Midnight Jasmine (Devil's Hornets MC Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Midnight Jasmine (Devil's Hornets MC Book 1)
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“It’s how my life seems to be going. Sometimes it’s easier to just go with something instead of fighting what the world has in store for you. Who knew that the flower shop my friend has been talking about so often would be the very same one where I would find you? That it was done today and not any day before finding you out on the street tells me I’m getting a second chance to meet you.” He walked around the table that held the cash register and watched as her eyes got bigger and bigger. How was she this transparent? The people in his life were all guarded, and you barely ever knew what they really wanted or what they were thinking, but this woman almost had a billboard adverting what she was thinking. He couldn’t deny that he liked the transparency, but there was a small part of him that wondered if she’d be hurt by having such a sweet demeanor. Not by him, but just by life. That wasn’t anything he should be worried about, but it just came to him looking at the open way she had.





He backed her up against a table that was partially hidden behind the wall of refrigeration units. Jack could see the door from where he stood, but it would be hard for someone to see them unless they walked all the way into the store.


“Is this a busy time of the day for you?” He asked, but he could see from the look on her face she was intrigued with the possibility of getting caught.


She shook her head, and he had to smile. The expression on the billboard dared him to do something scandalous, and he wanted more than anything to comply. She had on a pretty pink blouse and a flowy long skirt that he longed to take off but knew this wasn’t the time or place for a full meal; he was going to have to settle for a snack. He was taller than she was, so she had to tilt her head back pretty far to give him access to her mouth. Yesterday, she wanted a hard kiss, and he wondered if that was just what she liked or if that was what she wanted at the time. He loved this part. Figuring out what his lover wanted without her using her words to tell him was like a sexy game of hot and cold, and he was the champion.


He knew he was a large man that could be cruel when the situation warranted it, but never when it came to women. They were a soft spot for this mother loving man because he’d been taught to cherish and care for them all his life. The women at the club all came to him with problems with other clubbers, and he took care of it because no woman was going to be mistreated when he was around.


Natalie’s breathing was harsh as the anticipation of what he was about to do seemed to spur her on to great arousal when he’d yet to do anything at all. She stared at his mouth, and he decided to give it to her. Gliding his fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck, he fisted the soft silky strands to use as a handle. Tilting her head to expose her neck, she let out a high pitched squeak when he nuzzled the spot right under her ear, licking and nipping his way to her mouth. She was a hungry woman, and he loved that she kissed him whole heartedly. The sound effects were hot too; this woman was a treasure, and she seemed to be buried in this flower shop with no one realizing there was more than just pretty flowers if they’d open the door and talk to her.


Lifting her up so she could sit on the table made it easier to kiss her, and it made her other goodies easier to get to as well. Her soft sighs and breathy moans made him ache to get his cock into her pussy to see what kinds of noise she would make then. Jack brought his hand up to cup her breast and wanted to be gentle for this seemingly gentle woman, but she put her hand over his and grinded her chest into his hand. Hard. She mashed and pushed until he got the message; she wasn’t to be taken lightly, because she wanted his full passion.


He removed his hand altogether so he could give her more pleasure. Bending her back and capturing her nipple in his mouth as he sucked hard and lightly bit at her made him glad there was no one in the store as they would have probably thought she was being attacked. The wet spot on her blouse showed she must have on a sheer bra because the dark pink of her nipple stood out. She unbuttoned the garment quickly and brought his head back down for more, but he moved the sheer fabric of the bra over to the side so taste the true flavor of her skin.


Natalie’s hips were rocking trying to get more contact with anything as she was desperately trying to get off. Watching the change between quiet florist and wild sex abandon was hard to take his eyes off of, so he didn’t. He wanted to watch her come, and it seemed like she was close to that point. Scooting her back a little so she could put her feet on the table, he put his hand under her dress so he could glide his fingers along the smooth skin of her thigh. He could feel the heat of her pussy before he actually touched it, and the woman actually purred when he stroked her lightly with his fingers. Sliding up and down the center of her panties, he watched her hold her breath every time he got close to her clit, but he didn’t do more than pet her softly.


“Don’t tease,” she said softly, but she sounded like a woman who knew just what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to ask for it. His cock went from very interested to practically knocking on the zipper of his pants begging to get out. Shit. Not fucking her was going to be harder than he thought. This was supposed to be a snack size treat he gave to her until he got her set up for this evening, but now he wasn’t sure he was going to be able to hold off. He had to settle down somehow and thought maybe a little bit of talking, even if it was flirting would help slow down the ride.


“Why not? Don’t you like what I’m doing? I want to wind you up slow so I can see you pop hard. I know you’re almost there, but I want you to forget where you are and what you were getting ready to do. The only thing I want you to think about is how much you want me inside you and how hard you want to come.”


The frown on her face grew, her mouth opened just a bit, he recognized the deepening arousal that grew with his little speech, and he was glad to know that the spoken word could get to her as much as his mouth and fingers. There was something about a woman who liked noise that Jack enjoyed because then it would be something that they shared. The sweet sexy noise coming from her were almost as exciting as seeing her up on the table with flowers scattered all around, her beautiful tits out, and her legs spread wide. This was the picture of a woman who was waiting to be pleasured and had full confidence that the partner she was with could give it to her. For some reason, he was humbled by that confidence and would make sure she didn’t get off this table until she was breathing hard and coming loudly.


She was working to such a degree to obtain something, but he didn’t know if she was trying to hold her release back or if she was trying to reach it. He looked down on her panty covered pussy and pulled that soft covering to the side. With her exposed to the air, he didn’t think he’d be able to let all of this go without tasting her just a little. He had known it was going to be a snack and not a full meal, but reminding his cock of that wasn’t going over well. As the scent of her arousal reached his nose, he felt like his cock was going to revolt if it didn’t get his chance to slip between her folds and slide in and out of her wet warmth. He wanted to give in to his body’s desire, but if he was all wrapped up in her fragrant, juiciness he didn’t trust himself to keep his eye on the door while he was balls deep and pumping into her. A man in his business couldn’t afford to let himself be caught unaware who knew what kind of men watched him or had seen him come in here. Though it was unlikely someone was following him, there was no such thing as being too safe. He’d be able to keep his wits about him if he brought her pleasure with his mouth, and they could save the rest for when they had more privacy and less chance that they could be interrupted. The way he felt now he didn’t know if he would stop if there was someone out there or not. This woman was dangerous to him for all kinds of reasons because he wasn’t the type that wanted something so bad it would hurt to stop, but it looked like the times were changing.


Kneeling down to get his face closer to the scent that was driving him crazy, he couldn’t resist just one little lick. She thought he was teasing her, but he was really teasing himself. The syrup was addictive, and he found he wanted more and he also wanted more of the moans that were increasing in volume. She was still moving her hips slowly and seductively. Placing a small kiss on the top of her mound right where he could see the tip of her clit sticking out and she put her hand on his head to keep him where she wanted him. He almost smiled against her pussy because he liked that she thought she was in control.


Grinding her wetness on his lips was making him harder, and he swore that he would be inside her when they went out that evening, but he had to finish her off before he came in his pants like a teenager who’d never had pussy before. He slowly stuck his tongue inside her warmth, and he swore he could feel her getting even wetter. She tasted as sweet as he thought she would, and he made a point to clean her up, not leaving a drop behind. Natalie was so damn close. She pulled his hair as she tried to direct the action. That really wasn’t his thing; he liked to be in control at all times, but for her he was willing to make a few concessions. Licking up to her hard clit, he sucked it into his mouth with a good bit of pressure, and she exploded in a loud roar, as she fucked her pussy up into his mouth. He could see her face, and she looked like a good girl gone very bad. He stayed with her until the aftershocks subsided and her breathing calmed a bit.


He stood up and tried to adjust his cock as she pulled herself back together. “How’s that for a late morning pick me up?” He asked trying to lighten the mood and give his body the memo that the good times were over for now.


She smiled at him, and he loved the way the post orgasm blush made her skin glow. “That was pretty amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun here in the shop.”


“Well that’s because you didn’t know me. I can bring that kind of fun whenever and wherever you want it.” It was like she was stuck because she lay there on her elbows with her skirt still raised and her hard nipples pointing toward the ceiling. Damned if it didn’t make him want to lean over her and take those sweet buds into his mouth again. He must have let that thought show on his face, and her little smirk said she wouldn’t mind that one little bit. How did this woman not have a man who just waited around with his cock out to please her? She liked pleasure, and that was something they really had in common. He had to be on his way, so he’d have to wrap this up and let her know he’d pick her up tonight for dinner. “Can I help you down?”


She looked at him like she just woke up from a trance. “Yes.” Reaching for the hand he put out there, she grabbed on, and he helped her to the floor. Just as her feet touched the ground, she crumpled to the floor.


“Natalie?” He asked as he bent down to see what was wrong, but she was on her knees attacking the buttons of his favorite jeans like there was a prize she was fighting to get. He knew what she was after and let her at it. It didn’t take long for her to find his achingly hard cock, and she hummed with appreciation.


“Nice,” she said as she looked up at him while rubbing the precum that had escaped while he pleasured her on her cheek.


“I’m glad you approve.” He choked out because he wanted in her mouth so bad it was disconcerting. Jack was always very polite with women. He took his pleasure and made sure that he gave better than he got, but looking at this woman on her knees and wanting to suck him off made him want to watch his cock disappear within the warmth of her body. It was intense, and he wasn’t used to it, but he’d stick it out just to see what happened.


He thought she was seductive before this, but watching her gripping his cock with her hand and coyly look up at him from her position on the floor cinched it. Jack didn’t think he’d ever seen anyone get him so hot so fast. She was in danger of getting quite a large face full of his jism if she wasn’t careful. Her slow strokes competed with her light licks for making him crazy, and he chuckled to himself because he didn’t know she would try to turn the tables and tease him. She was definitely not as innocent as she seemed. Not that he thought she was a virgin or anything, but she had the look of someone who was fresh and unsullied, but that look was a farce.


It was like finding out your toy had an extra turbo feature that you were unaware of, but now that he knew, he was prepared to just sit back and watch what she could do. He had turned so he was now leaning on the large table she’d just vacated, and he had his hands perched on the edge so he could see what she could do with his very appreciative member.


“Are you ready?” She asked in a deep throaty voice he’d not heard from her up until now.


“For you, sweetness, I’m always ready. Show me what you got.”


He received a wicked smile for those words, and it triggered an extra shot of blood to shoot to his already overly engorged cock. What in the hell did he get himself in to? He couldn’t wait to find out.




BOOK: Midnight Jasmine (Devil's Hornets MC Book 1)
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