Read Marked: City of the Damned Book 1 Online

Authors: Everly Drummond

Tags: #vampires, #erotica, #blood, #paranormal, #sex

Marked: City of the Damned Book 1 (6 page)

BOOK: Marked: City of the Damned Book 1
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“Hmm,” Sara mused. “So if you were to mark me
I would still be free to make my own decisions?”

“Sara, I would never ask you to do that.”

“I know you wouldn’t,” Sara replied “but
Pryse told me that I have sweet blood, and that it was only a
matter of time before a vampire marked me.”

“He’s right, your blood is intoxicating,”
Gedeon said, and buried his face in her hair, deeply inhaling her
scent “but that’s not a good enough reason to mark someone.
Besides, I’ll protect you. You’ll never have to worry about being
bitten by anyone but me.” A sly smile crept across his face.

“Gedeon, I want you to mark me,” Sara said
with determination. “I can live without having children and getting
married, but if I’m going to give those things up, I want to know
that there was a reason for my choice. Besides, you told me
yourself that the pleasure is better for both of us if you mark me,
so it’s a win-win situation right?”

“I suppose you could look at it that way,”
Gedeon laughed, but his mood quickly turned somber. “I don’t know
what would happen if you were marked a second time. I’ve never seen
it done before. Usually when a human willing lets a vampire mark
them, the bond doesn’t break until the human or the vampire dies.
You know how painful it was the first time. I can’t promise that
the pain won’t be worse if you’re marked a second time. It may last
for days or even weeks, and I couldn’t bear to see you go through
that again.”

“But you’d be with me, right?” Sara asked.
“You’d make sure I was as comfortable as possible.”

“Of course I would.” Gedeon squeezed her hand
tightly in his. Sara was right, it was possible for him to feel
more than just hunger and lust. What he felt now was something he
thought he’d lost forever when his humanity was stolen from him
over 450 years ago. He loved Sara, and he would do whatever he had
to do to make her happy. “Are you absolutely sure this is something
you want, because once we start the process there’s no turning
back? If you take my blood and I bite you, I can’t reverse the
effects. My bite will seal the mark, and no matter how much pain
you experience, I will be unable to stop it. I’ll do everything in
my power to ease the pain and make you comfortable, but the minute
my fangs puncture your skin, you have to see it through till the
very end.”

“Gedeon, I want this. I want you in every way

“Alright,” Gedeon sighed, reluctantly. The
idea of Sara enduring that kind of pain made him cringe. His
instinct was to protect her, not cause her immeasurable pain and
suffering. “I’ll do it, but only after you’ve rested. I’ve already
taken too much blood from you today, and you need to

Sara rolled over and cuddled into him. His
body always seemed to feel cool to the touch, but it was a feeling
that she could get accustomed use to. A smile crept up the corner
of her mouth as his erection pressed firmly into her lower back.
No rest for the wicked,
she though and turned to face him. A
scratching noise drew here attention to the bedroom door. “Oh God,
I hope that’s not another mouse.”

“I think Phineus took care of all the mice in
this apartment,” Gedeon laughed.

“Phineus is here?”

“I couldn’t leave him all alone in your
apartment, could I?” Gedeon pulled Sara closer into his embrace.
“Oh, and that reminds me, you have to call your aunt.”

“You were talking to my aunt?” Sara asked
anxiously. “When were you talking to my aunt?”

“I went to your place to pick up a few of
your things and Jean stopped by while I was there. She was worried
that you hadn’t called her in a couple of days. I told her that you
were feeling under the weather, and that I was taking care of

“Oh my God,” Sara blushed “what did she

“She said to call her back in a few days when
you’re feeling better. She also laughed and said to not rush your
recovery on her account. I gave her my phone number, but I doubt
she’ll be calling anytime soon.”

Sara laughed and wrapped her arms around
Gedeon. The soft contours of his body, and the heady scent of him,
made her shiver in anticipation. “What are we going to tell her
when you mark me? How am I going to explain not being able to call
her for a week?”

“We’ll just tell her that we’re spending a
week at my condo in Florida,” Gedeon mumbled as he ran his hand
across the silky skin of Sara’s thigh, and smiled as felt her legs
part in invitation, ready and waiting for his touch. He could
already feel her climax building as he slid his fingers deep into
her taut core, her muscles gripping him tightly as he slowly began
to stroke her. His thumb pressed firmly against her still swollen
bud and she gasped. This time he would go slowly. He would pleasure
her in ways she never imagined possible. “I think we’d better make
that two weeks.”

Hellfire Sneak


The comfortable chill from the air
conditioning immediately gave way to the hot and humid breeze as
Sara exited the plane, walked down the stairs, and stepped onto the
tarmac. Even though the sun had set, Sara could feel the heat
radiating from the pavement beneath her feet and suddenly wished
that she’d wore something lighter than the jeans and t-shirt she
donned. When Gedeon told her that he had a condo in South Beach,
she thought it was a joke. Why would a vampire who can’t go out
during the day own a condo in one of the sunniest places in North
America? Not that she was complaining or anything. Spending two
weeks in Florida with a gorgeous man that absolutely adored her was
like having a dream come true. The only thing that Sara wasn’t
looking forward to was the pain she would have to endure when
Gedeon marked her, but he’d promised to make her as comfortable as
possible during the process.

In the past month, since being attacked and
unwilling marked by Pryse, Sara had spent every waking moment with
Gedeon. If they weren’t in bed making love, then she was getting
spoiled with gourmet dinners and lavished with exotic flowers. Sara
had even gone so far as to introduce Gedeon to her aunt and uncle.
After she’d all but moved into his midtown apartment, Gedeon
invited them over to dinner and wooed them with his above average
culinary skills, not that it would’ve taken much to win them over.
Beneath his rough and brutish exterior, he was the most loving and
sensitive man Sara had ever met.

A smile played at the corners of her mouth as
Gedeon led her across the tarmac to the sleek black limo that
awaited them. Sara made decent money working as an Application
Developer for a major communications firm, but had never been
inclined to ask Gedeon about his finances, even though it was
obvious he was wealthy. As far as Sara could tell, Gedeon made his
money by selling herbal remedies and healing injured vampires. The
limos, gourmet food, exotic flowers, and a condo in South Beach
meant nothing if she wasn’t happy. But Sara was happy, happier than
she’d ever been in her life, and money had nothing to do with it.
Sara loved Gedeon and would love him just as much if he were

“You look like you’re in deep thought. What
are you thinking about?” Gedeon asked as he opened the door and
extended his hand to help her into the limo. The exquisite sight of
her made his smile widen and his heart skip a beat. Never in his
life had he seen such a beautiful woman, and never had he expected
to earn the love of someone as amazing as Sara Bishop. A part of
him feared what might happen when she was marked a second time,
because he’d never known a human to be marked twice by a vampire,
but another part of him anticipated the ecstasy they would share
when she was his and his alone, when their souls were truly bound
to each other.

“I’m just thinking about how lucky I am. How
many girls get to spend two weeks in Florida with someone as
gorgeous as you?” Ignoring his outstretched hand, Sara stood on her
tips toes and kissed Gedeon hard on the mouth. Her body quivered as
his moist tongue demanded entrance to her mouth and forced apart
her lips.

Releasing his hold on the car door, Gedeon
pulled Sara into him, his hand tangling in her long golden brown
hair and their bodies melding together in a perfect fit. His other
hand trailed softly down the curves of her slim form and came to
rest at the small of her back. Pulling her closer, Gedeon released
the grip he had on her hair and cupped the fleshy round cheeks of
her ass. His erection grew and strained painfully against the
inside of his pants, and as their lips parted, he gasped for air.
“Maybe we should wait until we get home.”

Something in her chest hitched.
Sara thought,
home is wherever you are, my love.
She knew
that falling in love with Gedeon came with its own unique set of
complications and consequences. He was a vampire and she was a
human. He would remain eternally young while she grew old and
feeble. Sara hastily pushed the thought aside. Being marked by
Gedeon and sharing her body and soul with him was enough, for now
anyways. Looking at Gedeon through half lidded eyes, she whispered,
“Only if you make it worth my while, Mr. Bainard.”

Gedeon tilted his head back and a husky laugh
escaped his lips. In the month they’d been together Sara had gone
from being a shy country girl to an irresistible erotic goddess,
his goddess, and somewhere along the way she’d brought out a side
of him that he thought had died years ago, a carefree and loving
side that made him feel more human than vampire. There were so many
things he wanted to teach her, so many thing he wanted her to
experience, but it would all come in good time. He would satisfy
Sara in ways she never imagined, and once she was marked, she would
feel pleasure unlike anything she’d ever felt before.

Sitting beside her in the back seat of the
limo, Gedeon slid his hand between Sara’s legs and pressed his
finger firmly against her already swollen clit. He could feel the
dampness of her jeans where her pussy lay just beneath the rough
denim fabric, ready and waiting for him.

Sara fumbled with the controls on the door.
With the press of a button, the moon roof slid open, revealing the
inky sky above. She continued pressing the buttons until the tinted
glass barrier that separated the driver from the passengers in the
back seat, ascended, giving them complete and utter privacy.
Turning to face Gedeon, she reached down and undid his pants.
Getting to her knees on the floor of the car, Sara positioning
herself between his legs and began rubbing his cock through the
thin cotton fabric of his underwear.

“You’re gonna be the death of me,” Gedeon
murmured, and lifted himself off the seat just enough to pull his
pants down and free his throbbing erection. His eyes flared black
with desire, as they did every time she touched him, and his cock
twitched as Sara’s greedy fingers encircled him.

Cupping his balls in one hand, and the base
of his cock in the other, Sara licked up the length of his shaft
and lapped up the pearl of pre come that had formed on the tip.
Very slowly and very deliberately, she lowered her mouth over his
cock and took him into her throat. With steady even strokes she
worked her mouth up and down the length of his shaft, taking him
even deeper with each downward caress.

Gedeon fisted the leather seat on either side
of him as a low guttural moan worked its way up his throat and
through his lips. His hips thrust in sync with the movements of
Sara’s skillful tongue, forcing even more of his cock into the deep
recesses of her throat. At this rate it would only take him minutes
to come, if he could even hold out that long.

Releasing her grip on him, Sara looked up at
Gedeon through heavily lidded eyes, her mischievous grin
illuminated by the moon light that flooded in through the open
window in the roof.

“Oh God,” Gedeon panted. “Why did you stop?”
Teetering on the brink of orgasm, his hand clenched tightly around
his erection and he stroked it up and down, anxious for the release
that Sara was depriving him from.

Prying his fingers away, she replaced his
hand with her own, and with a voice as soft as silk and as playful
as a puppy she asked, “Do you trust me?”

“What? Of course I trust you Sara, but good
God woman, you can’t just leave me hanging like this.” Gedeon’s
hips started to move in time with Sara’s hand as she leisurely
caressed him.

“Good,” Sara murmured. Grabbing his hips, she
pulled him forward on the seat. “I want to try something, but I
want you to promise that you won’t move or say a word until I’m

“Sara,” Gedeon protested.

“Not one word. Do you promise?” she

Gedeon looked down at her with eyes as black
as the midnight sky above, and nodded. Resisting the urge to ask
Sara what in the hell she was doing, he leaned back in the seat and
closed his eyes.

With the well toned crescents of Gedeon’s ass
hanging slightly over the edge of the seat, Sara repositioned
herself on the floor and placed her hands on the inside of his
thighs, spreading his legs further apart. Cupping his balls in her
hand, and slight lifting them out of the way, Sara felt his body
tremble as her mouth found the tight bud of his anus. With every
delicious flick of her tongue, his body spasmed, approving of this
intimate and unfamiliar contact. When she felt his balls tighten,
and knew he was on the verge of coming, Sara licked her finger and
slid it effortlessly into the taut little opening of his ass, past
the tight ring of muscles, and stopping only when she reached the
sensitive bundle of nerves that was his prostate. Gedeon’s body
stiffened at the unexpected intrusion, but relaxed as soon as Sara
started sliding her finger in and out with unhurried and purposeful
movements. Slightly bending the tip of her finger upwards so that
it pressed slightly against his prostate with every stroke, Sara
moved it back and forth in a come hither motion.

BOOK: Marked: City of the Damned Book 1
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