Read My Vampire Prince Online

Authors: T. Skye Sutton

My Vampire Prince (2 page)

BOOK: My Vampire Prince
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Oh shit! What am I going to do now? I knew that I wanted to talk to her but I hadn

t planned what I was going to say or how I was going to explain being here parked as close to her as I am. I have to think of something and quick, or maybe I should just go with the flow. I am so confused, so nervous, and so anxious at the same time. I have never felt this way before confronting a female before.






Chapter 3: Don

t come any closer



s P.O.V


I pull up to the parking lot like I do every morning before work. I was fixing my hair in the mirror when I started to feel that familiar feeling. That man from the stop light is near. I can feel him. I start scanning the parking lot. I spot him two spots over from me. I grab my taser again and step out of my truck. He is standing right in front of me now. How did he get here so fast? When I was getting out of my truck, I swear he was still sitting in the driver

s seat of his car!

I look at him, but not into his eyes. I need to hold my composure.

What do you want ass hole?


t come any closer to me!

I yelled at him as I held up Mr. Pink, my arm extended towards him so he knows that I am not afraid to use it on him. Whoa! Easy lass! I just want to talk to you.

Lass? I think to myself. He is sexy with a Scottish accent, and is a stalker. Fuck my life! I \pocketed my taser, though it was still just a quick grab away.

Talk? You want to talk? What could you possibly want to talk about so bad that you followed me for almost an hour last week, and now you have turned up at my work gain? Not to mention, I could have sworn I saw you shopping near my store a few times this week as well!

I said to him.


You did put up a tough chase. I don

t know what I want to talk to you about, but I have to say


something. Look, I am sorry, we got off to a bad start. I am Lliam Mackey.

He stuck out his hand waiting for me to shake it and introduce myself. Instead of taking his hand, I say

I am Victoria, no last name, and I don

t use my manners with stalkers. So you can put your hand down, in your pocket preferably.

It is becoming hard for me to control my thoughts. I tried to keep my eyes away from his, but as I started yelling at him I found that I couldn

t control my eyes anymore. They made their way directly to his. My pull was getting stronger, my legs were barely holding up my wait, it took all my strength to maintain my balance and not fall into his hot body. I still don

t understand why he makes me feel like this.



s P.O.V


Wow, she is feisty. She

s just as beautiful today as she was the very first time I saw her. I think I scared her. I have to fix this, I need to talk to her more. I

ve been around for hundreds of years and I have never had this intense of a feeling about someone that I hadn

t wanted as a meal. I have to make her trust me, but how? She is human after all. It is in her nature to be attracted to me, but that doesn

t mean she must trust me. I am trying to read her thoughts but they are all over the place, so I just keep staring.

Now look who

s staring! Look, say what you need to say, I

m already late for work for the second time thanks to you!

What do I say to that? I need more time. Stall Lliam, I tell myself.

I am sorry, your just so, so


beautiful. I would like to take you out sometime. Don

t answer me yet, let me walk you to work. Please.

Did I just say please? Did I just ask her to do something rather than tell her to do it? This is so not like me. I am usually very demanding with women. She is still thinking and I still cannot get a straight thought from her mind. Why am I so nervous?


she starts saying.

I guess since you wasted damn near an hour following me, and secretively shopped near my store, it cannot hurt to hear you out. You may walk with me, but keep your hands in your pockets, and remember

Mr. Pink is still a second away from being in my hand.

God, she is brave. Nobody has ever dared speak to me the way she just did. And to be allowing me to walk with her, that takes some balls. I mean, most women would have written me off as a total creep, maybe even phoned the police. Maybe she is feeling the same thing I feel when I am around her and she is curious. Yeah, I bet that is what it is. I hope she agrees to go out with me. If she doesn

t, well

than I guess I will just have to keep watching her and trying every so often to talk to her again.



s P.O.V


So, I stupidly let this creeper walk me to work. I just want to touch him for some reason. It is taking all the power I have got not to jump on him and kiss him right here and now. I have never wanted to do that to any guy before. I am sort of awkward around men usually. I guess it wouldn

t hurt to go out with him, I mean he hasn

t tried anything crazy yet, other than following me. Yes, I thought to myself. I must go out with him, I have to know why I am feeling this way towards him.

We continue to walk in silence for a few minutes. We were walking awkwardly close to one another. I stop for a moment and look at my hands. He stops with me and looks as if he is trying to read my thoughts but they are confusing him. That is ridiculous! Nobody can read thoughts.


d you stop walking Victoria?

he asks me.

Well, I thought that I would skip work today and we could go


out like you asked.

What the hell am I doing? I have never not shown up to work before, no opened my shop. I must call Ellen and have her go open it. Maybe she should take Lianna with her so that they cannot follow me. They are going to know something is up when it is this late and I have no even opened the store.

I am staring at Lliam now. He has not responded to me yet. Maybe I was to forward. Wait, he is the one who followed me and watched me like a pompous ass hole!

Ummm, ya. Now


that would be great. But, don

t you have to work?

he asks.

Well basically I am the boss. Let me just call my girls and they can open up the shop for me.

I take out my phone to dial Ellen.

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Come on Ellen, pick up the damn phone! Ring!


Hey Ellen, its me. Hey, something came up. Can you pick up Lianna and work the shop for me today?

I ask.

Victoria, what is going on? Are you sick or something? Are you ok?



sick. It is just a cold I think. I

ll be alright. So, will you do it?

Thank the angels! She said yes.

She knows that I am up to something. This is totally out of character for me. It would not surprise me at all if she opened the shop than left Lianna there so that she could hunt me down. It wouldn

t be creepy for her to follow me. She is of course, one of my best friends, and she is probably worried sick about me right now. She is like a mother to Lianna and I. Of course we both have mothers, but Ellen feels the need to watch over us. Usually, I don

t mind it at all. I never do much besides work and go home, and if I do partake in some other activity, I am usually with her. Right now though, I know I am being stupid, I just don

t care.


The walk back to the parking lot was a little awkward. It was as if he was having just as hard of a time keeping his hands off of me as I was keeping mine off of him. Weird, I thought. How can two people be drawn to each other like this and really know nothing about each other. Could it be his beauty? No, I thought. Many things keep coming through my head. None of them explain the pull I feel towards him, or the fire that courses through me when our eyes meet. This is all so strange.


You want to drive, or would you like to ride with me? My favorite place is a bit far.

he says.


I guess I could ride with you, but remember, Mr. Pink is still in my pocket.

So we get into his car. Car is an understatement. He drives a palace on four wheels! I have no idea what make it is. There are no symbols or insignias anywhere. It has a shiny black exterior with red seats. It appears to be extremely expensive, and very classy. I have never see a car like it before. We are driving down the road and I realize that I have no idea where we are heading. I guess, I don

t really care. I get to be around the creep who makes my mind race and my body tingle.

Lliam looks over at me, and cautiously presses his fingers gently onto my left leg. Oh shit! His touch, he is sending shivers down my spine, my nipples are getting hard. Oh my, I must get his hand off of my leg. How is he doing this to me? I have never before felt this way, and I honestly want to continue feeling it for the rest of my life. Oh Vicky, I think to myself. What are you saying, that you want to marry him or something? My mind is doing back flips in my head over what it wants to do. God, this is crazy. I have just met this creepy stalker dude after all, this is the first time I have actually spoken to him. I can

t possibly want to marry him yet. He can

t be Mr. Right. Or can he?



s P.O.V


I just had to touch her. I couldn

t resist the pull anymore. God, I hope she does not tase me. Once I touch her, I feel sparks through my fingers. I have to control myself or she will notice how turned on I am by just touching her. I try to concentrate on reading her thoughts. Her mind is racing and I am only able to understand fragments of them. I know she feels it to. We are both ready to jump each other

s bones. I have to stop. I lift my hand off of her leg and place it back on the steering wheel. The pull is still intensifying. I need to talk, I need  to get my mind off of this before I tie her sexy ass to the seat of my car and screw her brains out.

So, tell me, what do you like to do Victoria?

That is great Lliam, ask her a dull question like what do you like to do. You already know the answer to that. You

ve asked damn near every one who works in a four block radius of her! Why didn

t I ask her something I didn

t already know. Maybe I should of said,

So, Victoria, I know you feel the strange pull when we are around each other. Do you have any idea why it is happening?

Yes, that would have been a great question. She probably doesn

t know the answer anyways but at least I wouldn

t feel the need to hide that I feel it to.





Chapter 4: The first date



s P.O.V

BOOK: My Vampire Prince
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