Read My Special Forces Boyfriend Trilogy Online

Authors: Tiffany Madison

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica, #Suspense

My Special Forces Boyfriend Trilogy (2 page)

BOOK: My Special Forces Boyfriend Trilogy
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“Lindsey, I’m leaving to check out some frat party in a bit, do you want to come with me?” my roommate Denise asked, as soon as I stepped into our dorm room.

My immediate response was, “No thanks.”

Denise shook her head in annoyance.

“I didn’t even tell you where I’m going,” she said. “How do you already know you don’t want to come with?”

A smirk crossed my face, as I stepped across the room to my desk, where a tall pile of letters lay, all addressed from Alex.

“My boyfriend is coming home today,” I said, with a girlish excitement in my voice. “I haven’t seen him in two years.”

Denise’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened.

“You mean, Alex?” she asked. “The guy that wrote you all those letters? He’s coming back from war?”

I nodded excitedly. I felt like I could have jumped up and down, had I not been wearing a tiny tank top that my fully developed boobs could have easily fallen out of.

“Yes, my sweet Alex is coming back to see me,” I said. “I still can’t believe how long it has been...”

Denise smiled affectionately and then walked across our small room to give me a hug. She pulled me close for a moment and then stepped away, looking me up and down.

“Well, you look absolutely beautiful,” she said. “He’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

I smiled and began to blush.

“Well, thank you, Denise,” I responded. “I just can’t imagine what he looks like now. He was kind of scrawny when he left and I wonder what two years at war have done to him. I’m afraid he’ll look so much older. What if he’s not the Alex that I used to know?”

Denise placed her hand on my shoulder.

“Lindsey,” she said. “There’s no way that two years of anything could really change someone all that much. I’m positive he’ll still be the same guy you knew all those years.”

I nodded my head slowly in agreement.

“I hope you’re right,” I responded.

Denise squeezed my shoulder and then turned away, making her way toward the door.

“Okay, we’ll I’m taking off for the night,” she said. “Call me if you need anything.”

I smiled and then took a seat on the chair in front of my desk. The stack of letters from Alex stood tall in front of me. I had read each of them a hundred times over and I practically had them memorized, but even so, I grabbed the top one on the stack and opened it up. I wanted to read his latest letter once more.

Dear Lindsey,

I have two very exciting things that I need to tell you. First off, I finally graduated Special Forces school. It was a miracle that I made it through and didn’t get injured in the process. Only sixteen of our original 150 men that started were actually able to finish. It pushed me to my limits in every possible way and the only thing that allowed me to go on each day was knowing that I’d get to see you again soon.

The second exciting thing is that I’m finally getting to come home. I’ll only have a couple of weeks, but I’m making a point to come by your college and see you. I can’t wait to hear your voice again, Lindsey. God, I’ve missed you. I’ll be there on the 24
at 8pm. See you soon.

Love, Alex

My hands trembled as I read the letter. I sounded out each word in my mind, but it was in Alex’s voice, or at least the voice that I remembered him having.

“I’m so nervous,” I whispered, as I placed the letter back on the desk in front of me.

After taking a deep breath, I stood up from my chair and walked over to the tall mirror that was hung above my dresser. I grabbed my brush and began pulling it through my shoulder-length brown hair, watching it curl at the bottom as I ran it through.

“I can’t believe he’s actually going to be here tonight,” I said.

I set the brush back down on the dresser and then grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt, pulling it over my head and releasing my breasts. Then I turned to the side, admiring the way my chest had developed over the past few years, making me look more like a woman than ever before.

I hope Alex likes the way I look now,
I thought.

After admiring my body for a moment, I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them to the ground. Then I stepped over to the closet to pick out something cute to wear.

I dug through my closet, tossing clothes behind me into a pile. My eyes scanned over my dresses, which were hung neatly, coordinated by color. At the very end of the row, a certain one caught my eye.

“That’s perfect,” I said, reaching for it immediately.

I grabbed the navy blue dress and pulled it off of its hangar. Then I held it up to my body, feeling the soft material as it grazed my sensitive skin.

“This is perfect,” I said, matter-of-factly.

Immediately, I turned and made my way back to the mirror, dress in hand. I stepped into it and slowly pulled it up my legs. When I got to my hips, I noticed that the dress felt a lot tighter than it used to. I guess my hips really
gotten wider since my first year of college.

Still, though, I knew it was the perfect dress for the occasion, so I continued pulling it upward, all the way until it was covering my breasts. My petite curves filled the tight dress completely and I smiled at myself in the mirror, proud of my new body.

After bringing my hands up and down my sides, making sure that there weren’t any wrinkles in the material, I turned and checked out my profile in the mirror. My bubbly butt pushed out on the dress and it was then that I noticed just how short it was.

The bottom of the dress fell just below my butt cheeks and if I bent over, even in the slightest, it lifted up, exposing my ass. At first, I wondered if I should change, but then I figured that Alex might actually like the fact that it’s so short.

Maybe if I’m wearing something like this, he’ll actually not be a total prude for once,
I thought.

I still had no idea what to expect from him. As far as I knew, he still wanted to wait until marriage to have sex. But I hoped that he had grown up some since high school, enough to see past that stigma that he was raised with.

Just the thought of Alex caused butterflies to come into my stomach. I immediately imagined his square jaw line, black hair and skinny physique. A smile crossed my face, as I remembered the way he would kiss me.

“I just hope I’m not disappointed,” I said, as I grabbed my perfume and sprayed it over my chest.

After that, I brushed my hair a few more times and then leaned in close to the mirror to apply some mascara. My green eyes glowed as the light reflected into them. Once the mascara was applied, I took a deep breath to try to calm my nerves. Then I glanced at the clock.

Oh, fuck. It’s almost eight.

I took a step back from the dresser and began to pace the room, trying to think of the first thing that I should say to Alex. But before a thought even flashed through my mind, I heard a knocking on my dorm room door.

“Oh, my God,” I whispered. “Oh, my God.”

Immediately, the palms of my hands began to sweat and my legs felt like overcooked spaghetti, barely able to hold me up. Not even two seconds later, I heard a knock again, a little bit louder this time.

I looked down at my hands, noticing as they began to tremble.

This is really happening. I’m about to see Alex again.

After taking a few deep breaths, I turned to face the door. Then I walked up to it and placed my hand on the door handle, turning it slowly. I had no idea what to expect on the other side.

But as I pulled the door open, I noticed a man standing in the hallway. My eyes immediately gravitated toward his chest, which was adorned in a tight grey t-shirt. His pectoral muscles were huge and they looked like they were ready to burst out of the cotton shirt.

My eyes continued their journey up, where I noticed that the man’s neck and shoulders were easily as muscular as his chest.

The whole time that I looked at him, I kept telling myself, “
There’s no way this is Alex. There’s just no way.”

Finally, my gaze landed on his face. Immediately, the man standing in front of me flashed a familiar smile. I recognized it instantly.

“Hi, babe,” he said.

Tears of joy began to fill my eyes, followed by a burst of anxiety that coursed through my body. I had so many questions to ask him.
What have you been through? Where did the military send you? Have you killed anyone? Have you been hurt?

But before I could utter a single sound, Alex pushed the door open the rest of the way and immediately stepped inside.

“God, I missed you,” he said, as he gently placed his hand on the back of my neck.

Without any hesitation, he leaned forward and brought his lips to mine. A tingling sensation shot through my body, his touch instantly taking my breath away.

I parted my lips, allowing his tongue to dart into my mouth. Then I brought my hands up to his face, feeling the stubble on his cheeks that was not there two years ago.

After kissing for a moment, I pulled away.

“Oh, Alex,” I said. “You’ve changed.”

He smiled again and then took another step into my dorm room, closing the door behind him. He looked up and down my body, his jaw slowly dropping as he soaked in the sight of my now womanly body.

“So have you,” he said, approvingly. “Wow.”

I blushed and then placed my hand on his chest, feeling his rock hard muscles underneath. He looked nothing like the boy that I remembered. His skinny physique was long gone, replaced with the body of an Olympian or a Greek God. I felt tiny in comparison as I stood in front of him, looking up into his blue eyes that I had missed so much.

Just the sight of any man this gorgeous would have turned me on, but the fact that it also happened to be the boy that I loved, caused my panties to grow damp in an instant. My pussy began throbbing in my crotch, immediately begging for attention.

“Alex,” I said, unable to remove my gaze from him. “I have so many questions.”

Alex kept eye contact with me as I spoke. There was an intensity in his eyes, unlike anything that I remember seeing in him before he left for boot camp. He seemed sharper or more assertive or something. I couldn’t put my finger on it exactly, but it was clear that something about him had changed drastically.

“I’m sure you have a lot of questions, Lindsey,” he said. “But all of that can wait. I want you right now. Fuck getting married and fuck all the rules of my religious family. This is my life and if I’ve learned anything thing at war, it’s that life won’t wait.”

Then he immediately brought his hands to my hips, pulling me in close to him. He leaned his head down once more and began kissing me.

This is the Alex that I always wanted.

Our tongues quickly dashed in and out of each other’s mouths and I moaned softly as I began to feel more turned on than I had in a long, long time. I placed my hands on his muscular chest and then let them slide down to his stomach, where I immediately noticed his washboard abs.

Holy shit. He’s so muscular now.

I had no idea what he had been through in order to change his body the way that it had, but I definitely wasn’t complaining. Alex was gorgeous now, and as I touched his body over his clothing, I began to become very excited to see what was underneath.

Alex kissed me for a moment longer and then pulled his face away, looking me directly in the eyes.

“You’re more beautiful than ever,” he said.

Then he quickly wrapped one of his arms around my waist and picked me up from the floor, carrying me with ease over to the other side of the room. He sat me down on my bed and then brought his lips to my neck. The stubble on his chin scratched my skin. The boy I had once known was now a man and I absolutely loved it.

“God, Alex,” I whispered, as I brought my hand to his muscular shoulder. “I missed you so much.”

He continued kissing my neck, inch-by-inch, moving downward toward my shoulder. A pleasurable chill shot through my body and I found myself moaning softly.

“Alex,” I said, my voice wavering. “I’ve wanted this for so long.”

Alex brought one of his hands to the back of my head, gently grabbing a handful of hair. Then he pulled his lips away from my neck and looked me in the eyes.

“Me too,” he said, his eyes dilating with lust.

He then brought his lips to my chest, just above my cleavage. He began kissing the top of my breasts, moving his face back and forth between them. I leaned my head back and pressed my chest into the air, forcing my tits into his face. He moaned as he began to devour me sexually and I started to wonder how often he had imagined this moment while he was at war.

Suddenly, I felt as he placed his hand on top of one of my breasts, squeezing it softly. I let out a deep moan as pleasure coursed through me. I half expected him to stop right there and stand up, telling me that he couldn’t go forward with it, just like he always had in the past. So I was surprised when he grabbed the top of my dress and firmly pulled it downward, fully exposing my breasts to the air. My pink nipples popped up immediately, the change in temperature causing them to grow hard in an instant.

“Oh, Alex,” I whispered, instantly beginning to feel vulnerable.

Even though I was in my second year of college, no man had ever seen my breasts. I felt exposed and self-conscious, but only for a brief second. Then Alex made it very clear that I had had nothing be worried about.

“Fuck yes,” he said, as he looked at my naked breasts and then up to my face. “You’re so perfect, Lindsey.”

I smiled and then bit my bottom lip, pressing my chest up toward his face. Alex let out a sexual growl and then immediately brought his mouth over one of my nipples, flicking it quickly with his tongue.

A wave of pleasure shot through me and I immediately brought my head back, letting my eyes roll into the back of my head.

“Holy shit,” I whispered, as he bombarded my nipple with his tongue.

After a moment, he latched his lips over it and sucked firmly while pulling his face away, creating a wet kissing sound. I lifted my head up and opened my eyes, admiring the way my nipple shined from his saliva, standing tall on my breast like a soldier who had conquered a small mountain.

BOOK: My Special Forces Boyfriend Trilogy
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