Read Morningstar Online

Authors: Robyn Bachar

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Morningstar (9 page)

BOOK: Morningstar
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Chapter Eight

Bryn paged the doctor after Jace left, worried that Sabine would become dehydrated if she couldn’t keep food and drink down. Much to Bryn’s annoyance, Dr. Morgan couldn’t help Sabine. The only thing the doctor was willing to do was ink their mate marks. Now they were both branded property of Najacen Harrow, Second Son of House Morningstar. At least he would have to wear her mark as well, and branding Jace with Clan Wintersend’s sigil for the rest of his life removed some of the sting from receiving what amounted to another master’s mark.

After the doctor left, Sabine ended up back in bed with Bryn snuggled beside her. “Should I start thinking of names?” Sabine asked.

“For Jace? I can think of a few,” Bryn muttered.

“Stop that. You like him.”

“Do I?”

“Yes, you do. Otherwise you’d have killed him,” Sabine said. It wasn’t inaccurate. Killing Jace, or Soth, wouldn’t have solved their problem, and Bryn would have just ended up in the brig. If this ship even had a brig.

“He needs work. Training.”

“True. Most males do. But I was talking about names for the baby.”

Bryn rolled her eyes. “You’re not pregnant. You might not even become pregnant. I didn’t, when I was in phase.”

“Your phase was normal. Mine’s amped up,” Sabine said. Bryn snorted, because she doubted there was any
phase, and her lover frowned. Bryn brushed a gentle kiss against her forehead. Sabine was still warm, but not feverish, and her shaking and nausea had stopped.

“I wouldn’t get your hopes up. If the best shadow swords that House Wintersend had to offer couldn’t knock me up, I doubt a few rounds with the second son will do it for you.”

Sabine giggled. “You like him,” she accused again, and Bryn shrugged.

“We’ll see. He’s a lord’s son, and I’ve yet to meet a trustworthy politician. His first word was probably a lie. He has a nice ass, though. I’ll say that for him. I approve of a male with a tight butt.”

Sabine giggled again, and it was a beautiful sound. She needed to laugh more often—maybe now that they were free she would, even if it was a marginal freedom.

The door opened and Jace entered, frowning in confusion at Sabine’s laughter. “What’s so funny?”

“We’re critiquing your posterior. You should strip so we can get a better look,” Bryn replied. “Oh, and your jacket is safe. I hung it in your closet.”

“Thank you.”

As Jace checked on the status of his jacket, she spotted the new mate marks inked on his neck. Bryn slipped out of bed to get a closer look, and he paused at her approach. She traced the black markings that nearly blended into his charcoal skin. For now Sabine’s heritage mark was blank, but the rest of the symbols were there.

“Very nice. Wintersend suits you,” she teased.

“It itches,” he admitted.

“That’ll wear off.” Bryn caressed the unmarked side of his throat. She remembered the pain, the humiliation of receiving each of her slave marks. “Your lord father will be scandalized that you have the rune of a lesser house on display.”

“He’ll be more scandalized by the fact that you are a female shadow sword.” Jace wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her closer. “He prefers his females docile and ladylike.”

“And what do you prefer?” Sabine asked. Bryn glanced back and her pulse jumped at the sight of Sabine kneeling on the bed, watching them like a huntress stalking her prey.

“I prefer my females with spirit. As long as they don’t attempt to stab me.”

Bryn unfastened his belt. “Well if you play nice with her, I won’t have to stab you.”

“That’s very comforting.” Jace nuzzled her neck as though about to bite her. “How is she?” he asked, his voice little more than a whisper. Bryn leaned into him and playfully nipped at his earlobe.

“She’s fine, for now. She’ll be better when she’s out of phase, so get to work,” Bryn murmured. She slapped his ass for teasing emphasis and earned herself a bite in response. Waves of pleasure shuddered through her until her toes curled and she moaned.

Jace kissed her, drugging her senses with the taste of her blood on his lips. “Back to bed,” he ordered, and she snorted.

“Yes sir.”

She rejoined Sabine, who pounced on Bryn and kissed her breathless. Sabine pinned her back and trailed hungry kisses down her body until she settled between Bryn’s legs. She shivered as Sabine licked her slit, and Bryn watched Jace stalk toward the bed, position himself behind Sabine and thrust into her sex. Sabine moaned, and the three of them took up a rhythm as Sabine pleasured Bryn and Jace pleasured Sabine.

Sabine was an expert on Bryn’s body—she knew where Bryn liked to be licked or bitten, caressed or pinched, and, best of all, how to stroke the spot within her sex that sent Bryn over the edge. Their lovemaking was bittersweet, but there was no denying the pleasure of her mate’s touch. The ecstasy of orgasm overwhelmed Bryn, and it led from one climax into the next as Sabine continued, relentless as always. Sabine moaned and sighed her own climaxes, and Bryn was surprised to note two, then three—not bad for a male that had recently been a virgin. Suddenly Jace drew Sabine back against his body, holding her to him with one hand as he bared her throat with the other. He bit her, and Sabine screamed as she writhed against him.

When she quieted he released her, and Sabine crawled into Bryn’s arms and collapsed with a lazy, impish smile. Bryn held Sabine close, comforted by the familiarity of holding her mate but worried about the feverish heat that still radiated from Sabine’s sweat-slicked skin.

“That was lovely. I’m glad we’re keeping him,” Sabine murmured.

Jace snorted as he stretched out beside them. “Good to know I’m useful for something.”

“You should take Bryn next,” Sabine suggested.

“No. You need this. I don’t,” Bryn argued. “Plus you did an excellent job of pleasing me.”

Jace rolled onto his side and trailed a hand down Sabine’s back. She slipped to the other side of Bryn and nudged her toward Jace. “But I want to watch, and he needs to learn how to please you too.”

“Yes, he does,” Jace agreed. Judging by the stiffness of his cock, he was more than ready to begin a lesson.

. Bryn sighed, and then gasped as Sabine draped an arm over her and began teasing her nipples. A lovely ache spread from the hard peaks, and she nearly purred. Like any warrior, Bryn had old scars, and she shivered as Jace traced a thin line slashed above her hip bone.

“Sword training got out of hand,” she explained. Bryn brushed her fingers over a scar on his inner thigh. “Nice. Laser?”

Jace nodded. “Burned through my armor fighting mercs on Nepheros.”

Her brow rose, momentarily impressed. “Any higher and you’d have had your cock shot off.” She stroked his sex for emphasis, and he gasped. Bryn grudgingly admitted that he did have a nice cock in addition to his tight ass. If they had to be tied to a male, at least they’d gotten a good specimen. It begged the question of why he’d never taken a lover before, because he certainly had nothing to be ashamed of.

“I don’t have any battle scars to show off,” Sabine said, almost sounding disappointed.

“That’s a good thing,
,” Bryn assured her.

Jace growled as he traced a finger along Bryn’s jaw, turned her head and bared her throat. She shuddered, closing her eyes with a soft sigh, and submitted to the bite. As he drank deeply she relaxed against him, giving in to the sensation.

Sabine whimpered and stroked Jace’s cock as he drank from Bryn. When he drew away, Bryn eyed his throat, eager to return the favor. Jace turned his head and Bryn bit him, pleased and surprised that he surrendered so easily.

“You like him,
,” Sabine murmured.

Jace growled and pulled away, and Bryn moaned as his mouth claimed hers, reveling in the power of shared blood. He tasted different from Sabine—her blood was sweet and heady, like an after-dinner wine, while Jace’s was a punch to the system, like a swig of hard liquor.

Jace rolled atop Bryn, settling himself between her thighs, and Bryn placed a hand on his chest. “Wait. I don’t need this.”

“I do. I want to watch him fuck you,” Sabine said. Both Bryn and Jace blinked at her in surprise.

“He already did. You slept through the first round,” Bryn pointed out.

“Well now you have to make up for starting without me.” Sabine lay back, pleasuring herself. “I need to see you together. My pretty mates. Go on.”

Bryn tried to comfort herself with the knowledge that Sabine’s sudden interest in watching was a sign of progress in her condition. Sabine had always had a voyeuristic streak before her phase that had vanished once the need demanded that she be the constant center of attention. Jace, on the other hand, likely wanted to assert his dominance as their lord and master.

“You’re greedy, Second Son.” Bryn poked him in the chest for emphasis.

Jace grinned. “I have been accused of as much.”

He thrust into her, and Bryn arched her back. While Jace sat back and loomed over them, Sabine lowered her mouth to Bryn’s breasts, licking and sucking her taut nipples as one hand dipped to stroke her clit. Between Sabine’s teasing and Jace’s hard thrusts Bryn came quickly, but they were both relentless.
Damned phase pheromones
. Her mate—mates—seemed determined to wring as much sensation from Bryn as possible, and she reasoned that it was only polite to oblige them.

Bryn had little reason left after the third climax, and she tugged Sabine’s face to hers and kissed her passionately. “
A’gra, a’mhain
,” she said.
My love, my darling.

Bryn looked up into Sabine’s golden eyes, but then Jace laid his body over hers and bit her again. She cried out as sharp pleasure flooded her, and she wrapped her arms around him and held him close as his cock pulsed inside her.

Sabine propped herself up next to them and licked her lips. “Hmm, you are right. He does have a nice ass.”

Bryn chuckled at Jace’s shocked expression. “We’re very fond of your body, Second Son.”

“Good to know. I’m fond of both of yours as well.”

“Excellent,” Sabine said. “Now I think you should lie back so I can suck your cock.”

Bryn rolled her eyes. It was going to be a long day indeed.

Chapter Nine

For most of her childhood Sabine had lived in an agricultural colony on Ranvoy 4. The climate there was mild, perfect for farming, but during the summer thunderstorms rolled across the plains. Sabine had loved watching the dark clouds approach, the anticipation of the storm about to be unleashed.

When Sabine woke, her head was clear, but she knew that the phase would return, as certain as the march of oncoming storm clouds. Still, this was the first moment of real peace she’d had since it began. Sabine snuggled deeper into the warm circle of Bryn’s arms, but she was surprised to find Jace missing from the bed. She was further surprised by the rush of concern it caused—her body had accepted him as her mate, but her heart was another matter. He’d have to earn his spot there, if he wanted it, but she supposed that it made sense that she was becoming emotionally attached to him. It wouldn’t be easy to spend her life mated to a male she felt only lust for, and he seemed likeable. Amiable. Trainable…

Sabine spotted him at his desk, and she gently untangled herself from her lover’s arms. Bryn frowned in her sleep, but Sabine tucked the blanket around her and brushed a kiss against the other female’s cheek.

,” Sabine murmured.

Jace glanced up at her approach and she helped herself to a seat on his lap. He was half-dressed, wearing only a loose pair of pants. He wrapped his arms around her, and it was different from the warmth and security she felt with Bryn—this was the chemical reaction of the phase, ensuring their continued desire for each other. Not bad, just not the same. His emotions brushed against her as she leaned into his embrace. He was worried about something, bordering on frightened; the emotions were completely at odds with his calm exterior. On the surface Jace seemed carved from stone, and Sabine wouldn’t have noticed his distress without her resurfacing

“How do you feel?” he asked.

“Better. My head is clearer. I suppose I have you to thank for that. I want to drag you back to bed and ride you until you beg for mercy, but no withdrawal symptoms. No strong ones, at least.”

A dull, aching pain throbbed through her body, but it was usually overshadowed by the lustful needs of the phase. It was one of the main reasons the master had kept her in phase in the first place—it enabled him to set her up with clients who wanted rougher trade than Sabine had previously been used to. Though some females enjoyed such things, she never had a taste for it. So far, Jace was a refreshing change. Yes, he’d left a few bruises on her and Bryn, but that was out of overzealousness, not out of a desire to cause pain.

Jace closed his eyes and his breath hitched. “You are going to be the death of me.”

Sabine giggled. “I’d tell you not to get used to it, but Bryn accused me of being voracious even before the phase.”

“Good to know.” Jace opened his eyes again and glanced past her at the screen on his data terminal. Sabine turned to see what he was working on, and her brow rose at the image of a young Cy’ren female. Her silvery hair was cropped short and neat, and she stared at the camera with pride and determination.

“Is that Bryn?” she asked.

“Yes. This is her service record.”

“She looks so different, especially in her uniform. I’ve known her over two years, and this is the first time I’ve seen her in clothing,” Sabine admitted.

Jace’s eyes widened. “I thought she was joking about that. You truly had no clothing?”

“The master said it was wasteful. We didn’t need it for our work. He kept the environmental controls high enough so we didn’t catch a chill.”

“Bastard,” Jace growled.

She didn’t disagree. Not all of her masters had been cruel. Most were merely ignorant—unable or unwilling to see the suffering they caused. They thought of slaves as just another possession, like furniture or machinery, but still provided basic needs like food, clothing and shelter. The brothel’s owner had been the first and only master who’d been determined to make her feel like nothing.

“It was a power play, meant to control us,” she explained. “We couldn’t escape, because even jump station security couldn’t miss a naked female roaming the halls. He wanted us to feel like nothing because we had nothing. But it didn’t quite work.”


Sabine smiled. “We still had each other.”

“I see.” Jace kept his expression neutral, but she felt his jealousy like a twist of gnawing hunger. Yet it vanished as quickly as it flared. “Would you like to read her record?”

“I can’t.”

“I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”

“I can’t read. I never learned. Bryn promised to teach me. She stole a data pad once to start, but Ama caught her.”

Jace looked as horrified as Bryn had when she’d learned of Sabine’s illiteracy. It was strange to them but normal to her. Most of the other born slaves she had known couldn’t read. Another power play, intended to keep slaves in their places. Again, it prevented escape attempts, because most slaves wouldn’t get far without the ability to read a map or signage. Jace gently drew a finger over her owner’s marks. There were six in total. Bryn had four.

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

“No, not wrong. I was thinking about my family. I’m not sure you’ll like them. I’m not sure
like them,” he admitted.

“Is it nice, where your family lives? Bryn used to tell me what House Wintersend was like, but I assume your home is different.”

“Very different. Wintersend shares a city with three other houses. House Morningstar has its own city, and my family has its own compound within it.”

“You have your own city?” The sheer enormity of the idea was almost too much to wrap her mind around, especially after having spent the last few years confined within a few rooms on a jump station.

“My father has his own city,” Jace corrected. “One day it will go to my brother, Wylarric.” He stroked her hair, studying her with a pensive expression. “There are things we need to discuss. Soon, before Bryn leaves.”

“Leaves?” Sabine asked, startled.

“Only for a short while. The captain wants her cleared for active duty. Do you think you can stand to be alone with me for a few hours?” he teased.

Relieved, Sabine smirked. “I can, if you can keep up with me.”

“Good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll finish dressing and get us something to eat.”

For a moment she considered demanding that he bend her over his desk before he left, but if she was spending a few hours alone with him they would both need a meal to fuel them first. Sabine kissed him lightly and rose, deciding to return to the warmth of the bed.

After Jace left, Sabine kissed Bryn awake. “Good morning.”

“Is it morning already? Did you even sleep?” Bryn asked.

“I slept well. I’m feeling better. Well, not
better, but no shakes or dizziness.”

“Good.” Bryn rubbed her eyes and glanced around. “Where’s the second son?”

“He’s bringing us breakfast.” Sabine giggled at the shock on Bryn’s face.

“Am I still dreaming?” she asked.

“No. He said he wants to speak with us before you leave to be cleared for duty.” Sabine caressed Bryn’s cheek and gazed at her thoughtfully. “Will you be gone for long?”

“To be cleared? Not too long, a few hours—”

“No, I mean, when you’re off fighting for the resistance. I assume I can’t come with you when you do, right?”

“Ah. Right. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. It depends on the assignment. But I’ll always come home to you, I promise. I love you.”

The warmth of Bryn’s devotion enveloped Sabine, and she smiled. “I love you too.”

“I suppose I ought to get cleaned up if I’m leaving the room.” Bryn kissed her and slipped from Sabine’s embrace.

“Can I watch you shower?” she asked, and Bryn laughed.


Sabine eagerly followed Bryn to the small washroom. It must be such a luxury, she mused, to have such a thing to oneself. The girls had shared a communal shower—never any privacy, never a moment’s peace. Leaning back against the sink, Sabine pleasured herself as she watched her lover under the spray of the water. Bryn grinned and blew her a kiss before cupping her breasts for Sabine’s approval. Sabine licked her lips and thought of Bryn’s sweet taste but resisted the temptation to join her.

“You’re beautiful,
.” Sabine’s voice was low and husky as the sensation built within her. The phase demanded more, and she whimpered as she increased her pace.

“You’re going to jump the second son when he gets back, aren’t you?” Bryn teased.

“Gods, yes.”

Chuckling, Bryn shook her head as she washed her hair. Yes, Sabine would fuck Jace when he returned, and she moaned in anticipation. A few hours alone with him, with his cock all to herself… For a moment she felt guilty about daydreaming of Jace and not Bryn, but Bryn would be back, and she didn’t seem to mind. In fact, Bryn’s energy was calm and content, and that was almost as miraculous as the breaks in the fog of Sabine’s phase.

There was strength in Bryn, an intensity that had never been beaten out of her—it was what had first drawn Sabine to Bryn. She’d never met a female like her before. Most females, Sabine included, were used to keeping their gaze downcast, but Bryn held her head high and looked everyone in the eye. It’d gotten her into trouble with their master on more than one occasion, and Bryn learned to adjust, but her will was never broken.

It was Bryn’s strength that had ignited a desire in Sabine for a better life. She wanted more than the same day lived over and over again, doing the master’s bidding. She wanted freedom and a future with her lover, and for the first time in her life she’d truly thought of escape. They had dreamed of returning to Cyprena, of building a life together in their own home in the Wintersend compound. Now they were free…after a fashion. Now their home would be Jace’s home, decorated with his things, purchased with his money.

She spotted movement past the doorway and realized that Jace had returned. Sabine darted after him, her line of thought forgotten.

“Go get him,” Bryn called after her, chuckling again.

Jace barely had time to set the tray of food down before she pounced on him. For a moment his eyes widened as she kissed him. Then the phase caught them and the storm broke, all other thoughts abandoned. With a hungry growl he shed his clothes, but he didn’t lead Sabine back to the bed. Instead he lifted her as though she was light as air and pinned her against the wall. The metal was cold against her bare skin as she wrapped her legs around his waist and his cock plunged into her sex.

Sabine cried out—dear gods, he was amazing. She hoped it wasn’t all the phase, and she could look forward to more exquisite pleasure from him afterward. Jace pounded her, relentless and frenzied. The sensation built until the explosion of climax overwhelmed her. He followed soon after, and she shivered as each pulse of his cock sent delicious waves of ecstasy through her. After he withdrew and set her down, they both turned at the scolding
from his desk.

“Careful. You can pull a muscle that way.” Bryn was seated in his chair, calmly braiding her hair.

Jace snorted. “I’ll keep that in mind. You’re wearing my jacket.”

“And your pants and shirt too. Thanks.”

He chuckled and brushed an affectionate kiss against Sabine’s hair before sauntering over to Bryn. Jace took hold of her chin and tilted her face up to meet his as he bent to give her a scorching, possessive kiss that made Sabine’s pulse race to watch.

“I’m not on the menu next,” Bryn warned when he drew away.

“I know. Later, though…” He trailed off, and Bryn’s face flushed.

“Greedy,” Bryn said. Sabine didn’t hear any venom in her voice though, and she knew Bryn didn’t mind his attention.

Sabine joined them at the desk and eyed the food warily. She should eat, though the sight of it turned her stomach. The phase pushed her to crave sex and not food, but this new, gnawing hunger that the doctor called
was something else. For now she was content to give in to the demands of the phase, but the other need—it was like chasing a dream. She missed the warm oblivion that the drugs had caused, where she didn’t care about the phase, or what her clients did to her. Though she understood the danger of it, and why she couldn’t ever allow it to happen again, the knowledge didn’t dissipate the craving.

Jace redressed quickly, and then opened his locker and searched through the clothing within. Finally he produced a black robe and held it out to Sabine, and she frowned at it. “You should have something to wear,” he said.


“Because…” He frowned, fumbling for words.

“Because civilized people dress for meals, and we’re civilized now,” Bryn said.

“Oh.” It seemed an unnecessary fuss considering she would just shed the thing after the meal, but Sabine shrugged and accepted the garment, even though it was too big for her. She belted the sash tightly but still felt as if she were drowning in fabric.

“It’s not that. Well, not just that. I want you to have something. A lot of things, really,” Jace said, still seeming flustered. “I want—here, we can discuss it while we eat.”

Sabine sat on Bryn’s lap. Jace studied the pair for a moment, and then chose a plate from the tray and took a seat at the edge of the bed. Bryn began to eat, and Sabine waited, knowing her lover would coax her into following suit.

“What’s on your mind?” Bryn asked.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said, about how being a mate is not far from being a slave. I don’t want you to feel like that. I want you to be happy. To be able to pursue whatever interests you have.”

“Within limits,” Bryn said.

Jace sighed. “There would need to be some limits, yes. As my mate I expect you to be faithful to me, and not become involved with any other males.”

“That’s fine by me. As long as Bryn and I are together,” Sabine said.

“I have no interest in other males.”

He nodded. “In addition to being my mate, I’d like to offer you the position as my
, Bryn.”

BOOK: Morningstar
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