Read Mistress Mommy Online

Authors: Carolyn Faulkner,Abby Collier

Tags: #Femdom, #Ageplay

Mistress Mommy (4 page)

BOOK: Mistress Mommy
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A question – actually two – popped into her head, and she drew in a breath, but held it, both the breath and the questions.

Margot noticed; she tried to be as attentive as possible to her charges. Sometimes it was the only way she got to know them. Some of them were that damaged.

“You can always talk to me or ask me anything, sweetie. As long as you do it in a respectful manner.”

“What do I call you?” Alicia was surprised to hear how her voice had changed, with no thought or contrivance at all on her end. It just came out that way naturally.

As she answered, Margot kept herself busy getting her baby dressed. She’d already gotten a thick, white, fluffy diaper, complete with an enormous soaker, in place. Now she was putting a pair of lacy ruffled white rhumba panties over that. Next would be a cute pink and white a baby doll dress, pink and white ribbons in her hair, matching warm booties and mittens that she’d knit herself, and a coordinating, adult sized, baby girl pacifier with a carousel horse clip.

“Well, there probably won’t be a lot of cause for you to talk, but what would you most like to call me?”

Alicia’s mom had been the type who had wanted to be called by her first name – Sharon. So Alicia had never called her mother any of the usual matriarchal terms of endearment. So she didn’t stifle her response. “Mommy.”

“Then Mommy it is.”


Margot was almost taken aback at the unabashed wonder in Alicia’s voice. Almost. “Yes. You must call me Mommy from now on. What’s your middle name, Alicia? I wanted to use it a few minutes ago to reprimand you, and I didn’t know what it was?”


“I’ll remember that.”

She was fully dressed, and quite a little darling, to boot. The pacifier was the last thing in place, and with it Margot said, “When I put the pacifier in your mouth is the only time you’re not allowed to talk. You’re not allowed to spit it out. If you lose it while you’re spanked, you’re to find it and put it back in. If you’re wearing it while you’re spanked, it’s because you’re to keep your verbalizations to a minimum and it’s there to help you to do that.”

With that, she sat down on her chaise and pulled Licia over her lap for her first paddling. Alicia immediately began to protest, as anyone would who knew what was coming. To her surprise, Margot laid out a selection of pink and white carousel implements next to her on the chaise. “Of course, there are rules about being spanked, too. You’ll find there are rules about most every aspect of your behavior in this house. You can kick and wiggle and lean and try to get away, but you may not actually escape. You also may not hurt yourself in any attempt at escaping, nor may you hurt me. I am the only arbiter of whether or not a spanking is deserved. You may plead your case most prettily, but I make the final decision. And, only in the most unusual of situations will you be afforded the opportunity to plead your case. Usually you will simply be punished.”

“I choose the punishment, the implement, and the duration of said punishment. If I want to wake you up in the middle of the night and punish you, then that’s what’s done. If I want to spank you every night for a week, then that’s what’s done. There’s no one here in this house that would raise a hand to help you. Quite the contrary, in fact. The others might well be enlisted to hold you still, should I decide that might be needed.”

As easily as she’d been put into them, she was divested of her babyish panties and diapers. In fact, she noticed that the diapers didn’t have the usual plastic tape closures on them. Instead, they had Velcro closures that made it even easier for them to be opened and closed.

As if she was reading Alicia’s mind, Margot commented, “I have the diapers specially made for my purposes. I found the ready-made ones to be insufficient for my needs. The tapes tended to tear the diaper materials. The velcro works much better, since I frequently need to open them for insertions or punishments, or insertion punishments.”

That answered that.

Her bottom exposed, she felt a paddled being laid over it. “This is your first spanking so I’m going to go easy on you, although I doubt you’ll agree with me about that. You can expect that you’re probably going to receive at least one spanking a day – probably a lot more than that, actually, at first, but definitely one a day, a bed time spanking just before I put you down for the night.”

The paddle was atrocious. It was murder, and it made her want to scream bloody. But she knew she couldn’t. The pacifier helped, she had to admit. It helped her absorb each of the swats as it crashed into her cringing nates. Her disciplinarian varied the tempo of the blows, so that she never knew when the next one was coming, which was absolutely horrid. Alicia could never plan whether she should be kicking or squirming in one direction or the other, but she did have to say that she didn’t feel that there were too many swats that overlapped, which would have been just unbearable for her.

It ended, finally, with the pacifier slipping out of her mouth on the very last swat. Her Mommy had had the forethought, of course, to attach it by the carousel horse clip, and all Alicia had to do was reach down and pop it back into her mouth, which she did immediately upon losing it.

Margot kept Alicia in place for a moment before allowing her up, rubbing that angry red bottom just a bit She didn’t want the girl thinking that she was going to have her bottom rubbed as a general rule after a spanking, because she certainly wasn’t. Much the opposite, in fact. It wouldn’t be at all unusual for her to find herself thoroughly blistered, and sitting in a corner on a stood that was covered in a prickly mat specifically made to make corner time just that much more uncomfortable. 

She’d taken her first spanking well, although she had gone very easy on her, indeed.

“Let’s put you down for a nap before dinner.” Margot stood up and grabbed a tight hold of Alicia’s hand. One could never tell just exactly how a newbie was going to react to the chance in lifestyle. Some of them decided to run. Besides, it was always a good idea to have a firm hold of a toddler.

A nap?! It was barely three in the afternoon! And she hadn’t brought any of her things with her. Alicia stopped short, pulling back on the arm Mommy had a hold of. Without thinking, she reached up and took the pacifier out of her mouth. “But I don’t have any of my things - ”

Before she knew it, the pacifier had been put almost rudely back into place and she was back over Mommy’s lap, bare bottomed again in record time, only this time there was no implement, just Mommy’s bare hand rather than a pretty pink paddle. 

But it might as well have been a paddle. In truth, Alicia couldn’t tell much of a difference, especially since she’d already been paddled only a few moments before. The sound was different, but her bottom had been so tenderized from the previous punishment that each slap, as it crashed down onto her already sizzling rear, only served to reignite those seared nerve endings.

She wanted to howl. She wanted to scream. She was already kicking and squirming and doing her level best to try to avoid each and every swat, and was failing miserably at it. Either she was in horrible shape – which was probably the problem – or her Mommy was a master at keeping naughty adult little girls in place so that not one swat missed its intended mark. She may have been thin, but an athlete she was not. And Mommy was a Master – or was that Mistress – at the top of her game.

Only this wasn’t a game.

It hurt much too much to be classified as such.

Alicia had been so determined not to do anything wrong. She’d been that type of a kid. Not much of a problem to her parents. Always doing the right thing. Always trying to be perfect. She’d been certain she’d probably never even be spanked at all the entire time she was here. And now, here she was, having only been here less than fifteen minutes, and she’d already been spanked twice. 

“Haven’t you already been told that when Mommy puts that pacifier in your mouth that it stays in your mouth? You are not,” she emphasized the word with a flurry of swats, “to take it out. Mommy – or one of your sisters or brothers – are the only people who can take that pacifier out of your mouth. Am I making myself perfectly clear, Alicia?”

All she could do was nod vigorously and try to answer – unintelligibly – around the binky.

“And when Mommy takes your hand – as she always will, ‘cause toddlers your age can be unsteady on their feet, especially with bulky diapers between their legs,” Margot let Alicia’s indignant squeal at this humiliating reminder go, this time, “you do not pull back against her.”

This spanking was nowhere near as short as the first one. It seemed to go on interminably, as far as Alicia was concerned. She was certain that her bottom had been set on fire, and was surprised that her Mommy could continue to swat away without being in great personal danger herself.

“As to your things, I will send someone to get them. The majority of them, as they won’t pertain to your current situation, will be put into storage in the attic. If there’s anything in particular you would like to have with you, you may ask me for it, and I will decide whether or not you may have it. Other than that, everything that I decide you need will be provided for you.”

Alicia didn’t know how to ask a question, and she was entirely unwilling to remove the pacifier from her mouth herself. She learned well, and rarely had to be told anything twice. 


So she took to making a keening sound repeatedly. Luckily, Mommy seemed to understand almost immediately, and removed the binky. “I – I have a question.”


Sniffing through her tears, her bottom still burning and terribly afraid that the spanking wasn’t quite over yet, Alicia said, “I’d signed up for work study to help pay for school – “

“Say no more. I’ll make up for any shortfall in your tuition. Any other questions or concerns?”

Wishing she could up with some, if only to delay the unenviable inevitable, Alicia slowly shook her head. The binky was placed in her mouth once again, most gently, and then the roasting began again, anew, as if she hadn’t already spent ten minutes doing exactly that.

By the time she was again securely bundled into the much too thick diaper and all the baby girl accoutrement, even the softness of the diaper material was much too much against the swollen, distended flesh of her encased butt. It rubbed against her, crinkling and reminding her in a multitude of ways of the fact that she’d committed herself to living like this – to living as an adult little girl, as an adult baby, to being a college student by day and an adult baby by night. To being punished and pampered, spanked and who knew what all else. Mommy’s words rang in her head: “and much, much more”. 

Alicia wasn’t at all sure she wanted to know what that encompassed, but she was more than sure that she would find out.

She was glad for the diaper, because she’d gone through all of her panties since she’d first visited to this place three days ago. She’d managed to refrain from pleasuring herself, but it wasn’t easy. She wondered if it was all spankings and nothing else. At least that was what it seemed so far, anyway.

She was very careful not to pull against the hold Mommy had on her hand as she was guided up the stairs to her room at the very back of the hallway. Mommy kept up a steady stream of commentary.

“Now. You’ll be on a strict schedule, Alicia, that I will work around your classes. I will take care of alerting the school as to your change of address and letting them know that I will be functioning as your guardian while you’re there. Until you start classes, your schedule will be up at six, breakfast at six thirty, studies till nine, nap till twelve, lunch till one, nap till three thirty, studies till five, play time till six, dinner till six thirty, then bed.”

A thousand question flooded Alicia’s mind, not the least of which was UP AT SIX??? She was supposed to be a college student! She was supposed to sleep late! She’d spent the entire summer sleeping late! She’d deliberately taken the overnight shift at a grocery store in her home town so that she didn’t have to get up until three in the afternoon. She hadn’t seen six in the morning since long before she’d graduated last spring. And studies? What kind of studies could she possibly mean? Especially since she hadn’t any classes yet!

“And if you’re naughty, you’ll lose your play time, and perhaps your dinner, and be put right to bed.”

Right to bed? Alicia couldn’t think of anything worse. Well, that wasn’t quite true... and Mommy went right ahead and proved her wrong, as if she’d read her mind.

“Probably with a freshly roasted bottom.”

Mommy was bustling about the wonderfully appointed nursery while Alicia kind of stood in the doorway, as if she was a guest in her own room. 

“Alicia Marie, don’t just stand there, baby. Get into the crib where you belong. I’m afraid I don’t much like the changing table I bought, so I won’t be using it for its intended purpose. I have a friend who keeps saying he’s going go build me another one, but he seems to be all hat and no cattle about that, so I’m not holding my breath. So, for right now, it’s just storage for all of your diapers and such.”

Alicia moved slowly to the crib. The side was already down, and it actually looked very warm and inviting with its pastel colors, fluffy pillows and small stuffies. She deliberately ignored the well padded straps she saw hanging from each of the posts at the four corners of the rectangle, as well as the hubby in one corner. She didn’t want to consider any too closely what their purpose might be. She curled up on her side, and could see that Mommy had the doors under the changing table open. There were stacks and stacks of pink and white diapers, some with bands of Disney characters along the top and some without. Licia was alarmed to see that, hanging on the door, was a very large red rubber bag with its long white tube and nozzle, as well as several other types of nozzles that looked positively frightening, and several different bulbs of various shapes and sizes. She also saw what she recognized – from entirely too much time spent surfing the Web – as a double Bardex nozzle. This sight had her eyes as wide as saucers. 

BOOK: Mistress Mommy
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