Never Ever: Book One Perdition MC (10 page)

BOOK: Never Ever: Book One Perdition MC
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His lips flattened in displeasure, and he looked at Roar,
said his name, then barked it sharply, and Roar flinched like he’d been
slapped. “Boy, get it the fuck together and pay attention.” She ducked her head
to hide her smile, but she wasn’t successful. “Your woman is still getting
dizzy, don’t ride around with her until that shit quits.” Roar nodded, his palm
spreading wider on her belly, still looking a little dazed. Top shook his head
at him, then looked back at her. “What safety reasons made you change your

“My father, fiancé and family were murdered on my wedding
day. They found twenty eight bodies identified as Tornadoes in attendance, but
there should have been thirty. One of the brothers was in the hospital because
of the bullet wound in his belly. Number thirty, was missing. Some of the
bodies were um, unidentifiable. So there was no telling if there was a rat in
our house, or if the skinheads had taken someone prisoner. Dad had safe houses
in five counties with a lot of cash. I hit three of them, the last two were
already on fire. I wasn’t in on club business, but my dad told me enough to
keep me safe if anything ever went down and I needed to get clear. Which is
what I did. And until Susan begged me to come to the hog roast four months ago,
I hadn’t dipped so much as a toe back into the life.”

“Got more than a toe in now, you good with that?”


She took a deep breath and nodded, drawing some kind of weird
comfort from the weight of Roar’s hand on her stomach. “Yes and no. My dad’s
club was into stuff that got them all killed. I don’t know what you and your
club is into past some bounty hunting, so yes, I’m good because this is
familiar to me. Safe. But also unsafe.” Top nodded, and that light of approval
just seemed to get brighter. “We went legit.
. My
boys are bounty hunters, skip tracers, private security, PI’s. We don’t run
drugs, or protect shipments of illegal shit. We get in a few dust ups now and again
when we whack the hornet’s nest, or make some drug dealer’s day shitty. You
talk to the cops before you got clear?”


“How’d you know about the massacre then?”

“I hacked into the police files. I wanted to know if they
ever got close to solving the case. Roar told me that Perdition was part of the
crew that took out the skinheads responsible for the burn.”

“He told you right. Last major war this club fought. Rats all
went down with the ship.”

“Thank you. Roar um, mentioned you might want a DNA test, for
the baby.”


Top blinked once, his dark brow arching up, mustache giving a
little tick while he looked from her to Roar and back. “You a hundred percent
on him being the father?” He asked it gently, but it still singed to have to
answer it. “Hundred and ten.”

“Then unless he’s demanding one, I sure as fuck
.” His eyes cut back to Roar, and when he didn’t say
anything, she looked down at Roar, who was still staring off into space like a
boob. So she elbowed him in the chest, and he snapped out of it long enough to
look up at her, “What?”

“We’re talking about that DNA test?” She led, and his hand
firmed on her stomach, “Not
it,” He told her in
a tone that brooked no argument. “Not that I’m arguing, brother, but you
tell me why?”


Roar’s expression went from blank, to hard and mean in an
instant. Made his
raise both his eyebrows now
and look down at his brother with amusement plain on his face, sure in the
knowledge that if Roar threw down, he’d kick his ass. “That kind of test means
pushing a needle through
stomach, into her
belly where the kid is to get fluid
there. Not
it. I read the complications. Could burst the bubble,
inject bacteria or air and shit. No way.”

“You read?” Top drawled, and Roar shot him the dirtiest look
she’d ever seen, which just made the Prez throw his head back and laugh. “It’s
an amniotic sac, by the way. Not a bubble.” Top told Roar, which made her roll
her lips under to keep from laughing, “Looked like a bubble to me. Shit.
His arm curled around her now and pulled her down into his lap, turning his
face into her hair while his throat worked hard, “It’s
him now, the reality. He’ll be fine in a bit. No fuckin on my desk.” Top said,
winked at her and headed out. But not before stopping, turning around to look
back at her and nodded, “We’ll talk more
Welcome home.”


He shut the door behind him, and she shifted to turn towards
Roar, draping her arms around his shoulders to knead gently at the tightness in
his neck. “You good?” He touched a kiss to her throat, her cheek, swallowing
again audibly like he was choking something down. Maybe the contents of his
stomach? She wasn’t sure. But he pressed his brow to hers and nodded, his one
hand still covering her belly. “That picture, the sonogram, just made it real.
You know?” He rasped hoarsely, and she understood now, what Top had meant.
“Yeah. I do. I felt the same way when I saw the first one.”



“You were alone when you saw the first one.”


“I’ll be there, next time. Every time after.” He made it a
vow, and her heart flopped over. She liked that. The vehemence, the emotion
behind it. She liked it a lot. “I’d appreciate that. Why’d your
leave and tell me no fucking on his desk?”

“Cause Top
no fool.”


He stood up with her in his arms like she was nothing, a
pillow, hungrily slanting kisses on her lips, turning with her to press her
hard against the wall, hands all over her, gripping, kneading, stroking,
tearing at the zipper on her jeans until he got where he wanted. He shoved his
hand between her legs, rubbing firmly at her clit, sliding down and up to stab
his talented fingers deep inside her, growling in answer to the cry of shock
and pleasure she fed him. “Thank fuck,” He groaned, making her jolt with the
powerful jerk he gave to get her jeans down her thighs, “Give it here, baby.”
He demanded, whipping her around to face the wall, smacking her sharply on the
butt when she didn’t comply. “Give it,” Her pleasure soaked brain, the urgency,
the thrill of that sharp smack sending more pleasure zipping through her body.
It took a minute for her to understand what he wanted, but when she did, when
she tilted her hips back, he shoved inside hard. Another hard jerk buried him
to the hilt, and her mouth fell open in a shout of ecstasy, the mix of pleasure
and pain so amazing she saw stars.


Her fingers dug into the wall, bracing herself against the
deep, hungry pounding of his hips behind her. He slid one hand down her
stomach, over the curve of her belly to tilt her hips back farther, his other
hand slid up to cup to curl firmly, gently around her throat. He tilted her
head back and to the side so he could lick at her mouth, his breath washing
over her lips while he fucked her like a man possessed, “Love this pussy,” He
ground out, adding a little churn to his thrusts that rubbed the head of his
cock high and hard against a spot no man had ever hit before. A spot that made
her eyes cross, because it felt so good. “There it is, found it, didn’t I?” She
heard herself make a high pitched noise that she’d never made before, and felt
him grin, “Hard, baby, come hard.
hear it. Want
every mother fucker in this place to hear it.” Every forceful thrust and rub,
pushed an escalating cry out from inside her, and then suddenly she was there,
blinded by the surge of pleasure that tore up like a tidal wave. She heard
herself scream out, loud, and felt the vibration of his groan rumbling against
her back.


He stayed inside her, his arm curled above her head on the
wall, her one hand now tangled in his while he held them up, easing back and
forth inside her slow and gentle now. Tender, making the pleasure of their
furious fucking turn into something so sweet it brought tears to her eyes. “I
was too rough.” He rasped in her ear, and she shook her head, finding just
enough breath to say, “No.” Before she lost it on a ragged pant when he seated
himself high and deep again. Pushed in to the hilt, his hips flush with her
ass, and stayed there while her pussy rippled and pulled around the still hard
flesh. “Could stay inside you forever.” Her lips twitched in a delirious smile
as she thought,
forever and ever


But forever wasn’t long enough, and too soon he was easing out,
turning her back around to right her jeans and spend what felt like another
hour kissing her into a stupor. He kissed her soft, held her wrapped in the
curve of one arm, held her up by leaning on her and pressing her into the wall.
If he hadn’t, she was pretty sure she would have fallen at his feet in a heap.
Then he just rested there with her, forehead to forehead, lips touching while
he kept his other hand on her hip and swept the side of her belly with his
thumb. “You’re tired,” he murmured, right when she honestly thought about
passing out. “Mm hm.”



He tugged her away from the wall and kept her curled in tight
against his side, and tired as she was, she had to wrap both arms around his
waist to keep on her feet, blindly following him up a flight of stairs and
swayed a little when he stopped to pull some keys from his pocket. “Here,
baby.” He told her softly, turning with her to lay her down on a bed that
smelled like him. She turned on her side and felt him tugging on her boots,
felt him scoop her hair off her throat and drop a tender little kiss there
before he pulled the heavy blankets up over her. “Better,” She mumbled, and he
chuckled, “What? My bed?”

“Huh uh. The sex. Better and better.”

“Better? Babe, fucking you is like touching the hand of god.
That pussy is so tight it almost hurts.”

“Mm,” Her lips pulled in a satisfied smile, and he laughed
for real now, bending over her to kiss the corner of her mouth. “Better, mean
you’re giving in and
marry me?”

“Fuck no.” She sighed, and he clicked his tongue at her.
“Didn’t think so. Have a nap, I’ll be back soon.”


She was already half asleep, so she just nodded and curled
around some of his pillows, out so fast that she missed how he just sat there
next to her for a good while, staring down at her. Missed the tenderness, the
determination on his face, and the softness in his eyes. If she’d seen it, she
might have considered, seriously, accepting his demand that she marry him.

Only felt like seconds went by before he was back, pulling the
blankets back and lifting her up into his arms. “
She mumbled, tucking her cheek against his throat and wrapped her arms around
his shoulders. “
, baby. Sleep. We’re

“Need my boots on if we’re

“We’re not. Went back and got the Jeep.”

“What? Why?” she muttered, still half asleep. “Because I was
a dumb ass and didn’t think. Top’s right, I shouldn’t be putting you on my bike
while you’re still getting dizzy spells. Unnecessary risk.”

“Oh. Kay. Need my boots anyway.”

“Already in the Jeep.”


So tired she was slurring her words, she just touched a kiss
to the scruffy side of his jaw, and snuggled back down. “
fuck you like that more often if I get you sweet like this after,” He muttered,
and she smiled. “Kay.”


He put her to bed once they got home, stripped her out of her
clothes and watched in amusement as she snuggled down under the heavy blankets
and curled around the pillow he’d bought her. “Sticky,” She muttered, “Need to
get up and shower,” Talking in her sleep made her just all that much more
adorable. But he knew what she meant, and went to the bathroom to get a warm
washcloth. She sighed when he wiped her down, still mostly asleep when she
reached up and threaded her fingers into his hair. He followed the weak tug she
gave until their lips met, and she mumbled, “Like that.” Damn, she was


Chapter Eleven


He was sitting in the living room, feet up on the coffee
lying on the couch next to him while
he flipped through channels on her tiny TV. He had a perfect view of the
bedroom from where he sat. A perfect view of
sleeping, smack in the middle of her big bed. An even more perfect view of when
she got up, taking the sheet with her and kept it wrapped around her while she
climbed out of the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. She came out in a
short nightie and a thick sweater that hung down to her knees, looking a little
dazed and still a bit out of it.  “Hey babe,” He murmured, making her jolt
with surprise and look over at him like she’d not seen him sitting there, “
, off the couch!” She snapped, and the puppy pouted,
but obeyed and trotted over to sit on her feet and twist his head back to look
up at her adoringly. “You know better, you big dust bunny.” The dog sat up on
hind legs and folded it’s
fronts to give her the best begging face she’d ever seen. “No couch.” She told
him firmly, but loved on his ears and then came over to straddle his thighs.


He filled his palms with her gorgeous ass, wondering who this
affectionate female was and what she’d done with his bitchy ginger. But he
forgot momentarily to have been suspicious, because she bent her head and
melted a sweet kiss over his mouth that had his head spinning. “You good?” She
asked softly, and he tilted his head in question, “You were pretty quiet after
the doctor’s appointment. Before you fucked me into a coma.” He smiled slowly
at her and snuck another quick kiss. “Definitely going to fuck you like that
more often if I get sweet like this.” He grated when she pulled back, “Don’t be
a dick. You good or not?”

“Yeah, babe. I’m good.”

“Good. I was going to make dinner,”

“Already did.”


“Steak. Doctor said you needed more iron in your diet, that it’s
probably a contributor to why you’re still getting dizzy.”

“Um, we didn’t discuss that today.”

“I called the office. You’ve been out hard, since we left the
compound. I didn’t know if that was normal, so I called. We talked.”


“You good with that?”


She shrugged and settled easier on his lap, twirling his hair
around and around her fingers. She looked uncomfortable, but her body language
was good. She opened her mouth to say something, then thought better of it,
“Just say it,” He urged, slipping his fingers under the hem of her soft nightie
to discover she wasn’t wearing any panties. “And hurry up, before I get
distracted. Why aren’t you wearing panties?”

“I mentioned that whole sensitivity thing, and what I was
going to say isn’t important.”

“You sure?”


“Okay. I want desert first.”

“You made desert?”



She made the most adorable little squeal when he flipped her
down to the couch and had his desert first. And she was seriously sensitive,
just a few licks of the cream dripping out of her pussy and she was cresting
the wave of a brutal orgasm. And a few licks weren’t nearly enough, so he set
in, drug her closer, tossing her legs over his shoulders and loved how she
twisted her hands tight in his hair and hung on. He got three more orgasms out
of her before he took her down to the soft rug in front of the fire and took
his time this go around. He fucked her slow and gentle, his weight on his
elbows so he could look down at her, watch her toss her head back and forth
when he found that soft spot that lit her up like a roman candle. Watched her
eyes darken to a deep emerald when she came again, tears actually falling from
the corners while she clung to him and writhed with the overload of pleasure.
Writhed while her pussy sucked the come right out of him. She wasn’t the only
one seeing stars.


He dropped his head to lick those tears off her cheeks,
turning with her so that
back was to the fire and
he could keep her wrapped up. Her thigh over his, his arms around her, still
inside her enjoying the last few ripples of her orgasm. He swept his hand up
and down her spine, scooped her tangled hair off her nape, enjoying her soft
pants, her shudders. “Best desert I ever had,” He told her seriously, and she
nipped his jaw in answer. “Doc said you’d have more of an appetite than normal.
For food and sex.”

“Guess it was a good thing you showed up at the nursery when
you did then,”


He could hear the teasing in her tone, but it didn’t make the
jealousy that raged any less intense. Imagining some other swinging dick giving
this to her. Taking his place. He popped her on the ass and felt her pussy
clench hard around his cock, bringing him back to life instantly. He rolled her
back over and came up to his knees, hauled her hips up the incline of his thighs
and drilled down into her. “Yeah? Were you
a snack?” her back arched up off the floor, reaching for him, but he caught her
hands in one of his and pressed them up over her head, drawing her body back in
a taut line that gave him the perfect angle to fuck her silly. “Roar, I
can’t…too much,” She said that, but her hips were seeking up higher, taking the
hard slam of his cock, her tits quivering with every shove, sweet sounds coming
out of her swollen mouth in time to the wet slap of flesh on flesh. He had to
sling his arm around her hips to keep her from sliding away from him. “Yeah,
you can. And you fuckin will. My brand,”
! “My kid,”

“My. Fuckin. Desert.”
Slam, slam,



“Jesus! You Neanderthal! I was teasing you!” She screamed her
last word when he tilted his hips to make his pubic bone grind down on her
clit, dropped his head and sucked hard on one of her straining nipples. Just
like that she detonated. Loudly. 


He rolled with her so she was spread out on top of him,
exhaustion and pleasure sapping the strength out of him finally, but somehow
she had the energy to turn her cheek to his chest. Her nose rubbing up against
his pulse. “Like that,” She murmured, “Like what?”

“You stay inside me after.”

“Told you, baby. I could stay in there forever.”


“Your list’s getting pretty long,

BOOK: Never Ever: Book One Perdition MC
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