Read MAXIM: A New Type of Human (Oddily Series #2) Online

Authors: Linda Pohring,Anne Dewberry

MAXIM: A New Type of Human (Oddily Series #2) (3 page)

BOOK: MAXIM: A New Type of Human (Oddily Series #2)
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“What are you doing?” Maxim wrestled with Oddily, grabbing her arms to keep her from hitting him. “Calm down! Why are you upset?”

When Oddily realized she had been hitting Maxim, she stopped struggling and became weak at the knees, but Maxim helped her stay on her feet.

“Who is she?”

“Who are you talking about?” Maxim glanced up and down the hall.

“Your friend with the spiky black hair,” she gasped between breaths. “She said I was her competition, and was going to break the window if I didn’t get out of the car, and…and…!”

Maxim grabbed hold of Oddily’s hand as a sudden sense of foreboding came over him knowing he had no friends other than his sister. “Let’s get you out of here.”

With a quickening of her breath, Oddily picked up her pace but continued to glance over her shoulder. “Aren’t you going to try and find her?”

“I will, in a few minutes.”

Maxim guided Oddily back downstairs to the main floor, and then headed through what was once a kitchen. He stopped in front of a door, and hesitated before he turned to her.

“Remember our conversation the other day at breakfast, when I told you about my hobby?” Maxim decided that was the safest word to use for describing his ‘high-tech’ creations.

Oddily’s eyes opened wide with the remembrance. “How could I forget? It was fascinating.”

Maxim gave her a nervous smile. “I’m glad you think so because one of my workshops is beyond this door.” Maxim entered a secret code into the keypad attached to the wall and the door slid into a panel.

After Maxim nudged Oddily through the door, she gasped for air when she eyed an army of giant metal spiders lined up in formation.

“You look pale.” Maxim quickly tilted her head to face him, worried by her reaction. Viewing mechanical insects was nothing compared to what she would eventually see. “Are you going to be okay?”

“Yes, I think so, but what are those things?”

“They are surveillance cameras that I designed to monitor the property. In fact, I’m going to open the garage door right now and release them so they can locate the girl if she’s still on the property.”

While Oddily continued to stare at the metal insects, Maxim took advantage of the moment to listen in on her thoughts. The sight of the spiders had awakened a vague memory of an encounter she had with one of them—an encounter that consequently had caused her to fall into a ravine. It wasn’t until she dismissed her remembrance to an overactive imagination that Maxim got back to business.

Okay, this may freak you out a little so I want you to stand behind me while I activate them.

Oddily did as Maxim suggested and placed her hand over her mouth, waiting for the unthinkable to happen. It’s a good thing she did, because when the spiders came to artificial life, she wanted to scream. It was like watching a horror movie unfold right before her eyes as the giant spiders rose to their full height and headed out into the woods.

Maxim turned around to check on Oddily. “Are you still with me?”

“I think so!”

“Good…now see that monitor over there?” Maxim pointed to the second screen on the wall. “Let me know when you spot the girl.”

Maxim sat down in front of a modern computer while Oddily waited in front of the monitor. Suddenly, the screen began to replay the activities that had taken place in front of Stafford Manor. Oddily viewed her green Smart car pull up in front of one of the garages. Nexa climbed out and headed for the front door of the Manor. The white Suzuki showed up a short time later with Maxim jumping out and heading for the woods.

Oddily became curious. “That reminds me…where did you go in such a rush?”

“We have intruders, and take a guess at who they were?”

“Please don’t say Kip and Starla!”

“I have to. Unfortunately, they managed to follow Nexa home, so now I’m wondering if this girl we’re searching for is connected with them. I’m going to speed up the data a little.”

Oddily’s eyes remained glued to the screen while the momentum picked up until a short time later she called out, “Stop…there she is!”

Maxim left the picture frame on pause and went over to the large screen for a closer look. The girl’s overall appearance had an air of both poise and edginess; but what stood out most was…the girl wore a wig.

“Who is she?” Oddily’s sweet voice broke into his thoughts.

“I don’t know.”

“But the girl said you were friends.”

“She lied.”

Maxim went back to the control panel and continued to view the following frames until he witnessed the girl lift a heavy rock and raise it over her head.

“See! That was when she threatened me to get out of the car.”

“I have seen enough,” Maxim returned the monitor to observation mode, and used thought transference to contact his sister.
I want you to come home, sis. Someone other than Kip and Starla has been lurking around on the grounds, and apparently, she is strong!

I’m intrigued.

I have just set all security monitors to high alert, and now I’m going to take Oddily home. Hopefully, this girl will be located.

What about the cars?

Our intruder may still be around, so we’ll leave them where they are parked for tonight. By the way, did you find Starla?

Yes, she’s alive.

If everything is all right, why are you blocking a portion of your mind from me?

Nothing is wrong. I’ll be home soon.

Maxim desperately wanted to search the grounds himself and be rid of this intruder; but for now, Oddily’s first orientation into his world had to remain his priority. With some reluctance he asked, “Are you ready to go and see your new home?”

“This isn’t where I am going to live?” Oddily’s heart began to pound in her chest.

Maxim laughed. He had forgotten that he was sidetracked from telling Oddily the truth about Stafford Manor—that the place was simply a facade for the curious minds of trespassers.








After Nexa had spoken with Maxim, she stiffened in Nero’s arms, unnerved by her father’s ability to control her mind. He wouldn’t allow her to tell Maxim that he had returned, and she wondered why all the secrecy.

You did well, my child
. Nero’s deep voice vibrated through her head before releasing her.

Did you leave me any choice?
She glared up at him.

Are you questioning me?

The air around them began to change, reminding Nexa to watch her tone of voice.

No…I’m sorry, father.
She felt like a naughty child again under his scrutiny.
Then can I at least ask why you are here?
Your timing couldn’t be more…out of the ordinary.

This visit was unexpected for me as well.

By his comment, Nexa thought she understood what he was hinting at. After all, Oddily was now only minutes away from invading their private world.

Maxim and I have already discussed the fate of Oddily.
Nero answered her unspoken thought.

Nexa was startled
. When did you two talk?

Nero smirked at her
. It appears that Maxim has chosen to keep our meeting a secret. How interesting.

Nexa’s body stiffened—the disappointment she felt over her brother’s betrayal became obvious.

Maxim is behaving differently. Am I correct?

Nexa shrugged without comment.

Nero’s mood changed to one that was more serious.
You like this girl Oddily, don’t you!

Nexa frowned for a moment, her angelic face distorting into an adorable pout.

There’s something lovable about her but I don’t want to like her. I know she will hold Maxim back from his true calling if they stay together.

Nero nodded in agreement.
Maxim believes he is in love.

I know,
Nexa rolled her light blue eyes
. I’ve never seen him so caught up with something other than his inventions.

Therefore, you agree that your brother is resisting his fate

Nexa nodded.

I assume you tried to change his mind.
He cocked his head like a bird while waiting for her reply.

She hesitated, and then added
, but he’s as stubborn as you are.

Nero laughed as he turned to acknowledge the unconscious girl behind him.
I presume that this is not Oddily.

No—her name is Starla, and she’s annoying.

I agree

What’s wrong with her father? Why is she unconscious?

Not knowing that it would be you stepping out from the woods, I needed silence.

You weren’t very successful.
Nexa wrinkled her nose.
She snores as loudly as a man does!

Nero threw back his head and went into a spasm of laughter while Nexa glanced down at Starla’s limp body.
Is she hurt?

There was an injury to her leg, but I have healed the wound.

Nero had been eyeing Nexa since she came out of the woods—surveying her as though she were a lab rat. It was beginning to make her feel ill at ease to be around him.
May I ask you again why you came here?

Nero gave her a cocky grin.
You head back in time for your reasons. I go forward in time for mine.

Nexa grimaced when she realized that Nero knew of their visit to spy on him.
Did you know all along that Maxim and I were there?

Not at first, but your departure was noisy.

How did you find us?
Nexa became curious.
Did you follow our molecular trail back here to this timeline?

A good guess, but your answer is incorrect. Maxim’s body involuntarily returned to my timeline; and your little stunt, taking him along, nearly killed him.

Nexa gasped and shook her head defiantly.

It is the truth, Nexa. You are being dangerously careless with your developing powers.

I’m sorry. I had no idea.

It doesn’t matter now. The danger is over because Maxim will be able to guide you both safely through time from now on.

BOOK: MAXIM: A New Type of Human (Oddily Series #2)
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