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Authors: Nicole Moore

Loves Deception (3 page)

BOOK: Loves Deception
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Chapter 3


Bryan and Gianna arrived back at Gianna’s house having picked up the food. As planned they picked up four bottles of wine two Red, one White and one blush. They also grabbed bottles of Paul Masson Peach and Amsterdam Vodka Pineapple. Bryan thought it would be a good ice breaker to play a drinking game after business was done. Miles didn’t know many people in town and Charlene was just getting back into town. So a drinking game would be a good way to loosen up the mood.

Bryan was upstairs in the guest bedroom getting ready for dinner. He kept spare clothes and toiletries at Gianna’s because he usually slept over every Saturday night unless they had dates or if Tracy and Kevin were in the picture. Bryan took a shower and freshened up then went to the closet.

Thinking about the meeting, he hoped Miles would impress Charlene with the pointers he’d given him. Charlene had a sharp eye and knew exactly what she wanted. She easily enticed models to switch to her agency and they went on to have better careers for it. Bryan wanted the meeting to go well so it didn’t ruin the rest of the evening. He wanted everyone to be comfortable and have a relaxing time. He continued getting dressed and when he was done he went down to the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine.

Gianna decided to change into something host worthy. She had never met Miles before and hadn’t seen Charlene in a month. She wanted to look good. There was something to be said for first impressions. Gianna stepped out of her closet holding a chocolate brown wrap dress and a royal blue satin button up shirt that just covered her ample bottom. She was going to pair it with her black satin leggings. Gianna’s caramel complexion and dark brown eyes would go perfectly with the chocolate brown dress that hugged her curves, but she would be more comfortable in the latter.

The Royal blue button up was an impulse buy a Liam’s Boutique. It was the only button up Gianna had ever seen with a low neck line that dipped to reveal the top of her breasts, ended just above her waistline in the front and reached just below her bottom in the back. The top hugged her in all the right places and was perfect for a little peek-a-boo in leggings. The leggings were smooth to the touch and so comfortable. Both outfits were dress casual and definitely fit the occasion.

Holding up both outfits against her body in the mirror Gianna decided to go with comfort. She put the dress back in her closet and changed into the latter. She added a few accessories and went with her royal blue wedges. She had to do something to her hair so she sprayed it with her homemade leave in and added a little Eco Styler gel to hold the curls and tame the fly-a-ways. Gianna played with her curls and decided to put it up in the back leaving a few tendrils to hang down in the front. She applied a little make up but added killer red lips and long lashes. She looked at herself in the mirror.

“Ooh girl how are you single?” Her eyes drifted to the bed through the mirror. Gianna remembered her dream and how tall dark and handsome seemed so familiar. She felt so comfortable with him. “I really hope he doesn’t turn out to be Kevin. That would be a waste of a good dream.” Gianna said to her reflection and laughed.

In the kitchen, Bryan had opened the red wine and was setting the table. After pouring two glasses he called to let Gianna know that her glass was in the kitchen. Bryan decided to call Miles to make sure he had Gianna’s address.

“Hey Bryan, What’s up we still on for 6:30 pm tonight?

“Yeah you ready? I wanted to make sure you got the address and you don’t have any trouble finding the place.”

“Yeah I programmed it into my GPS so I should find it fine. You need me to bring anything?”

“Yeah your headshots and your resume. We will discuss a little business first then we can loosen up the atmosphere and you can meet everyone on a different level.”

“Alright that sounds cool. I’ll call you when I’m close by. You can turn the porch light on for me or something. You sure I shouldn’t bring the lady of the house anything or maybe Charlene?”

“Nah man, I got you covered. Look I’ll see you in few.

“Alright man, see you.”

Gianna walked into the kitchen as Bryan was finishing up a call. Gianna noticed he put on a light blue button up and a pair of dark blue jeans. She recognized them as the extra clothes he kept in the guest bedroom. Bryan filled out his shirt perfectly. His muscles were visible but not to overpowering for the look. From this angle his butt was on point in those pants.

Bryan noticing that Gianna was in the room turned around in time to see her checking out his butt. “You see something you like” Bryan teased. Gianna’s face turned red almost immediately. She knew he was teasing but still she felt embarrassed for getting caught looking. This is her best friend after all. This wasn’t like her to openly ogle Bryan. She must still be feeling horny from earlier.

Bryan took the opportunity to get a good look at Gianna. “Damn! You look good,” Bryan replied shocking himself. It’s not like he hadn’t noticed how beautiful she was before but something was different.

“Thanks! You know Charlene is a model so I had to step up my “A” game. I threw on a little something something. It’s not too much is it?” Gianna couldn’t help but notice the strange look in his light brown eyes. She was starting to worry that maybe she should have went with the dress.

Bryan gulped down his wine before answering. He wasn’t sure what was happening but it seemed to be getting hot in the room. “Uh no your outfits perfect. And for the record Charlene won’t have anything on you tonight.”

They locked gazes. Gianna moved closer and leaned in to help him smooth out his collar. She touched his strong broad chest lingering a bit. She reached around his broad shoulders to fix the back of his collar. She was leaning into him and the tips of her breasts were rubbing against the buttons on his chest. She leaned back only inches from his face. She looked up at him and then at his lips. Gianna lingered a little bit too long and as if coming out of a daze she stepped back and out of his space. She couldn’t believe how much she wanted to kiss him. “What are you doing? This is Bryan, cut it out,” Gianna thought to herself.

“You always did clean up well. How are we single? I just don’t understand it,” Gianna said as she finished her once over of Bryan trying to play off that moment.

Bryan stood there holding his breath. He for the third time today was having inappropriate thoughts about his best friend. He wasn’t sure what just happened but if Gianna hadn’t moved back he was going to kiss her out of her clothes and take her right on the table. “Yeah from the way you were just checking me out, I would say I clean up well too.” Gianna turned red. “And please stop playing, you know you are single by choice. You let a lot of good brothers go with the lamest excuses. I on the other hand keep attracting needy women.”

Gianna pulled herself together. “Well maybe you’ll finally give Charlene a chance. You know she had a big crush on you back in college,” Gianna said. Gianna picked up her wine glass and took a big drink from it. She put down her glass and smoothed her own shirt. That wasn’t true of course but the two did flirt like it was. Charlene only had eyes for Michael but she and Bryan sharpened their skills on one another.

“You know Charlene and I are just friends. But I’m not sure if Miles or Charlene can handle us tonight. We are fine as hell. I know Miles won’t be able to focus though, you may kill him in that outfit.” Bryan poured another glass of wine and topped off Gianna’s. Bryan reached in and removed a piece of lint from Gianna’s hair. He could feel Gianna lean into his hand.

When she could breathe again she picked up the natural conversation. “Now I know why I keep you around. You’re good for my ego. Poor Charlene she couldn’t keep her eyes off of you during our trip to Lake Tigan. Maybe you should change and save a life.” Bryan and Gianna laughed.

Charlene arrived at 6 pm sharp and rang the doorbell. She was excited to see Bryan and Gianna and more so to see this potential Michael Yvann cologne ad model. 

Charlene stood at 5’11 without heels and had the clearest deep brown complexion. She was seriously considered for every anti acne campaign there was but she turned them down. She wanted it to be known that her clear skin had nothing to do with anyone’s product. In other words her skins reputation wasn’t for sale.

Charlene was 29 and still modeling but decided that she would start her own modeling agency. She has been in business for over 4 years now and her company had a diverse group under its belt. Right now she is looking for a new model because Charlene’s ex Michael Yvann was being difficult. He normally uses her current agency’s models but his recent tantrum is causing her to find someone new. His exact words “Honey, I don’t see anything new and up and coming from your agency. When is your next talent search? I want to use your agency but there are so many out there.”

Charlene couldn’t understand it. Michael had already picked a model from her agency and he was flown to the shoot. Michael personally picked him but once he was there Michael had a fit. Charlene is sure it had everything to do with Michael not being in her pants any longer.

Hearing the doorbell, Bryan and Gianna walked toward the front door. Gianna, with her drink in one hand, opened the door with the other. Talking to Charlene over the phone for a month didn’t do justice to this moment. Almost in unison Gianna and Charlene both screamed and jumped up and down. Bryan had to move fast to get Gianna’s glass of wine from her and was just in time. When all the screaming and jumping stopped Bryan got a good look at Charlene.

“Hey, look at you! You haven’t changed at all,” Bryan said giving Charlene a hug. “Still killing the modeling game, I see. Bryan twirled her around and got a good look at her from behind.

“Yeah, I’m only taking a few dates here and there now but in my business I have to stay on point. How long has it been Bryan, a year? You still look sexy as hell. You sure you don’t want to model for me. I already have the perfect client lined up.” “Yeah me.” Charlene thought to herself. “Ooh he is still fine. I wonder if he and Gianna are still blind to how they feel for each other.”

“Oh yeah whose the client? I may be interested. I recently gotten a lot of compliments and people have been checking me out.” Bryan winked at Gianna as she almost choked on her wine.

Gianna recovered and grabbed Charlene’s hand ushering her into the dining room. “Anyway girl come on in, we have to catch up.” Bryan followed behind laughing to himself.

Chapter 4


They all sat around the table laughing and catching up. Gianna filled her in on her latest blog idea and on how her business was going slow. Gianna just couldn’t hone in on which part of her college degrees she wanted to use. Bryan started introducing his idea for Miles to be the Michael Yvann Cologne ad model.

Charlene listened hoping that Miles was the answer to her problem with Michael. Charlene knew all she really had to do was give in to Michael and accept his marriage proposal. She just couldn’t be with him unless he was all in. Michael had a wondering eye at times and she couldn’t be sure that he wasn’t cheating while he was away on business.

Miles pulled up to the house and parked. He put his game face on and stepped out of his Audi Silver R8 Spider. He was told that the dress was casual so he wore a pair of black jeans with a button down gray striped shirt. He wore a tie earlier but opted not to wear it tonight. He was hoping to pull off a more casual modeled look. To give Charlene a preview of his assets he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. Miles looked himself over and reached for the bottle of wine and box of chocolates, walked toward the house and rang the doorbell. “A gentleman trying to impress the ladies never shows up empty handed,” Miles thought to himself. “Despite what Bryan said.”

Miles admired the house as he approached it. It was brick with light grey trim and dark grey shutters. The front yard was well maintained and in the driveway Miles recognized Bryan’s Lincoln Navigator parked next to a Volkswagen Eos Komfort Convertible in black. Miles assumed that was Charlene’s car. “Gianna must have parked in the garage. She’s probably sporting a Mercedes Benz or something. Bryan said she was classy and stylish, but never one to be flashy. Either way my work is going to be cut out for me. Two confident ladies who have their own will always keep things interesting. Miles laughed out loud. I can handle it, I’m never scared. Miles laughed again thing his reference to an old rap song was perfect for the moment. Miles managed to rang the doorbell and juggle his presents in one hand.  

Bryan excused himself and made his way to the door. He opened it and gave Miles a pound bringing him in for a hug. “What’s up man? You ready to meet the ladies,” Bryan asked. Bryan noticed the gifts and smiled, “My man now I know your right for this gig. Your mama raised you right. I had you covered though just in case you turned out to be a caveman.

“Yeah man let me at ‘em. The question should be is Charlene ready for me? Man you know I wasn’t about to show up empty handed and have those ladies thinking I’d forgotten my manners. I could never risk my mama finding out.” They both laughed as Bryan led Miles through the house to the dining room.

He spotted Charlene right away. He’d seen enough of her campaign ads and runway shows to know exactly what she looked like. She was beautiful. She wore a gold and white striped bodice sundress with a pair of gold strappy heels. She wore her light brown hair in loose barrel curls that framed her face falling to the tips of her breasts. Breasts that were sitting right in her tight bodice sundress.

Miles found it hard to take his eyes off of Charlene. He waited while Bryan introduced him and he shook her hand and brought her in for a hug. She smelled of lavender and vanilla and she lined up perfectly against him. His arms molded perfectly around her waist. “It’s a pleasure meeting you,” Miles said. “Hmm you are charming aren’t you,” Charlene replied. Miles released his hold on her and stepped back to be introduced to the hostess. He used this as an opportunity to reel himself in. A Hurricane like Charlene can be devastating if you’re not too careful.

Miles knew a little about Gianna from Bryan. The way he spoke of her was as if she was something special. Bryan was always a relationship guy which is why he wasted so much time with Tracy. Miles didn’t like Tracy for Bryan. Bryan would call Miles and she would be in the back ground fussing about this or that. She seemed very hard to please. To be fair Tracy had her hands full with Bryan. He was a work-a-holic and could lose his own head buried in work. Miles understood it was her way of trying remind him she was there, but still. A man needs to work and needs an understanding partner.

Miles reached a hand out to Gianna and pulled her in for a hug and she kissed his cheek. “You must be Gianna. Bryan’s best friend. Bryan talks about you all the time so I know we will get along fine. I feel like I already know you.” Gianna blushed and looked over at Bryan. “Good things of course,” Miles said noticing the exchange.

“Oh! Gianna looked past Miles to Bryan. “Bryan has definitely told me a lot about you. You two used to get into so much trouble together. I’m curious, why did you and Bryan get caught in an all-girls dorm after hours? I have been dying to hear that story”. Gianna linked her arm through Miles’ and led him to his place at the dining room table. Everyone took their places at the table. Miles grinned and said “I’ll tell you my story if you tell me about the time Bryan caught you and old what’s-his-name behind the church.” Gianna’s blush grew a crimson red and a sly smile crossed her face. “Whatever he told you remember there are two sides to a story. Everyone laughed. “Can I get you something to drink, or are you ready to eat?” Gianna went into hostess mode. She and Bryan made plates and poured wine until everyone had eaten. Miles and Charlene were discussing business, Bryan adding his advice here and there. Gianna happy to be able to help with marketing and business advice she threw in for free. Dinner was delicious and the wine was hitting the spot.

BOOK: Loves Deception
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