Read Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1] Online

Authors: Liza Kay

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Gay, #GLBT, #Erotic Romance, #Holiday, #Short Stories, #eXtasy

Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1] (5 page)

BOOK: Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1]
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And he did. Oh, damn. Ruben was going to have sex with Thor!

Aleks’ chest was chiseled. Two nicely shaped pecs were lightly covered with golden curls. A fine line of those curls traveled down to a wonderful six-pack and vanished behind the man’s pants. Oh those shoulders and arms!

Ruben’s gaze snapped up when Aleks chuckled lightly.

“You’re looking at me like you want to eat me alive.”

“Uh, sorry. It’s just... damn! Where are you hiding your hammer?” Ruben let his hands travel from Aleks’ shoulders down to his rippled stomach.

“Keep going and you’ll find my hammer.” Aleks snorted. “Honestly, this is the first time somebody used such a line on me.”

Huh? “What? Oh, shit! No! I...” Ruben groaned when what he said registered and he hid his face at Aleks’ neck. Crap. “That’s so not what I meant! I thought you look like Thor—blond, muscled God that you are. And he has this hammer thingy, right? I didn’t mean... uh! I’m such a loser.”

Aleks cupped the back of his head, his deep laugh shaking Ruben’s whole body. “Ahh, now it makes sense. You meant


” Aleks said, still chuckling. “It’s the name of the hammer. And thank you for the flattering compliment.”

Ruben smiled shyly and brushed his hand through Aleks’ blond hair. “Solely the truth. But... I cherish what’s in here much more,” he added and placed his hand over the man’s steadily beating heart. Obviously, he’d chosen the right words.

” Aleks choked, as if it was hard for him to form the word, then kissed the living daylight out of Ruben. The man’s hands were everywhere and soon Ruben found himself fully naked. Sitting on a fur in front of a fireplace, with a blond hunk who looked at him like Ruben fell from heaven. This was a dream come true!

Ruben’s body was more than interested. He’d been hard since their kiss outside. Now, with Aleks’ gaze licking over his naked skin and the fire warming his back, his cock was hard enough to pound nails.

Ruben wasn’t okay with Aleks still wearing the damn pants though. He wanted Aleks naked as well. Suddenly, his lover groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, pulling Ruben’s attention away from his pants.

“What? Is something wrong with me?” Ruben looked down and gave himself a critical once-over. Okay, he was skinny. And there wasn’t much muscle definition going on. Ruben didn’t even have hair on his chest. A black, fluffy little line trailed down from his belly button to a thin patch around his average dick. Otherwise he was smooth and... yeah, too creamy white and British. Maybe.

“Nothing’s wrong with you,
” Aleks’ voice was husky, his gaze trained on Ruben’s groin. Huh? He was neither long nor particularly thick, so why—”And this piercing gives me all kinds of naughty ideas, Ruben.”

Oh. Ohhh! The man was staring at his Hafada, the piercing sitting at the base of his cock right above his balls. Ruben grinned, wrapped his hand around the hard length and moved it in a lazy, stroking motion.

“What kind of ideas?” he asked innocently and giggled when Aleks swallowed and licked his lips. “Show me yours first. You’re too... hidden.”

With a predatory grin, Aleks stood, popped the buttons of his pants and lowered them and his long underwear in one swift move. Then it was Ruben’s time to swallow because, damn. His lover was packed.

A wonderfully long and thick erection stood proud in a nest of blond curls. The same curls covered the man’s strong legs down to his ankles. Ruben placed his hands on those thighs to steady himself, crawled closer on his knees, and pressed a tender kiss on Aleks’ hipbone. He licked along the v-muscle because it was way too tempting to resist.

One strong hand cupped his cheek in a gentle gesture, the other found its way into Ruben’s curls. When he looked up, there was tenderness and care shining in Aleks’ glacier eyes. Along with a lot of heat.

“You’re so pretty, kneeling in front of me.” He gasped as Ruben nuzzled his nose into the curls surrounding his lover’s cock. “Want a taste?” Aleks rasped.

Ruben mewled and nodded, sticking out his tongue to brush it over the side of Aleks’ hot length. Hmm, the man smelled and tasted divine. It reminded him of the forest and snow and musky sweat. He might be a virgin, but Ruben knew how to give a proper blowjob. Having the man of his dreams standing naked and aroused in front of him, Ruben wasted no time showing his skills.

Aleks gasped and his legs tensed under Ruben’s hands when Ruben opened wide and took the man as deep as he could.

“Holy shit! Ruben!”

Ruben chuckled around the dick in his mouth, pulled back a fraction and suckled and licked the head. One of his hands cupped Aleks’ lightly furred balls, kneading and rolling them around. The other wrapped around the base of the man’s cock because there was no way he could take all of him. At least not right away. But Ruben could practice, right?

Encouraged by his lover’s deep moans and the hand fisting his curls, Ruben initiated a steady rhythm of stroking, sucking, licking and nibbling and lost himself in the sensation. Ruben loved oral sex since he’d done it for the first time some years ago. However, he wasn’t into casual sex, so he hadn’t done it as often as he’d wished. Maybe two or three times before he’d met Toby, his first real boyfriend. In the four months of their relationship though, Ruben had practiced it a lot.

Aleks’ next, deeper thrust caused Ruben to gag. Damn. He obviously wasn’t as practiced as he’d thought. Or it had something to do with Aleks being much more man than Toby.

Ruben’s eyes watered, but a gentle hand held the side of his face and a thumb brushed away the tear that had escaped against his will.

“Wait a moment, Ruben,” Aleks whispered, then pulled back and lowered onto his knees, too. He scooped Ruben into his arms, lifting him to settle him in his lap. Ruben wrapped his arms around the man’s neck and cuddled close. Shit. He’d fucked it up, right?

“You’re fantastic,
” Aleks’ hot breath hitting his neck made him shudder in delight. Ruben leaned back to look into the man’s eyes. They were still glassy.

“For real? But I... I couldn’t... I gagged!” he said and knew he sounded fairly scandalized. Aleks silenced him with a determined kiss.

“I loved it. You’re so sweet and enthusiastic. I know that I’m not exactly small. So, of course you’ll need some time before you’re able to take more of me.” He lowered his deep voice some more. “Just so you know, it’s not the technique that makes it so good, it’s the person. To see you on your knees, so obviously enjoying what you’re doing to me, is one hell of a turn on.”

“Oh.” Ruben breathed. “It is?”

Aleks nodded. “Hot as hell. I nearly came from watching you.”

That made Ruben grin cheekily. “Well, then I guess you have to keep me around. So I can make myself more familiar with—”

“My hammer?” Aleks teased with a wink. Ruben playfully slapped the man’s chest and giggled.

“Dork. So... I’m sitting in your lap and we’re still horny. Want me to continue with
” he asked, wriggling his fingers between their bodies. Aleks snorted and shook his head, grabbing Ruben’s hand before it could reach its destination. The strong arm holding Ruben around his back tightened its hold and he found himself pressed against the man’s chest. Crinkly hair scratched his smooth skin and Ruben shuddered. He fucking loved this!

“You can suck me later. I have other plans for us.” Aleks’ rumbling, deep voice was highly seductive. The man could earn a fortune with audio-books. Eventually, Aleks’ words reached Ruben’s brain and his eyes went wide.

“What plans? What could be better than me sucking you?” Ruben frowned. Toby had always wanted Ruben to suck him. Maybe because he realized it was one of the few things Ruben was ready to give.

Then all thoughts of his flighty ex flew out of his mind when a big, callused hand wrapped around his slender erection and Aleks’ thicker one, stroking them together. Holy shit! Ruben arched his back and pushed his cock through the cage of Aleks’ fingers. The friction was nearly overwhelming and he moaned loudly. When Aleks’ lips caught his in a passionate kiss, Ruben felt devoured. Or ravished like the twink-heroes in the romance novels Ruben loved to read.

He’d always wondered how it’d feel to be desired with so much passion. And Aleks’ desire for him was more than obvious. As reluctant as he’d been earlier to progress their relationship, now he touched Ruben as if his life depended on it or he was going to suffer great pain if he didn’t kiss and lick every inch of skin he could reach.

Ruben’s body would be covered in hickeys in the morning. And maybe some bites. He didn’t give a fuck. Never before had someone held Ruben tighter, kissed him more passionately, or made him feel so cherished and adored, cared for.

The look on Aleks’ face was a sight to behold. Mostly swallowed by black arousal, his glacier eyes were wide and not once did this gaze stray from Ruben’s face. Not even to look at their snuggling cocks. Ruben’s face, his reactions, seemed to be the most important thing to Aleks. And didn’t that thought give him a boost?

The hand jacking them tightened and Ruben was dangerously close to the edge. The sensation of Aleks’ cock rubbing against his felt utterly erotic. Plus constantly staring at his man didn’t help his case one bit. Just looking at so much lust and attractiveness was nearly enough to push him the last tiny step he needed.

Aleks’ lips were red and puffy from their kissing and biting. It suited him as much as the ruffled hair. Ruben had ruffled it! His own hands in a sexy man’s hair. Toby’s hair had been too short to bring it in naughty disarray or simply to hold onto in the heat of the moment.

Come to think of it... Ruben grabbed those silky strands when naughty fingertips lightly brushed over his hole. The touch was so fleeting and soft, but it was Ruben’s undoing. He yelled his release through the cabin, painting their stomachs and Aleks’ hand with his spunk.


Aleks’ deep grunt as he came too was hot as hell and sounded bearish. And cute. The man rested his face against the crook of Ruben’s neck, breathing him in. Well... maybe he was merely trying to catch his breath, because holy shit, that had been intense. They were panting like they’d run a marathon through the snow. Ruben could only wrap his arms tighter around Aleks’ neck and hold on. He felt limp, pliant and sleepy. It always happened to him after an orgasm. Toby had hated it.

Lying in Aleks’ arms, content and happy as he could be, Ruben saw the truth. Toby and his sexual experiments had never been close to what Ruben was experiencing with his blond God. Satisfying on a basic level, yes. But earth-shattering? No.

“Hmm,” he hummed, nuzzling Aleks’ temple in a gesture he’d always loved himself. Aleks loved it, too, given the happy little sigh escaping him and the big hand lovingly fondling Ruben’s bum.

“Yeah, my thought precisely,” his lover murmured.

Ruben hoped Aleks wouldn’t regret what they did. He was getting attached to the wonderful, caring and gentle man. If Aleks were to shy away from him because he was afraid to get his heart broken, it would hurt like a bitch. Both their hearts were at stake. Ruben didn’t have any illusions about this being a holiday fling. No way. Aleks wouldn’t treat him bad, right? He’d been so reluctant to give in to their mutual attraction.

But the longer Aleks remained silent, the more Ruben worried what was going on inside the man’s head. Obviously, he wasn’t able to conceal his discomfort because Aleks raised his head and looked at him questioningly.

“What?” Ruben croaked. Oh, damn. He sounded hoarse. Either it was due to the screaming during their lovemaking or the emotional turmoil. Ruben felt edgy and raw after that overwhelming experience. Just the slightest hint that Aleks wasn’t as touched as he was would probably shatter him. Or at least his heart.

“You’re tense all of a sudden.” Aleks’ voice was laced with concern. “Is something wrong?”

“Am I?” Ruben dodged the question with one of his own.

Did I do something you didn’t like? Was it too fast?”

Oh, bother! He’d worried his lover with his behavior. The last thing he wanted to do.

“No! No, Aleks,” he said hurriedly and trailed his fingers up and down Aleks’ muscled back. Touching the man and still sitting in his lap was enough to make Ruben hot and hard again.
Concentrate, you moron!
“You weren’t too fast. Honestly. What we just shared was...” Ruben scrabbled for the right words. Too bad he wasn’t an author who had lots of romantic lines up his sleeve. So he unpretentiously said what he felt deep in his heart and crossed his fingers his honest words wouldn’t scare Aleks away. “It was incredible, Aleks. I’ve never felt anything similar. You were like... wrapped around me and I felt so happy and cared for. Like you’d keep me safe no matter what. Like I truly matter to you. Beyond a hook-up or a vacation fling.” He bit his lip, at first not daring to look up. Too afraid to see Aleks’ expression and what it’d mean for the both of them. Then he felt a finger under his chin, forcing him to raise his head.

Aleks’ answering smile was blinding. The expression in those eyes. Oh God! Ruben’s pulse sped up when Aleks’ big hands cupped his face and he brought their lips together. The kiss that followed was neither hungry, nor passionate. It was tender. So full of emotion it brought tears to Ruben’s eyes. When they broke apart, he blinked rapidly to hold them back. He didn’t want to cry and ruin the moment.

“Ruben,” Aleks rasped. “I already had vacation flings, as well as short-lived attempts to transform hook-ups into stable relationships. It never ended well although I hoped for a different outcome. What’s happening between us feels entirely different. When you’re in my arms it feels like you’re right where you belong. That you’re there to stay. Maybe it’s a dumb thought, given the fact you’re in Norway for such a short time.” Aleks sighed and hid his face against Ruben’s chest. The position made him appear so vulnerable it squeezed Ruben’s heart and he brushed his hand through his lover’s silky hair.

“Aleks. I-I don’t know what will happen. But what I know is I want to belong in your arms. Desperately,” Ruben whispered, pressing a kiss to Aleks’ head. “It’s up to us to find a way.”

BOOK: Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1]
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