New Balls Please (Ball Games #3) (6 page)

BOOK: New Balls Please (Ball Games #3)
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He gathers everyone around to teach them the backhand and then after more practice we're done.

'Don't forget you can book into the courts Wednesday to have a practice before we meet again. I'll be demonstrating how to volley and the slice.’

'The only slice I want is lemon… in a vodka,' I mumble.

'Do you fancy booking in for a practice lesson tomorrow?' Jackie asks.

'Go on then. Would be good to practice. Now, before I change my mind and stay in my villa all day, let's go book in and then get that drink.'

I stick to a coke as I plan to have a few glasses of vino later and then face plant on my bed like no-one's watching. Because no-one is.

'So are you on your own at Center Parcs?' I ask Jackie.

'Yes. I've come for the tennis. I've been here before with friends so I didn't mind coming by myself. As a self-employed book editor, I've been able to work while I'm here.'

'Gosh, that sounds exciting. Do you edit for anyone famous?'

'Not yet. I'm still quite new to it all, but I hope so eventually. I might even write my own book one day.'

'Ooh, I might have met a famous author and editor.'

She laughs me off while her cheeks turn a little pink.

'So how about you? Are you here by yourself?'

I explain my running away from home. Bless her, she actually appears concerned for me.

'Aren't you worried about your relationship?'

'Nah. One of us will come around in the end. But I'm not giving in while I'm enjoying myself.'

'Hi there, ladies.' Cole saunters past holding a large bottle of water.

Jackie starts playing with her hair. I want to smack her hand.

'Hey, Cole. Care to join us?' I ask.


He takes a seat, and his legs splay apart in a wide-legged stance. You know like some men do on the bus? As if their package needs DHL heavy delivery options.

'So what are you ladies doing this evening?'

'I don't have any plans,' says Jackie hopefully.

'I've got a date with a bottle of wine,' I add.

'So you’re not letting your friend have any of your wine?' he asks me, his eyebrow cocked.

'We only met at your lesson. We're both here alone,' I inform him.

'Right.' I see him check out both our hands.

He indicates our glasses with his hand. 'Do either of you want another drink?'

'No, we're fine.'

'Actually, could I have a lemonade?' asks Jackie. Oh, my God, this girl needs lessons on how to handle a man.

I chat with her while he goes to the bar.

'Why does your voice go all girly when you talk to Cole?'

She plays with her watch strap. 'I'm trying to sound sexy. I want him to notice me.'

'Look, I don't want to sound harsh but you're going about it the wrong way. Have you heard the old adage treat them mean to keep them keen?'

'Yes, but-'

'Did Sandy get her man in Grease by being the whiny girl in pink or the edgy chick in black leather and tight trousers?'

Jackie's looks glum. 'He doesn't even remember me.'

'How long ago was that?'

'Four years.'

Four years?
You've been crushing on this man for four years? Please tell me you've dated other men in the meantime.'

'I have, but I felt a connection when I met Cole. I haven't felt it with anyone since.'

‘But he only bought you and your mates a drink. It was hardly love at first sight.’

‘It was for me.’

I slap my cheeks with my hands. 'Do you trust me? I know we only just met, but do you trust me?'


'Come on.' I say and drag her out of the bar by the arm.

Cole passes us with Jackie's drink in his hand.

'Sorry, we've had a better offer,' I tell him.

He takes a step backwards. ‘Sorry?’

‘Ciao.’ I get her out of there before she clings to his ankles.

I take her to the sports shop. 'You need to be inspired by funky Sandy. Here.' I show Jackie a pair of wet-look tight Capri leggings with a black and white chevron pattern down the side, a matching chevron bra top and an off-the-shoulder black tee. 'See if they have these in your size and get them tried on.'

Jackie laughs. 'Are you always like this?'

'When I have a project, yes.'

'I'm a project?'

'No, but you're in a Project. Project Get Cole.'

'Oh. Okay. I like the sound of that. Does it come with a money-back guarantee? This kit costs a bomb.'

'You need to invest in that kit anyway, so you can upstage your sister at her fortieth.'

She gasps, then chuckles. 'You are a wicked woman.'

'Changing rooms, now.' I point. Jackie heads over, shaking her head.

A few minutes later she appears, her shoulders slumped.

'They're too tight.'

I sigh. Honestly, they fit around her arse like a monkey hugging its mother. Tight. I can't stop staring and admiring.

'Seriously, if my arse looked like that I'd never take them off. Anyway, with the top draped over the bra top like so-' I do a bit of adjusting so it slants off the shoulder at one side. 'It's long enough to cover most of your butt.'

Jackie checks herself in the mirror. 'That's better.'

'Don't forget, though. When you get hot, or Cole makes you hot.' I wink. 'Top off and show off those bloody abs. Oh, to be fifteen years younger.'

'You look fab.'

'I do my best but you can't escape being forty-five and having had two children. You need to own it while you have it.'

'Okay, I'm buying it.' She returns to her changing room to put her old gear back on.

My phone rings. It's Camille. I give her some grief about not ringing me on Thursday only to find out they both rang me, but Tim had switched the ringer off. Shit. They had bothered. Tim was making sure I got some sleep. I've fucked up. I consider returning home, but then Cam tells me Tim has stopped my debit and credit cards. The complete and utter fucker. I'm staying put.

After Jackie has made her purchases, I say goodbye and that I'll see her tomorrow. Then I go into a clothes store that sells beautiful Kipling handbags and purses. I've always wanted to own a Kipling bag but put the needs of my family first.

I spend some time perusing and choose a medium travel tote that my gym kit will fit into, a shoulder bag, a large purse, and a travel document holder. Then I take my purchases to the counter and take out the credit card Tim doesn't know I own. I shall pay off the bill with money from the account Tim doesn't know about. The money for a rainy day, or what I call the
if you get on my nerves and I have to leave you
account. There's over two grand in there so I'm good for the rest of the week.

'Oh, you are having a treat aren't you, love?' says the assistant as she carefully wraps my new items.

'You have no idea,' I tell her, then smile sweetly.

Game, set and match to Dora.


That evening, as I down my third glass of wine, I become a miserable drunk. The purchases haven't given me any lasting satisfaction. As I peel back the duvet to get in bed, a wave of grief comes over me. I miss Tim. Most of the week we come up to bed at the same time. He's usually a little later on a Friday and Saturday night because he can lie in the next morning, but on work days, we tend to hit the sack together. I miss his body being next to mine, his falling asleep before me and snoring. Tears fall as I consider myself a rotten, selfish partner. I've spent a load of money on this week away and now I've bought all these bags. All he's ever done is work hard all week and have the odd trip to the local for a pint. Perhaps I don't deserve him. I vow to be a better partner and pick up my Kindle. After a quick browse, I download a copy of a book called
Your husband has the Balls
. Reading the blurb, it’s a guide to being a bit of a Stepford Wife, giving your partner control and letting them feel appreciated. Maybe I could try it? I start reading.

never say no to sex
. That one's easy. I never do. Tim's more likely to turn me down. Oh, I'm not allowed to ask. Less sex then. Not sure how I feel about that but I'll give it a try.

Don't question your husband’s decisions ever. You can ask him to consider your ideas but ultimately the decision lies with him
Fucking what?

Do not answer back with snotty and ill-judged remarks. Instead, let your husband know he has hurt you. Show it in your demeanour
Hmm, I can certainly work with that.

Let your husband choose how you look.
Fuck off.

Assess your appearance. Do you need to lose weight? Dress better? Be someone he wants to come home to.
I'm hot as fuck and he's lucky to have me, bitch.

keep your mind full of things to discuss. Take up a hobby, maybe a sport.
Tennis - tick.

Don't discuss your relationship.
But I wanted to discuss what we did now the kids have left home.

Let him have peace and quiet and don't nag.
Fuck, I'm never going to speak again. I might as well take a vow of silence.

Leave him alone
Doing that right now - tick.

As my eyes follow the rest of the advice, I can't believe the words on the e-reader, but there are qualifying pieces written by wives who followed the books advice and they swear by it. I take a deep breath and vow to give it a try. Then I down another glass of wine cos if I'm doing this shit I need alcohol.


Chapter Eight




Tuesday is spent having a game of tennis with Jackie, who turns up wearing her old kit as she wants to save her new things for tomorrow. She admires my new
kit bag.

I'm nursing a sore head, the result of last night’s drinking and reading, so I have a wander around the pathways of Center Parcs to take in a little fresh air. I call in at a restaurant where I enjoy a cup of tea and a sandwich for lunch. From there I head to the ParcMarket to buy some overpriced cleaning materials to take back home with me seeing as I have to keep the house clean and tidy to make my man happy. I add another bottle of wine to my basket. Back at the villa, I look through the activity brochure and find Lavender Relaxation at three pm. That will do nicely.

I'd forgotten how much lavender stinks. I'm given a cushion, and we are guided through a meditation and some stretching. The floor is hard. We are given a mat but it's only a flimsy thing. A draft sweeps across the floor. It's not relaxing at all. I can't help wondering if anyone's fallen asleep and drooled on this lavender pillow. God, it smells like a bingo hall full of old women in here. Plus, the floor’s filthy.

I leave the room in a bad mood, wanting my money back. I'm as relaxed as Gordon Ramsey with a new chef.

So I book a game of archery and enjoy shooting arrows at targets. Some of them hit. It's very satisfying.


Wednesday arrives, and it's time for another tennis lesson.

Cole walks in and shimmies past the simpering women (and man). He does a double-take at Jackie in her new kit. She turns away from him as advised.
Good girl.

After demonstrating the volley, Cole has us run up and do a forehand volley. We all take too wide a swing and I can see he's getting annoyed.

'Take your slouchy tee off,' I whisper to Jackie.

'No,' she protests. 'I'm still cold. We haven't warmed up yet.'

'Seriously, take it off,' I hiss.

'God, okay.' She whips off her tee to reveal her ripped abdomen and firm boobs in the bra top. She throws her slouchy tee at me and gets in line. Cole hasn't taken his eyes off her. As she runs up, her boobs jiggle around. Her nipples are peaked because of the cold. This is exactly what I planned for him to see. 'Fantastic,' says Cole, and I have no idea if he means her volley or her rack. What I do know, is that he's in a much-improved mood for the rest of the lesson.

Watching them flirt with each other reminds me once again of Tim. I'm so distracted that Cole comes over to me in the middle of my practice.

'Here, you're holding the racket all wrong.'

He stands behind me, close, puts his hands on mine and wraps them around the racket. Then he holds the racket up. 'Like this… and then slice.' He swings us together.

As I swing around, I see a man watching us. Leaning against a wall, he’s dressed in a sharp suit. I note his close cut salt and pepper hair and the five o'clock shadow. He's dark, brooding and erm, Tim.

He strolls over to us.

'Dora.' He tilts his head and raises an eyebrow awaiting my response.

Remember to be obedient
. 'Tim.'

Cole holds out his hand to shake. 'Good to meet you, Tim. Dora, I need to get back to the lesson. Shout if you need me.'

Tim gives him a cold stare so Cole goes off to the others, most of whom are focused on us rather than practice.

Jackie comes running up. 'Are you okay, Dora? Do you need security?'

'Nah, it’s my other half,' I whisper. 'He's just got the face on because he's lost the argument.'


'He's come to get me. I win. It was nice to meet you. Hope you land Cole. Don't forget to show off your assets and act cool.'

I walk off the court and stand in front of Tim. Then I drop my gaze and look upset.

'Tim, I'm sorry about running away to Center Parcs. I realise I made a mistake.'

'What?' Tim coughs. Then clears his throat. 'What I mean to say is… this stops now, Dora.' He points to my nether regions. 'That pussy is mine. I own it, and you'd better not forget it. Now, where's your villa, because you need to be punished.'

What the fuck?

Tim taps his watch. 'Time's a wasting. I said let's go.'

Demure. Demure. Never turn down sex.
'Whatever you say, Mr Turner.'


I unlock the villa and head through to the lounge. The walk from the Jardin de Sports was silent, the air charged. Tim's cheek was pulsing with a tic, like he was raging inside, so I prepare myself for a bollocking now we’re indoors.

BOOK: New Balls Please (Ball Games #3)
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