Read Navy Seal's Innocent Italian Online

Authors: Leslie North

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military

Navy Seal's Innocent Italian (4 page)

BOOK: Navy Seal's Innocent Italian
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Chapter 7


Denver, Colorado…


“Trent, I just heard back from Travers. He found Marco, but he didn’t come back from Italy alone. Get this, he has a twenty-something woman travelling with him. He’s not sure what the relationship is, if any, but it seems that Marco is doing a favor for her father by bringing her over to the states.”

“Who is she?” Trent asked.

“Travers isn’t sure yet. She has a meeting at one of the children’s hospitals tomorrow and he’s going to try and accidentally bump into her. It doesn’t sound like Marco’s going with her.”

“Good,” Trent replied. Tapping a few things into his computer before adding, “Did you get those reports I sent you?”

Shawn sighed, “You mean the ones outlining in detail all of the business dealings Marco currently has in the works? Yeah, I got them.” Shawn paused and then said, “Trent, are you sure you want to go through with this. Why not try talking to the man one more time?”

Trent made a frustrated sound through the phone, “Now you’re starting to sound like Brianna! Marco Bresi is going to pay for upsetting my wife and kidnapping my daughter. I’ve tried to leave the man alone these last few years, I’ve countered his pitiful attempts to ruin me, but this time he went too far. This time it was personal and I can’t just ignore it!”

“Why can’t you? The man doesn’t even reside on this continent. Try talking to him one more time. Maybe he has a conscience and the episode with Faith helped trigger it back into action.”

“Shawn, can you get me the intel I need, or do I need to look elsewhere?” Trent asked, tired of fooling around. If Marco Bresi wanted to fight dirty by attacking his family directly, then Trent would take off the gloves and show the man how to play in
sandbox. Trent played for keeps and Marco was about to wish he’d never left Italy.

Shawn sighed through the phone, “Of course I can get you what you need. I just wish you’d let this go.”

“I can’t. Did Travers give you any idea of how long they were going to be in New York?”

“Only a
day or so.”

“And then?” Trent asked.

“They’re headed here. Travers heard her talking about universities and hospitals and such. He’s not sure exactly what up, but he seems to think they are both headed back to Colorado.”

Trent mulled that information over before saying, “Get me that intel. By the time Marco lands in Colorado I want him to be very aware that he’s messed with me for the last time.”

Shawn bit his tongue on the other end of the line, seeing Janet standing in the doorway to his home office with a curious look upon her face. “Okay. I’ll get back to you soon.” He hung up the phone and then turned a smile upon his wife.

Janet eyed his smile and immediately knew she wasn’t going to like what was in the works, but she asked anyway, “What’s going on?”

Shawn thought for a millisecond about keeping the details from her, but then realized she might be instrumental in helping persuade Trent to let this vendetta go. “That was Trent. He’s decided to go after Marco with a vengeance.”

Janet stepped around her husband’s desk, letting him pull her onto his lap, “You couldn’t talk him out of it?”

Shawn wrapped his arms around his wife, “He wouldn’t even consider talking to Marco one last time.”

“Can you blame him? I mean, the man stole his baby from the hospital!” Janet personally thought Marco Bresi needed to be strung up for causing Brianna so much worry, but then again, she wasn’t known for being docile when it came to protecting those she loved.

Shawn shook his head, “It’s not a matter of blame. It’s more a matter of where does it stop. Trent still won’t tell anyone what happened with Serena, so all of this makes little to no sense.”

“You’ve known Trent a long time, and if he called things off between Serena and himself, you know there had to be a valid reason. If he doesn’t want to talk about it, I think you should leave it alone.
He has a beautiful new wife and child now. That’s where his attention needs to be.”

Shawn watched his wife; she was so beautiful it took his breath away. She had also been sadly ignored over the last several days while he helped monitor Trent and Brianna’s situation.
He remembered the expression on her face when she had first held baby Faith. For just a moment, he had glimpsed beneath the facade she showed everyone else, and seen the longing to hold her very own child.

He and Janet had decided to put off having a family for a few years, but now even he was starting to question if they were missing something. He let his hand trail around to her front, placing it over her abdomen and squeezing gently.
She would be the most beautiful woman in the world swollen up with his child!

“So tell me,
” he continued to trace a path up her torso, coming to a stop just beneath her supple breasts. “You really liked holding Faith, didn’t you?”

He watched as Janet’s eyes took on a dreamy quality and her voice softened, “She’s precious. So tiny
; yet so perfect in every way. Trent and Brianna are very lucky.” Her breath hitched as her husband’s hands climbed even higher, molding her breasts through the thin material of her t-shirt. This had been her day off, and as normal, she had foregone wearing a bra, detesting the confining feeling of them. “Don’t you have work to do?” she inquired, closing her eyes at the wonderful sensations he was creating in her body.

Shawn nuzzled his wife’s neck, letting his fingers pull and pinch at her nipple
s beneath the shirt. She was so responsive to him, and her little moans of pleasure had his body hardening even further. Pushing her off his lap, he turned her so she was facing away from him and then pulled her back to straddle his thighs, her legs sitting on the outside of his own.

Shawn let his lips trace a pattern across her neck and up to her ear, biting down slightly, he quietly replied, “I think I’ve been doing enough work. It’s time to play. Are you ready to play, Janet?”

Janet nodded her head, tipping it to the side to give him better access to the sensitive place where her neck met her shoulder. “God, yes! You’ve been so busy…”

Shawn used both hands to pull her back against his body, skimming them underneath her shirt to knead her breasts. “I’m only busy with you right now.”

Janet’s only response was a moan of pleasure as she rocked against his lap. She could feel his desire for her beneath her hips, and wondered what it would take for him to lose his self-control and take her right there. She rolled her hips against his hardness, hearing the catch in his own breathing and smiling to herself.
Not long now!

Shawn knew what his clever wife was doing and for once, he had no desire to slow her down. He needed to feel her warmth surrounding him like he needed his next breath. Dropping his hands to her waist, he deftly unhooked her short
s before pushing them down so she could slide them off.

While she leaned forward to push her shorts to the ground, he made short work of opening his jeans and revealing the evidence of his desire for her.

Janet started to turn around to face him, but he was in too big of a hurry and stalled her with a hand upon her lower back, “Don’t. Stay there for a minute while I grab some protection.” Shawn reached for the drawer to his desk, having adopted the habit of stashing condoms all over the house for situations just like these. He paused when Janet’s hand stayed him.

“Please don’t.” Janet issued the plea
quietly, and then stopped, waiting for his response.
We should have discussed this!

Shawn left his hand where it was, but turned it over so his palm was in contact with hers. “Don’t wear protection?” he inquired softly, hoping her answer would match his own desires.

Janet shook her head, “I know we should talk about this, but I don’t want to wait anymore.”

Shawn smiled and then replied, “That’s good, baby. I don’t want to either. Watching you holding Trent’s little girl made me want that for us.”

Janet turned her head and met his lips for a sweet and gentle kiss, “That’s what I want as well. I want to have your baby.”

Shawn deepened the kiss, no longer interested in rushing their union. After several minutes, he wrapped his arms around her and stood up. Carrying her the short distance to the futon in the corner, he laid her down on her back. “I love you Mrs. Marshall.”

Janet looked up at her husband, loving the way he looked at her and feeling her desire spike once again. “Enough talking Mr. Marshall, and more action, please.”

“Yes, ma’am. Your wish is my command,” Shawn whispered as he lowered his lips to her own. He used his hands to push her shirt up and off, and then worked his way down her chest, stopping to pay homage to her breasts, tugging on the nipples until they were stiff peaks and each feather-light touch had her writhing in pleasure.

Moving downward, he dipped his tongue into her navel, before skimming his lips downward. When he encountered the evidence of her arousal, he spent several minutes eliciting groans of pleasure and cries for him to “never stop” before his control snapped.

Pushing himself back up her body, he joined them in one long glide of flesh against flesh, not stopping until he was
seated in her as deep as he could possibly go. “You feel so good, baby,” he told his wife before taking her lips in a heated kiss of teeth and tongues.

“Move,” came her fervent reply. “Please!” Janet was teetering on the brink of release and only needed him to help a little bit and push her over the edge.

“This isn’t going to last very long,” he warned her, starting a gentle in and out motion, driving them both to a point of no return.

“I don’t care.” Janet’s breath hitched as she felt her body tighten and shiver. “You can take your time later.”

“Definitely,” Shawn promised her, feeling his own body tighten in preparation for an orgasm of epic proportions. Maybe it was the chance that they could create a baby from this union, or maybe it was the emotion of the last several days, but their joining was explosive and the emotional attachment seemed stronger than ever before. “Are you ready?”

“Yes!” Janet assured him, wrapping her ankles around his hips and moving with him as he picked up the tempo.

Shawn pounded into her twice before he felt the world exploding around him. He moved a few more times and then collapsed against her, trying to keep his full weight off her with his arms, but not being very successful at it. When she pushed against his shoulders, he rolled slightly to the side, taking her with him and keeping them joined intimately.

“That was amazing!” he told her, kissing her on the temple.

Janet nodded, too tired to talk. She let her eyes close and said a silent prayer that the intensity of their love-making would result in her becoming pregnant with his child.
Please, God!
As she drifted off to sleep, she felt him snuggle her closer and then pull the throw from the back of the futon over them both. She loved this man with all of her being, and as she dreamt about holding his child, a small smile appeared on her face.

Shawn felt his wife relax into a light sleep and he chuckled softly. Ever since he’d gotten together with Janet, she’d always needed a nap after
they made love. Not one for holding back, she gave their unions everything thing she had - and he couldn’t complain. Making love with Janet wasn’t like anything he’d ever experienced before.

He let his eyes close and pulled her a little closer. Using one hand to anchor her to his side, he let the other hand creep down to rest over her belly. He fell to sleep hoping a new little life had been created, but not allowing himself to worry if that turned out not to be the case. That would only mean they needed more practice. Something he was completely on board with.

Chapter 7


New York City...


“Thank you,” Alex told Marco’s driver as he assisted her from the vehicle. She looked around and made a quick decision. “I believe I’ve changed my mind. I think after my meeting I’ll just walk around for a bit. This city is amazing!”

The driver grinned at her and nodded, “Yes, ma’am. It is. You have my number, when you’re ready to be picked up, you just holler and I’ll come wherever you are.”

Alex beamed at him, “Great! Okay, I’ll talk to you later then.” She gave him a little wave and headed into the main entrance of the hospital.  She was wearing a pair of navy blue capris, a pale yellow button up shirt with capped sleeves, navy blue flats, and she had pulled her long hair up on either side.

She had worn minimal makeup, and no jewelry. She was going for a more studious appearance and as she pushed the glass doors open, she hoped she didn’t come across as young as she looked.
I really need to find a new look! One that doesn’t make me look like I’m sixteen still.

She inquired at the reception desk
, and was soon being escorted up to the fifth floor. She did her interview and explained her research to those who attended and an hour later was heading back out the front doors of the hospital. “Well, I’m glad that’s over,” she told herself as she walked away from the hospital entrance.

“Excuse me? Did you say something?” Jake asked from right behind her.

Alex turned around, startled and almost toppling over in her haste to see who was behind her. Jake saw the pending disaster and quickly stepped forward, grabbing her by both arms and hauling her towards him. He kept ahold of her while she gained her footing before she whispered, “I didn’t even see you there.” She glanced around and realized she’d left the building and had stopped next to a large column.

She brought her gaze up to meet his and felt her breath stall in her throat.
It’s the hot guy from the restaurant last night!
She watched him for a moment before she realized he still had ahold of her arms and his nearness was sending tingles down her body, which took up residence in her stomach and below.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. You were talking to yourself?” the man inquired.
Jake felt the shiver run through her body and an answering tingle ran down his spine.

Alex blushed and then nodded, “Yes. A bad habit, I’m afraid.”
Alex moved backwards a step, causing him to drop his hands. She swallowed nervously; shocked at the reaction his nearness was having on her body.

Jake watched the color fill her cheeks and chuckled, “As long as you don’t start having both sides of the conversation with yourself, I think you’re good.”

Alex grinned back at him, “Yeah, I’ve heard that before.” She watched him for a moment still getting over the fact that the man from last night had been at the hospital the same time she’d been. There were so many men in New York City, the chances that she’d actually see the same man twice seemed ludicrous.

Jake could see she was
thinking about leaving and held his hand out, “Jake Travers. And you are?”

Alex shook his hand, “Alex
andra Moretti. My friends call me Alex.” Her Italian accent was almost imperceptible, having spent the last several years studying in various European countries.

andra, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Jake gave her a smile and then continued, "So, you seemed relieved to be leaving the hospital. Is someone you know ill?”

Alex shook her head, “Oh, no. Nothing like that. I was meeting with some of the research people to discuss my current project. I really didn’t think I’d like working in a hospital environment, and now that I’ve experienced it firsthand, I was right.”

Jake watched her expressive face as she talked. She was passionate about her research, and he wondered if that passion was ever directed at other things. “So, you are only visiting New York City?”

“Yes,” she replied with a smile, “I’m actually heading
to Colorado in a few days’ time.”

“Colorado? What a coincidence,” Jake murmured.
Watching her to see if she would take the bait.
She did.

“Really? How so?” Alex asked, cocking her head to the side.

“I just agreed to work with a buddy of mine who happens to live in Denver. I’m heading to Colorado myself in a few days.”

“Wow! That is amazing!” Alex smiled at him and
when he returned it, she realized how attractive he really was.
He’s so hot!
She gave him a thorough once over, hiding behind her sunglasses giving her the confidence to admire his broad shoulders, trim waist, and muscled thighs encased in skintight denim. When her eyes stopped on the bulge just evident beneath his jeans, she quickly lifted her head to see him smirking at her.
God, I hope he doesn’t realize what I was doing!

Jake watched her give him a once over, taking the time to do his own appraisal. Her sunglasses prevented him from seeing her eyes, but his memory supplied the image of emerald green eyes and long lashes. Her straight nose only seemed to accentuate her full lips. He let his eyes skim over her figure, smiling at the long line of her neck that led to bountiful breasts.  The wind shifted and he caught a hint of her perfume, sniffing appreciatively.

Before he could question whether her skin would taste as sweet as she smelled, she was gazing back up at him and he was smirking at the blush that stained her cheeks.
She’s embarrassed to have been caught looking me over.

“Well…uh…,” Alex stammered, not wanting to leave this man’s presence, yet knowing she needed to walk away. He was practically a stranger and she wondered at her strange reaction to him.
Definitely time for some space!

“So, Alex, there’s a little coffee shop around the corner. Would you care to join me? I’m interested in hearing more about the research you spoke of.” Jake gave her only a
moment to form an opinion, and then reached out and started leading her away from the building.

“Well, I guess I could handle a cup of coffee.” Alex looked at the man beside her, amazed at how good looking he really was. She saw several women on the street stop and wa
tch him as they passed and secretly thrilled that he was with her.

BOOK: Navy Seal's Innocent Italian
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