Read More Wicked Alphas, Wilder Nights: Sizzling Collection of Paranormal Romance (Wicked Alphas, Wild Nights Book 5) Online

Authors: Anna Lowe,Elianne Adams,Vella Day,Cristina Rayne,Sloane Meyers,Amber Ella Monroe,D.D. Miers,Emma Alisyn,J.K. Harper,Jacqueline Sweet,Kallysten,Kayleigh Malcolm,Kim Faulks,Marie Mason,Olivia Arran,Sloane Meyers

More Wicked Alphas, Wilder Nights: Sizzling Collection of Paranormal Romance (Wicked Alphas, Wild Nights Book 5) (25 page)

BOOK: More Wicked Alphas, Wilder Nights: Sizzling Collection of Paranormal Romance (Wicked Alphas, Wild Nights Book 5)
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About this scene from
Blood Aflame

Jovana Mason may be the Wyren heir, but she left dragon politics and her throne behind her. She chose to live a normal life among humans rather than subject herself to the heartache of a love betrayed—a love she’d abandoned a decade earlier. But when an unexpected death calls her back to the world she despises, she has no choice but to ally with the one man she’d sworn never to trust again—the only man who could set her blood aflame. When treachery runs deep and enemies are everywhere; will Jovana stop listening to her head and start trusting her heart?

In this scene, Jovana has just returned from seeking out the help of another Master named Marek. Rezin, her ex-lover and the current Master under her father, is furious that she’d go to someone else instead of him. Their anger and resentment for each other reaches a pinnacle point that boils over into unrestrained passion.

Blood Aflame
An excerpt

Rezin paced the grand hall, his shoulders tense, muscles straining against his fitted, black T-shirt. Jovana could tell he wanted to rip the clothes from his flesh and shift. His dragon’s wings soaring through the air would calm him. He didn’t stop moving as she entered. Without casting a glance at her, he spoke.

“What the hell were you thinking? Do you have any idea what could have happened to you?”

“Nothing was going to happen,” She said. She didn’t need a babysitter or a hero. He was overstepping here, just like he used to.

“You forget who you are, Jovana . . .
you are.”

“I forget nothing, Rez.”

He stopped pacing and looked at her, his eyes dark with fury. “Nothing? You’ve never been the naïve one. This is ridiculous, especially for you.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Are you upset because I didn’t come to you, on my knees, begging for help?”

 have come to me.” He kicked the chair beside him and it skid across the floor.

“You’re not that man in my life anymore.”

His jaw hardened and the past rose to the surface, filling the air with too many unspoken words.

“No, you’ve made that very clear.” His eyes didn’t leave hers for a full thirty seconds before he took a deep, slow breath. “Marek is only trying to use you. Don’t you see that?”

“He wouldn’t be the first.”

“Dammit Jo, this is serious.” He slammed his hands down, palms flat, onto the enormous oak table between them. “You’re putting
 at risk. I’ve told you to let me handle this.”

“You forget yourself, Rez.
My father
 was the Headman, not yours. I’m within my rights to take the lead on this—on everything.”

“I thought you walked away from it all. Now you want it?”

There it was again.

This question always hung between them. He still believed she had walked away from him for the wrong reasons, convinced it was her ambivalence to rule that had made her doubt him.

“No, I don’t. But I’m not leaving until I find out who murdered my father. I’ll do anything and everything I have to do to discover the truth.”

“Anything?” He stood upright, and his hands gripped the edge of the chair in front of him. The wood cracked under his strength. “Like give yourself to a man who seeks nothing more than the throne you hold? A man who could never truly love you.”

“This isn’t about love,” She said.

A surge of anger ripped through Rezin, and his dragon eyes roared to life inside of him.

 did the two of you do?”

“I talked—he listened.”

“Marek isn’t the sort of man to give his ear freely. What did you give him to make him listen?”

She knew it was his claim over her that fueled his aggression and not love. He was angry at the idea of someone else drinking from the same cup as him. It was a common trait among all male dragons, but the agony of their broken past left Jovana with a desire to torment him further.

“You shouldn’t ask questions that you won’t like the answer to.”

“You’re making a mistake,” he said through clenched teeth.

“I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”

“Marek will make you promises he can’t keep. He seeks the glory of being Headman for himself. Not his clan or anyone else.”

She was so sick of men and their lies. Her father, Rez, Marek. They all lied to get what they wanted and manipulated everyone around them. So why was it different when it came to her?

She shook her head in disbelief. “And you’re so different? You’ve always taken
 you want, from
you want,
 you want. You don’t give a damn about me or any other woman. It’s about you. Always about you.”

She knew immediately Rezin hadn’t missed the insinuation. He knew what she implied; he’d never truly wanted her. He’d used her.

“That’s a lie and you know it,” he said. “Besides, if I took
 I want,
 I wanted, you’d be naked in my bed, screaming my name. Right now.”

She tried to act angry—offended even—but her body betrayed her. A heated blush crept over her skin, making her nipples harden through her blouse. Her breath deepened, and her voice became husky.

“I’d never sleep with you again. Not in a million years.”

“Now who’s the liar?” he sneered.

She turned her face away from him. She was too angry; it was too raw. “I’ll be gone soon enough. Then you can go back to fooling around with whomever you like. Eventually, I’ll find someone else, and we’ll both be out of each other’s lives for good.”

A dark shadow crossed his features as he watched her. “Damn you, Jovana. Damn you.”

He crossed the room in two steps and shoved her back against the door, crushing his mouth onto hers with a hunger she’d never known before.

All at once, Rezin was everywhere. He pressed himself into her, crowding her with the delicious pressure of his rock-hard body. Confident hands reached under her legs as he grabbed the sensitive flesh behind her thighs, squeezing as he lifted her onto him.

Being with him like this again was almost too much to take. She should have fought him, pushed him away. But she couldn’t. She was helpless to his touch. What her heart had tried to forget in a decade, her body remembered in an instant.

She automatically wrapped herself tightly around his waist, trying to get as close as possible to this man. This man who could heal her or break her. An irrational desperation washed over Jovana, and she was frantic to feel the pressure of his hardened length ramming into her.

Her brain screamed that this was a big mistake, but she couldn’t fight the instinctual desire to taste him again. Rezin had always been the only beast who could tame her.

He began a slow rhythm, pushing forward and pulling back. The sweet pressure he offered was the only thing that staved the fire burning between her legs, one that became stronger with each thrust.

There was a blatant urgency in the way they grated into one another through their clothes. A frenzy to take a claim on something they both knew they couldn’t keep. He took her neck and pulled her face upward, bringing her mouth closer to his.

“Look at me, Jovana” he said.

She raised her lashes to see him staring down at her with a raw intensity, the beautiful golden flecks in his eyes aglow.

She pulled back for a brief moment and admired the magnificence that embodied Rezin. Everything about him would have made him a good leader. He was powerful, aggressive, dominant—and sexy as hell. His mark swirled at the top of his chest, the tips of it visible from the V-neck he wore.

Damn, he’d always looked good in black.

He slipped his tongue slowly between her lips, never taking his eyes off hers as he caressed her mouth. He tasted a million times better than she’d remembered, better than any man ever had. She was more alive now than she’d been in the last ten years away from him.

She kept telling herself that this was unfulfilled desire. Pure and simple. A need to get him out of her system once and for all.

He ground his hips harder and a throaty moan tore from Jovana’s lips. Whatever she’d imagined desire to be before this instant, she’d been wrong.
s was what desire truly felt like. Every other man, other moment, seemed like a distant memory slowly fading into nothingness. This moment, right here . . . was truth.

He placed kisses along her collarbone, neck, cheeks—everywhere he could reach. He raised his mouth again, letting his lips hover only inches from hers. She knew what he was doing. He wanted her to make the next move, to show him how much she still desired him. There’s an exquisite agony to being so close to what you want and knowing eventually you’ll get it.

She watched his eyes and tried to hold onto the moment. She shifted a short distance forward and devoured his lush, full lips in a punishing kiss. He groaned while grabbing the top of her camisole and pulled it down to expose both of her fully aroused nipples.

He licked his lower lip, and she thought she’d die from the anticipation. A knowing smile spread across his face before he lowered his mouth onto the swollen mound of her breast, sucking and licking her sensitive buds with the skills of an experienced lover. His other hand massaged her hip as he held her in place against the door. His fingers slipped back and forth across her wet core through her shorts, teasing her with all the possibilities he could offer.

She lowered her hand and massaged him through his jeans, needing to feel him. She wanted every delicious inch—and she wanted it now. She pushed out of his arms and dropped to her knees.         “Jovana—”

She shushed him as she undid his pants and pulled him into her mouth.

His salty perfect skin tasted just as she’d remembered. He arched his back and tilted his head upward, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the feel of her again. Rezin was the only man she’d do this for, the only man she’d done this with. She wasn’t on her knees long before he grabbed her arms and lifted her onto her feet. He whirled her around, faced her toward the door, and placed her palms open over head. He jammed his groin into her from behind and rhythmically rubbed against her while he used his other hand to massage her breasts.

“We’re going to take this nice and slow, sweetheart. I’ve waited too long for this to be quick,” he said through erratic breaths.

He licked his fingers and rubbed the wet tips against her nipples. They hardened as he caressed her closer and closer to climax. Then he lowered his hand down her belly and into her shorts, moving playfully over her most sensitive flesh on top of her panties. His groan of pleasure let her know that he’d felt how much she’d already soaked through.

“This is what you want, isn’t it.” He purred into her ear, his tongue slowly stroking the outer flesh.

“Oh god, Rezin, yes.”

He slipped his fingers inside of her, hitting her exactly where she needed it as he rocked his hips against her from behind. His jeans were still undone, letting her feel his hot, firm flesh as it pressed against her inner thigh. She shoved back into him, the thin cotton material of her pajama bottoms a useless barrier.

As if reading her thoughts, he removed his jeans before lowering her shorts, leaving only the delicate thong underwear beneath. He rubbed his length against the thong’s lace, his hot skin coaxing her toward oblivion. If she’d thought she was close to the edge before, she was wrong. She was hitting the pinnacle any second now.


Jovana called out his name like a desperate plea, and he responded. He turned her around and lifted her into his arms as he carried her over to the massive table. He lowered her gently as he kissed her neck, mouth, and breasts, never once stopping his seduction. He pulled his shirt over his head and slipped off her twisted camisole before pushing her gently back onto the smooth wood. She lay flat, at his mercy.

He’d always been a generous lover. He never took without giving in return, and he knew exactly what to do and when to do it. Seeing him completely naked and towering over her set off emotions she’d long ago buried. She tried to refocus on the burning sexual desire between them and not the look in his eyes.

When she went to remove her thong, he stilled her hands and let his gaze linger over her, much too long for her comfort. When she tried to touch him and bring his focus back to their bodies, he grabbed her wrists and held them at her sides, keeping his eyes on her. What radiated within them terrified her. It was more than desire. There was something there, an emotion she’d spent the last half of her life building a wall against.

She’d been foolish to think that she could just give her body to him and keep her heart far apart. She couldn’t do this. She had to stop herself now before she made a huge mistake. Jovan closed her eyes, locking him out. After a minute, he softened his grip on her wrists until he released them and stepped away from her. When she opened them again, her icy demeanor had returned, and his nostrils flared with fury. He grabbed his jeans and shirt off the floor and stormed out of the grand hall, his heavy footsteps echoing down the passage like the executioner’s drum.

From the Author

Check out Jovana and Rezin’s entire story in D.D. Miers’ Upcoming Release:
Blood Aflame
(Born of Embers and Ice) — coming this summer! Sign up for D.D.'s newsletter to be notified of New Releases! You can also view more paranormal romance books and series from D.D. Miers at her website in the links below.

Check out the
Born of Embers and Ice

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