Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Rooted to the spot as her stomach
continued to somersault anxiously, Rachel was left in no doubt that the
seemingly innocent words of thanks that had just left Luc’s lips so close to
her face so that only she could hear, was completely the opposite. Was Luc
seriously flirting with her or was it his easy charm that he used on all women
– after all he clearly loved being around the opposite sex. Rachel’s
heart fluttered nervously at the possibilities that lay behind his parting




After the day of
the shopping trip Luc didn’t go out for the rest of the week. Rachel often
heard the twins encouraging him to go clubbing with them but he politely and
gently refused. Part of her was secretly pleased to have him around; the house
felt so empty when she was on her own.


Saturday night,
however, Rachel was home alone as the kids had made plans to go to the pub and
then out for dinner. They had spent the whole of the previous day; Good Friday
studying as usual and wanted to have a bit of fun this holiday weekend. What
Rachel should have done is worked on replying to some emails and letters that
she had so far ignored – some were to do with her personal financial
matters, but mostly concerning Nate’s business..


Nate Renton had
been CEO of a well-respected firm of corporate lawyers based in the city called
Gyles Bishop. Their comfortable lifestyle was the benefit of all Nate’s hard
work, however, the firm’s success was due to their irrefutable reputation for
honesty and integrity. Consequently, they weren’t always as ruthless as they
could be just to win but Nate said his conscience was at peace even if his bank
balance didn’t run to the millions it could have. Although Rachel and the girls
were more than appreciative of the comfortable lifestyle Nate had provided
– Rachel actually thought they had more than they needed as it was.


The project Nate
was trying to get off the ground was the introduction of a pro bono division to
Gyles Bishop to deal with small businesses and organisations suffering in the
current financial crisis. Nate was keen to involve Rachel due to her relevant
experience in that field; however, due to his passing the project had met with
some resistance from the other partners and was temporarily on hold.
Apparently, Rachel had an obligation to maintain an interest in Nate’s existing
projects in the event of his death. As such, she was vaguely aware that she was
supposed to approve a decision to discard the project as no one else was
prepared to take it over at this time. Rachel had no idea why Nate had
instigated that particular protocol. She was keenly aware that this project was
a subject close to both her and Nate’s hearts and its termination weighed
heavily on her. Rachel wasn’t really required to do anything about it until the
new CEO, Joe Mason took over; and decided she’d think about it more then.


Joe had been hired
by the senior partners from his family firm in New York, and he had been
filling up her in box and voice mail leaving increasingly irritable messages
for her to get in touch with him. Rachel had yet to meet him but he sounded
very intimidating on the phone and she had no desire to confront him just yet
especially as she was empathetic to the sentiment behind Nate’s project. It
reminded her a little bit of her own work with charities. Perhaps if she put
off making a decision for a bit longer, someone would actually just go ahead
and move forward with it and she would never have to meet the man who was about
to take up residence in her dead husband’s office.


Tonight, however,
Rachel decided to forget about big bad Joe Mason and proceeded to curl up with
her kindle on the sofa in the den and indulge her guilty pleasure with the
latest best seller all about an improbable relationship based on kinky sex and
a happy ever after ending. Thoroughly engrossed and mildly turned on Rachel was
so engrossed in the story that she didn’t hear the front door open.
Subsequently, when she heard strange noises coming from the kitchen, she got
scared there was an intruder in the house and acting on impulse Instead of
doing the sensible thing and dialing 999, Rachel decided to go and investigate.


She grabbed Nate’s
old cricket bat propped up behind the den door and crept into the kitchen. As
her eyes adjusted to a dark silhouette shuffling about by the fridge door
Rachel screamed and leapt toward the figure swinging the bat wildly.


“What the fuck!”
roared a hoarse voice as Rachel belatedly realised it was Luc.


The horrible
consequence of her actions culminated in Luc crashing into the kitchen table in
surprise whilst grabbing Rachel and at the same time deflecting the cricket bat
with his arms. The result was his 6-foot plus frame cascading to the floor
where he landed on his back eliciting a chorus of expletives until Rachel
landed on top of him effectively winding him into silence.


spluttered Rachel. “Luc are you ok?”


Luc just groaned.
Apart from an ache on his arm where she’d whacked him with the cricket bat, he
wasn’t at all bad considering the object of his infatuation was now lying fully
on top of him, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. The feel of her tits
squashed into his chest was bloody fantastic.


“What the fuck
happened?” he croaked breathlessly.


Rachel started
fumbling about grabbing fistfuls of his leather jacket and trying to get
herself up off the floor and more specifically the man she was lying on top of.
How she ever thought of him as a boy after experiencing the feel of him beneath
her was laughable. Instead of berating herself for creating such an appalling
situation she found she was incredibly hot and bothered.


“Luc, let go of
me.” she croaked as his hands had somehow found their way to her waist
effectively keeping her plastered to his body. She noticed he had gone very
still; the effect she was having on him indecently evident as she felt his
impressive cock harden against her stomach. Rachel’s heart was hammering so hard
in her chest she was sure Luc would be able to feel it too, and her stomach was
flipping with desire as his all too familiar musky scent filled her nostrils.


“No, no, no….” she
protested pushing against his chest, “this is so not happening. What the hell
are you doing home – you were supposed to be in the pub with the twins
and your friends.”


Luc shrugged his
shoulders but didn’t loosen his hold on her. “They all wanted to go clubbing
again and I didn’t feel like it. Clearly you didn’t hear me come in. What were
you doing anyway?”


Luc tried to keep
his tone light but he came off a bit terse due to the predicament he was
currently enduring. He thought he might possibly explode if Rachel didn’t stop
wriggling around on him. The feel of her breasts squashed against his chest was
driving him insane and he wanted nothing more than to bury his head between
them and breathe in her delicious mix of perfume and arousal. Luc knew he had
to go slow or he would scare her off and although it would kill him because all
he could think about was sinking his rock hard cock between her thighs and
pounding her until they both came over and over, he dipped his head forward and
spoke softly in her ear.


“Rachel –
look at me.”


Luc’s husky tone
washed over her; his warm breath tickling her ear, and she felt helpless to do
anything but meet his gaze. Oh lord she was in trouble. The moon shining
through the windows provided enough light to see that Luc’s expression was pure
heat and his already blue eyes had darkened with desire and she just knew she
wouldn’t be able to refuse this boy anything. Surrendering to the inevitable
Rachel had just about decided to sink willingly into Luc’s inviting embrace
when she noticed something worrying, as a steady trickle of blood made its way
down Luc’s nose from a cut on his forehead.


“Luc you’re
bleeding – get up so I can check you out. “ She grabbed his hand to help
pull him up as his mouth curled up adoringly on one side in a cheeky grin.


“Rachel, you can
check me out anytime…” he purred sexily.


“Don’t be an
idiot.” She admonished a bit too harshly but she was fast finding herself in a
potential situation spiraling out of her control.


Flicking the lights
on, Rachel pushed Luc on to a kitchen chair and busied herself with the first
aid box she kept handy. Luc sat with his legs apart and his hands resting on
his knees not speaking but following her every movement with those smouldering
eyes. His leather jacket lay sprawled on the table leaving his upper body clad
in one of his favourite white V-necked t-shirts. Rachel idly wondered if he
possessed anything else but had to confess they looked damn fine on him. This
time Rachel noticed the tail of a black tattoo poking out from under the sleeve
of his right arm and it made her hungry to know what the rest of it looked
like. Standing there staring at it she rolled her bottom lip through her teeth
completely unaware of the effect this small gesture was having on Luc.


“She is so fucking
sexy,” thought Luc and sighed as his cock twitched painfully against the crotch
of his jeans as she moved in nearer.


Rachel, in true
nurse mode positioned herself between his legs so she could reach the gash on
his forehead. Heat flooded her cheeks as she brushed against the undeniable
bulge in Luc’s jeans and she tried hard to pretend she hadn’t felt or seen it.
She was slightly embarrassed when she realised her tits were level with his
face – but there was little she could do about that if she was to fix his
cut and she didn’t hear him complaining. Rachel cupped his chin and began by
gently washing away the blood, which by now had trailed down the side of his
face and on to his collar staining the fabric.


“Oh Luc, your
t-shirt is all bloody. I’m so sorry. I’m such a dope – what was I


“That’s ok Rachel,
It doesn’t hurt and the t-shirt thing is easily rectified.” As he spoke he
reached for the back of his neck and swiftly removed the offending item of


“Holy shit”
breathed Rachel as she took in the sight of his beautiful upper body and the
stunning tattoo she had wondered about earlier. It was tribal in design and
covered his right shoulder running down across his pec and upper arm. It was a
swirl of black patterns and Rachel was surprised at how sexy it looked on him.
She had to physically stop herself from tracing her fingers over the inked


Luc was breathing
hard and it made the dips and ridges of his stomach muscles ripple enticingly.
Rachel had the insane urge to kneel down and trace her tongue lazily around
them desperate for a taste of his golden skin. Her gaze kept returning to the
dark blond hairs of his happy trail and her mouth watered in anticipation of
where that led. Dragging her eyes up and across the map of his chest made her
stomach flutter in response and she shook her head in wonder at the visceral
effect Luc was having on her. Rachel suspected the many months closeting
herself away from the rest of the world had played havoc with her libido, but
she acknowledged guiltily that Nate had never made her feel quite so needy for
a good hard fuck. Luc however, was; and the expression on his absurdly handsome
face left her in no doubt that he would be a willing participant.


Luc was on the
verge of losing it big time; his whole body was on fire. In all his experience
no one had ever turned him on quite like Rachel was doing right now. He wasn’t
sure whether he was feeling lightheaded from his knock, or the fact that she
was his friends’ Mum, or indeed old enough to be his own mother, but the
inappropriate situation he now found himself in was making him harder than he
had ever been. Rachel was beautiful with a figure to die for but he suspected
it was her vulnerability that appealed to him the most. Luc was by nature a
kind man always trying to make people feel good about themselves, and although
this situation was a touch extreme he
wanted to make Rachel feel
good about herself.


“Rachel” he said
gruffly. “I want to make love to you. I want to make you feel good in a million
different ways. I want to feel you come around me and I want to taste you and
make you scream my name while I’m doing that.”


As he held her
gaze, Luc saw Rachel’s eyes widen in shock but she recovered quickly shaking
her head. “Luc” she whimpered, “everything about this is wrong. I look at you
and want all those things but then Nate appears in my head and I feel like I am
betraying him. And don’t even get me started on the twins – what would
they think?”


“I can tell you the
twins won’t find out – not from me anyway. And as for Nate – I’m
not trying to take his place in your heart. I refuse to believe he would deny
you this because you are alive and he is no longer able to do this for you. And
because he loved you he would want you to be happy. And you want this Rachel, I
can see it in the way you look at me, and I can imagine how wet you are for me
right now.”

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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