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Authors: Cynthia Sax

MenageLost (8 page)

BOOK: MenageLost
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Furu pressed the length of his leg against the warrior’s
hard thigh, silently reminding him of their plan and everything they had to
lose if it went wrong, their female alone and unprotected, relying on them to
eliminate this danger to her, to them, to their future.

“We are banished to No-Man’s Land.” Furu released a delicate
shudder, playing the role of the bored aristocrat, a persona he’d perfected
while unsuccessfully trying to please his father.

“That is a fate far worse than death, I assure you.” Furu
peered at Grok over the rim of his silver-lined cup, his haughty expression
concealing a frustration both Xan and he felt, the one day away from Mirian
stretching into two and then three.

“I welcome the day we complete our assignments and return to
.” The lies flowed off his tongue.

“You may return alone at any time and the council will
welcome you with open arms.” Grok’s gaze slid to Xan.

“Fuck you and your council,” Xan snapped, returning to their
practiced script, throwing himself into his role as the emotion-driven monster,
playing to the Dreck stereotype. “The day we set foot on

“That day won’t come. You’ll never again set foot on
covering Grok’s skull writhed, as bad tempered as their host.
“I’ll see to that.”

“Says the
also relegated to No-Man’s Land.”
Xan’s top lip curled.

“Captain Grok is overseeing our missions. It’s a noble
post.” Furu placed his hand on Xan’s arm, signaling for him to temporarily
withdraw from the conversation. “Have our findings been processed by your crew?”

Grok’s gaze shifted to Furu. “The planet won’t serve our

“Of course, it won’t,” Furu drawled. “
barbaric and uncivilized, fit only for plants and
.” The vine
attached to his leg dropped silently to the floor and slinked into the shadows,
undetected by Grok. “I’m shocked the council would send a warrior of your
statue to inquire about it.”

Grok’s chest expanded. “That’s not what I’m assigned to
inquire into.”

“After three endless days, he’s finally telling us,” Xan
grumbled, his voice low and deep.

“I’m telling Furu.” Grok handed his cup to the serving
robot, the faceless machine bowing before the captain. “As your kind doesn’t
know the meaning of honor and loyalty.”

Oh shit.
Furu held his breath, fervently hoping Xan
wouldn’t lose his temper completely, putting them all in jeopardy.

The warrior straightened in his seat, his eyes blazing with
heat and fire. “
My kind
completes the tasks
are too
weak to undertake.” He rested his hands on his guns. “Without our specialized
your kind
would have lost your foolish war before it began.”

“Only a Dreck would think our war is foolish,” Grok sneered.

Furu set his cup on the robot’s tray, glass clinking against
metal. “What are you inquiring into, Captain Grok? It must be of grave
importance to warrant your presence.”

“I’m searching for a Dreck assassin.” Grok slid a tablet
toward Furu. “He’s extremely dangerous, a threat to all of

Red eyes set in a pale face stared up at them, savage and
defiant, the Dreck’s human hair whiter than his skin. Furu scanned through the
images, feigning an interest. “And the female?” A humanoid female with long
lifeless pale hair and blank violet eyes gazed out of the screen.

Grok surveyed the empty room and leaned forward. “It is a
future-bender. We suspect the Dreck captured it.”

Furu blinked, expressing the expected amount of surprise,
not caring an
’s ass about some colorless future-predicting female.
“This could secure our victory.” He tilted his head, his
limp, the
strands missing Mirian’s touch as much as he did. “The
recovered the future-bender would be a hero.”

“This is why the council trusts me and only me with this
assignment.” Grok tugged down on his ill-fitting uniform.

Xan snorted, his nostrils flaring.

“And this is why you’re talking to us.” Furu tapped his
index finger against his mouth, slowly leading Grok toward the decision they
wanted. “If the Dreck assassin enters this sector, he’ll stop on
to replenish his supplies.”

Grok’s eyes widened. “And when he does, you’ll inform me.”
His voice rose. “I’ll dispose of the Dreck assassin and retrieve the Federation

“We’ll do no such thing,” Xan stormed, pounding his fists on
the seat, denting the metal. “We completed our assignment on
We’re moving to the next assignment and earning our way back to

“You could complete a hundred assignments and not earn your
way back to
,” the captain spat. “But…” He met Furu’s gaze, his
beady eyes speculative. “If you assist me in capturing the Dreck assassin, I’ll
ensure your crimes are forgiven.”

“If?” Xan sprang to his feet, his boots thudding on the
tiles. “You want us to wait on
for how long? Forever?” He towered
over them, his muscular physique dominating the space. “On the off chance the
Dreck assassin might enter the sector?” He rammed his hands down on his gun
handles. “No deal.”

“You don’t have a choice.” Grok slapped a button on his
communicator. “You’re staying on
and you’ll notify me when the
Dreck assassin lands.” The doors slid open and five burly soldiers entered,
guns in their hands, their bodies covered with protective armor. “That is a
direct order. These males will escort you to your ship and you’ll return to the
planet or it will be my great honor to personally dispose of you.”

“Why you—” Xan surged toward Grok.

“No, Xan.” Furu stepped between the two males, the soldiers’
guns trained on Xan. “Don’t.” He patted his warrior’s chest and one of the
soldiers sneered. “This is an opportunity for us to earn our way back to
sooner.” He turned to Grok. “We’ll do this.”

“Good.” Grok nodded. “Listen to your master, Dreck.” He
smiled smugly. “Take them away.” He waved his hand.

The soldiers approached. Furu grabbed Xan’s arm and dragged
him out of the room, the warrior glaring back over his shoulder at the
warship’s captain. Xan grumbled curse-filled nonsense as they strode through
the narrow corridors, a visual recording system following their movements, the
soldiers listening to their conversation.

Furu pressed his hand on their ship’s control panel,
unlocking the doors, and they entered their makeshift home, leaving their
guards on the warship. “Engage,” Furu instructed their guidance system, the
route back to
already programmed.

The ship shuddered and shook as it broke away from the
warship. Furu fell forward and Xan strapped his arms around his waist,
steadying him.

“Finally, we’re returning to
.” Xan pulled Furu
toward him and their forms collided, strength meeting strength. “To our
breeder, Mirian, the unnatural female who loves us, an exiled
and a Dreck.” He tapped his chest.

“We’re returning home.” Furu leaned back and met his gaze.

Xan flattened his palms against Furu’s back, his fingers
splayed, the heat of his hands searing through the leather. “Home.” He smiled,
his primitive face softening.

Chapter Eight


“It’s just you and me now, Steve.” She gazed up at the
heavy, white mist. Droplets formed on her bare arms, her skin clean of the
concealing mud, Mirian no longer caring if she was captured or killed. “We gave
them three days. They’re not returning.”

Steve draped his vines over her shoulders, his leaves
smoother than Xan’s palms, broader than Furu’s slender fingers. Mirian blinked
back tears, the evening breeze blowing her hair away from her face.

“We should leave.” She turned her head toward the path, the
prospect of another night spent alone in the station unappealing. “We’d be
fools to wait here.” She didn’t move, clinging to a hope that made no damn

“Furu and Xan aren’t coming back.”
If I tell myself that
enough times, I’ll believe it.
Mirian watched the sky, looking for a ship
she’d never see. “I—”

A droning hum broke the endless silence. Mirian froze, her
heart pounding. Steve fluttered his leaves against her back. “It isn’t,” she
squeaked. “It can’t be.”

The noise grew louder, continuous, foreign and undeniable.
She held her breath. Silver landing gear pierced the mist.

“A ship.” She leapt to her feet, her bare toes planted
firmly on the ground, the grass brushing against her legs. The achingly
familiar underbelly of a ship appeared. “Their ship.” Mirian glanced behind
her. “Right?”

Steve bobbed his fuchsia blooms, confirming her observation.

“Their ship,” she repeated, clutching her hands together.
“They came back for me.” The ground shook as the ship touched down, and Mirian
swayed against Steve, the plant propping her up. “Xan and Furu are here.”
Excitement zipped up her spine.

The ramp lowered, the interior lights blindingly bright. She
squinted, searching for her males. Boot heels rang against metal, a rhythm she

“Xan!” She sprinted toward the ship.

“Mirian!” Her warrior ran down the ramp, Furu following
closely, the two males clad in black leather, fit and healthy and drawing
nearer with each step.

Mirian sprang into the air, reaching out for Xan. He caught
her, their bodies colliding with a bone-shaking smack. “You’re here.” She
wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist, clinging
to him, her joy bubbling past her lips.

“You’re really here.” She met Furu’s gaze, a boyish smile
plastered across his handsome face. “Both of you.” She cupped his cheek, his
skin warm and alive.

“We’re here.” Furu turned his head and pressed his lips
against her palm.

“We said we’d return,” Xan said gruffly, his big hands
curved over her ass. “Did you doubt us, female?” He walked with her, his
rolling gait unhampered by her weight.

“You said a day at most.” She inhaled his male musk, too
happy to be angry.

Furu winced. “We were as unhappy about that as you were. We
had each other but it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t right.”

“We were incomplete.” Xan laid Mirian gently on the grass.
“We had holes here.” He placed her right hand over his heart, his expression
somber, his eyes glowing fiercely.

“Holes only you can fill.” Furu flattened her fingers
against his chest, warmth in his aristocratic face. “Make us whole again,

She reclined, gazing up at them, her two males. “I’m empty
also.” She untied the leather straps at her hips and opened her thighs. “I need
you, both of you.”

Xan raced Furu to undress, the males stripping their
uniforms from their bodies, revealing pale skin. “Where?” Xan’s voice lowered,
deepening with desire. “Where do you need us?” His cock sprang free, large and

Mirian skimmed her fingers over her pussy, parting her
folds, exposing her hole. “I want Furu’s cock in my pussy.” The
smiled, his body lean, his shaft long, a bead of pre-cum on his tip.

“And my cock?” Xan growled, the animalistic rumble drawing
heat and moisture from her core.

Mirian wet her lips with the tip of her tongue, determined
to do this, to please them. Their gazes tracked the movement, their focus on
her, the attention heady and reassuring. “I want your cock in my ass.” She
rolled onto her stomach and pushed her ass upward, offering her body to them.

“You’re certain?” Xan dropped to his knees before her, his
cock a tongue’s length away from her mouth. Furu searched through their
garments, retrieving a container of lube, sourced from the replicator he’d
repaired for her.

Mirian nodded. “While you were away, I dreamed of this, of
the two of you inside me.”

“We’ll make those dreams come true, Mirian.” Furu twisted
the top off the container and dipped his fingertips into the clear gel, the
scent of warm leather teasing her nostrils.

“Suck me as we prepare you.” Xan leaned over Mirian, his
cock sliding along her chin, leaving a trail of pre-cum, and he spread her ass
cheeks with his big hands, exposing all of her.

Thinner fingers probed her puckered hole, Furu’s skin slick
with lube, and she clenched, blocking him, her thighs trembling with fear and
arousal. “Suck him,” Furu commanded, his tone allowing no refusal.

She licked Xan’s cock head, lapping at his slit. Xan
shifted, adjusting his angle, pressing against her mouth, and she parted her
lips, allowing him entrance, concentrating on taking his intimidating girth.

Furu surged forward, overcoming her resistance, pushing his
finger into her completely, her ass burning. Mirian gasped and Xan shoved his
cock deeper into her mouth, regaining her attention.

She moaned and sucked while Furu coated her with the gel,
working her ass with one, two, three fingers, stretching her channel, loosening

“Our female is small,” Furu purred, his voice rolling over
her, warm waves of approval. “She’ll be a snug fit but she can take you. She
can take both of us.” He stroked her clit, working her with two hands, fingers
in her ass and in her pussy.

“I’ll take her first.” Xan rocked against her face, his cock
gliding along her tongue, her lips pulled tight around his shaft. “Fuck. I
could find release in her hot mouth.”

He had better not.
Mirian glared up at him and
wiggled her ass.

“Our female finds release first.” Furu removed his hands and
smacked the larger male’s shoulder, pushing him backward. Xan’s cock popped out
of Mirian’s mouth, her body distressingly empty.

She frowned. “I need—”

“We know what you need.” Furu reached over her body and ran
his glistening fingers over Xan’s shaft. “But I have to prepare him also or
he’ll split you in two.”

“Oh.” She squeezed her ass cheeks together, her fear

Xan clasped her chin and raised her gaze to his. “I’d die
before hurting you.” His voice rang with a sincerity she believed in, the Dreck
warrior their protector, their gallant defender. “You can take me, Mirian.”

“I can take you.” She summoned a small smile.

His lips curled upward. “You’re an unnatural female,” he
declared, pride coloring his words. “And you’re too good with your hands,
Xan swayed into Furu’s palms, the noble pumping his shaft with sure, firm

“Control yourself, Dreck.” Furu playfully swatted his
lover’s thigh.

“If you can.” Mirian palmed Xan’s balls, rolling them in her
fingers, and the big warrior groaned, his eyelids partially lowering, shielding
his crimson eyes.

Furu laughed. “I know that look.” He met Mirian’s gaze. “He
won’t last long in your ass.”

“And you’ll last longer in her pussy?” Xan grabbed Mirian’s
hips and spun her around, her knees grinding into the grass, the heat rushing
up her legs. He pressed his cock head against her hole.

This is it.
She held her breath, her body seizing.

“Mirian,” Furu murmured. “Look at me.”

She stared down at the ground, gritting her teeth, as Xan
pushed into her, his size enormous. “Xan, I made a mistake. I can’t. I—”

“Mirian, look at me.”

She ignored Furu’s demand, unable to deal with more,
focusing on Xan, on his massive cock and his invasion of her body.

“Look at me.” Furu twisted his fingers in her hair and
yanked her head back, Xan drove his cock deep inside her, burying himself up to
his balls, and she screamed, the dual abuse shocking, the burn intense.

“Shhh…it’s over.” Furu licked the tear tracks off her
cheeks, his tongue light on her skin. “You did it. You’ve taken all of him.
There isn’t any more.”

“You’re a good breeder.” Xan nuzzled her lower back, rubbing
his cheeks across her, his breath warm and soothing. “The best breeder.”

The two males petted her, their hands sliding over her back,
their fingers massaging her ass cheeks, and she relaxed, the pain fading.

“Let me lie under you.” Xan drew her against him, his cock
sliding deeper. “I’ll be still.” He lowered her, her spine resting against his
chest, her ass cradled by his hips, his cock lodged in her channel, the sensation
strangely arousing.


“Beautiful.” Furu kneeled between his lovers’ spread legs
and gazed down upon their joined forms. A small smile curved Xan’s lips, his
forehead smooth, devoid of worry lines. Mirian lay still, her body opened
generously to both of them, her softness framed by Xan’s muscle.

“Pale.” Furu followed the slope of Xan’s biceps. “And
golden.” He brushed his fingertips across Mirian’s stomach. “Skin.” Xan’s skin
shone as though his body had been carved from polished rock. “And hair.” Furu
tangled his fingers in their female’s private curls, the short unruly strands
moist with her juices.

“Soft.” Xan covered Mirian’s breasts with his palms,
capturing her taut nipples between his spread fingers. “And hard.” He slowly
closed the gap, and she cried out, arching her back, pushing her breasts into
his touch, breathtaking in her passion.

“Full.” She stared up at him, her mouth open and her
cheekbones streaked with color. “And empty.”

Furu’s lips twitched. “That’s unacceptable.” His gaze
lowered, her delicately pink pussy glistening with welcome, and the urge to
find release intensified. “We must satisfy our unnatural female.” He dipped his
cock head into her heat, coating his skin with her moisture, and she trembled.

“Satisfy her soon,
.” Xan sucked on the base
of Mirian’s neck, his arms around her torso, restraining her as she squirmed,
the whisper of skin sliding over skin arousing. “My control is cracking.”

Furu clasped Mirian’s moving hips. “She finds release
first.” He thrust, his balls smacking skin, his cock engulfed by hot, wet
female, her pussy impossibly tight. “First,” he repeated, gritting his teeth,
the pleasure exquisite.

“Full,” Mirian squeaked, digging crescent moons into Xan’s
arms with her short, blunt fingernails. “I’ve never been so full.”

“I feel you,” Xan rumbled. He shifted underneath Mirian, his
shaft pressing against the thin membrane dividing her ass from her pussy.

“I feel you too.” Furu rocked, savoring the sensuous slide,
satisfying both of his lovers at the same time, the three of them connected,
one. “I feel both of you.”

Mirian’s hands crept tentatively around his torso. “Do you
like it?” Her palms flattened against his back.

“I love it.”
I love them.
Furu quickened his pace,
pushing Mirian into Xan, impaling her onto the Dreck’s massive shaft, their
bodies slapping together, their skin heating. Mirian panted and Xan grunted,
their love noises exciting him, driving his passions higher.

“Love us more.” Xan grabbed his ass, pulling him toward
them, urging him to move faster, thrust deeper. “Give us everything.”

“Everything,” Furu repeated, straining to comply, his arms
burning and his legs shaking. He poured all he had into their fucking, pounding
in and out of Mirian, his cock head brazing along her inner walls.

“Furu.” Mirian undulated sensuously between them, caged by
their muscle. “I’m close.” Her pussy constricted around him and Furu whimpered,
the sensation too good, too intense. “So close. I need. I need.” She thrashed
her head from side to side.

Xan slid his hand between their colliding forms. “We know
what our breeder needs.” He slapped her clit with the palm of his hand.

She screamed, bucking, clenching down on Furu. He bellowed,
thrusting forward, hot jets of cum spurting from his cock. Xan answered with a
louder roar, driving toward both of them, the heat of his release relayed
through Mirian’s body to Furu, the sensation unlike anything he’d ever known.

Furu thrust once, twice, three more times, and he collapsed,
his hips twitching, his brain drained, bliss sucking the rigidity from his
bones. Massive hands pushed him upward and he raised his head.

“You’re squishing Mirian.” Xan gazed at him with sleepy
eyes, easily supporting Furu’s weight. “You may be small but she’s smaller.”

“This small female took both of you though, didn’t she?”
Mirian murmured, her face flushed.

“She did.” Furu brushed her long curls away from her cheeks.
“And we liked it.”

“We loved it,” Xan corrected. “As we love our unnatural
female.” He met Furu’s gaze. “And we love
’s favorite son.”

Furu blinked, struggling to contain his emotions. “And we
love our Dreck warrior.” Wet mud splattered against his bare back, the smell
burning his eyes.

“We love you too, Steve,” Mirian yelled. Xan cursed softly
and Furu laughed.

BOOK: MenageLost
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