My Russian Beast: Standalone Billionaire Romance (3 page)

BOOK: My Russian Beast: Standalone Billionaire Romance
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I jerked, unable to handle the amount of sensations rampaging through me at his touch.

His fingers paused at the waistband of my pants.

My eyes flew to him in shock. No, he couldn’t possibly be thinking---

And then I felt it.

I half-gasped, half-cried out, “No, please---” I moved quickly, hoping to stop him, but he was even faster, and in an instant he had my arms trapped over my head, my wrists secured by his large hand.

Our eyes met.

His fingers slid inside my pants.

I moaned.

No. This couldn’t be happening. We had just met.

His fingers moved lower---

And my head spun.

My pulse jumped.

My heart raced.

He started to stroke my flesh over the lace of my panties, and my lips parted in silent dismay when I felt myself starting to get wet.

“Nooooo.” This wasn’t possible. This couldn’t be possible. We hadn’t even kissed or held hands. We didn’t even know each other for a day. And yet---

My body was responding to his touch like it yearned to be under his command.

Staring up at him in a sensual daze, I whispered, “This doesn’t make sense.”

“You want me, and I want you.” His own voice was raspy with need now, his breathing harsh. “That’s all there is to it.”


The sound of his voice, combined with the tantalizing movements of his fingers, had me biting my lip hard. Even with most of the room eclipsed in his darkness, I could sense his gaze glittering down on me, could imagine it burning with desire, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

His fingers started to move just a bit faster, and my breath started to catch as I could feel myself swelling and heating up under his touch.

His knowing fingers promised me pleasure so intense it almost had me sobbing---

But I still tried to resist.

I had to…didn’t I?

.” That I was begging confused, shamed, and excited me. It was just so hard to keep my mind straight with his fingers stimulating flesh so expertly. I hadn’t even known my pussy could get this wet and swollen, hadn’t ever imagined that rapture could be such an earthy feeling, a sensation where the lines of pain and pleasure blurred all because of a man’s stroking fingers.

“Why should I stop,
?” Low, velvety, and seductive, his tone made my toes curl so hard as I found myself imagining how it would sound to have him groaning my name while making love.

“You want this. We both want this.” And as if to prove his point, he moved his fingers up---

My eyes flew open as I realized what he was about to do, and how there would be no turning back after it. “Sergei, no----”

But it was too late.

His fingers slid inside my panties.

The smooth pads of his fingers came into contact with my sensitive skin.

A hopeless cry escaped me.

It was now flesh against flesh, his fingers grazing my tender, wet, and swollen pussy---

“You’re so damn wet, pchelka.”

My body arched off the bed at his words. “Noooooooo----” But even with his fingers barely moving over the inner slit of my pussy, there was no escaping the excruciating beauty of his touch, and I could only shake my head, helpless in my horror and desire. I was terrified and appalled, my mind unable to comprehend how painfully easy it was for my body to surrender to his command.

This was wrong.

And this had to stop.

I looked up at him, no longer caring if I sounded like I was pleading him for my life. “Please.” And this time, I really did try to get away from him. “This isn’t right.” With my arms still trapped over my head, I could only try swinging my body away, thrashing my legs in hopes of dislodging his hand.

But none of it worked, and his fingers had started to move.

“Let me go,” I begged him. “Please.”

Down, down, down his fingers went, and my head spun faster with every movement.

“Just enjoy it.” His fingers slowly traced the slick, trembling lines of my folds, drawing out a long, helpless moan from my throat.

Oh God.

.” I fought to keep my head over the haze of lust that was threatening to drown me. “This isn’t right, w-we barely know each other for God’s sake---”

A dark chuckle, and his fingers stilled.

“Are you telling me you didn’t Google me in the car?”


“I d-did.” My tone was a mixture of defensive and ashamed. “But it’s not the same---”

“There’s no difference between me telling you what you can read on my Wikipedia page.” His fingers stroked up and down once, as if taunting me with the truth of his words, and as my body once again shuddered at his touch, it was hard to remember that he was wrong, and I was right.

When I managed to catch my breath, I stammered, “We’re not even d-dating and---” Heat blossomed in my cheeks. “
We’re doing this!”
The embarrassingly wanton reality of my situation struck me hard, and this time I didn’t even think.

I used all my strength to pull away from him, and taking him by surprise, I managed to free my arms from his hold. I backed away immediately to the other end of my bed, stopping only when my back hit the wall.

When he started to reach for me, I shook head vehemently. “No!” My tone was nervous but sharp. I needed a lot of space between us for my mind to start working again.

The billionaire moved back, standing up to his full height. “If you’re waiting for an apology, you’re not going to get it.” Before I could answer, he continued grimly, “I’m not the kind of man to waste time playing around. If I want something, I do everything to possess it.”

a possession.” Even knowing it was such a clichéd response, I still couldn’t help pointing it out.

“But I
own you.”

That he could want me so much bemused me, but at the same time his unabashed need had my too-responsive body stirring---

When I felt my breasts begin to swell at his blatantly possessive stare, I quickly crossed my arms over my chest.

“I want you, and I mean to have you,

“You can have any other woman, and we both know that. So why me?”

“Because you’re you, and I believe you won’t ever bore me.”

I blinked, wondering if I should feel flattered or insulted. Wasn’t he supposed to say he found me irresistible because I was beautiful and sexy?

“May I fuck you now?”

A helpless laugh escaped me, and for some strange reason, the tension in the room actually lessened just a bit at his too-blunt words.

“No.” And even as my cheeks started to redden again, I knew I owed it to him to be just as truthful, and so I said awkwardly, “Even though you’re right, and I…” I stopped, embarrassment getting the better of me. Clearing my throat, I finished gruffly, “Well, you know, even if I feel the, err, same way, I just can’t let it happen---” I snapped my fingers. “Just like that.”

The billionaire only had two words to say. “Why not?”

I threw my hands up in exasperation. “You know why!”

“No. I don’t.” His gaze narrowed at me. “Unless you’re the type to care too much about what people say.”

“Of course not!”
I think.

“Then I don’t see why I can’t fuck you when it’s what we both want---”

“Because it’s not done that way,” I burst out. Jumping to my feet, I switch the lights in the room on, thinking I needed a little brightness to help clear my mind. But when the room was ablaze with light, I realized I was wrong.

It just made the billionaire easier to see, just made the billionaire look even more heartbreakingly handsome than he had been in the darkness.


His gaze captured mine, and my heart turned into a chest-smashing monster again. Bam, bam, bam it went against the wall of my body, excitement making it want to leap out in the air.

“You’re staring at me,” the billionaire murmured.

I stammered, “N-no, I’m not.” But I was, I totally was, and I couldn’t stop myself. Sergei Grachyov was just looking hotter by the second, and---

He! Wanted! Me!

Why wasn’t I letting him make love to me again?

“You can do more than stare, you know,” he purred.

My toes curled hard.

“And I want you to do more than stare.”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“The same way I want to do more than stare at your body. I want to touch you,
. I want to fuck you---”

Oh God.
I wrapped my arms over my body tightly. “You can’t.”


“I already told you.” Frustration lined my voice, but even I knew I was no longer frustrated with him. I was frustrated with

Sexually frustrated.

Why wasn’t I letting him make love to me again?

“And I also told you, I don’t know how this works.” Unlike me, the billionaire’s tone was calm, his words succinct. “So why don’t you just spell it out? Tell me exactly what I need to do so I can fuck you.”

He was so blunt
, I thought helplessly. He wasn’t even bothering to lie, wasn’t bothering to pretend that emotions had anything to do with this.

And yet---

Instead of turning me off, it made me want him more.

“I need to know you first,” I heard myself say.

“But you already Googled me. Does it really make a difference, hearing me say the same damn things you’ve read on the Internet?”

“Yes.” No. Yes. I was aching so badly I no longer knew what was right.

“Fine then. My name is Sergei Grachyov and I’m half Russian.” His gaze narrowed once more on me. “And you’re Fredericka Spears, an attorney---”

“How do you know that?” I gasped.

“LinkedIn,” he answered in a tone that suggested I shouldn’t even have to ask such a question. “I looked you up while you were making coffee.”


“Do we know enough of each other now to get naked?”

In spite of everything, I couldn’t help laughing.

“That’s a no then?”

“I’m a-afraid so.” But my voice was weak, and the way his lips curved in a smirk told me that he knew he was close to making me forget my morals.

Why wasn’t I letting him make love to me again?

“What else do you want to know?” he asked.

“I guess…how old are you?”

He didn’t answer right away, and I wondered if he was the kind of person who liked to think he’d be young forever.


“What does age have to do with me fucking you?” the billionaire asked.

Blinking at his evasive answer, I countered, “Why don’t you just tell me how old you are?”

“Because it’s immaterial.”

I rolled my eyes. “Just tell me.”

Slowly and reluctantly, the billionaire said, “I’m twenty-three.”

And that was when the penny dropped.

Chapter Three

Sergei and Fredericka

ergei waited
in the bedroom for several minutes, allowing Fredericka some time and space. She obviously needed it, with the way she had whitened upon learning his age and the way she had walked out of the room like a zombie.

When he finally joined her outside, it was to see her making herself a second cup of coffee, her movements lethargic.

He took the seat next to Fredericka again, waiting for her to speak, but she only continued sipping her coffee, her gaze blank.

Sergei bit back a hiss of impatience. Why the hell was she making such a big deal over their age gap? It was a measly six years, and it wasn’t like he was underage.

When Fredericka finally looked at him, Sergei thought,
She had finally gotten her senses back---

“It’s not going to work.”

He scowled. Clearly, she was

“Because you’re six years older?” The way she cringed at his words was answer enough, and he gazed at her in patent disbelief. “You must be joking.”

“This isn’t a joking matter for me.” Fredericka’s voice was thin.

“Then it should be,” Sergei snapped. “I’m
not thirteen---”

“Even so---”

“Being older than me doesn’t make you wealthier or more experienced than I am.” His voice turned sarcastic. “Or are you saying you’re either?”

Even as Fredericka felt herself flushing at the truth in his words, she insisted, “It just won’t work.”

“Bullshit.” His gaze captured hers. “You want me. You know you do.”

She forced herself not to look away even as his dark, possessive stare had her body trembling at the sudden, vivid memory of how his touch felt.

Sergei shook his head. “You can’t even take your eyes off me,
That’s how much you want me.”

“It will go away---”

The billionaire cut her weak protest with a jeering laugh. “No, little bee. I’m sorry to tell you, but it won’t work that way. Can’t you see the chemistry between us is off the charts?” he demanded, his gaze boring through hers. “You won’t forget me easily.”

She shook her head jerkily. “I
forget you.”

“I’m not the type of man you’ll find easy to forget.”

“Don’t underestimate me.” The way her body continued to ache for his touch mocked her, and she dug her nails hard into her palms. “I’ll do everything possible to forget you, even if I need to find another guy---” Cold fury flashed in the billionaire’s eyes, and her voice petered off.

“You’re mine.” Sergei stared at her hard, challenging her to deny the truth. “No other man can touch your body,” he said savagely, “so don’t let me hear you say otherwise ever again.” Sergei knew he was being too damn demanding and possessive, but he didn’t care. The mere thought of Fredericka being with another man was enough to have him seeing red, and that she was the one to suggest it---

He would commit murder before that happened.

When Fredericka didn’t say anything, he warned in quiet emphasis, “Do not test me on this.”

Forcing herself to look away, Fredericka mumbled, “You don’t understand.”

“Then make me understand,” he snapped.

Still not looking at him, Fredericka started to speak, her voice thin.

A story unfolded, about a girl who had used to babysit for the wealthiest couple in the neighborhood. Years later, the girl ended up marrying the boy. She was twenty-five. He was eighteen.

And they were Fredericka’s parents.

Everything became clear then, and Sergei’s face turned expressionless as he waited for the rest of the story.

“He ran out on her, and she was forced to quit her office job and raise me on her own. She started taking odd jobs, and she ended up working herself to an early grave.” Fredericka bit her lip hard, remembering how devastated her sixteen-year-old self had been at her mother’s death.

If there was one lesson to learn from her mother’s life, which had been cut too short, then it was that falling for a younger man would never work.

Never, never, never!

But when the billionaire looked at Fredericka, she still couldn’t help catching her breath.

“I am not your father,
, and you are not your mother. What happened to her is unfortunate, and I am sorry that you suffered so. But be that as it may---”

Sergei’s gaze captured hers.


He didn’t even have to tell her what was on his mind since she could read it so easily in his eyes---

Even knowing that she came with baggage---

He still wanted to fuck her.

A wave of longing swept over her at the thought, but even so, Fredericka forced herself to shake her head. “Sergei---”

“You’re an intelligent woman, Fredericka. You must know we are different from them, and that we make our own choices.” The billionaire’s voice dropped a notch lower. “So let me say it one more time.”

She jerked in her seat at the sound of his voice, and when she saw the way his eyes burned even hotter---

Oh God.

“I want to fuck you.”

Desire curled in her stomach at the billionaire’s bold claim.

“Let me be your lover.”

She wetted her lips, and his eyes flashed---

God. Oh God. Just the way he was looking at her made her want to forget everything---

“S-Sergei.” Her voice was helpless.

“Say yes,” he urged.

“I can’t.” Misery and longing warred inside of her. “I know I’m being stupid, but---” She was terrified. Her father had been just like Sergei Grachyov at his age. Tall, dark, handsome, and so, so charming. That was how her mother had described him, and her mother hadn’t stopped loving him even knowing the man who got her pregnant was a world-class jerk.

Sergei’s lips tightened.

“I’m sorry,” she said awkwardly. “I just don’t think---”

“Did you go to the café tonight thinking you’d hook up with Julian Alexeyev?”

The sudden question threw her off. “I---”

“Answer me,” he snapped.

“Yes---” The billionaire swore at her answer, and she winced, protesting, “I don’t see why it matters---”

“It damn well matters,” Sergei gritted out, “because I don’t fucking see why Julian Alexeyev can have a fucking free pass to your body---”


“When he’s as much of a bastard I am---”

She jumped to her feet. “You’re insane---”

He got to his feet as well, snarling down at her, “You’re the one who’s insane.” He gripped her shoulders, gritting out, “We both know I can seduce you---”

“So what if you can?” she cried out. It was pointless to deny the billionaire’s words, with the way her body was straining and screaming at his proximity, wanting to be back under his command.

His nearness made her forget
to breathe, his beautiful face making her heart race like it had no intention of ever slowing down.

But even so---

“I’m terrified of being hurt, okay?”


In her large gray eyes, he saw her innocent need of him.

But in those same eyes, he also saw her every fear, and his hands fell from her shoulders. “Dammit.” Frustration underlined the billionaire’s voice. “Can’t you just choose
to be hurt?”

A tremulous laugh escaped her. “I wish that’s possible---” Fredericka hadn’t even finished speaking when he started walking away, and her voice trailed off.

So this was it
, she thought numbly.

She watched him walk farther and farther away from her.

This was better, this was better, this was better---

But when he reached for the door, she couldn’t help it.

“Will I s-see you again?”

Sergei stopped, his hand still on the doorknob.

Shame engulfed Fredericka.


After making such a big fuss of how nothing could happen between them, why did she have to ask him that?

Sergei knew it would have been smarter, even kinder, to simply walk away without saying a word.

The less said, the better, wasn’t that how it always was?

And yet, when he heard the catch in her voice as she called out to him---



He had planned to leave so he wouldn’t hurt her, but he was already hurting her.

Spinning around to face her, he said harshly, “One night.”

Fredericka’s eyes widened.

He heard himself say, “Give me this one night. Let me just have a taste of you – and I don’t mean I’ll fuck you, but I just want…” He breathed hard. “I just want to feel you come, to taste your cum, and then we can think of each other as---” His lips twisted. “A fantasy. One night is enough to live the fantasy,
but one night won’t be enough to hurt you.”



He was asking her if she would say yes to the fantasy.

She whispered, “

And then everything was a blur.

They met halfway in the living room, their mouths fusing---

Her first kiss.

His hands rushed over her body---

Her first caress.

His arms locked around her---

Her first embrace.

So many firsts in so little time, it just made the blood rush to her head.

The kiss between them deepened, the billionaire’s tongue pushing past her parted lips---


She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he kissed her harder, pulled her closer, did everything that just made it more and more difficult for her to think---

Until there was nothing left to do but to just let go.

Fredericka ceased to think.

She simply surrendered herself to him, and the billionaire took it as his due, like he had always known he was meant to command her. Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her back to her bed and laid her down gently. His fingers moved expertly again on her body, this time undressing her in record speed.

One blink, and she was naked.

Another blink, and he was naked, too.

Their bodies met as his weight pressed down on her, and she gasped, never realizing until that moment how good it felt to have someone so much larger and stronger over her softness. He dominated her in every way, and oh, how she loved that it was so.

Her eyes swept closed as she felt his mouth move down her body.

It was so hard to think that this man was half a decade younger---

He was so, so good at knowing where to kiss, to touch---

He palmed her breasts, and she moaned.

His tongue licked around her puckering nipples, and she clutched his head when he took one into his mouth and began to suck. Such sweet agony, it had her delirious, and she could only whimper in anticipation when his mouth moved to her other nipple.

When he moved farther down, reaching for her pussy with his mouth and not his fingers, Fredericka raised herself up on one elbow and reached for him. “W-wait.”

Sergei lifted his head up.

“W-what do you intend to do?”

“Eat your pussy.”


The said pussy was trembling hard now, its excitement rippling out to spread to the rest of her body. She forgot what she had to say as her insides clenched in need. But when the billionaire lowered his head again, she remembered just in time, and once again cried out, “W-wait.” This time, as soon as their gazes met, she spoke in a rush.

“Let’s d-do it together.” Color stole into her cheeks, but even so she forced herself to continue. “If y-you’re going to do
I’d like t-to do it to you, too.” When the billionaire’s eyes gleamed in comprehension of what she was suggesting, she turned even redder and said defensively, “I just want it to be f-fair.”

“Of course.” But still, his beautiful dark eyes laughed at her.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she protested.

“I’m sorry,” he said soothingly. “It’s only because it was quite the surprise, you suggesting something like that---” He raised a brow. “Perhaps you’ve experience doing it?”

She gasped. “No!” God, this was so embarrassing. “I just read…stuff.” Her voice turned belligerent. “Okay? Can we stop talking about it and start doing----oh!”

The billionaire had lifted her off the bed, and the next moment he had their positions reversed.

He was lying on the bed.

She was on top of him.

She found herself staring at his cock.

His too-massive, too-long---

Had she said massive?

Had she said long?

Dear God, she knew it would fit her pussy well enough, but what about her mouth?

The billionaire’s cock suddenly pulsed in front of her, bumping against her lips, and she jerked.

Oh my God---

And then without any kind of warning, she felt it---

His tongue slowly licking her folds.

Oh God!

Her legs trembled hard, and she found herself clutching his thighs for support.

Oh God!

The tip of his tongue pushed in.

Oh God!

This time, she didn’t let herself think, knowing that if she did, it would be all over and she wouldn’t be able to do a thing.

She reached for his cock with two hands and, opening her mouth as widely as she could, she slowly drew the billionaire’s manhood towards her.

White-hot pleasure blazed through Sergei’s body the moment he felt her lips close around his pulsing cock. A part of him had been skeptical about her ability to stay true to her suggestion, knowing how innocent she was.

But now that she had---

Reaching for her folds, he pulled them wide open and drove his tongue deep into her pussy.

She screamed around his cock just before sucking harder.


And then it became the most punishingly exciting game between them, the two of them driven to make the other feel

He fucked her pussy fast and hard with his tongue, and she sucked on his cock like it was a goddamn lollipop she couldn’t get enough of.

He reached for her clit, pinching it while his tongue continue to drive in and out of her pussy, and she retaliated by alternately raking her nails over his balls and squeezing them. And all the while she continued to play with his cock using her mouth.

BOOK: My Russian Beast: Standalone Billionaire Romance
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