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Authors: Carry Lowe

Loving Angel (4 page)

BOOK: Loving Angel
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I think that nigga Tyga put that smile on your face,” Daisy laughed. “I can’t believe Miss Teflon Queen is catching feelings on a nigga.”

Yeah I like him,” I confessed. “But I wouldn’t say I was catching feelings.” I was lying my ass off because I felt embarrassed. I wasn’t usually so into a dude this quickly. Usually I had guys chasing me, hoping to catch me, but not getting any play. Even when I gave them a chance I kept them at arm’s length. But now here I was with this weird flutter in the pit of my stomach just hearing Tyga’s name.

Whatever you say home girl,” Keya said in a patronizing voice. “But does your mama know you’re hanging with her man’s twin brother. Because if you ask me, that shit is just weird.”

We had just entered the Guess store and I was looking at a couple of shorts, tanks and Tees for casual summer wear.
“You know my mom and I are mad cool. She ain’t gonna be mad about it because she likes feeling like she’s young and she acts like she’s my best friend so it’s definitely not going to be a problem for her.”

You know your mama so well,” Daisy chuckled giving me a high five.

I still think that shit is kinda nasty,” Keya murmured under her breath.

I gave her a dirty look because I didn
’t know what her problem was and who she thought she was trying to judge me. Was this the trick who was always fucking best friends and even dudes who were related and I never once judged her. She had done given it up to half the guys in Harlem in the name of getting paid. She was starting to sound like a straight up hater.

I’m just saying,” She added. “No judgment or anything, because you know I always do me and don’t care, but you’re different.”

It’s a little weird, but not that much,” I said placated.

Are you Angel?” someone asked from behind me. I turned around and came face to face with two chicks I didn’t know. One was a Puerto Rican with long brown hair, nice face and body. She was a bit on the short side though about five feet tall. The other was some tall skinny black chick who looked like she could use a burger or two. Real dark skin, absolutely no curves, faded bald head, Asian looking eyes. She had the runway model look down to a T.

Yeah I’m Angel,” I frowned with attitude because I knew when chicks stepped to me it was usually never for something good. “Who wants to know?”

I’m Carla, Jayvon’s baby mama,” she replied. Like that explained everything.

And?” I inquired with even more attitude.

I just want to tell you to leave my man alone,” she gritted angrily.

I started laughing in her face. This bitch done got me fucked up.

“Bitch do you want to get your ass beat?” Keya asked heatedly before I could tell this little girl to step off before she got an ass whooping.

Bitch I wasn’t talking to you!” this Carla chick answered, equally heated. “Why don’t you mind your own business?”

This is my business bitch because you’re stepping to my cousin over a nigga that’s running behind her like a lost fucking puppy and the only thing she allowed him to do was eat her pussy like an all you can eat buffet and he didn’t even get to hit it.” That’s why I loved my cousin, she knew how to hit a bitch verbally where it hurts the most and she was always standing up for me even though I could more than handle my own shit.

That bitch is the one running behind Von with her stalker self,” Carla’s boney ass friend accused.

Trick please, I already told that fool to lose my number because he’s a lying ass nigga and now you stupid hoes up in here trying to argue over a nigga that’s blowing up my phone all the damn time,” I said pissed. “Can’t ya’ll see how dumb ya’ll look?”

Bitch you’re a fucking liar,” Carla yelled getting up in my face. I was about to pop her in the mouth when I saw the security guard coming our way, so I held back because I didn’t want to get arrested.

You have two choices,” I told her. “It’s either you bring your little ass home like the punk bitch I know you are, or you meet me outside in the parking lot by the Neiman Marcus entrance and we can finish this with our fists.” I was more than ready to beat a bitch’s ass down. I didn’t like fighting, because I was way too pretty to be fighting some other hoe over a dick that probably belonged to everybody and their mama, but I wasn’t going to back down if someone stepped to me.

Ladies is there a problem?” the guard asked before the trick could reply.

No problem,” Daisy answered. I knew she would have been all up in the mix too if she didn’t have her baby with her.

Well if you’re not buying anything I’ll ask you ladies to please move along,” he said politely.

Parking lot,” I mouthed to Carla as she and her girl walked off and I went to pay for my stuff. I wasn’t going to let some fool interfere with my shopping when I could pay for my shit and be ready to rumble in less than ten minutes.

My girls and I waited
in the lot for that trick and her boney friend for about an hour but she never showed up, which proved she was a punk ass bitch. Next time she stepped to me I was gonna pop her in the mouth, and just for her arguing with me and fucking up my good mood I was probably gonna let her man eat my kitty again just out of spite.












I had a million butterflies fluttering around in my stomach making me feel as if I was going to throw up. I knew it was just nerves, but having never felt this way before I was finding the feeling highly uncomfortable. I was finished getting ready for my date with twenty minutes to spare; that was a first also. I was wearing a black Chanel dress I borrowed from Mina’s closet, a pair of Manolo Blahnik red four inch heels and a red clutch. I also borrowed her diamond drop earrings and matching necklace. I had my hair in an up-do with strands framing my face and went real light on the makeup because I really didn’t need much. Just lip gloss and a small amount of blush. 

I was sitting on the cou
ch in a fit of nerves and excitement when there was a knock at the door. It was eight on the dot, he was very prompt. I opened the door to one of the finest brothers I had ever seen. Tyga was wearing a black suit that was probably Armani and specifically fitted for him, with a baby blue dress shirt with the two top buttons undone. A pair of black Red Bottom loafers, diamond studs and diamond studded watch completed his ensemble. He looked like a delicious piece of dark chocolate and damn if I didn’t want to eat him up.

You look gorgeous ma,” he praised after giving me a slow appraisal from the top of my head to my toes. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me real nice and slow, causing my butterflies to take wings and fly.

Thank you. You’re not looking too bad yourself,” I teased with a smile.

A nigga tries,” he replied, playfully popping his collar.

I grabbed my keys from the entry table, closed and locked the door and we made our way to his car. He was pushing a Rolls-Royce Phantom and opened my door for me like a real gentleman.

“Nice ride,” I complimented when he got in on the driver’s side. I’d always been a fan of luxury cars.

Thanks Sexy.” He started the engine and pulled off down the block. I sat back and watched his profile from the corner of my eye. He wasn’t only a handsome nigga he also possessed a lot of swagger. From the way he dressed, to his ride, to the way he walked and talked, homeboy was mad smooth.

We relaxed and listened to some Usher on our way to the restaurant. Some of my nervous energy dissipated and I was even able to enjoy the music and quietly sing along.

He took me to a five star restaurant on the Upper East Side. He handed his car keys over to the valet and we made our way to the hostess’ stand.

Reservation for Grant,” Tyga told the short blonde lady.

She consulted her computer
and smiled politely when she found his name. “This way Mr. Grant,” She led us to a corner table for two and after we were seated handed us our menus. “Your waiter will be with you shortly.”

I looked over the dishes and the prices were like ridiculously expensive. We could definitely get more food and pay a lot less at the Red Lobster.

“See anything you like?” he asked me. “I’m a fan of steak.”

I think I’ll have one of the chicken dishes.”

Are you ready to order?” Our waiter bounced over with a pad in hand and a smile on his face.

Yes thank you. I’d like to have the Sirloin steak medium rare, with mashed potatoes and steamed carrots, squash and broccoli. I want ranch dressing on my salad and bring us two glasses of your best wine.”

And you madam?” the waiter prompted me.

I think I’ll have the steamed chicken breast with the rice and steamed vegetables and blue cheese on my salad.”

After scribbling our orders on his pad the waiter left with a promise to be back with our wine and salads.

Tyga took my hand across the table and started rubbing his thumb on my palm. That simple touch was causing my pussy to clench. “Tell me about yourself Angel.”

I smiled to hide how flustered I was becoming. I didn
’t understand how I was supposed to think when my body was on fire from his touch. “What do you want to know?”

Is Angel your real name or a nickname; because if I had to choose a nickname for you it would be Sexy?” I would call him sexy too because with those hazel eyes and those thick kissable lips he defined the damn word.

It’s my middle name. My name is Simone Angel Silver. I was named Angel after my father. What’s your real name, I know it’s not Tyga?”

Ricardo Ernes Grant III, named after my father also.”

Our waiter arrived with our wine and salads. I
’d never had wine before; I was more of a Hennessey type of girl. My cousins and I got together the last Friday of every month and sipped henny while we smoked and gossiped.

How did you get the name Tyga?”

A Jamaican cat named Lion who use to sell dope for my pops started calling me that when I was a kid. He had a real strong accent so instead of pronouncing the word ti-ger, he pronounced it ty-ga.” He took a sip of his wine, looking into my eyes. “You got some mad pretty eyes; Never seen a black chick with eyes like those before. You’re mixed right?”

Yeah, I’m half Columbian. I got the eyes from my father.”

Are you close to him?” He was very inquisitive but I didn’t mind.

Nah, he lives in Miami and I only see him about once per year. He calls occasionally and sends money each month, but that’s about it for our relationship.” I didn’t understand why I was opening up to him, but it felt right. “How about you?”

I’m real close with my dad. My mom died of cancer when I was younger, so my dad had to become a single parent. He did the best he could. You know I’m a hustler right?” I nodded. “Well my dad is the boss. He taught me everything I know. When I was sixteen he didn’t want me to join the business but I was determined to get in, so knowing I’d probably go to someone else and they wouldn’t give a damn about me, he took me under his wings and that made our relationship stronger.”

Our dinner arrived and we order
ed two more glasses of wine. I was really enjoying talking with Tyga because he made me feel relaxed and comfortable. Although he asked a lot of questions, he wasn’t being pushy and he answered all the questions I asked in return.

Is Boss your only sibling?”

I have another brother named Chance who’s fifteen. I ‘ve got a great relationship with him.” I could tell from the look on his face that he really loved his younger brother.

You and Boss aren’t close?”

Nah,” he confessed. “We’ve haven’t been close since we were teenagers. He thinks our Pops favors me and I think he complains too damn much. How about you, you got any brothers or sisters?”

I have a brother and a sister by my father’s side. When I say I don’t get along with them it’s an understatement, but I’m real close to my cousins Daisy and Keya.” My father’s wife didn’t like me because I was a reminder of her husband’s infidelity, and she rubbed that dislike off on my siblings.


Our conversation kept flowing and by the time we got back to my apartment I felt I knew him on a whole other level and I realized that the more I knew about him the more I liked him.

I had a really great time tonight,” I told him leaning against my door. I was nervous as hell but I wanted to invite him in to mess around a bit because Mina wasn’t home. She was always at Boss’s place most of the time these days.

BOOK: Loving Angel
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