Read Milky Coffee and Office Gossip Online

Authors: Liza Kay

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Erotic Romance, #GLBT, #Gay

Milky Coffee and Office Gossip (5 page)

BOOK: Milky Coffee and Office Gossip
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Once, Remy had surprised him by coming into his office while Corey had fondled himself through his dress pants. Embarrassing as hell. His embarrassment had quickly waved its good-bye though, when Remy had grinned, locked the door, and sucked him off right there. Corey didn’t want to think about the repercussions if his boss or any of his colleagues found out about Remy’s and his affair.

He didn’t want to admit it, but he thought about this term often. Affair. Was it only an affair or more? For Corey, it was more. Despite the short time they’d known each other, he’d engaged his heart. But what about Remy? Did he feel the same or was Corey only an available ass Remy liked to fuck and would forget as soon as he’d finished his job for Mr. Harding?

Whenever that thought hit Corey, he felt a stab of pain slicing through his heart. Sure, he had no reason to expect more. Remy had never once mentioned he wanted something that went beyond a good time together. A relationship. Commitment. The picket fence.

On the other hand, Remy had never said they couldn’t have more than sex either. If Corey had a backbone, he’d simply ask the man about his intentions. He had reasons not to though.

First, he was afraid to scare Remy away with hints at a possible relationship. The man seemed independent, like he didn’t need anybody. No, that wasn’t true. Sometimes, Corey would notice Remy looking at him with a strange expression on his face. It happened in those quiet moments that followed their explosive passion, when they lay together and enjoyed the little aftershocks. Then Remy would wrap him in his arms so tightly Corey got the impression his lover was afraid to let him go.

The other, and more serious problem, was Corey’s past. His panic that history would repeat itself made him fear that he’d become so obsessed over Remington he’d start stalking the man. Like he’d done with Richard when the man had brushed him off. Corey didn’t want to lose control again. Especially if Remy wanted only sex and dumped him someday. He’d rather poke out his eye with a fork than hurt his new lover.


Startled, Corey’s gaze snapped up, finding Remy’s eyes trained on him.

“You’re awfully quiet today. It’s starting to frighten me a bit,” Remy added with a wink. “Want to tell me what’s bothering you? Is it because we’re at your house for the first time?”

“Uh, well, no. Actually, I like welcoming you into my home,” Corey said, trying to convey his honesty by taking Remy’s hand. “Just a bit nervous, is all.”

Remy’s brows rose. “Nervous?” he asked and lifted Corey’s hand to his mouth to brush kisses over his knuckles. “But why? Did I do something wro—”

“No! No, Remington. There’s just so much going on in my head and... Sorry. I’m happy you’re here and I should entertain you rather than mull things over.”

“Corey,” Remy started, a fond expression on his face. “You don’t need to entertain me. Just sitting here with you is great as far as I’m concerned. Even if we only sit and enjoy each other’s company without much talking going on.” That sounded surprisingly domestic. But... it was only a line, wasn’t it?

Probably reacting to Corey’s incredulous look, Remy smiled and said, “If you don’t like the quiet between us, you can tell me about all those plants. You sure have a green thumb.” Remy waved his hand to point out the many pots littering Corey’s light-filled kitchen.

This room had once been the winter garden. Three walls were glass and offered a great view over the open fields behind Corey’s tiny house on the outskirts of town. When he’d bought it one year ago, thanks to money his grandfather had left him, Corey had decided to integrate his kitchen into the winter garden. Both were his most favorite rooms, so it made sense. An architect had helped combining the old kitchen with the bathroom. Together, they’d created a little wellness oasis with a big tub, double sink and rain shower. The third room on the ground level was his master bedroom.

Upstairs held Corey’s office, combined with his rather huge library, and a small guestroom. That was it. Corey had loved the house from the first moment he’d seen it. Thanks to his grandfather, he’d had the opportunity to buy and remodel it to his own liking.

Now, he and Remy sat in his bright kitchen in a pair of rattan chairs placed around a round glass table. Remy was right. There were a hell of a lot plants not only in his kitchen but all over the house and little garden.

Corey smiled. “Yes, I have a green thumb. Gardening was always one of my hobbies. I just can’t stop myself whenever I see a new plant.” His cheeks reddening at the admission, he added, “My trunk almost burst in the spring, I’d crammed so many pots in there. I always go overboard in spring.”

“Ah. You didn’t mention this hobby during our last dates. I wonder why,” Remy teased and refilled their teacups. “Let me guess, it’s one of those hobbies that needs much time and money and you worried how I’d react?”

Corey blinked, too stunned to answer right away. After a sip of tea he replied, “That’s not it. I... was worried you’d think it a girly hobby. Working in the garden, loving flowers.” He shrugged and peeked at his lover through his lashes.

“Oh, Corey, I’d never think that. It’s an interesting hobby, although I have to admit I know nearly nothing about plants. I know the names of roses and tulips and a few trees but otherwise I’m ignorant. Tell me about the plants around us. I’m curious!” Remy turned in his chair, giving Corey a view of his handsome profile while the man let his gaze wander around the kitchen. He looked honestly interested in his hobby and his home.

Corey felt warmth spread through his chest at the thought of him and his lover sharing romantic dinners and quiet evenings together at his house. And just like that, he found the way back to reality. His silly dreams didn’t matter. This wasn’t a relationship. Yet.

“Okay. Over there, in the little pots hanging along the counter, are my herbs. I like to cook and use fresh herbs like basil, sage, oregano, and rosemary.” Corey mentioned to a low, two-story shelf. “Those are my orchids. I just love them.” Next he waved his hand around the whole room. “Then I have ivy and several indoor palms. Oh! And different citrus trees that I grew from pips,” he added full of pride. Yes, he collected pips wherever he went, he was crazy like that.

“Wow,” Remy said, sounding honestly impressed. “Do they grow fruits?”

Corey chuckled. “No, unfortunately not. I just love the green, glossy leaves. They always look so friendly.”

“Yeah, I can see that. What about outside? I saw flower beds when I arrived.”

Corey smiled. He hadn’t talked about his passion for plants and flowers since one of his lovers had dismissed it as a
hobby for chicks
and had constantly made fun of him. The haughty fucker. Admittedly, it felt good to have Remy’s attention outside the bedroom.

Concentrating back on the question, he said, “Yes, of course. In the spring, snowdrops, tulips and daffodils litter the whole garden. In the summer, I pick berries from my own bushes. I love pancakes with fresh berries.”

Remy gaped, then looked down at his now empty plate. “Those were from your own garden?”

Giggling, Corey nodded. “I whipped up some cream and a sauce of hot, red berries to go with the pancakes as opposed to serving syrup. From the way you moaned while they vanished from your plate, I assumed that you liked them.”

“Liked them? Corey, the pancakes were from heaven. I’ll never be able to eat them anywhere else from now on,” Remy said, a dreamy look on his face. “Nothing could compare. You said you cook, too? Damn. Marry me?”

Corey choked on his tea.

Holy fucking shit!
Yes, he knew it was a joke. Yes, it was way too soon to put a label on whatever was going on between them. Okay, so the label screamed affair. Still, hearing those words sent a wave of longing through Corey that, hadn’t the tea already managed it, would’ve choked him.

“Crap, Corey! I’m sorry.” Remy jumped up and gently patted his back. “Do you need... anything? Piece of bread, maybe? A glass of water would be nonsense, right?” His lover rumbled, clearly nervous, and never stopped patting, and stroking his back.

Eventually, Corey waved his hand, signaling he’d live—barely—and Remy should return to his seat. The man seemed reluctant though. Instead, he cupped Corey’s cheek with one hand and brushed the bangs out of his face with the other. Tender and slow, with one of those special looks Corey had noticed on occasion.

“Corey,” Remy whispered. “I like you. I really do. But...”

Oh, please no.
He’d fucked up, hadn’t he? While Corey waited for the typical
I like you but I’d like you even more if we didn’t see each other any longer,
he felt his face losing its color. His neck prickled in that telltale, cold feeling of impending doom—okay, so now he was exaggerating, but still—and his hands clutched the armrests of his chair.

“No, look at me,” Remy said, urging his face up till their gazes locked. “I like you. But I’ve never... you make me want so much, Corey. It’s unexpected and scary for me, you see? I don’t want to hurt you but I can’t make any promises either. Whatever this is between us, it’s too new to put a label on it after only eight days. I’ve never even had a boyfriend. I never wanted one.” His lover looked at him, his eyes pleading Corey to understand. He did. Kind of.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, not knowing what else to say to Remy’s revelations. Honestly, the man hadn’t revealed all that much apart from being afraid of relationships. Corey still didn’t know what Remy wanted, if he’d dump him tomorrow or the day after.

Remy stroked the side of his face, rubbing his thump over his cheekbone in soft circles. His silver-blue eyes were intense. “You don’t need to apologize for your dreams and wishes. I’m glad that I found out although I have the feeling you didn’t want me to know about them. Anyway, I can’t tell you what I’m wishing for because right now, I just want you. Beyond that, I can’t make any promises for the future. Is that too little?”

“I... don’t know?” Corey gave a little laugh. “That was spoken like a lawyer, Remy. I’m sorry for getting emotional. Guess you don’t do emotional, huh?”

“Right. This is an unusual situation though.”

“Because you get rid of clingy guys before they force you into such a conversation?”

“No. Because there’s nothing usual about being with you. It’s... intense. I don’t know what to make of it just yet.” Remy’s brows crunched and his face took on a faraway look, like for a second he wasn’t in the kitchen anymore. Then his eyes focused back on the place where his hand cradled Corey’s cheek and a smile formed on his lips.

He reached out and trailed the man’s sensual lips with the tip of his finger. He knew without a doubt that he’d give Remy whatever he wanted, no matter how long he wanted it, how long he wanted Corey.

“Yeah, intense is the right word,” he whispered, right before brushing their lips together in a barely there touch. Somebody made an odd whimpering sound and Corey couldn’t say which of them. Didn’t matter anyway. Because where the kiss had been orchid-soft and snowdrop-innocent, it progressed to forest fire in seconds.

Corey moaned shamelessly into his lover’s mouth and fisted his shirt. Tugging lightly at Corey’s hair, Remy managed to drag him off his chair and together they tumbled to the floor in a heap of tangling legs and searching hands.

“Shit, Corey,” Remy rasped, delivering biting kisses along his neck. Corey tilted his head to give him more access. Not able to answer, because he was way too busy yanking at the man’s stubborn shirt, Corey tried to express his wishes with action. They’d talked enough for today. The future would show if they had a chance. At least, Remy had been brutally honest with him.

He rubbed his hard erection against Remy’s strong thigh. Hell, they’d have bruises if they continued like that. Corey wasn’t even sure what had started the heavy and almost desperate make-out session. The joked proposal? The knowledge that they knew nothing at all when it came to the boundaries of their affair? The lunar cycle?

Well, that would only make sense if they were werewolves. And if his mind was busy with werewolves while kissing a hot guy, he was in desperate need of oxygen.

Suddenly, Corey found himself on his back, with his hands pinned over his head against the hardwood floor. Two hundred pounds of horny lawyer straddled his rocking, wriggling hips. Hot as fuck.

“Corey! Look at me,” Remy demanded.

Corey obeyed immediately. The lust simmering in the depths of Remy’s pale, silver-blue eyes was overwhelming. “Please,” he begged, not knowing what he was asking for exactly.

Remy grinned. “You always beg so prettily, Corey.”

Licking his lips, because by now he knew it drove Remy wild, Corey gazed up at his lover through his thick lashes. “Tell me your plan and I’m going to beg you till I’m hoarse,” he whispered.

The man’s nostrils flared, his pupils widening as his arousal spiked. Remy, though not a Dom, had clearly dominant streaks and liked to be in control. Corey was more than happy to go along. He was often too shy to express his sexual wishes and somehow Remy always read them. That made Remy a perfect match for Corey. If only Remy would see it like that. Wishful thinking.

“The plan?” Remy drawled, his voice low and sultry. “Oh, I’m going to fuck your mouth, right here in your cute kitchen, among all those plants, while you’re lying on the floor. Then, I’ll bend you over the counter and fuck your tight little ass till you’re begging me for permission to come. Sound good?” his lover asked with a wide, leery grin. The sexy fucker.

Corey could only moan, his eyes sliding to half-mast and his trapped erection fighting against the damn zipper. This was a sexual fantasy come true.

“Yup, I think you like the sound of that,” Remy rasped, snapping open his fly with a trained flick of his wrist. The man made quick work knee walking up Corey’s body and straddling his shoulders. Thank God Corey felt the cold of the floor seeping through his thin shirt and linen shorts. Otherwise he’d gone off the moment Remy revealed his hard, heavy cock. Pearly moisture glistened at the tip, and Corey quickly flicked his tongue out to lap it off. Then he pushed into the slit on the chase for some more.

BOOK: Milky Coffee and Office Gossip
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