arms flailing, her fists were clenched as if she were hammering against something.

“Let me out! Don’t hurt her!” she screamed, then whispered, “It’s so dark in here.”

Her sad, pitiful cries yanked at his heart and made his wolf snarl, ready to rip someone’s head off for causing her such terror. Shaking the sleep from his head, Gabriel retracted his claws and teeth and dodged one of Abby’s fists before he was able to grab hold of her wrists.

“Abby.” He said with more force, “Abby! Wake up.”

Abby’s eyes flew open, but the fear on her face didn’t subside. She stared around the room and panted, as if she didn’t see dawn’s sunlight streaming across the bedspread, as if she were stil caught in her dark world. Gabriel cupped her face and turned her head so she would have to look at him.

“You’re dreaming, sweetheart. You’re safe here with me.”

Abby’s green eyes came into focus and she put her hands over her face. “Oh, God!”

Her fingers slid down and she peered over the tips. “What did I do? Was I talking in my sleep?”

Gabriel gave an encouraging smile. “Only a little. Want to talk about it?”

Abby rol ed away from him, mumbling, “Not particularly.”

Lying down behind her, he propped up on his elbow and ran his fingers along her arm and down her hip. “It had something to do with being stuck in a dark place and you were worried about someone being hurt.”

Abby stiffened but didn’t say anything.

Lacing their fingers, Gabriel brought hers to his lips and kissed each tip. “Sometimes it helps to talk about it, Abby.”

Abby’s shoulders began to shake and Gabriel couldn’t take it anymore. He pul ed her into his arms and stroked his hand through her hair while her hot tears fel against his chest. “It’s okay, Abs. I’m here.”

BOOK: NOCB 008 - Scions 02.5 - Patrice Michelle - Perception
12.98Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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