Read Mr. Wham Bam Online

Authors: Alexandra O'Hurley

Mr. Wham Bam (8 page)

BOOK: Mr. Wham Bam
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His hands threaded through her hair, pulling her faster, pushing the tempo higher. She grasped his hips to get a firm hold on him as he grew wilder under her tongue. Just as she thought he closed in on his release, he pulled from her mouth with a deep groan. His hand flew to the base, squeezing the root. The touch looked painful, and she frowned.

“I don’t want to come in your mouth. I need to be inside you.”

Her frown deepened. “I wanted to taste you.”

“And I want to fuck you all night. You’ll get your chance, just not yet. I need to be in your pussy.”

He clamped his jaws together and closed his eyes as his breathing returned to normal, his hand not leaving his cock until he seemed better under control. He pulled her up to sit beside him and reached into the bedside table to grab a foil packet. Once covered, he kissed her languidly as he rolled her astride him. She felt his cock pressing against her, and her hips bucked from the touch alone.

Instinctively, she rode him, her pussy sliding along him, the friction making them both hiss from pleasure. His hand slid between them, holding the base of his cock. Jace angled it so the head was at her entrance, and he pushed into her on one heady thrust. The invasion was primal, animalistic, and she loved it. She’d wanted a bad boy, and now she had one to show her how much of a bad
she was. Her hips moved of their own accord, finding the rhythm her body needed, had to have, to push her over the edge into another orgasm.

She kissed him as she fucked him, his hands pinching into her hips painfully, as he met her thrust for thrust. The heated frenzy of their lovemaking took her to the dark place she had needed all this time. Kenzie could barely breathe from the height of the sensations running through her. So aware of herself, she could feel every goose bump rising along her heated skin, every hair at the base of her spine shifting, and every slight tremor from his cock nestled deep within her channel.

Sweat coated her body, the tickle of drops making her quiver as they sluiced down her body. His hands wrapped around her wrists, entrapping her and pulling her closer for his tongue to plummet the depths of her mouth.

“I seem to recall you like to be bound, but it also seems you like being in control.”

“Anyway I can have you, Jace. Anyway I can have you.”

He smiled up at her and then flipped her on her back, his larger body holding her down to the bed as he encased each wrist in the Velcro enclosures at each corner. Lifting above her, he slowly rolled his hips, torturing her as she groaned for him to speed up his motions. Tugging at the restraints, she loved the bite of them into her flesh, the total submission she felt to him.

His hips bucked, pumping into her mercilessly. She cried out, loving the edge of pleasure-pain he kept her on.

“You won’t get away from me this time, sweetheart. You’re mine now.”

His mouth descended on hers in a kiss so different from the ones before. This one was branding her, claiming her as his. His cock matched the tempo of his tongue, plunging inside her.

Moments later, she felt the telltale signs of her orgasm. Her body tightened, her pussy wrapped tightly against his shaft, as she arched into him, her breasts rubbing against his muscled chest. Closing her eyes, she centered on the sensation. White-hot light burst behind her eyes as her release struck, and she felt herself shatter in his arms, her cries sounding foreign even to her own ears.

He slowed, chuckling in her ear. “I love how well you let me know you’re happy. I wanna make you scream like that forever.”

Forever—not a word she thought of often, but one she would agree to now in her oblivious state. She wanted this forever, this bliss. Kenzie knew she was putty in his hands and didn’t ever want to let this go.

Jace’s egotistical smile was almost enough for her to punch his arm, had her hands not been tied. She both loved and hated that he seemed to know her body so well. He rose before her again, pulling his cock from her pussy, and her ire immediately turned to displeasure. She didn’t want him to leave her; she wanted to feel him spilling behind the condom he wore.

“What are you doing?”

He found the tender spot behind her knees, pushing forward until her ass was high in the air.

“Checking the other passage.”

Other passage?
“I’ve tried that once, and I didn’t really enjoy it.” Once, a long time ago, a bungled attempt from one of her ex-boyfriends to enjoy one of his fantasies had ruined any chances of the act ever being good for her.

“I’ve a good feeling that I could change your mind.” He snickered as he bent down to run his tongue over the back of her thigh. His mouth left a trail of heat to her pussy, where he lapped her cream up with his tongue before moving to her tight bud.

She jumped when she felt his tongue on the tight band of nerves. Tensing slightly, she allowed the touch, as she didn’t have much choice, relaxing as the first blossoms of pleasure rolled from the nerves there. One hand moved to her pussy, smearing her juices down to her anus. He moved back, spreading the juices around with his fingers, before gently pushing one thick digit into her.

“Relax, Kensington. It’ll feel good if you let it.”

She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the tight bites of pain as his finger eased up through the ring. Once he passed it, she sighed, the pleasure instant. He slowly slid the finger around as his mouth clamped back down on her clit, relaxing her more with the pleasure he brought. Another finger was gradually added to her rear, and she held her breath, waiting for a stab of pain. None came, and she eased, allowing the ebb and flow of his fingers to stoke the fire he’d been so clever at building.

Pulling from her, he removed his fingers, and she sighed, unsettled by how much she missed the touch. He was back soon enough, the wide brim of his cock pressing forward into the same spot. The threads of pain made her teeth gnash together as she also rode the wave of pleasure the same sensation made swell through her. Jace was slow, moving his cock into her inch by inch, pausing between each to let her grow accustomed. Sliding the last few inches in, she felt a fullness like no other.

Jace hovered over her, moving her ankles to his shoulders and dropping little kisses along the inside of both as she grew comfortable with having his cock in her ass. The pain had been bearable because he had known what to do, how to make it feel good for her. Desire speared through her as she thought of how capable he was of making her want more and more, how capable he was of pushing her past her limits and making her face what it was she wanted.

Right now, she wanted him to move. She wanted him to take her higher than any other man had. Rolling her hips, she brought precious more of him inside her, urging him to thrust inside her. He remained still, other than to push forward and grab a damp towel he’d brought to the bedside table just before he’d joined her. As he wiped his fingers clean, she realized this act had been premeditated. He’d gotten exactly what he’d wanted, and she was glad for it.

“You’re okay?” he whispered along her leg, his lips leaving a heat path over her skin.

She nodded, rolling her hips again, a demand for him to move.

A short, tentative thrust made her moan aloud. Jace set up a leisurely tempo, and that alone was enough for her to see stars, the pleasure so overwhelming. Her clit throbbed again, the newfound pleasure streaking through her and bringing her back to the point where they’d been moments before. Once his fingers began to spread along her clit, the dual sensation was too much. Another orgasm ravaged through her, stronger than the first two, combined.

Kissing the inside of her calf, he smiled. “Three’s a good number.”

Body pivoting faster, he gripped her hips with both hands, sliding smoothly into her rear as he pulled her closer. She felt a swelling sensation moments before he yelled out, a groan of pleasure coming from between his lips. White-hot heat flooded her backside as she felt his cum fill the condom he wore.

Frozen in place, Kenzie watched while he gained control of his breathing as he dropped little kisses over the one leg left hanging from his shoulder. He carefully pulled from her, rose from the bed, and walked to the bathroom to discard the condom.

He once again left her in the manacles, but this time, she didn’t fight it. She was a bit perturbed, but he would come back to her and release her. And then he would pull her into his arms and hold her.

She gazed at him as he rested on the same doorframe as before, one sexy eyebrow raised. “No attempts to escape this time?”

“Nope. I’m exactly where I want to be.”

He smiled as he walked over to her. Kneeling between her thighs, he brought a warm cloth to her pussy, wiping her thoroughly. The soft caress felt wonderful, loving. Kenzie sighed at the touch, amazed at how different he was from all the stories she’d heard. He was a gentle lover, the good boy when it was important, the bad boy when she needed it, too. He was the complete package.

“Before I release your wrists, I think this is a good time to lay down some ground rules.”

She huffed, exasperated that he wasn’t going to give her freedom from the bonds. “Fine, what are your ground rules?”

“I like sex. I will want it as often as I can get my hands on your delicious little body. Agreed?”

Heat swamped over her again, as if she hadn’t been completely worn out from their last hour of lovemaking. “Agreed.”

“I want to cuddle with you after sex. It’s not something I’ve ever done much of, but I want to hold you. Agreed?”

She smiled at him and nodded. “Agreed.”

He reached up to unhook her first hand, rubbing it afterward to help the circulation improve. “I want to learn all there is about you. I want you to learn all there is about me. So these assumptions between us can end. Agreed?”

She leaned in to kiss his lips, a smile on her lips as she did it. “Agreed.”

“And finally, know that I am new to being in a relationship and will potentially fuck up. But I won’t be trying to do so, so you have to cut me some slack. Agreed?” He slowly pulled the Velcro from her other hand and rubbed that wrist as well.

“Depends on the severity of the fuckup, but I will try to remember that you are trying. Plus, I like being reminded you aren’t perfect, so the occasional slip will help me know you’re human.”


“Every hair is in place. Every crease is tight. Your house is neat as a pin. Who is always that perfect? I just want to mess you up.” Kenzie reached up and shook his hair with her fingers, frowning when the disheveled mop looked even better than before.

“Not perfect. Just a tad OCD. And believe me; you’ve had me in knots for weeks now. I don’t know which end is up. I’ve been a mess. So I’m far from perfect.”

“Nothing worth having is easy.”

“I want this more than you know, Kensington.” The earnest look in his gray eyes made her heart melt. She’d scored Mr. Wham, Bam, Thank You, Ma’am and was about to domesticate him with his full approval.

“I want this, too—whatever this is—but I have an addition to the ground rules.”

“What’s that?” He pulled her into his arms, nestling her into his wide chest.

“Prove to me that it was all assumptions on my part. Keep proving me wrong.”

“That’s been the plan all along. So far, so good.”

She sighed in his arms, her lips finding his as he turned off the light.

The End

About the Author

Alexandra O’Hurley is a multi-published bestselling author of erotic romance that lands all over the genre map. Published since 2008, she has written in the Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Historical, Paranormal, Contemporary, and BDSM romance categories.

She was born in Maryland, but was raised all over Hampton Roads, Virginia. A single mom to one great kiddo, she loves to paint, dance, ski into bushes, date frogs, and ride vicious roller coasters with her daughter.


Table of Contents

Mr. Wham Bam


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

About the Author

BOOK: Mr. Wham Bam
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