Read No More Talking: Hearts Are Wild, Book 1 Online

Authors: Rhian Cahill

Tags: #friends to lovers;contemporary romance

No More Talking: Hearts Are Wild, Book 1 (6 page)

BOOK: No More Talking: Hearts Are Wild, Book 1
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Should have thought of that before you fucked
, idiot.

Bit late to develop a conscience, but there it was, messing with the already confused emotions surrounding Red. He couldn’t decide if it was because of their pre-existing connection or if what he felt for her was different to any other woman he’d been with.

Whatever it was that was happening between them, he had to sort it out quickly.

For both their sakes.

Chapter Six

Zac could smell her. Over the spicy scent of the meal Red had made was the tantalising fragrance of her skin—her arousal. It was subtle, but it was there, and it revved his own desire higher. Stirred and teased until he vibrated with need.

“Do you want more?” Red asked.

He wanted more. More of her. “No. I’m good.”

“Are you sure? There’s plenty left.”

“Honestly, I’m full. It was surprisingly filling considering there’s no meat in it.”

Red laughed, the sound tripping over his skin and lighting fires in its wake. Without thought, Zac leaned over and pressed his mouth to hers. He kept it simple. Just lips on lips—no tongues. He wanted to savour. To fall slowly into the pleasure of kissing her.

But Red was having none of that. She thrust her tongue into his mouth and dared him to join in. Her boldness didn’t end there. He praised their decision to eat on the couch when he found himself with a lapful of Red. She’d thrown one leg over his and pressed her chest to his. Zac wove his fingers into her hair and held her still so he could devour her mouth properly.

She whimpered when he sucked on her tongue. Rocked her hips against him and ground her pussy on his throbbing cock. Clothes separated them. Layers and layers of frustrating fabric they had to get rid of.

“Bedroom,” he panted. “Don’t want to do you here.”

Red didn’t protest when he stood with her in his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and let him carry her from the room. He knew his way around her house. He’d helped paint it when she’d first moved in. But he hadn’t been in her bedroom. Not with furniture.

Certainly not with a king-size bed sitting front and centre.

Her room wasn’t girly. The comforter was a deep blue, the bedhead, chest of drawers and bedsides were white. There were pictures on the walls of people and scenery, and Zac knew they were all photos Red had taken. He wanted to take the time to admire each one, but he couldn’t resist the woman in his arms any longer.

He dropped her on the bed. “Strip,” he ordered as he went to work on his jeans.

She scrambled backwards, kicking off her flip-flops and wiggling out of her shorts as she went. Her top came next. By the time Zac got his shoes off and pants down, she was spread out naked. He groaned. The woman was meant to be fucked. Putting one knee on the bed, he leaned over and wrapped his hand around her ankle.

“Don’t move other than spreading those legs so I can get between them.”

Zac crawled up, using his shoulders to open those sexy legs farther. He braced himself on his elbow, his face inches from her wet cunt. The musk of her arousal surrounded him, tempting him to taste. Flattening his tongue, he took what was on offer.

In one long sweep, he lapped at her. From bottom to top, he laved her once. “God, you taste amazing.”

“Zac.” She squirmed under him and he placed his palms on her thighs to hold her still.

“Can’t get enough of you,” he murmured against her slick folds before licking her up one side and down the other.

He couldn’t get enough. Couldn’t stop gorging on her tender flesh while she writhed and moaned. Zac had always liked going down on a woman. Liked their flavour and texture against his tongue—his lips. But Red was different. He loved eating her out. The sexy noises she made. The way her cunt clenched around the tip of his tongue when he shoved it inside her.

She was addictive.

His cock throbbed, but he ignored the ache. He wanted her to come on his face. Wanted to taste the richer flavour her orgasm produced.

Using his thumbs to part her folds, Zac put his mouth over her clit and sucked. She bucked beneath him and pain shot through his face when her pubic bone connected with his nose. He grunted but didn’t stop. Couldn’t stop. He needed that moment when she lost it. Needed it more than his own comfort or breath.

With his lips locked around that swollen bud of nerves, he worked his hand under his chin and drove two fingers into her quivering channel. Her cunt muscles gripped him. Slammed down around him with punishing force as the first spasm seized her. She clenched and unclenched. Each contraction sucked at his fingers while he sucked at her clit.

She thrashed and cried out. Zac soaked it all up until the last ripple of her climax ebbed away. He raised his head and looked up Red’s trembling torso. Her breasts rose and fell with her ragged breath and a fine sheen of sweat coated her skin, giving her a silky shine. Zac couldn’t resist the lure of all that flesh.

He moved up her body slowly. Licking and nipping, he took his time, making sure he didn’t miss one sensitive inch of her with his mouth.

“Zac.” Her voice was whispery soft. “Please.”

Unable to deny her or himself anymore he quickened his pace until his mouth hovered over hers. “What? Tell me what you want.”

“You.” She slipped her hand around his waist and pulled his body down on hers. “I want you inside me.”

Zac settle his hips between hers, nestled his cock in the slick heat of her cunt. “I want me inside you too.” He drove his hips forward and thrust his entire length into her. “Forever. God. I want to stay buried inside you forever.”


The word echoed through her mind, but Freddie didn’t have time to ponder what Zac meant. Or whether it was a heat-of-the-moment statement. He was already driving into her. Pushing her higher and higher with each body-slamming thrust of his cock. It wasn’t enough.

She gripped his arse and tried to drag him closer. “Harder.”

“God,” he groaned into her ear. “You kill me.”

“More.” Freddie couldn’t explain the sudden need—the desperation—slicing into her. “C’mon, Zac, fuck me like you mean it.”

“I am fucking you,” he panted against her neck.

“You call this fucking me?” She chuckled.

Freddie wasn’t sure why she was pushing him. Why she needed more. Whatever
was. But she wanted him to lose control. Wanted to break him. Needed to connect in a way no other woman had and she knew she could. If he’d just let her.

“Red.” He nipped her cheek. “Don’t push me.”

Laughter burst from her throat. “You don’t think I can take you? Think I can’t handle what you’ve got, Zac?”

“Red,” he growled right before he bit her chin.

“C’mon, Zac.” God, what was she doing? He was taking her hard enough to bruise now, and still it wasn’t enough. “Gimme more.”

“Damn you.” Zac gripped her face in his hands. “No more talking.”

Freddie gasped when he pulled out of her. Before she could get her breath back he dragged her off the bed and spun her around. He pushed her to her knees and bent her over.

“Lie on the bed.” He pressed his hand between her shoulder blades and moved in behind her. “You want me to give it to you, Red?”

God. The gravel in his voice vibrated over her skin. She whimpered. Actually whimpered.

“Think you can take me, do ya?” He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back. His lips brushed her ear. “You know what I want, right? I want your arse, Red. Are you gonna give it to me?”

Oh God. “Y-yes,” she hissed between her teeth as his cock probed at her back entrance.

He laughed. The rumble of his chest shuddered along her spine. “Not tonight. In spite of the fact you want it, you’re not ready and I won’t hurt you, Red.”


Zac angle his hips and drove his cock into her pussy. “Shh…” He licked along her neck, nipped at her jaw. “I’m gonna give it to you now.”

He gave a slight tug on her hair before letting her go. His big hands gripped her hips and Freddie curled her fingers into the bedding as he slowly dragged his cock out of her clenching pussy. She thought he was going to torture her with gentle slow thrusts, but the second only his cockhead remained inside her, he slammed back in again.

He took her hard.

He took her fast.

And all she could do was hold on. He gripped her hips, his thumbs pulling her cheeks apart as he continued to drive into her.

“God. I’ll never get enough of watching you take my cock.”

“Zac.” She pushed back as he plunged forward. “Please. I need…”

“Yeah, I know.” He leaned over her again, his chest pressing her deeper into the bed. “I’ve got you.”

Working one hand under her, Zac slipped his fingers between her legs and found her clit. He circled and pressed. Thrust. Circled and pressed. Thrust.

“Please,” she cried. Freddie couldn’t take much more. She was twisted and tight and burning up from the inside out. “Zac. Please.”

He skimmed his teeth over her shoulder. “Almost. There.”

Picking up the pace with his maddening fingers, he took her up. His hips pounded faster.

“Almost,” he panted. “C’mon, Red. Come with me.”

He pinched her clit and sank his teeth into the corded muscle of her neck as he powered deeper.

She shattered.

With a muffled cry, she buried her face into the bed and exploded.

Zac growled in her ear as he followed her. His cock throbbed inside her as he emptied spurt after spurt of come. It seemed as though he came forever, each pulse sending ripples of pleasure cascading through her.

Her hands and feet tingled. Breath sawed in and out of lungs too weak to keep up with the rush of blood in her veins. And her heart… It beat against her sternum like a battering ram. At any moment, she expected to crack a rib.


“Mmm…” Freddie couldn’t manage a word.

“Maybe we should keep talking.”


“Every time we shut up you kill me.” He pulled from her body with a groan before falling to the bed beside her.

“You’ve got it wrong.” She turned to face him and opened her eyes. “You’re the one doing the killing.”

Zac grinned and rolled to his side. He brushed the hair from her face. “I think the killing is mutual.”

“Maybe.” Freddie knew he killed her body and heart. She wasn’t so sure she did the same to him.

“C’mon. Let’s shower.”

“Jesus. What is it with you and showering after sex?”

He waggled his eyebrows. “I like you all wet and slippery.”

Freddie groaned.

Zac laughed. “C’mon.” He grabbed her arm as he sat up. “I’ll carry you.”

Without effort, he scooped her up and carried her across the room to her en suite. For a lawyer who spent all his time in an office or the courtroom, he certainly had muscles. She’d let him carry her anywhere, because once this thing blew up in their faces—and it was bound to, they flashed too hot and too fast for this to last—he’d probably never talk to her again, never mind touch her.

Zac held a sleepy, damp woman in his arms and he never wanted to let her go. He’d never felt this way. With every other woman who’d passed through his life—his bed—he couldn’t have cared less if they stayed or went. This one…


Jesus. He wanted so much from her. He wanted so many things he couldn’t get them straight in his head. She turned him inside out and upside down without effort, and she didn’t even have a clue.

He’d expected them to go at it again in the shower, only once he had her in there, all he’d wanted to do was to take care of her. They’d washed each other. The gentle strokes of soaped hands a sensual caress that neither had felt the need to take farther. And now, they were cuddled together in her bed.

And it was enough.

He couldn’t recall ever lying in bed with a woman and not wanting or having sex. Sure they’d already gone at it a time or two or fifty in the last twenty-four hours, but he wasn’t sated. Not by a long shot. Except what he wanted didn’t fall into the fuck category.

For the first time in Zac’s life, he wanted to love a woman. Wanted to make love to her in slow, soul-touching ways so she’d never leave him.


He was in love with Red.

In love with his best friend’s little sister.

She stirred beside him as his grip tightened around her.

How the hell was he going to deal with this?

Lust he knew. He could handle wanting to fuck her. Hell, he had handled it.

But loving her?

How the hell was he supposed to do that?

“What’s the matter? Is your nose hurting?” Red murmured.

“Huh?” Zac latched on to the excuse for his sudden tension. “Yeah. A little.”

“I’ll get you some more pain meds.” She slipped out of his arms and off the bed.

Without a stich of clothing, she left the room. Left him alone with his jumbled thoughts and the rush of panic flooding his veins. He was going to screw this up. He’d already screwed it up.

His best friend was going to kill him.

He’d betrayed West over and over again from the minute he’d thought about getting Red naked. And now he’d gone and done the unimaginable. He’d fallen for the one woman he shouldn’t have.

He had to go.

Had to get out of here and think. He couldn’t do that with Red in his arms. Throwing back the cover, he’d swung his feet over the side of the bed when she came into the room.

“What are you doing?” She walked towards him. A naked temptation no man should be forced to resist.

“I should head home.”

“Oh.” Her mouth turned down at the ends.

“We’ve both got work tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Red chewed her lip and Zac wanted to kiss her to make her stop.

“I’ve got an early meeting.” He didn’t.

“Right.” She put two pills and a glass of water on the bedside table next to him. “Take the meds before you go.”


She shrugged and turned away. “No problem.”

Zac wanted to kick his own arse. He was being a dick, but he couldn’t stay with her another second. Not when he knew he couldn’t give her more than he already had. There were so many reasons why being with her at all was wrong. He’d been a selfish prick to touch her at all.

“I really do have an early meeting,” he lied. He’d say anything to take that look off her face.

“Sure.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes, and his gut twisted tighter.


“It’s fine, Zac. I’ve got a full day tomorrow too. Make sure you lock the door on your way out.” She slid beneath the covers on the opposite side of the bed and faced the far wall.

BOOK: No More Talking: Hearts Are Wild, Book 1
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