Move (Club Kitten Dancers Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Move (Club Kitten Dancers Book 1)
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Chapter 5




Bailey sways her hips back and forth and I think my cock might explode.

I’m so fucking hard I can’t think straight.

She’s dancing in front of me to some song I don’t know the name of. Her hips move back and forth, gyrating in time with the song.

And all I’m thinking is that I want her riding me, riding my cock. I want those hips grinding against me as she takes me deep inside of her.

I want all of her.

I’m barefoot, and I dig my toes into the carpet. It’s the only way I can keep myself from reaching for her. She’s massaging her breasts and running her hands down her body.

She’s so open like this.

She’s so free.

I get the feeling that Bailey hasn’t had an easy life. Some of the things she’s said make me think her mom is nuts and men in the past haven’t respected her, but I’m going to change all that.

I’m going to be good for her.

Bailey comes closer and straddles me. She places her hands on my shoulders and I move my hands to her hips. I think she’s going to slap them away, but she starts moving up and down on my lap, grinding on my crotch, then raising her body up, then repeating the movement.

She’s going to make me come.

She’s going to make me come in my pants and she has no idea.

Her breasts are pressed to my face and I suck one of her sweet pink nipples into my mouth. She groans and grips my head, pulling me closer to her body.

I nip at her breast and she starts grinding on me harder and harder until I have no choice. I’ve got to end this dance. I’ve got to get inside of her.

I start kissing her. Bailey feels so sweet and perfect in my arms. Raising her up, I carry her to the bed. She has her legs wrapped around me and I grip her ass, holding her against me as we move.

I lay her down on the bed and strip out of my jeans as she watches me with a hunger in her eyes. Fishing a condom out of my pocket, I slip it on and come to her. Bailey grabs me and pulls me close, kissing me again.

“Fuck, Bailey. You’re already so wet,” I trace a finger through her slit and she raises her hips to meet me.

“More,” she murmurs. “I want more.”

“What do you want, Bailey?”

“I want you inside me, Cooper. More. Please.”

I push her knees apart and settle between her legs, then rub my cock through her juices a few times. She’s so wet and looks so naughty like this, so wanton. I raise her legs above my shoulders, baring all of her to me, then slide into her all at once.

“Fuck,” she groans. “You feel so damn good.”

“You’re so tight, baby,” I bite her ankle and she clenches her pussy around me. Bailey is so damn hot I’m going to lose my mind. She closes her eyes as I fuck her, but then she opens them and just looks at me.

We have this crazy connection I’ve never felt before. It’s like she’s looking not just into my eyes, but into my soul, and I want to know what she sees there.

Reaching down, I press my thumb to her clit and begin to rub softly.

“I don’t know if I can come again,” she protests, but she doesn’t push me away, and I keep rubbing.

“Come for me, Bailey. I want to feel you explode around my dick.”

“More,” she begs, and I rub her harder, faster. Her body tightens and she closes her eyes again and opens her mouth, but no sound comes out.

Then her orgasm hits her like a tidal wave and I’m right behind her.

We come together, exhausted, relieved, sated. Our orgasms sweep over us and for just that moment, our worlds are in perfect harmony. We’re blissful, we’re content.

I feel good with Bailey, comfortable, safe. I feel at home with her.

I hop up and dispose of the condom, then come back to the bed and wrap my arms around her. We kiss for a few more minutes, then Bailey falls asleep in my arms, and the world is peaceful, as it should be.

Chapter 6




At dance class the next day, all I can think about is Cooper.

Kasey and I are taking Haley’s level 2 pole class and I miss every single spin because when I move, I see his face. I feel his touch. I hear his voice.

“Get it together,” Kasey hisses at me. Her voice sounds mean, but when I turn to look at her, she’s grinning.

She’s not upset.

She’s just amused.

Rolling my eyes, I square my shoulders and try once more to focus. Gripping the pole tightly, I walk around it. I keep my toes pointed with each step, then swing my outer leg in a big
to propel my body around the pole.

“That was perfect!” Haley squeals from the front of the class. “Try it again! Let everyone see!”

Blushing, I repeat the move, and this time there are murmurs of appreciation throughout the class.

“No thanks to you,” I mutter to Kasey, but she just laughs.

“Once you have your head in the game, you’re a pretty good dancer,” she confirms.

“Thanks. I think.”

We repeat the moves a few more times, then Haley puts on a slow, sexy song and we stretch together as a class. The entire time, my thoughts are centered on Cooper.

Where is he?

What’s he doing?

Is he thinking of me?

It’s way too soon in our relationship, or whatever it is, to be thinking like this, but I can’t help myself. There’s something about Cooper that makes me feel wild and free and whole.

There’s something about him that makes me feel like somehow, everything is going to be okay.

After dancing, Kasey and I head home to shower and change. I have an afternoon class to go to before work. Cooper told me he won’t be able to check his phone while he’s at work, so I don’t bother checking for a text. I know enough about military life to know that some jobs are in secure buildings where cell phones aren’t allowed.

Unfortunately, I also realize that if we’re going to pursue a relationship, this means there will be a lot I’m not privy to.

Is that something I’m woman enough to handle? I’d like to think so, but you never really know until you try. Maybe Cooper will end up being a great secret keeper in all aspects of his life. Maybe I’ll find out he has a secret girlfriend somewhere. I refuse to live my life in fear, though. So many bad things have happened to me that I don’t want to think about even more bad things.

I don’t want to imagine a world where anything could happen, and where all of those things are negative.

For the first time in years, things are starting to look up for me. I have a good job, a good hobby, and a good guy in my life.

I need to focus on
things and not the fact that dating an airman is going to be really tough.

Or on the fact that my spins aren’t really good enough to try out for the pole dancing competition in the fall.

Or on the fact that my mom is completely insane for my teacher.

When I get to class, I slide into my seat and begin listening to the lecture from hell. Everyone warned me that college would be hard, but no one said it would be hard because it was
so boring

Staying focused during lectures is a constant struggle for me and sometimes I wonder if I’m really cut out for this. Maybe it’s just first year stuff. Maybe once I’m taking harder classes in my chosen major, things will be easier. Maybe once I’ve learned how to deal with the fact that my mom is dating Professor Smells-Like-Soup, things will be different.

Somehow, I get through the class, return to my apartment, and get dressed for work.

I’m just slipping on my black stretchy dress pants when my phone finally buzzes. My heart leaps in my throat and I just know it’s from


Hey beautiful, what time do you get off work tonight?

11. Why? You got plans?

Just want to know when I should arrive to spend some time with the prettiest girl in Whiskee.

You obviously haven’t met my roomie yet.

I don’t need to. You knock all other girls out of the water.


I blush as I read his messages. I know it’s still super early in the relationship. I know he could get bored or run off or whatever, but something tells me he’s not going to.

Something tells me Cooper is genuine.

We agree to meet after work and I hurry off to Drinks on Me with a smile on my face.




“Where should we go?” I waltz up to Cooper, toss his cigarette on the ground, and kiss him. Deeply. He groans as I do, fisting my hair and grabbing my ass. Neither one of us cares that we’re in the middle of the parking lot. We only care that finally, after a long fucking day, we’re together.

“Anywhere,” he says.

“Let’s go to Cliff 9.”

He raises an eyebrow, but shrugs, and climbs in the car. He grips my hand as he navigates the familiar roads to one of the many cliffs that overlook Whiskee.

Whiskee is a mid-sized city located in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies. The city is perfect, in my opinion, because it’s close to the military base and close to my college and close to some great places to go camping.

I don’t care too much for skiing, but I’ll camp all damn summer if I can.

Cliff 9 is one of the best places to park and look out over Whiskee. You can see everything from up there: the campus, the churches, the trees, the shops. You can see houses and parks and open land.

You can see everything.

Cooper drives us to the parking lot and we sit for a moment, just looking out into the darkness.

“Do you have a flashlight?” He asks after awhile. I forget sometimes that he’s not from Whiskee. He’s not a “native.” Sometimes people in Whiskee can be a little intense about spending our whole lives here.

“Don’t be a pussy,” I say, and hop out of the car.

He protests, but I ignore him and kiss him again. Somehow, we manage to make it to one of the little benches nestled in between a couple of pines, and we look at Whiskee.

“Beautiful,” he tells me. “I’ve never been up here.”

“But you knew right where it was.”

“I’ve driven by. I’ve never been up here like this,” he motions to the city. “At night, at the edge of the cliff. I could stay up here forever.”

“Me too.”

We’re silent for awhile, then he turns back to me. Cooper strokes my hair softly and I nuzzle into his hand, enjoying his touch.

“Why were you so quick to sleep with me?”

“I’m not a slut, if that’s what you’re asking,” I’m suddenly tense.

“I didn’t think you were. I would never think that about you, Bailey.”

“Some people…with the dancing, I mean…” How do I explain this to him? “Some people assume I’m a bit deviant, I suppose.”

“I just wouldn’t have pegged you as being so outgoing.”

“Things have been tough for me lately. I’ve learned that I need to go after what I want when I want it,” I say. “I’ve learned that I need to chase after my dreams because if you wait too long, Cooper, they might not be there anymore.”

“Someone hurt you,” he says, but it’s not an accusation. It’s just an observation.

“I just got out of a bad relationship,” I shrug. “Don’t worry. I don’t expect you to marry me or anything. I’m not like, rebounding like crazy or anything.”

“What happened?”

“Dominic and I were together for two years. Actually, I chose to go to college here so we could be close to each other. Isn’t that stupid?”

“It’s not stupid.”

“He was sleeping with my cousin.” I don’t want to cry. I won’t cry.

“I’m sorry, Bailey. That’s awful.”

“I know it’s stupid, but part of me wonders why I wasn’t good enough. Not that I should have been with a jackass. I just wish I had been better, smarter. I wish I had been enough.”

“I know how you feel.”

“I’m sorry.”

He shrugs, but I touch his leg and squeeze softly, gently. I hope my touch is reassuring because I know words sure as hell won’t help. Not when something like this is happening.

“It wasn’t me it happened to. It was my parents. My mom…” His voice trails off, but then he shakes his head and continues. “It was so long ago, but my mom left us. She left me and my dad. Who does that to their kid?”

“For another man?”

He nods.

“He had a kid. A family. She left me and my dad to go be some other kid’s mom. How messed up is that?”

Cooper shakes his head and I hate knowing he’s had so much pain in his life. I straddle him and hold him, rubbing his back, petting his hair.

After a minute, he looks up at me and cups my cheek.

“I’ve never told any girl I’ve dated that story, Bailey.”

“I won’t tell anyone.”

“I trust you.”

“I trust you, too.”

We sit like that for a few more minutes, then I move back to my spot on the bench and we just hold hands. We don’t kiss. We don’t talk. We’re just together.

Somehow, it’s more healing than anything else I’ve ever experienced in my life.

BOOK: Move (Club Kitten Dancers Book 1)
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