Read Lucien's War Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Lucien's War (8 page)

BOOK: Lucien's War
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crossed his arms over his massive and wide chest, and stared down at her. She
was not a thin woman by any means, and with a size sixteen waist, boobs that
were a little too large for her liking, and curves that she didn’t care much
for, Lucien still managed to make her feel so feminine and petite.

do you think, Callie?”

way he said her name had a chill and tremor moving through her. That was a no.
He had not told her father, and although she was thankful because Kink would
have flipped his shit, and because she knew she didn’t want anyone’s
relationship to be strained, she had a feeling things would become that way

you made yourself clear back at the clubhouse. I left, went away because you
told me to. I don’t understand why you’d show up, act like you care—”

do fucking care.” His voice grew harder. “I worried about you, Callie, and the
only way I could not lose my shit and destroy something was to come up here and
make sure you were okay.”

had her shutting up, swallowing the lump that was suddenly in her throat, and
she was stunned that he had said the last part softly, intimately even. The
sound of footsteps approaching had Callie turning. Meredith and Brandon were
walking toward them, and by the looks on both of their faces it was clear
Lucien standing here shocked them. He was intimidating on the best of days, but
with his anger still below the surface, and the aura of his dangerous nature
simmering so close, she knew anyone within a foot of him could sense how
powerful this man really was.

uh, Brandon and I were going to head out for something to eat, and catch up,”
Meredith said, tripping over her words, but she was staring at Lucien as she
spoke. She finally looked at Callie. “You’re okay?”

fine. This is my father’s friend, Lucien.” She nodded at Lucien.

eyed him curiously.
“Damn, hardcore biker in the flesh.”
Meredith almost sounded awed, but Brandon looked a little hesitant to even be
so close to Lucien. “So you want to go with us, or, uh, something else you have
planned?” She eyed Lucien again.


just take you back to the dorm, Callie. It’s late, and your dad probably would
be pissed knowing you’re out partying with a bunch of
adolescents.” He looked at Meredith. “No offense,” he said, but he didn’t sound
very genuine.

didn’t bother saying her dad knew where she was, that she had told him she was
going to a frat party. None of it would have mattered when it concerned Lucien
wanting something. It was weird hearing Lucien be all responsible sounding,
especially as she knew he was less than sedentary when it came to his life and
partying. She wanted to argue, to tell him he couldn’t just show up and
telling her what she could and couldn’t do, but she
was ready for this night to be over with, and didn’t want to start any more of
a scene than Lucien had already caused.

taken,” Meredith said, and then the sound of someone puking in the not too far
distance came through, confirming Lucien’s words. Meredith looked over her
shoulder, and then when she looked back at them she had this scrunched up nose.
“Hence why we are leaving, because the sound and smell of
vomit is kind of doing me in.”
She shrugged. “You’re good with going
back to the dorm though?” she asked Callie, and eyed Lucien again.

was thinking of heading back anyway, and I know you two want to catch up, so
it’s fine.” Callie looked at Lucien, and felt her arousal and annoyance wage

only if you’re sure.”

nodded. “I am, but thanks.” She smiled, knowing that this whole frat scene
wasn’t for her anyway. And since Ritchie had tried to kiss her, it was a little

don’t wait up for me,” Meredith said. “Seriously, I haven’t seen this guy in
the flesh in forever. He moved away junior year, and seeing him here totally
caught me off guard.” Meredith was looking at Brandon. Callie didn’t know the
deal with them, or how they had been friends with benefits but hadn’t seen each
other in a long time, but she was fine staying in the dark about it all.
Meredith nudged Brandon in the ribs, and then they turned and left. The sound
of her bangles jangling as she made her way toward her car sounded loud and
distinct. When Meredith and Brandon got into the car and drove away, the
silence, despite the pounding music coming through the house, surrounded Callie
and Lucien.

on, let’s go,” Lucien said in that hard tone of his, but when she looked at the
house she saw Ritchie standing on the porch with a few of his friends. He was
staring at her, and she looked at Lucien.

on. I can’t just leave without talking to Ritchie.”

growled out, and she stopped, surprised the noise had come from him because it
sounded enraged, animalistic even. “Let’s just go, Callie,” he said, but he was
staring at where Ritchie stood.

stop it.”

snapped his gaze to her, and she felt her eyebrows pull down as confusion
settled in her.

is wrong with you?” Callie asked.

clenched his teeth, hardened his jaw, and looked as though he couldn’t control
himself. She wanted to believe that he cared about her so much his need to keep
her close was strong, but she knew better. This was probably him looking out
for his biker brother’s daughter, feeling some kind of extra loyalty to Kink
and her because of the kiss they had shared. He was feeling guilt, and being
here, driving several hours out to come make sure she was okay, was proof of
that. It was depressing to think of that way, but it was reality. Yes, he’d
said he cared about her. Without saying anything else, or him responding to her
question, she turned and walked toward Ritchie.

was staring at Lucien a little nervously, and she felt horrible that he even
felt like that. She climbed the few steps up to the porch, and the two guys
that stood behind Ritchie looked away as she smiled. “Listen, I’m really sorry
about just having to leave, but I think heading out is probably best.”

wasn’t going to get into it that Lucien wouldn’t think twice about throwing her
over his shoulder if he thought it was best for her, or if his alpha caveman
tendencies got the better of him. She also wasn’t going to get into it that
Lucien was a dangerous, hardened man, and compared to all these frat guys he’d
crush them as if they were annoying gnats. Whatever was going on with Lucien,
why he had honestly come up here as if on a whim, told her he might be even
more unstable than
But what she wasn’t going
to tell Ritchie, or anyone for that matter, was that the outlaw biker that she
felt still staring at
was the man she loved more
than she should, and that wanting him could cost her a lot.

guy is pretty damn scary, Callie,” Ritchie said and chuckled a little
nervously. “He’s staring at me like he wants to wash his Harley with my blood.”

it was her turn to chuckle, but hers also came out a little awkwardly, because
Lucien was capable of such violence. “Yeah, he can be intimidating, but I think
leaving now is probably for the best.” She looked at Lucien, saw he was
watching them like a predator waiting to pounce, and then turned her focus away
from him. “He’s my dad’s friend, and liable to tell him I’m partying and
hanging with a bunch of degenerates.” She smiled, hoping to ease this weird
tension between them.

you don’t get in trouble over coming and hanging out with us, and I assure you
we are not degenerates.” He smiled, and it was genuine, and eased some of the

chuckled. “Everything will be fine. Lucien can just be—”

Ritchie said and cocked an eyebrow.

smiled. “Something
that. Well, I’ll see you
later?” She phrased it like a question, because she honestly didn’t know if him
hanging out with a girl that had big ass scary bikers showing up to
frat parties was
something he wanted to be associated with.

leaned against the banister and shook his head. “I can’t fault you for who you
associate with. Hell, look at the jokers that follow me around.” He teased as
he pointed to the two guys behind him. They flipped him off, but they were also
smiling. “If I don’t see you before you leave tomorrow, we’ll catch up in
couple of weeks when school starts. We’ll leave the hardcore biker at home,
though.” He started laughing, and she smiled.

you later.” She turned and headed back to where Lucien leaned against his
motorcycle. She didn’t want anything more than a friendship with Ritchie, and
after the awkward almost kiss he had given
the issue with Lucien going all mercenary she knew that things would work out.
Ritchie seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and maybe that was what she needed in
her life. But even as she thought that and stared at Lucien, she knew that what
she wanted and what she needed in her life where two totally different things.
The more dangerous, “wrong” desire was what was winning.

was now standing by his bike, his arms crossed, a scowl on his face, and
looking every bit as badass as his reputation implied. She stopped in front of
him, stared into his silver eyes and waited for him to say something …


moved to the back of the bike, keeping her mouth shut because she just wanted
to have this night over with, and went to straddle the massive Harley. But
before she could get on it Lucien had his hands around her waist, and was
lifting her as easily as if she weighed nothing. Bracing her hands on the
leather seat in front of her, she stared at him with what she knew were wide

He handed her the skullcap helmet, and once she had it on, he straddled the
bike. For a second she was a little taken aback at being this close to him on
his bike. Yeah, they had kissed, but for some reason this felt very intimate.
His body heat seeped into her. Callie’s thighs were on either side of him,
holding him close, and her pussy growing wet from the closeness of being here
with him. The big logo patch of The Brothers of Menace was etched into his cut,
and she stared at that worn leather vest with the slightly dirty patch, which showed
a phoenix and motorcycle.

you want to fall off the back of the bike you need to hold on, Callie,” he said
gruffly, but didn’t turn around.

at his lean waist and swallowing, she reached around and wrapped her arms
around him. She shouldn’t be feeling this nervous around Lucien, especially
after what they had done this morning, but maybe that was why she felt this
way? And before she knew what he was doing he grabbed her hip and pulled her
forward. Her pussy came in contact with him. The scent of leather, cologne, and
oil filled her nose, and the feeling of him hard and tense underneath her hands
consumed her. She closed her eyes, trying to focus on anything but touching
him, and failing miserably. He had his hand on both of hers, had
pressed to the small cold buckle of his leather belt,
and she breathed in roughly. God, she needed to keep it together, and once she
was in her room she could break down, because right now she was on the edge and
toeing the line.

Chapter Seven


stepped into her dorm, glanced over her shoulder and saw Lucien standing by the
door. “I think I got it from here.” She tried to sound stronger, but having him
right behind her, looking at her like he could see right into her soul, was
unnerving in the best of ways. She wanted to still be angry with him for just
showing up and acting like her father, telling her what she should and
shouldn’t do, or who she should talk with, yet she couldn’t help but remember
the fact he had said he cared about her.

ride to her dorm had only been a ten minute trip, but for those few moments she
had held onto Lucien tightly. She thought about a life where nothing stood in
their way and they could be together, and for just a second she envisioned that
they were a couple. Despite their age difference, the fact that the club was
his life and that being with her would destroy what he had, she could see
herself loving this man with no obstacles in the way. He didn’t move, didn’t
even respond to what she had said, so she opened her door and put him out of
her mind. If he wanted to play the “I’m not going to speak, just stare hard at
you” card, then she could do the same.

tossed her purse on the bed, and when she turned around it was to see that he
had come into her room and shut the door behind him. He didn’t have his arms
crossed over his wide chest anymore, but he still looked just as frightening
and intense staring at her.

never answered why you’re here, Lucien, and don’t give me that crap that you
wanted to check up on me because you were worried.
pushed me away, told me this wouldn’t work out because of my
dad, the age gap, and the club.” She was feeling her emotions come to the
surface, and she was not going to let that happen. “I agree that I don’t want
you and my dad to be on the outs because of something we may or may not do, but
I can’t have you showing up out of the blue and stirring things up.”

BOOK: Lucien's War
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