Read My Cursed Highlander Online

Authors: Kimberly Killion

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical

My Cursed Highlander (5 page)

BOOK: My Cursed Highlander
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"Unhand me, you goat." She pinched a cluster of hair on his forearm and yanked.

"Shite!" Mayhap that tactic would be effective on the battlefield. "Why would ye lie about your sight?"

"I am not lying." She swatted at his hands until he finally backed away. "Take me back to the courtyard."

"I will after ye tell me why ye pretend to be blind."

Her hands shook, her chin quivered. Viviana was afraid. Of him? Or mayhap someone else? He could protect her if need be. "Are ye in danger?"

Ignoring his question, she reached out and fumbled her way to the trunk of a fruit tree. Another few steps put her in alignment with the next tree. Why her actions angered him he didn't know, but his temper spiked just the same. He grabbed her wrists and flanked her up against him. "Tell me how a blind woman knows when a mon is eying her favors."

Her head shook, her eyes squeezed tight.

"Tell me."

"I can see through your eyes." She slumped against his chest. The heat of her breath warmed his skin through his tunic, and her closeness soothed his ire, but her statement only confused him further.

"I dinnae understand."

"Nor do I, but the amulet allows me to see through Angelo," she paused and loosened her fists, "and now you."

'Twas impossible. "Prove it."

Her face rose to him. "You force me to tell you my secret and then speculate the answer I provide. You have little trust, Laird Kraig."

"I trust no one. 'Tis part of my charm." He set her an arm's length away, determined to understand the relationship between her, him, and the amulet. "If you can see through my eyes, then tell me what I'm looking at."

She sighed. "My breasts."

"That was almost a given." He spun her around, but held onto her hand over her shoulder. "What now?"

"A tree."

Taveon rolled his eyes. Was she playing him for a fool? "We are in an orchard. This is not working."

"Make a count with your fingers behind my back," she suggested.

Taveon held up three fingers and stared off into the grove, feeling ridiculous for playing her game.

"You must look at your hand," she scolded with a huff.

He looked down at his fingers.

"Three," she said.

He held out one.


He switched again, and followed with a rapid succession.

"Two, one, five, three, one." She released his hand and stepped away.

Sweet Venus!
Remarkable. This. Her. The logical, rational pragmatist inside him was still short of acceptance. "'Tis a trick."

The woman growled, picked up the front of her skirt, and stomped straight toward a tree. A rather large tree.

Taveon stepped in her path and linked his hand in hers, saving her from slamming into the trunk. "Please, tame your temper and explain this to me."

She hooted. "I'm not the one with temper, m'laird. Regardless, I cannot explain it. I do not understand it myself. Angelo is the only other, and it does not work unless I'm touching him, nor does it work without the amulet."

Taveon watched her lips as she continued chatting about colors, and lights and darks, and soon he no longer heard anything she said.

If she spoke the truth, then the amulet was as powerful as Noreen had claimed. He'd never been more hopeful. He felt as if he'd discovered a king's treasure, not only in the talisman, but with Viviana as well. He needed the stone to break the curse, and she needed him to be her eyes. Regardless of what his da tried to teach him, Taveon wanted someone to depend on him like Cora-Rose depended on his twin brother. Taveon had denied himself any dreams because of how the curse had destroyed Da.

Given their circumstances, there was only one obvious choice. A giddiness he'd never known washed over him as he became lost in Viviana's features. The woman had plush lips and straight teeth. A brown beauty mark beside the corner of her lips held his gaze. The moment he realized he wanted to kiss her, an odd flutter tickled his stomach.

"Laird Kraig, are you listening to me?"

He nodded and followed the dainty curve of her chin down her neck, over her collarbone, and...

"Stop staring at my breasts!"

Caught again. Taveon wanted to laugh, instead he ran the back of his fingers over her soft skin. "Forgive my wandering eyes, but ye have beautiful breasts."

She reared back a fist, but he caught it this time. "Temper, sweetling. We must try to tolerate one another. 'Tis a long way back to Ravenhurst."

"What are you speaking of?"

"I must return to Scotland with the amulet, and ye refuse to let it go for reasons I now understand. Since I cannae ask ye to give it up, then I see only one option that will suit us both." Taveon pressed a hand at the small of her back, and flattened her front to his. He cupped her nape, closed his eyes, and descended on her open mouth. Whatever words she intended to speak got lost in his kiss.

Her fists opened and flattened against his chest and the shiver that racked her body empowered his boldness. He broke the seam of her lips with his tongue and dove inside for a sweet taste of nectar. Just as he was about to pinpoint the familiar flavor, she broke free with an audible gasp.

Misfortune was about to find a new home, for Viviana Gorini de' Medici Martinus da Vincenza was about to acquire another name. That of Kraig. "Would ye prefer to get married here or wait until we reach Ravenhurst?"




Chapter 4


Another husband was the last thing Viviana wanted, especially a lusty, barbaric Scotsman with the temper of Zeus, the strength of Hercules, and the lips of Adonis.

"Pish!" Viviana pulled the rasp over the sculpture she'd been working on for months with every muscle in her body and tried to focus on her predicament and not the way she'd foolishly melted when Laird Kraig kissed her that morning.

Radolfo had kissed her with the same sort of expertise, but he'd spent plenty of time at the bordello practicing. Dipping his wick in every well ultimately put her first husband in the grave when Radolfo mistook a young maid for one of Madame Bianca's whores. Had the girl not been the Grand Madame's young daughter, Radolfo might have survived the beating.

Viviana was not so callow to let one kiss turn her into a whimsical maiden ready to fall at Laird Kraig's feet and do his bidding. The Scot hid his temper just like Luciano, and Satan would stand up and bow down to God in Heaven before she would become another man's side of flesh to slap around. Alberto had taught her to defend herself, but Laird Kraig was much bigger than Luciano, much more powerful.

With quick, angry jerks, she scraped the rasp over the marble and wished she could see anything save for the image of Goliath on the backs of her eyelids. Miocchi growled at her feet, sensing her mood.

"I. Will. Not. Take. Another. Husband!" she ground out between destructive pulls on the stone until all she could taste was dust. She would have Lorenzo remove Laird Kraig from the palace grounds, and he would be the last Scotsman to ever step foot in Firenze again.

She dropped the rasp. Pain burned the tip of her index finger and shot straight up her arm, then a cool trickle curled over her finger.

Worthless tool! Worthless stone! Worthless eyes.

Viviana wanted to lash out, to kick something, but it would accomplish naught. She dipped her shaking hand in a bowl of tepid water and bit back unwelcome tears.

Miocchi whimpered.

Viviana's whistle filled the chamber. "Fetch me a scrap, Miocchi."

The dog pranced to the bin of linens as Viviana had trained him to do and returned with an ell of cloth. Viviana held it between her teeth and tore a strip to wrap around her finger.

She bent and scratched Miocchi's ears to reward him for his loyalty. "I should have let you bite him like you did Luciano."

The dog licked her hand, soothing her temper, albeit ever so slight.

A quiet knock brought her upright. "Mistress Viviana?" Angelo asked from outside her closed door, which was unusual as the boy never knocked.

She took the familiar steps to the door and swung it wide. "What is it?"

"Messer Lorenzo requests your presence." Angelo's voice was hushed, heavy-hearted. Angelo was never sad. He was full of high-energy day and night.

"What's amiss, Angelo?"

"It is Goliath." Angelo took her hand but stared at the stone floor. "He is with Lorenzo in the library."

* * *

"Angelo, you will stay with me?" Viviana's hand locked with Angelo's outside Lorenzo's study.

Sì, sì.
I will never leave your side ever again."

Viviana painted on a weak smile for it was all she could muster as terrified as she was. "We know that's not true, but just this day I need your eyes."

Angelo squeezed her hand. "They are yours, mistress."

She tapped lightly on the wood with the hand wrapped in cloth.

"Enter." Lorenzo's authoritative tone sounded through the doorway and made her heart jump. He had been good to her since Fioretta died, so why was she so afraid to face him?

Viviana hid her injured hand in the pocket of her smock, raised her chin, and entered the dimly lit study. Angelo focused on the two men sitting opposite each other in Lorenzo's plush chairs beside the empty hearth, both enjoying a bit of drink as if they were old acquaintances. The loose laces of Laird Kraig's pale undertunic gave him a lewd appearance as did the sleeves he'd rolled to his elbows. Booted ankles crossed, he raised his goblet and had the audacity to wink. He was certainly pleased with himself, and she doubted she would share his enjoyment.

"Come, Viviana." Lorenzo rose from his chair, holding together the seams of his tabard. "You may go, Angelo."

The boy held firm to her hand. "I promised—"

"It is fine, Angelo. Thank you for the escort." As desperately as Viviana wanted Angelo's eyes, she didn't dare allow him to argue, lest he be cast out of the palace.

"But, mistress—"

"Angelo, go. You have been dismissed." Viviana took one last look at the gloating Goliath before she released Angelo's hand and slipped into darkness. Her chin fell to her chest and a sudden chill washed over her. Damn him.

The soft click of the door made her feel hollow, alone. She hugged herself around her middle.

"Ye are bleeding." The concerned statement had not come from her guardian, but the man who threatened to alter her life.

Heavy footfalls strode across the floor, and then he touched her. Gooseflesh instantly rose over her forearms as hues of gray surrounded by a purple haze appeared behind her eyes. She watched him uncoil the bandage she'd wrapped around her finger. "It is naught, m'laird. You need not feign concern." She stuffed the tail of the bandage into her fist and directed her attentions toward Lorenzo.

"My concern is sincere, but if ye would rather bleed to death, than suffer my attentions, so be it." Laird Kraig started to leave her side, but she placed her hand atop his muscular forearm and stilled him.

He gathered an audible breath and drew up beside her. His hot palm flattened overtop her hand causing unwanted heat to flush her skin. The intimacy of touching him in front of Lorenzo felt indecent, but she wanted his sight.

"I presume I need not introduce you to my guest." With piercing black eyes, Lorenzo looked down his flattened nose at her and rested his weight against the desk.

"We have met." Surprisingly, Viviana maintained a vision of Lorenzo instead of herself. It had taken her a fortnight to teach Angelo not to look at her, but everything around him. Laird Kraig seemed to understand the importance of where he focused his attentions. Either that, or he had no interest in her this eve as her smock was tied tightly around her neck.

"Laird Kraig has asked for your hand in marriage."

Annoyance grabbed hold, forcing her spine to lengthen. The Scot was bold. "I trust you have declined his offer. I cannot ask you to provide me with a third dowry."

Laird Kraig cleared his throat. "I have informed your guardian that I do not seek financial gain by taking ye to wife."

Viviana quelled the desire to roll her eyes. Instead she drew in a deep breath. Lorenzo's precious manuscripts lining the walls of the study laced the room with a stale odor, but didn't hide the smell of licorice clinging to the man beside her. She ground her teeth, knowing Laird Kraig had spent his afternoon at the bordello.

"Viviana," Lorenzo began and pushed himself off the desk. "I promised your sister I would act as your guardian and fulfilled that obligation when I provided you with a villa on my estates in Girlando. I found you not one but two husbands."

"You have been most gracious with your coin, Your Magnificence," she addressed him by his epithet.

"As your legal guardian, everything you own belongs to me, including the stone you wear around your neck." Lorenzo ran his fingers over an alabaster bust of his grandfather. "Laird Kraig has offered to take you to wife in exchange for this stone, and I am inclined to accept his offer."

Viviana's heart pounded inside her chest. "But the stone's value must be more than ten times the coin you provided Radolfo and Luciano. You cannot mean to just give it to him."

BOOK: My Cursed Highlander
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