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Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #erotic;romance;western;Texas;suspense;danger;small town

Naked Flame

BOOK: Naked Flame
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The heat between them burns red hot…until danger turns it white.

Naked Cowboys, Book 6

Burned out from years in the Dallas PD, Charity Vance flees to Saddle Wells for a fresh start, someplace to lie low and decide what to do with the rest of her life.

Hanging out with her old college friend in the local bar, she can't help but notice the sexy, brooding owner. She also notices he needs a waitress. Charity steps in to help—and steps right into his arms.

After two tours in Afghanistan, Liam Douglas has settled nicely into running his dad's bar, but trying to keep decent help has been running him ragged. Accepting Charity's help only adds fuel to their explosive chemistry. Although neither one of them wants a relationship, pretty soon they're burning up the sheets.

When a drug lord Charity helped put away busts out of jail, Liam's overprotective streak starts to feel more like the strings she didn't want. And running seems to be the only option to save the town…and her heart. But leaving Liam is more difficult than she thought…especially when he won't let her go.

Warning: Contains a sexy, brooding man with a complicated past, a feisty heroine who thinks she's in charge and sex hot enough to burn up the sheets.

Naked Flame

Desiree Holt


To David, as always.


To Margie Hager, the world's best beta reader. Thanks for your time and patience. Thanks also to my buddy Cerise Deland, who lets me run ideas past her and is kind enough to keep me on track even as she is writing her own bestselling stories. A definite nod to Jordan Dane, who let me brainstorm with her and helped me with plot holes. And finally, thanks to my editor, Heidi Moore, who helps me keep my Naked Cowboys in line. Couldn't do it without you.

Chapter One

Charity Vance dropped into the chair at her desk, leaned back and ran her hands through her short cap of dark curls. The day had been especially grueling. Testifying in court always made her edgy, but today was especially more so. The takedown of the drug dealer, the gunfight that had erupted that night and the constant tension in the courtroom had all combined to give her the mother of all headaches. Not that every trial didn't have its own strain, but Paco Morales was truly a power-hungry psycho who didn't take kindly to having that power disrupted. While she answered the questions from both the district attorney and the defense attorney, she'd called on every bit of self-discipline to be able to look directly at him.

The threats shouted at her as she stepped down from the witness stand still echoed in her ears as she'd left the building and driven back to the police department offices. Hard as she tried, she couldn't erase Paco Morales's shouts from her brain.

“I'll get you, bitch. Prison won't stop me. My crew will find you wherever you go.”

She hadn't felt the tension ease up until she'd reached the comfort of the bullpen at the Dallas Police Department. In ten years with the police department, she'd faced a lot of down and dirty, hostile criminals, but none had actually frightened her the way Morales did. Maybe part of it was just exhaustion with the job. The Morales task-force project had been long, intensive and draining. She felt as if every bit of energy had seeped from her body and left her limp and exhausted.

She needed to make some decisions about her future life before the events in this one killed her altogether.

“Still thinking about Morales?”

A gravelly voice interrupted her thoughts. Charity opened her eyes to see Milo Stanton, her lieutenant, standing beside her desk. Tall and heavy set, he looked like the former boxer she'd discovered he'd once been. His jacket was off as usual, his shirtsleeves rolled up and his tie askew. He looked the way he always did, as if he'd pulled an all-nighter and carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. But he also projected a stability that had kept her grounded since she'd joined his squad. The enormous, solid presence had settled her and given her comfort more than once.

Her gaze dropped to the large Starbucks coffee he had the fingers of one large hand wrapped around.

“Oh, bless you, bless you.” She took the cup, lifted the lid and inhaled. Her favorite. Mocha latte topped with whipped cream. She licked the frothy topping before taking a slow sip. “Heaven. Sheer heaven.”

“Better than the mud we serve here,” Stanton agreed. “I figured you'd need it by now. Helen called to tell me she was on her way back from her interview, so I asked her to stop and get it.”

“Blessings to her too.” Charity took another sip, the delicious mocha latte warming her system and easing her frayed nerves.

“Rumor has it the trial was a real pisser.” Stanton hiked a hip onto the corner of her desk. “I heard Paco was pretty vocal with his threats after your testimony.”

“You could definitely say that.” She shrugged. “Nothing I haven't heard before though.”

“Listen to me.” Stanton locked his gaze with hers. “He's no one to ignore. His crew is the most vicious of any drug gang in Dallas County, and they have strong ties to a cartel in Mexico.”

“I know, I know. That's why the task force worked so hard to tie him up tight.”

“And you did good work on that task force too. I got great feedback on your efforts.”

Charity had been one of two detectives from the Dallas PD assigned to work with the Drug Enforcement Agency to take down the Morales crew and follow the links to Mexico.

“Thanks, LT. It was an excellent group to work with.”

“I thought about assigning some protection to you until the trial is over and Morales is out of the area. He's got the word out on the street that you're a top target.”

Charity glared at him. “No. And, no. I mean, no.”


“I'm a police officer. You're going to assign another officer to protect me? We have too many crimes that need solving.”

“And I don't want your murder to be one of them.” Stanton studied her for a long moment. “There's another option. You might consider taking some time off until that scum is safely locked away for good. Fully paid, of course. But I do believe you'd be better off out of town for a while.”

Charity lifted the lid on her cup and studied the foam crowning the liquid. She'd been trying to get up the courage to talk to her boss for weeks, but she'd wanted to get this trial behind her first. She hoped he wouldn't give her a hard time. She pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“Actually, LT, there's something I've been meaning to discuss with you.” She set her cup down and sat up straighter in her chair. “This is probably as good a time as ever. Maybe even the optimum one.”

Stanton frowned. “Why do I think this isn't something I want to hear?”

“I hope you'll understand what I'm about to say and not give me a hard time.”

“Well, out with it. Let's hear what it is.”

She sighed. “I've been with DPD for ten years now, ever since I graduated from the academy. I love it here and I love everyone I work with.” She gave him an impish grin. “Even you, Mr. Grumpy.”

He gave a soft chuckle. “We work well together,” he agreed.

“But I'm tired. Really tired. The task force really kicked my butt.”

“I'm sure it did,” he agreed.

“I just—I think—” She shook her head. “What I'm trying to say is I need a change. Of scenery as much as anything else.”

“What about Tom? Not that it's any of my business, but you guys looked like things were really working out.”

Charity fiddled with a pen on the desk. “Yeah, well, appearances can be deceiving. He caught the same disease as the men in my other two relationships.”

“The demands-of-a-cop's-life disease?” Stanton guessed.

She nodded. “It always works in the beginning, but then the difficulties of the job get to be too much. The late-night callouts, the uncertain hours.” She twisted her lips in a grimace. “And the inability to understand that sometimes when I come home with the weight of the job on me, I just want someone to hold me and be quiet with.”

“Divorce rate is high among police,” he reminded her. “I consider myself damn lucky that RayAnn is the woman she is.”

“Amen to that. Anyway, I think I'm just burned out on the city, this job, the men I meet here. Besides, my two closest friends moved away during the past year, and…and…”

“And you need to get away for a while,” he finished for her.

“More than just a while, LT.” She chewed her lower lip. “I need to try being something besides a cop. Not deal with the scum we see every day. Not, you know, always be looking at the seedy side of life.” She held up her hand when he opened his mouth to say something. “This isn't a spur-of-the-moment decision. I've given it a lot of thought. The Morales case just clinched it for me.”

“Charity, you've been a cop for ten years. You're a natural.”

“And maybe I will be again. Who knows?” She took another swallow of the delicious coffee blend. “I'm not running away. I want you to know that. I just need…something different for a while. I want to figure out how to have a real relationship with someone. Do some planning for the future.”

“Yeah, I get that. I do. Just don't jump into something blindly.”

She ran her fingers through her curls. “I was damn lucky to get out of that firefight with Morales and his crew without even a scratch. I don't want to tempt fate anymore. At least not for a while.”

Stanton studied her face. “I'm guessing nothing I can do or say will change your mind?”

She shook her head. “I need this, LT. Please believe me when I say that. I tied up all my loose ends here, so before I get assigned to another case, this ought to be a good time for me to turn in my shield.”

“Damn.” He dragged his hand over his face. “I actually had hopes one day you'd move into my chair.”

Charity laughed. “Are you kidding? The last thing I ever want is to ride herd on the yahoos in this office. Or any office. I like them fine, but I'm not boss material. Nor do I want to be.”

“You know you're one of the best cops—one of the best detectives—to ever serve under me,” Stanton pointed out. “You'll be sorely missed, for sure.” He sighed again. “But you're not exactly an impulsive person. I can see in your eyes you've thought everything out and really want to do this.”

“I do.”

Stanton rubbed his jaw. “I'll hate losing you, but I have to agree with one thing. You definitely deserve some down time after this Morales thing.” He cocked his head. “What do you plan to do? If you just sit around in your condo you'll drive yourself nuts.”

“You know me better than that.” She grinned at him. “I'm taking a trip.”

He lifted his eyebrows. “A trip? For how long? And what about when you come back?”

“Actually, I'm going to sublet my condo and head southwest for a while. A little town in the Texas Hill Country called Saddle Wells.”

He chuckled. “Never heard of it.”

“I don't imagine you have. One of my college sorority sisters lives there and I'm going to visit her for a while.” She drained the rest of her coffee and stood up. “I'd like to kind of slide out of here quietly, if it's all the same to you. Can we just go into your office, I can hand in my gun and my shield and disappear into thin air?”

“If that's the way you want it.” He stood up. “The guys will be disappointed they didn't get to say goodbye. Pete especially.”

Pete Fontaine had been her partner for three years. He deserved a face-to-face and she'd make sure it happened. “I'm planning to call him, go have coffee or a drink with him. He'll understand. But that's it.”

“Okay, come on into my office.”

She followed him to where a corner of the room had been partitioned off for him and waited while he sat down behind his desk.

“So when do you leave?” he asked.

“Now that my testimony's over? As soon as I can pack and get the sublet signed.”

She handed over her gun and shield and watched while he put them away in a locked drawer in his desk.

“You know I want what's best for you, Charity. You're not just a damn good cop. You're a terrific person. You'll be missed.”

“I'll miss you and the guys too. But I really need to do this. For me.”

“Like I said before, it's probably just as well you're out of here until they turn the key on Morales for good.”

She held out her hand for him to shake, but he just looked at her and hauled her in for a hug.

“If you ever tell anyone I did that, I'll call you a liar. Take care, Charity. And keep in touch.”

“I will. I promise.”

She took the back stairs rather than a walk through the bullpen to get to the elevator. Goodbyes of any kind made her uncomfortable and gave her at least one reason to be thankful she and Tom had split. Tomorrow, the Bentleys were coming over to sign the papers for the sublet. The day after that, a company was coming to put all her things in storage. Then she just needed to load up her SUV and she'd be off.

Now that the stress of the trial was over and she'd gotten past handing in her shield, Charity felt lighthearted, almost giggly. She was looking forward to the drive west and to seeing Amy Stark again. Amy Montgomery now. She smiled to herself. The last time she'd seen her friend was at her wedding to Buck. Charity had nearly swallowed her tongue when she'd met Buck Montgomery, a tall, dark and brooding man who was obviously deeply in love with his bride and very protective of her as well. Charity was sure their story would be damn interesting to listen to, if she ever pried it out of her friend.

She had been very insistent about not imposing on them for an extended visit. Her mother always told her that guests, like fish, began to smell after three days. But she allowed for the possibility she might like Saddle Wells enough to hang out there for a while. So even though she'd promised Amy she'd spend the first couple of days at the Montgomery ranch, she'd done some research online and found the Butterfly Bed and Breakfast. The name alone intrigued her, as did the pictures of the old facility that had been restored with an obvious amount of love.

Back in her car she speed-dialed Amy's number.

“I'm a free woman,” she added, feeling the tension seep from her body.

“Hallelujah! I can't wait to see you. When are you leaving Dallas?”

“I'm making reservations at that B&B,” she said, ignoring her friend's loud objections, “and tomorrow I'll be on my way.

“I'll stay with you and Buck for a couple of nights,” she promised, “but then I'll move over there.”

“You can stay here forever, if you want,” Amy insisted. “I'm so excited you're actually coming to see us.”

Charity laughed. “That feeling won't last too long if I make myself a permanent guest. No, this will be perfect, sweetie. We can have two nights for a gabfest and then I'll move my stuff to the Butterfly. Don't argue. My mind is made up.”

“Do they know you might be there a while? It's really not a long-term facility.”

“The woman I spoke to said they could book me for a month. By that time, I expect to make up my mind about what to do next.”

“Maybe that's a good thing,” Amy told her in a sly voice. “You might like Saddle Wells enough to stay here permanently.”

“We'll see. Let me get there first.”

Charity needed to rediscover herself and have some alone time, figure out what to do with the rest of her life. The Butterfly looked like the perfect place to do just that.

BOOK: Naked Flame
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