McKenzie, Cooper - Her Knight in Dusty BDUs [Men Out of Uniform 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - Her Knight in Dusty BDUs [Men Out of Uniform 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Men Out of Uniform 2


Her Knight in Dusty BDUs


Eden Xavier needs a hero after her brother’s truck runs out of gas in the middle of the night. As she is walking back to her combination sex toy boutique and tattoo/piercing parlor, Bailey Hawke rides to her rescue.


Bailey is not sure he wants to get involved with anyone, but something about Eden grabs hold of his heart and won’t let go. He is a Dominant in need of a very special submissive woman who can survive the long separation without turning to others.


When Eden’s ex-husband causes trouble, Bailey sees Eden’s strength. When she willingly submits to his demands, he realizes he might have found the woman he has been looking for.


But will Eden’s ex ruin everything? Will Eden submit to him in all ways before he leaves? Will he be able to return and prove he is Her Knight in Dusty BDUs?


BDSM, Contemporary
28,228 words



Men Out of Uniform 2

Cooper McKenzie


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


Copyright © 2011 by Cooper McKenzie

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-917-2

First E-book Publication: October 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Her Knight in Dusty BDUs
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher


Dedicated to the heroes who keep the

home fires burning…military spouses.


Men Out of Uniform 2


Copyright © 2011

Chapter 1

“That’s it. I give up. I’m done. I’m raising the white flag and swearing off the male of the species. Men officially suck pond scum,” Eden Xavier said as she flipped the lock on the front door of Adam’s Place and then turned off the neon Open sign.

“What’s up?” her older-by-three-minutes twin brother, Adam Xavier, asked as he wiped down the long wooden bar of the pub they co-owned.

Though he sounded interested, Eden knew she held less than half his attention. The rest was focused on Tawny, the waitress he had been dating since the week after she had started working for them a month ago, and who had volunteered to help clean up.

“That guy you set me up with, Josh? He texted me about twenty minutes ago cancelling tomorrow’s coffee date. Again.”

“So you’ll get together with him another morning.”

“Nope. This is the third time he’s put me off. He’s history. Then there’s this text from Wade,” Eden said, referring to her ex-husband. “He’s decided that I owe him money.”

“You owe him money? You were only married to the abusive shithead for a year and a half. You’ve been apart longer than that, and the divorce was finalized a month ago.”

“He says, and I quote, ‘I think you should give me back the divorce settlement money to repay me for what I spent renovating the house,’ end quote,” Eden read from her cell phone screen.

“You’ve got to be joking.”

“It’s not enough that I didn’t fight him when he wanted to keep the house and furniture. Now he thinks I’m going to pay him for the renovations he decided the house needed, too.” Eden deleted the message then read the next one. “In this one he says if I can’t pay him a lump-sum payment, he’ll take a couple hundred dollars a month since I’m doing so well now and he’s been laid off.”

“You’re not going to do it, are you?”

“Of course I’m not. Every cent went into buying this building and getting Eden’s Garden up and running,” she said. “He thinks I’m going to cave like I used to. He hasn’t figured out that I’m not the same person I was when we were married.”

When the owner of the building that housed Adam’s Place and Eden’s Garden decided to sell, she had jumped at the opportunity to buy it. At least this way she would not have to worry about sudden rent hikes that had happened at the last place she had had her little tattoo-piercing parlor and sex shop. She also no longer had to worry about the landlord caving to the super religious public sect as they tried to put her out of business.

She also did not have to worry about people finding out she lived in the back of the shop because the building came with two upstairs apartments. As soon as she finished fixing her place up, she planned to fix the second place up and rent it out as well, which would help pay the mortgage.

“Adam? Honey, are you ready to go?” Tawny crossed the room toward the siblings.

“Two minutes, sugar. Eden, can you drive my truck home?”

Eden drank the last of her ginger ale then tossed the plastic cup into the garbage can. “No problem. I can bring another load of stuff when I come back in the morning to finish painting the apartment,” she said as she led the way out of the bar into the parking lot.

“Sleep well, little sister,” Adam said.

He set the alarm and locked the front door before walking with Tawny to her car on the far side of the parking lot.

Eden climbed in and started Adam’s truck. When she saw the low gas light on the dashboard continued glowing red as she pulled out of the parking lot, she swore softly. The one gas station on the five miles between the bar and the house she and Adam shared closed at ten o’clock each night. The only all-night place she was comfortable going to after dark was five miles in the other direction. She said a silent prayer that there was enough gas left in the tank to get home and back to the bar in the morning. After that, it would be her brother’s problem.

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - Her Knight in Dusty BDUs [Men Out of Uniform 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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