Mastering Kyla (Stone Cellar Erotica) (5 page)

BOOK: Mastering Kyla (Stone Cellar Erotica)
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“May I?” She gave him a shy smile. Jackson beamed and crossed his arms, nodding for her to continue. With deft fingers, Kyla placed the condom over Jackson’s engorged head and rolled it down his impressive length. She savored the feeling of his warm, firm flesh in her hands, then put her hands on Jackson’s hips and guided him forward.

Jackson let her lead him to the entrance of her channel. He leaned forward and captured her mouth in a heady kiss. She slid her hands up his chest, relishing his mass, feeling both fragile and protected beneath him. Jackson eased her back down onto the mattress, not breaking their kiss.

Jackson slid inside of her with agonizing restraint, inch by slow inch. Once again, she felt herself stretch to receive him. She was so wet for him, so slick. She wrapped her legs around his hips, trying to pull him farther inside. He buried his shaft into her tight wetness, pushing her to the breaking point. He held still inside of her for a moment, his cock pulsing. He was close to orgasm, she could feel it. But he was holding himself in check, refusing to give in just yet.

He pulled back, then slammed into her again, holding himself inside. Kyla gasped, acutely aware of every millimeter of his cock rammed tightly inside her channel. “Please,” she whimpered. “Jackson, please. I need to come.”

“Try to control it,” Jackson said. “It’ll be worth it. Can you do that for me?”

Kyla nodded, but she was far from certain. “I’ll try.”

Jackson rewarded her with a glorious smile. “Hang on.” He began fucking her then, with a steady, pounding rhythm that reminded Kyla of a jackhammer. Each powerful impact set her gasping for breath, spiraling her higher and higher into a swirling firestorm of sensation.

Kyla’s gasps transformed to urgent pants as her desire built within her. The orgasm was swelling inside, but she fought it, holding it at bay. Jackson’s thrusts picked up speed. He stood over her, hands planted on either side of her head, hammering into her with determined force. Kyla bit her lip hard, using the pain to distract her from her burning need. But it was too intense, too powerful to ignore. Kyla fought it as long as she could, but she knew she would lose this battle. She let out a keening moan.

“Now, Kyla.” Jackson gritted his teeth, slamming into and out of her slick core. “Come for me now.”

The orgasm exploded through Kyla. She thrashed beneath Jackson, riding the storm of her climax higher and higher. Her core gripped his cock tightly, convulsing with wave after wave of pleasure. And then Jackson grunted, rooting himself deep into her, and she felt him spasm with his own climax.

When it was over, Jackson fell onto the bed beside her and pulled her to him. She let him hold her, snuggling against the warmth of his chest. Thoroughly and completely sated for the first time in her memory.

“Thank you, Kyla.” Jackson stroked her hair softly.

A sudden fear pierced through Kyla’s contentment. “What happens now?”

Jackson pulled back to look into her eyes. “Well, that depends on you. You’re free to go. Or, you’re welcome to stay.”

A slow smile spread over Kyla’s lips. She nestled against him once more. Jackson was the answer she hadn’t even known she was seeking. She wasn’t going anywhere.




The spring rains gave way to a milder summer as Kyla’s feelings for Jackson bloomed into a deep and profound love. While Kyla had initially been confused and afraid of her response to their BDSM games, she’d quickly grown to enjoy the power plays with Jackson. What surprised her more than that, though, was how much of a gentleman Jackson could be outside of the playroom.

She was grateful to the rain for bringing her to Jackson, and for nourishing their young relationship. They’d spent more than one “date night” deciding against heading out into another storm, choosing instead to explore one another and their mutual interest in bondage and discipline.

But tonight, they didn’t have the luxury of staying in. Rain or shine, they were headed to the wedding of a mutual friend from college. Jess had been assigned as Kyla’s roommate sophomore year. Feisty, artistic, and sarcastic, Jess had won Kyla’s undying loyalty early on. It had been a while since they’d last seen one another, and the news of her wedding had come as a great surprise to Kyla, who hadn’t even known Jess was seeing someone.

Kyla put the finishing touches on her makeup and checked her long braid in the mirror. Jackson liked her hair down and flowing; this should be just enough to earn her a thorough spanking after tonight’s event. Kyla grinned in anticipation. She gave an experimental spin in front of the mirror. The hem of her cocktail dress hit just above her knees, and the full skirt swirled playfully around her thighs but no higher. Good. She had another surprise for Jackson to discover later this evening; she wasn’t wearing panties. The sky blue color of the dress popped against Kyla’s red hair, and made her blue eyes look even richer than usual.

When the doorbell rang, Kyla hurried to open it, tucking back one last strand of hair behind her ear. Jackson stood on her front step with a bouquet of delicate red roses in his hand. His eyes caught on the long braid running down her back. One corner of his mouth twitched up, and she felt a little thrill shoot through her middle.

Instead of commenting on her hair, Jackson handed her the flowers. “You might want to give these some water before we leave.”

“I’ll get right on that.” Kyla took the flowers from Jackson with a playful smile. When she finished setting the flowers in a water-filled vase, they left for the wedding.

It was a gorgeous, if intimate, private garden affair. Tea-lights dotted the tables and lined the walkways. A few white tents provided shelter against the high probability of rain, but the night was mild and calm. Kyla and Jackson found their seats. Kyla nestled into Jackson’s shoulder, reflecting on how perfect he looked in the dark charcoal suit. It made his eyes seem even darker and more mysterious.

When the string quartet played the opening lines of music, everyone turned to stare. Jess walked down the aisle in a snug white sheath dress she had sewn herself. It hugged her curves with spectacular results, and Kyla couldn’t help but admire her friend. Jess was wearing her customary crimson lipstick, and she looked so genuinely in love that Kyla melted against Jackson a little.

The ceremony was brief but beautiful, and when it was over, the guests walked across a small meadow for drinks while the wait staff rearranged the seating for the reception.

That was where Kyla saw Michael. He had another woman on his arm. By the looks of her, she was already drunk. She had a visible tattoo on one breast, peeking out from under a tight black dress barely long enough to cover her ass. Kyla gripped Jackson’s arm in sudden shock, feeling disoriented. Michael was here? But another part of her realized, of course he was here. He was one of Jess’s oldest friends. Why would she expect Jess to exclude him from her wedding? Today was about Jess and her new husband. But even as she thought it, Kyla couldn’t help feeling a little betrayed.

Jackson looked at her, instantly concerned. “Kyla?”

“He’s here.”

Jackson’s eyes swept the crowd until he spotted Michael. He turned and guided Kyla away from Michael wordlessly, finding them a table nestled in a semi-private alcove, out of Michael’s sight. Kyla felt herself shaking. She kept straining to find Michael, to make sure he couldn’t sneak up on her. Jackson took her hands in his.

“You’re fine, Kyla.” He stared into her face until she met his eyes. “Remember. You’re over that scumbag.” Kyla nodded. Jackson flagged down a waiter bearing a tray of wine and snagged two. He set them both down in front of Kyla. “Settle your nerves.”

Kyla gulped the first glass of wine down. When she reached for the second, Jackson caught her hand, smiling. “Maybe give it a minute to hit you before you pound the second glass, too.”

Kyla smiled sheepishly. “Sorry. I just wasn’t expecting to see him.”

“I’m not sure I like you spending this much energy thinking about another man.” Jackson traced one finger along her jaw. “Am I going to have to remind you who you should be thinking about?”

Kyla felt a small grin spreading over her lips. “Maybe.”

Jackson snaked his hand up to the back of her head, giving her braid a firm tug. “I’ll add it to your tab.”

Kyla giggled, and felt the tension easing out of her shoulders. Whether it was Jackson or the wine, Kyla found she was able to relax and enjoy her meal. The food was exquisite. Amy—another mutual friend—was an accomplished caterer who had volunteered for the task. They dined on a sesame-crusted seared ahi tuna salad, mouth-watering pork-tenderloins with apple chutney, and a palate-cleansing melon sorbet that left them satisfied—with room for wedding cake.

Kyla savored her second glass of wine, and over the course of the meal, she and Jackson befriended the two other couples at their table. When the music started and Jess and her new husband took to the dance floor, Kyla sighed. It had turned into a beautiful night. Couples drifted off to the dance floor to join the party, but Kyla wasn’t interested. She didn’t want Michael to spot her.

Jackson, content to sit with her, flagged another waiter down and ordered their after-dinner coffees. As they waited for the coffee to arrive, Jackson pulled Kyla onto his lap. She squealed, laughing, but relaxed into him, enjoying being this close to him.

At that moment, Kyla looked up and met Michael’s gaze. He’d been leading his date toward the dance floor, but when he saw Kyla he stopped, his eyebrows hiking up in surprise. He turned to say something to his date. Her eyes widened and she clapped a hand to her mouth, covering a giggle.

“He’s coming over,” Kyla moaned, sitting up straighter and trying to slide off Jackson’s lap.

Jackson put a strong arm around her, keeping her seated across his legs. “I’ve got this.”

Michael approached, grinning. “Look at you two.” He had his arm looped casually around his date’s waist. It was exactly the same way he’d used to hold onto Kyla. As though he was only half-aware there was a woman next to him. He wore her like a piece of arm candy. Kyla stared. Is that what she had looked like when she’d been dating Michael? Michael glanced at Kyla. “So. Looks like we’ve both moved on. I was worried you’d freak out and, like, turn into some kind of emotional recluse or something. Like that old chick in that book we had to read in Freshman English. You remember the one?”

“Miss Havisham.” Kyla had to force herself to speak. Her face felt like it was carved from stone. “
Great Expectations
by Charles Dickens.”

“Yeah, that’s the one.” Michael glanced at the woman on his arm. “This is Cindy. She’s kind of my rebound, I guess you could say.”

Cindy gave Kyla a smug smile. “So, you two were engaged?”

“We were,” Kyla said. She felt her lungs tightening, making it harder for her to breathe.

“Sit down, babe,” Michael said to his date. “I want to catch up.” They took two of the seats recently vacated by the other couples and Kyla felt like screaming.

Sensing her unease, Jackson started stroking Kyla’s back with calm, steady pressure. His other hand slipped beneath the tablecloth covering their legs. Kyla wasn’t prepared when his fingers slid up between her thighs. He quickly discovered she wasn’t wearing anything under her skirt. She felt his penis jump in his pants, swelling with an instant erection.

“So, what have you been up to, man?” Michael asked Jackson.

Jackson cleared his throat. Kyla almost smiled. She wasn’t able to surprise him often. “You know. Designing private residences, mostly.” Jackson kept his voice steady as he slipped his fingers into Kyla’s core.

Turn about is fair play,
an inner voice hummed in Kyla’s mind. Kyla swallowed, frozen. She lowered her eyes, knowing she wouldn’t be able to hide her building desire from Michael and his date. With Kyla perched on his lap, Jackson had easy access to her pussy. He started circling his fingers around her clit, teasing the bundle of nerves with agonizing strokes.

“You’re an architect?” Cindy asked, staring at Jackson with obvious interest. Michael glanced at her, frowning.

“I am.” Jackson smiled at Cindy. Under the table, out of sight, he started finger-fucking Kyla. She could feel her toes curling in her shoes, but she fought to keep her face neutral. “Actually, I own my own firm. We handle mostly high-end single-family residences, but I’m starting to explore multi-use facilities.”

Kyla reached for Jackson’s wine glass and took a deep drink. She shuddered as Jackson’s fingers pushed her closer and closer to the cliff. He continued chatting nonchalantly with Michael and his date, but Kyla couldn’t focus on what they were saying any more. She was fighting to control her breathing, to keep herself from moaning with need. When she couldn’t take it any longer, she cleared her throat.

“Um, Jackson?”

He looked at her politely, as if he was completely unaware of what he was doing to her. “Yes, darling?” And then he smiled. “Oh, of course. You’ll have to excuse us, guys. I promised her a dance.” Jackson withdrew his fingers from her core, slipping that hand into the pocket of his pants. Kyla quickly adjusted and stood, afraid her essence might have pooled through her skirt. Michael was looking at them both with suspicion, but Cindy only had eyes for Jackson.

Jackson led Kyla toward the dance floor. She could feel him shaking with laughter behind her.

“It’s easy for you to laugh,” she muttered through gritted teeth. “You’re not the one on the brink of an orgasm.”

“Hm,” Jackson said. She could still hear the amusement in his voice. “I think I can help you with that.”


Chapter 6

Jackson spotted a break in the tent and pulled Kayla out with him. Amy’s catering truck was parked at the edge of the parking lot, keeping the wait staff busy between the truck and the tents. He turned and looked farther into the park. There were a few quaint groundskeepers’ huts dotting the expansive garden. They were constructed of old river-stone and rough-hewn timber, and added another layer of charm to the private garden. Jackson led Kyla to the nearest hut. Of course, it was locked—but that wasn’t what Jackson had had in mind.

BOOK: Mastering Kyla (Stone Cellar Erotica)
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