Night Visions (Night Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Night Visions (Night Series)
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"Sam, what the hell just happened?" Ian released her shoulders, his hands shifted until they clasped hers.

"I…I don't know." Sam's eyes darted around the car. Why weren't the windows broken? "I must have been dreaming." Except this wasn't a normal dream.

"We were talking and then you started screaming that I was bleeding. I almost crashed the car."

"Honestly, I don't know," she repeated in a soft whisper.

The pad of his thumb swiped a tear away as it slipped down her cheek. The cold air blowing out of the vents pierced her damp sweatshirt. Her teeth snapped together as tremors wracked her body.

Ian cupped the back of her head, pulling her close. His lips brushed over her hair, the tender gesture forced more tears to fall. He rubbed up and down her arms until warmth replaced the icy chill.

"It's okay, Sammie. Maybe you were dreaming."

But something in Ian's voice told her that he didn't believe his own lie. If it was just a dream, why did the metallic smell of blood still hang in the air?



“Hungry?” Ian asked, breaking the exaggerated silence that had engulfed the car for the past two hours. But what was there to say after Sam's episode? When she'd finally pulled out of his embrace, she'd spent the remainder of the drive staring out the window. She could feel Ian's questioning gaze on her back but ignored him.

“Sure,” Sam replied, but doubted she could keep anything down.

“Gin, I'll bring you something to eat. Okay girl?” She said as sh
e rolled down her window. “Be good and please don't terrorize people as they walk by.” Giving Gin's fur one final scruff, she hopped out of the car.

Ian held open the door to the diner, his smile meant to be reassuring, but only made her feel like an even bigger fool. He must think she was crazy. There was no other explanation for her behavior.

They sat in a corner booth, the red vinyl seats squeaking as they slid in. An old couple sat to the right of them and a family of four directly behind. A lone trucker occupied a stool at the counter, munching on apple pie.

Ian stared over Sam's shoulder. His attention drawn to the opposite end of the diner where a table of rowdy college guys flirted with their waitress.

Sam fiddled with the stainless steel jukebox at their table, absently flipping through the songs. The sound of children's laughter behind her caused her to smile. Finally something normal.

Their waitress approached to take their order, placing two glasses of ice water in front of them.

“Hi. I'm Candy. Are you ready to order?” she practically purred.

“Oh sorry
, I haven't had a chance to look at the menu yet.” When silence filled the air, Sam glanced up only to realize that Candy wasn't paying her the least bit attention. She had eyes only for Ian. Her heavily glossed lips upturned in a seductive smile, her top threatening to spill her boobs onto the table.

Sam felt fire at her core, bubbling to the surface. The fangs of jealousy sank into her and wouldn't let go. She wanted to rip the sensual smile right off Candy's face. Imagined her fingers closing around her throat and squeezing. Hands fisted on the table, Sam struggled to push the anger back down. All she could hear were murmurs between the two of them, the sound drowned out by the blood pumping through her veins. Sweat beaded at her temple as she struggled to regain control of her emotions.

How dare this woman disregard her and openly flirt with Ian. They were sitting together. Like a couple. A low rumbling began at the back of Sam's throat, snaking its way through her clenched teeth. The woman stopped mid-sentence, glanced at Sam and stumbled back a step. “I'll...I'll put your order in,” she stammered as she spun on her heel. Seeing her slam through the swinging kitchen door eased the tension knotting Sam's neck.

Ian placed his warm hand over Sam's fisted one, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Breathe, Sammie.” His voice teased her ears, reminding her of a soothing lullaby. Each word reducing the anger bubbling in her heart.

Her eyes shot to Ian as she exhaled the breath she didn't realize she had been holding. Her vision clearing, her heartbeat slowing, the pounding in her head beginning to ease.

“Are you okay? You terrified that poor woman. I think you may have actually growled at her.”

Sam relaxed her hand and pulled away from him. Her nails left crescent shaped indentations in her palms. She smoothed her hands down her pants, trying to still the tremors.

“I'm fine. I just thought it was rude of her to assume that we weren't together.”

She had never felt that kind of anger before. Pure rage that threatened to pull her to the depths of hell. It frightened her when she thought of the things she wanted to do to Candy. The instinct to protect what was hers seemed only natural. The only problem…Ian wasn't hers.

“Well I don't think you'll have to worry about her giving me her number now,” Ian joked.

Great. Her reaction would either turn him off or swell his head. Neither one pleased her right now. "I'm sorry." She shook her head, giving herself a mental kick in the ass. "I overreacted." Tracing the condensation on her glass, she tried to capture each bead before it fell like tears on the table. If she kept acting this way, it would be her tears falling.

“What's wrong
, Sam?”

She paused in an attempt to find the right words. Not sure how to ask the questions driving her insane, or even if she wanted to know the answers. He must have sensed her despair. Reaching across the table he stilled her hand, clasping her fingers with his.

With weary eyes, he cleared his throat, licking his lips before words passed over them. “You've always been able to tell me what's on your mind before.”

But that was before. When he was her best friend. Now she wasn't sure where their relationship stood. He came in and turned her world upside down in a matter of minutes. Left her unsure of herself.

“Um...I was just...I mean I was wondering...if your girlfriend would mind us traveling alone together?” She asked the question so softly, she was unsure he could hear her question over the clatter of dishes in the kitchen.

He applied pressure to her hand causing her to look
up. “I don't have a girlfriend.” As if anticipating her next question he replied, “I'm not married either."

Sam tried to mask the relief she felt over his response.

“Oh, that's good. I mean that I wouldn't want to cause a problem in your relationship.”

Ian stopped caressing her hand. His gaze moved to the window. He didn't say anything, but the intensity in his eyes unsettled her. Compressing his lips into a tight line, his body tensed, muscles bunched.

“Ian what is it? What's wrong?” A thread of panic wove its way through her heart. She searched out the window, but only saw a young couple getting into their car.

Ian blinked and looked at Sam, his features relaxing. “Nothing, I'm just going to check on Gin and make sure she's okay. I think I might crack another window for her.”

“I can do it,” Sam said as she started to slide out of the booth.

Ian stood up before she could swing her leg out. “I got it Sam. I need to stretch my legs after being cooped up in the car for so long. I'll be back in a sec.”

Sam kept her eye on Ian, watching him through the window. For someone who'd been nothing but sweet since he'd shone up, his behavior just turned odd. It was a mild day and Ginger didn't look like she was panting at all. Guess none of this was easy on him either.

Ian stood
, hands fisted at his side, head tilted back. She could have sworn he sniffed the air.

A chill crept down her spine as he approached the Rover. Buzzing started in her ears again. Sam waved her hand, realizing it was just a fly. Not something you want to see before you eat.

“Hi!” Sam nearly jumped out of her skin. She spun around in the booth to see a boy of eight leaning over the back of her seat.

“I'm Connor and this is my brother Evan.”

Sam looked to her left to see a boy of about six giving her the most adorable smile.

“Hi. My name is Sam.”

“We saw your boyfriend go out to your car. Is that a wolf?” Evan said, his voice filled with awe.

Boyfriend. Sam liked the sound of that, but wasn't about to explain to the boy that Ian wasn't her boyfriend.

“No honey. That's my dog, Ginger. She does look kinda like a wolf though, doesn't she?” One of the reasons people gave Ginger her distance.

“I told you it couldn't be a wolf silly. People can't keep wolves as pets.” Connor informed his brother.

Evan slunk down in his seat and crossed his arms. “I still say it's a wolf. I've seen lots of movies and that looks just like a wolf.”

Sam bit back a smile.
The siblings reminded her of when she and Jason were kids.

“Can we go out and pet her?” Connor asked
, excitement evident in his voice.

“Well if it's okay with your mom and dad, I don't see why not. Ginger loves kids, but I have to warn you,” she said
, leaning forward with a conspiratorial whisper, “She may just lick your whole face.”

Evan giggled. “That's okay! I love slurpy dog kisses.”

Connor turned back to his parents. Eagerness left him bouncing in his seat. “Can we go out and pet the cool dog? Please…please…please?”

The parents looked to Sam before answering. “Well if it's okay with her, I don't see why not."

Before the boys could escape their father held up his hand, halting them. "We can only stay out there for a few minutes. Our food will be here soon and I don't want any arguments when it's time to go in."

“Yes!” the boys shouted as they bounded out of the booth. Sam watched as they raced to the car. The frown on Ian's face quickly changed to a smile when he saw the boys approach, but his posture remained guarded. He
extended his hand, clasping the father's before he opened the door to let Ginger jump out. Connor held his hand toward her, letting Ginger learn his scent. Evan clung to his brother's arm, his early bravado apparently forgotten.

As expected
, Ginger gave his whole face a lick. His laughter rang out in the parking lot. A strange warmth filled Sam to see Ian interacting with the boys. Sitting back on his haunches, reassuring Evan that it was okay to approach Ginger.

Dishes clattered on the table, startling Sam. She turned in time to see Candy glance over her shoulder in fear. Guilt gnawed at Sam. She really should apologize for scaring the poor woman. But maybe next time she would think before she flirted with someone's boyfriend.

Ian slid into the booth, snapping her out of her musings.

“Is something wrong?” he asked
, following the direction of her gaze.

, everything's fine,” she smiled. “Starving is all.”

Sam turned her attention to her plate and felt tears sting her eyes. Burger, onion rings, three pickles and extra mayo on the side. He remembered what she liked. She didn't even realize he'd placed their order.

Blinking away the moisture, she cleared her throat before looking up to see him watching her, his eyebrows arched in question.

“Do you want to order something else? I figured you must be hungry and thought a burger would be just the thing to fill you up. You were a little distracted when she came to take our order.”

“This is fine. Thank you. I just didn't expect you to remember how I liked it.”

"Why wouldn't I remember? When we would go to Kelly's you would always order the same thing. You always made sure that I got fries, so we could share.”

Sam smiled as the memory washed over her, but just as quickly she shoved it back. She needed to keep her distance.

Ian picked up a fry and held it to her mouth. There was something intimate about the gesture that caused her heart to race. So much for distance. She opened her mouth as he popped the fry inside, brushing her lip with his finger. She stifled a moan at the contact, but not soon enough. Ian's eyes widened. Even his nostril
s flared a little.

Oh dear God… She'd never be able to look at another
French fry the same way again.

“So. What about you? Will your boyfriend be upset that you just packed up and left with me?”

Was that jealousy in his tone? There was no reason for him to be jealous.

“I don't have a boyfriend.” Well
, not yet. That was supposed to change tonight. Scott! She forgot to call him. He should have arrived at her house by now. With her car still in the driveway he must think the worst.

Ian's frown slowly turned into a smile. “Good. I wouldn't want to cause a problem in your relationship.”

Sam felt her cheeks burn. Ian's flirting unhinged her. She needed to get away before she did something she would regret.

“I'll be right back, I want to freshen up.” Sam excused herself as she walked to the restrooms. The trucker at the counter tipped his hat and winked as she passed. Sam quickly averted her eyes, embarrassed at the unwanted attention.

Once in the bathroom, she turned the water on, splashing lukewarm water on her face. She hoped it would soothe the flush that covered her cheeks. The way Ian had looked at her across the table, it was as if he wanted to take her right there in the booth and to hell with who saw. She groaned, wondering if she could guard her heart against him.

BOOK: Night Visions (Night Series)
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