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Authors: Sally Spencer

Murder at Swann's Lake (31 page)

BOOK: Murder at Swann's Lake
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Disciplinary Body Reports

The Police Disciplinary Board, hearing the charges against Constable Charles Philips (26) has ruled that the constable behaved in an unreasonable and reckless manner during a demonstration outside the Spanish Embassy last August. Several witnesses have testified to seeing him hit an unarmed protestor over the head with his truncheon.

The protestor, named as Miss Maria Jiménez, suffered serious injuries. Criminal proceedings are expected to follow.

Woodend folded the article and put it back in his pocket. Yes, he'd had to work hard to get that result. But it had been worth it, because justice had finally been served – not to mention the fact that it had convinced Sergeant Rutter to withdraw his resignation.

The organist struck up the bridal march and the congregation turned to look at the back of the church. The bride was dressed in a flowing white gown and was accompanied by her father, a distinguished, grey-haired man who bore himself like an aristocrat. Together they walked gracefully down the aisle towards the altar.

“Doesn't she look lovely, Charlie,” Joan whispered.

“Aye, she does,” Woodend admitted. “A real picture.”

And he was not the only one who thought it. Bob Rutter had turned his head, and the Chief Inspector could see the expression of blissful happiness on his face.

The bride and her father swept past the Woodends' pew. “She's been practising this bit for days,” Joan Woodend said.

“She must have been.”

“And just look at her now. She's positively glidin'. If you didn't know, you'd never guess that she was blind, would you?”

“No,” Woodend agreed. “No, you wouldn't.”

BOOK: Murder at Swann's Lake
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