No Second Thoughts (Seven Devils MC Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: No Second Thoughts (Seven Devils MC Book 2)
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Blanche shifted to her side so they were rocking against one another side by side. She took the spice up a notch and raised a leg up and under his armpit. She arched back and cupped her bobbling breasts.


He groaned or growled and his pace picked up considerably. Jason was no longer in quiet control. The sight of her body enslaved him. She was attuned to the fact that he was soaking her up, watching her every move so she played on it, writhing lasciviously for his pleasure and sweet agony.


She pursed her lips and let her eyes go slack like she was in the throes of coming to really accentuate how much she liked it when he was inside of her. She thrust her hips aggressively and asked him if it felt good. She was killing him in a good way.


He was just about paralyzed with the intensity of it all.  She rolled him, mounted him, and took him over the edge. Blanche gripped the headboard, her body leaning over him, nearly smothering him, but he handled it well. He tickled her by licking her belly causing her to jerk and jolt with tremendous results. He was seizing with the ultimate pleasure beneath her, “Oh God, oh God,” he prayed, his hips thrusting into her with a fury. She kept right up with him as they weathered the fabulous storm together. Finally, he was still, his body milking it to the last contraction while the rest of him was wasted and relaxed.


She kissed him on the head, feeling a little bit proud of herself as she dismounted. They scurried under the covers to enjoy the comfort of his generous and plush bed. Jason was quiet for a bit. 


Just when she thought he was going to drift off to sleep, he scrambled off to the kitchen and rustled up dessert, crumbles of granola on ice cream, raspberries, and chocolate sauce. She wanted all of it but she had to share. Even better yet, he fed it to her.  here was something intensely erotic about having him put the spoon in her mouth and maneuvering it around. She found herself whimpering.


He dosed her with the ice cream and then leaned in to taste it from her lips. The chill and the heat made his lips that much more sensuous. He dipped his tongue in the ice cream and then licked her nipples. She arched up against him.


He lifted the spoon to her lips and mimicked a sexual motion into her mouth. From reflex, she wrapped her legs around his hips. He was hard for her again. This time there was no cat and mouse. They fucked with a fury and a passion, with such an intense need for each other that never seemed to go away or get satisfied for very long. This was a quick, sweet union that had Blanche wildly pleasuring herself. In a few pressured strokes, she was gripping his hardness with a wonderfully powerful climax. They supped on what remained on the dessert, now completely melted, and crashed.





The Seven Devils had several holds throughout Gold Creek and the surrounding areas.  Everyone who was in on the gold-find owned their houses and businesses outright and completely. They had a few properties like the cabin where Blanche and Jason stayed and they tended to circulate residency that way.  Now that Jason was back at his house, a couple of the club members were at the cabin. Despite their reluctance to accept Blanche into their folds, they did come together as an organization and were on high alert.


They were going to best the Norte Mexicali once and for all. It was going pretty well, especially when it looked like the recently-captured El Salvador who Jason wounded was going to join forces. Unfortunately, he did not and Deputy District Attorney Tim Paisley had to release him. Since he was shot just outside the strange property line surrounding the cabin and Gold Creek didn’t actually own the land he was standing on, he wasn’t actually trespassing. So he disappeared.


The problem was that, in addition, someone else from the town also disappeared.  The sheriff of the town who was on something of a sabbatical, nursing a family member injured by the Norte Mexicali, was also missing: Dana Levington, the sheriff in charge when Blanche first came to town as an El Salvador assassin, had simply went off the radar.


No one had heard from him in days, just about the time Jason and Blanche showed up from the cabin. Dana made no effort to disguise the fact that he just about hated Blanche. If it weren’t for her and her kind, Norte Mexicali that is, his family would not be suffering the way that it was. 


While the town bustled around trying to address the safety of one of their own, Blanche couldn’t help but feel responsible. It didn’t help that as she sat in the Café San Juan eating scrambled eggs and drinking coffee, she could feel the collective disapproval of everyone in the place. She didn’t dare ask for more coffee. If she were to get it, she wouldn’t dare drink it. This was an awful situation. Jason dropped her off to take care of a few things and told her to stay put until he got back. They had ridden into town together, so she couldn’t really just go for a ride. 


After paying her bill and over-tipping, Blanche went next door to a convenience store to indulge in a terrible habit. When she was stressed like she was, she liked to smoke. She had just eaten.  She had her coffee.
And now
she thought at least,
I want to light up


Most of California, in general, was uppity when it came to smoking, but in a biker town, it was pretty well accepted.  That and hard drinking, like in most biker communities. But then Gold Creek, a biker town in many ways, was not ordinary. The town folk had to be physically and mentally fit and couldn’t make themselves vulnerable to bad habits, or they would risk their precious gold.


Still, a few of the Seven Devils did smoke. Blanche unzipped the cellophane wrapper and removed the foil. She held a cigarette between her teeth and lit it up.


It was one thing to have the idea of smoking, remembering it fondly, and quite another to take that first hit after having not smoked in a while. Blanche launched into a choking fit on the first drag. She felt really stupid as she struggled to regain her breathing. She dashed back into the Café San Juan for a glass of water, barely able to speak. 


The waitress was extraordinarily cold. “Put that cigarette out. There is no smoking in here,” she hissed. Blanche raced outside to mash out the cigarette. She returned, still hacking. The waitress scolded, “Did you just litter? This is Gold Creek, honey. Maybe that human trash you ran with is okay with making a trashcan out of the place they live, but we got standards. Go pick it up.”


Blanche was barely able to hear what she was saying. She would have loved to go out and pick up a cigarette butt, but she was now consumed with what felt like might be an asthma attack. She could not be having one of those, because she was not asthmatic. When she heard the clink of the ice water on the bar, she grappled for it and spilled it. The waitress cursed and Blanche blacked out.


The white unfiltered light of the California sun pierced Blanche’s eyes as she came to on the sidewalk out in front of Café San Juan. The waitress and a few others stooped over her and stared, but did not offer anything to comfort her in any way.


The sidewalk was warm and felt good on her muscles. She really just wanted to sleep. If everyone would just leave her alone, she could sleep where she was, for just a little while, but she felt her pocket buzzing. It must be her phone. Some part of her wanted to get it, but, mostly, she wanted to sleep. She would get it later.


The problem with having come to town on a motorcycle was that the guy who showed up to take you to the doctor’s couldn’t really give you a ride there and the EMTs were taking their sweet time about getting to her.


Blanche was barely conscious. It felt like something more than a dream, but she believed Jason was finally there. She was awake enough to hear someone say, “Why not take her into County General so that she can be safely out of our hair?”


“I’m not letting her out of my sight! And I am damn sure not leaving until I know which one of you did this to her!” It really was the first time that she had heard him yell like that.


“We didn’t do anything to her,” snipped the waitress.  “Good lord. You make us put up with her.  Have her in our face and we are pretty polite, considering. No. She was smoking a cigarette and went into a fit. Serves her right.”


Blanche tried to speak. She believed she was saying she wanted to go to ‘County General.’ Finally, after struggling to be clear, Jason got it.  “Okay,” he said. She could tell he wasn’t happy about the decision.


They decided to transport her without lights and sirens and took her the back way. En route, she picked up the EMTs saying they would take her to a trauma unit, a private care facility.  Whoever they were talking to, it was apparently their boss, because the guy on the phone kept saying, “Okay boss. Okay.” The trauma unit. Blanche thought that made perfect sense to her. 





It was awfully cool in the room as she awoke. Despite the fact that she had a room to herself, there was a curtain track from which loosely hung a green curtain. She was pretty sore.  To move pained her, so she kept as still as possible. Perhaps it was the injury, for she knew she had banged her head pretty good, though, for the life of her, she could not remember when or how, but she had a strange sense of inner peace, like there was no fear or rage within. When the doctor entered the room, she was glad to see him.


He didn't seem to return the sentiment. His face was stern and cold. "I see you're awake," he said.

"Yes," she answered.

"Do you remember being awake before?" he asked.

"No I don't," she replied. Worry began to creep in.

"And I suppose you don't remember your name still; do you?"

"No," she said.

"Well I am going to fill you in. You are a prisoner of the town of Gold Creek. I am Sheriff Dana Levington. You are my prisoner. Your name is Mirna Mercado."

"Mirna Mercado?" she parroted, trembling involuntarily.

"Yes. You banged your head trying to escape," he lied.

"What was I arrested for?" she asked.

"Prostitution, I am afraid," he answered. "You are in the infirmary right now."

Blanche was struck with a question,  "If you're a sheriff, where is your badge?"

Dana reached beneath his neckline and pulled out a badge. He let Blanche inspect it. She was unable to read. The writing on the badge didn't make much sense to her.

She just accepted it was what he said it was. "Do you think I could call my lawyer?" she asked.

Dana crooked a brow. "Your lawyer?" he asked sarcastically. "Sure.  You can talk to him. Do you even remember his name?"  He was cruel, she decided. It seemed as though she did, indeed, remember having someone.  She struggled to recollect the lawyer's name but she drew a blank. A big fat empty blank. 

"No?" he asked. "Nothing?"

"Jason!" Blanche blurted out from nowhere. The alarm on Dana's face was visible.

"Your lawyer's name is Jason? Does he have a last name?"

"No," said Blanche. "I don't remember." The emotion that rose within her made her head hurt.  "If I can't see my lawyer, can I please see the doctor? Or a nurse?  I don't feel so good."

There was a knock on the door. The man who entered regarded Dana gravely. "Dana, she could be really hurt. She doesn't remember anything. I think this has gone on long enough."

Dana didn't like the man's advice. His eyes flared with threat. "I'll handle this."

The man sidestepped Dana. "You okay, Blanche?" he asked. "You need anything?"

"Blanche?" she was confused. "I thought my name is Mirna."

"I was for this, but I think we have done enough," said the second man. "I'm as upset about Kevin as anyone, but I am not about being cruel."


"Well with that kind of compassion, she ought to be in good hands," Dana growled.


"Dana, they are going to come looking for her. They found her once before and they'll find her again."


"Wait," said Blanche. "Did I or did I not commit a crime?" The man and Dana answered simultaneously. Dana said yes but the man said no. "And are you a nurse?" she asked the man. "Because I am really hurt."


Dana glared at the man who, Blanche could see, struggled to answer, "I was a medic in the service. It's been a while."


"You're a dick," Dana cursed him. "She is injured and she's causing division."


"If you give this up, whatever it is," said Blanche, "no one need ever know."


Dana laughed. A broad smile painted his face. "Are you offering to let me off? It's the other way around, I think."


Blanche studied him. He looked cornered. His buddy was not on his side. Dana was outnumbered, except that he had a gun. And she was in bad shape. She closed her eyes, deciding she would suffer as comfortably as she could, hoping for the best. Blanche could hear them arguing. Dana was working with the Norte Mexicali.


She pricked up her ears as soon as she heard that term. Blanche. Norte Mexicali. Gold Creek. Jason.


It felt like it was all coming back to her, the fragments of her life, but still not connecting well. From what she gathered, she had offended Dana so badly that he joined forces with the town enemy to destroy her. The second man kept trying to reason with him that his plan was crazy, that he would be the one who would be ostracized from town, not her. He asked Dana, "Do you really want her to be more welcomed than you?"


Blanche determined the man was getting to Dana. Dana shouted, "Leave me alone! I know what I'm doing!"


In Blanche’s estimation, Dana was tormented, pressured. The only thing she could do now was bide her time and hope, like the other guy had said, someone would find her. Alive. The pain at the back of her head was awful. She felt as though she had been hit by a car. As she lay still, bits and pieces were fluttering through her mind.

BOOK: No Second Thoughts (Seven Devils MC Book 2)
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