Read Lover's Roulette Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Lover's Roulette (6 page)

BOOK: Lover's Roulette
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“What’s going on between them?” Monnique asked as she fixed her hair in the mirror. She picked up the bottle of hairspray and sprayed it into her strands. She was wearing a
n olive green dress that highlighted her skin tone perfectly. Her curves were noticeable in the dress. She had a thin waist, wide hips, and a very perky ass. I was totally envious of her body. She was thin but not too thin, having the right amount of muscle and fat. I felt hideous when I was near her. She was exotic and beautiful. I felt like a plain white girl. She looked at me in the mirror, catching me staring. “Are you staring at my ass?”

“Huh? What?”

She laughed. “You like what you see?”

“Sorry. I just get a little jealous sometimes.”

“Jealous of what?”


She rolled her eyes. “You’re beautiful, Scar. Don’t think otherwise.”

“Your ass is just really noticeable.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“I swear I’m straight,” I said quickly.

She laughed. “I’ve never seen Sean check me out once. I didn’t realize you were the one I should be worried about.”

“Sean would love that.”

“So what’s with him and Cortland?”

I felt my heart rate increase. “What do you mean?”

“It just seems like Sean hates him most of the time. What did Cortland do?”

I was feeling guiltier by the minute. Monnique and I had become really good friends since she started dating Cortland. I loved having her around, especially since she made him so happy. This made me
feel like a total bitch for keeping the truth from her—that I slept with Cortland. I wanted to confess, but I couldn’t throw Cortland under the bus like that. This was his relationship and I didn’t want to wreck it. “They just don’t get along.”

“Have you talked to them?”

I sighed. “Many times.”

“I just don’t see how two guys could argue so much. They’re acting like a bunch of girls.” She put down the hairspray then adjusted her dress in the mirror. It was short
, coming to her thigh, and it had a low cut in the front.

“Cortland isn’t going to be happy when he sees you.”

She rolled her eyes. “He can deal with it. I told him when we got together that I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for a long time.” She walked in the closet and retrieved a dark blue dress. It was short and had a cut in the front to show some cleavage. “And Sean won’t be happy when he sees you in this.”

I eyed the dress. It was beautiful. “I can’t wear this.”

“Why?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips.

“Because it’s yours. I brought some dresses along.”

“No, this will go so well with your eyes.” She took it off the hanger and handed it to me. “Come on. I got this for your bachelorette party. You’re going to wear it.”

I touched the fabric in my hands. It was stretchy but thick, able to contain all my goodies. “That was so sweet, Monnique.”

“Now put it on.”

I changed into the dress then pulled on some pumps before I looked in the mirror. I was never someone who looked at their appearance in the mirror often, but I had to admit that I looked like
a million bucks. Monnique fixed my hair and sprayed the hairspray into the strands. After applying a little lip gloss and some makeup, which I hardly wore, I looked totally different.

“Damn, you look fine,” Monnique said, nodding her head in approval.

I didn’t know what to say. “I look so different.”

“Because you never wear makeup.”

“I look like a hooker.”

Monnique laughed. “I bet Sean will like it.”

“Uh, I don’t know.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter if he likes it. Do you like it?”

I ran my hands over the dress and saw the curves of my waist and my thin legs underneath. My calves were prominent and my ass stuck out. My busty chest was even more noticeable. I didn’t recognize myself. “I guess.”

“Good. Let’s go.”

We walked down the hall until we came to Janice’s room. Monnique knocked on the door and Ryan answered it a moment later.

Ryan looked at Monnique. “Wow. Expecting to be discovered tonight?”

She ignored him. “Where’s Janice?”

“She’s getting dressed.”

“Tell her to hurry.”

“What are you ladies up to?” he asked.

“You’ll see.”

Janice opened the door wider, wearing a towel. “Sorry that my boyfriend is so rude. Please come in.” She glared at Ryan before she walked away.

We came inside the hotel room then shut the door.

“Go away, Ryan,” Janice said.

“I’m paying for this room,” he said.

She grabbed a shoe and tossed it at him. “Hit the road.”

I laughed. “It looks like you’re getting kicked out.”

He glared at me. “Baby, I’ll meet you downstairs.”


He opened the door then left.

Janice dropped her towel, standing in her bra and underwear. “Sorry, I’m running late.”

“It’s okay,” Monnique said. “I know how it is. Every time you try to get dressed, they just take off your clothes again.” She walked into the clo
set and pulled out a few dresses. “Try this one.” It was purple.

“I like it,” I said. “You can wear these nude pumps with it.”

“Oh, and this necklace,” Monnique said as she grabbed it from the dresser.

I grabbed a curling iron and started to do her hair while Monnique applied her makeup. Janice clipped in her earrings and did her nails. Like a team, we prepped Janice in minutes. I felt like the pit stop crew in Nascar racing.

Janice looked at herself in the mirror. “Thanks, ladies.”

“No problem,” Monnique said.

Janice grabbed her suitcase and pulled out a veil. “This is for you, Scarlet.”

I looked at it. It said, ‘Blushing Bride’. “Thanks.”

“Put it on,” Janice said. She grabbed it and pinned it in my hair, letting the small veil fall behind my head. I looked at it in the mirror. It was small but noticeable. I liked it.

“Thank you. I don’t know about the blushing part.”

“Neither do I,” Monnique said with a laugh. “Now let’s go.”

We left the room then headed down to the lobby. All the guys were sitting at the table where I left Sean. As we walked across the room wearing our heels, I felt a lot of heads turn toward us, staring at us.

When I looked at Sean, he was staring at me, his mouth gaping open. The other three were just as dumbfounded. I reached him and he eyed my body, looking at my thighs, my chest, then my face.


Cortland looked like he would faint. “Humna, humna, humna.”

Ryan grabbed Janice’s hand. “Let’s head back to the room.”

She pushed his hand away. “No. We’re going out.”

pulled me into his lap, his hand moving up my dress. His lips kissed my neck before they kissed my lips. I felt his massive boner under my ass. “You look so fucking hot.”

“You like my veil?” I said as I touched it.

“I didn’t even notice,” he said as he leaned forward and kissed my chest.

I pushed him away. “Sean, we’re in public.”

“You think I care? I’d fuck you on this table if you’d let me.”

Mike’s eyes kept darting to all of us. “Seriously, any of you have any sisters?”

We ignored him.

Janice pulled away from Ryan. “We’re going to a club. See you later.”

Monnique kissed Cortland before she stood up. “Bye, honeybunny.” Cortland looked like he was about to cry.

When I moved off
Sean’s lap, he reluctantly let me go. They looked like famished wolves that hadn’t eaten in months. Sean immediately rested his hand on his crouch, blocking the sight of his erection. I noticed the other men do something similar to hide their obvious thoughts.

I linked arms with the girls then we walked away, feeling the perverted stares of our men drill into
our asses and thighs.




“So, what do you guys wanna do?” Mike, the first one to recover, asked.

I ignored him. I was still staring at Scarlet’s ass as she left the lobby of the casino. That blue dress highlighted her eyes, making them gleam like stars. But that wasn’t what I was watching most of the time. Her aerobicized thighs caught my attention under that short dress. Her thin legs were perfect. The dress was tight around her waist and her chest, making her huge tits pop out like an exploding firework. I adjusted myself in my seat because my hard cock was pushing against my fly. I could tell the other guys were equally mesmerized by the sight of our girls. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Ryan stood up. “Let’s go.”

Cortland didn’t say anything, but he had a stern expression on his face. His eyes were heated and bright, like he was about to walk into a fight. Their horny faces were weird. I wondered what mine looked like. Scarlet could recognize it pretty well.

Mike sighed. “Seriously? We’re just going to follow them all night?”

You’ll meet a chick at the club,” I said.

“Obviously. I meet a chick anywhere I go. You guys are lame.”

We left the lobby then reached the strip. They were easy to find because there were whistles coming from up the street. When men walked by, their heads turned to get a better look. Their necks were stretching so much it looked like their spine would snap. “Over there,” I said.

We walked up the street until we saw them up ahead. They were like a beacon on the trip. Everyone noticed them. It really wasn’t surprising since they looked so incredibly fine. I felt like a hound on the scent, sniffing Scarlet like prey.

They turned inside a club and walked up to the security man. After one look, he lifted up the rope and let them walk inside.

I came up next and tried to get in.

“No,” was all the bouncer said. He was huge, easily three times my size.

“No what?”

“The line is over there.”

“Well, my fiancé just walked in.”

“Well, your fiancé is going to drive up bar sales.”

“I bet she is,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Come on, man,” Ryan said. “Let us in.”


“You guys are idiots, you know that?” Mike said as he opened his wallet. He pulled out a hundred bucks and handed it to the bouncer.

The bouncer
opened the rope and let him in. I walked behind him but the bouncer held me back.

“What?” I asked. “He paid.”


I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was paying a hundred bucks just so I could get to my girlfriend because I was harder than I had ever been in my life. I opened my wallet and forked over the cash.

The bouncer smiled. “Have a good time. Buy your girl a drink.”

I glared at him then walked inside. It was dark but there was a faint glow of lights from the ceiling. Music was playing on the dance floor. Couples were grinding and pushing on each other.

Ryan and Cortland came behind me.

“Where are they?” Ryan shouted.

“Huh?” I asked, unable to hear him.

Ryan shook his head then walked forward. We went by the tables and looked at all the girls. There were a few cute ones, but they looked like shit compared to my fiancé. I kept looking but I didn’t find her. When we reached a table with three sofas around it, I saw the table covered with drinks. There were at least six cosmopolitans, three glasses of wine, and three fruity drinks. The girls were sitting close together, chatting and laughing. When I looked at Scarlet’s face, covered in blue shadow and red lipstick, I knew it was her. Like a hound coming to its master, I walked to her then sat on the table across from her. She flinched when she recognized me.

“Hey gorgeous,” I said as I kissed her neck.

“What are you doing here?” she

“You expect me just to stop thinking about you aft
er seeing you dressed like that?”

“Dressed like what?”

“Like the hottest bitch in this place.”

“You can fuck me later.”

I grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to me. I could tell she was annoyed I was there, but she couldn’t resist me. Her legs opened slightly and she let me kiss her. From the way she breathed into my mouth, I knew she wanted me, but that didn’t mean much. She always wanted me.

“Go away,” Janice said as she took a drink. “You’re ruining our bachelorette party.”

“No, I’m not. I’m just hitting on Scarlet like a random stranger.”

“Hey, baby,” Ryan said as he squeezed in between Monique and Janice.

Janice rolled her eyes. “I can never get away from you.”

“What did you expect me to do?” he asked. “I practically drooled on my shirt.” His hand was immediately on her thigh, sliding upwards. “You can’t leave the room looking this fine and expect me not to follow you.”

“You need to learn self-control.”

“Ha. Look who’s talking.” He pushed her drink away.

“I was going to be good, Ryan.”

“Well, now you don’t have to be. Just let me stay.” He leaned toward her ear. “You won’t even know I’m here.”

“When you press your boner against me every minute it’s hard to forget you’re here.”

“I’m just happy to see you,” he said with a smirk.

“Really happy,” she said as she took a drink.

He watched her but didn’t take it away.

“Cortland, go away,” Monnique said.

“I’m not here for you,” Cortland said.

She had a look of disbelief on her face.

“Your ass had me in a trance.”

“Stop referring to me and my ass as two different people.”

“That’s like asking
me to combine America and Canada into Canamerica.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

“You’re unbelievably hot.”

“I have no idea
why you guys bother,” I said. “Stop trying to fight it and let’s have a good time.”

“I don’t like it when Cortland doesn’t trust me,” Monnique said.

“That isn’t why I’m here,” he said quickly.

“I’ll tell you why we’re here,” I said. “You guys looked so damn fine that we would rather spend th
e evening with you, getting you drunk and in bed, then out doing something else incredibly boring and stupid. Now get over it.”

Scarlet shook her head. “Get over it?”

“Now let’s have a good time.” I handed her a drink then picked up a glass of wine. “Cheers,” I said as I clanked my glass against hers.

She smiled at me then took a drink.

“So, what’s your name?” I asked.

She raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“What’s your name?”

“How drunk are you?”

“Hey. I’m just a guy trying to pick up a hot piece of ass in a bar.”

She chuckled. “Are we role playing now?”

“Whatever let’s me stick around.”

She slid her fingers around the top of her glass while she looked at me. I kept glancing at her tits as she leaned forward. She knew I was staring but she didn’t seem to care. “Scarlet.”

“Beautiful name.”

“Who are you?”


“That’s a boring name.”

“You’re hot so I’m going to let the insult go.”

“I should wear this dress more often.”

“So, you’re getting married?”


“Who’s the lucky guy?”

“Some loser.”

I glared at her. “That’s an expensive ring. I doubt a loser could afford to purchase that big diamond.”

“I’m just with him cuz he’s good in bed.”

“Well, maybe you need to get out more.”

She crossed her legs. As her legs moved, I glanced down and saw the red thong she was wearing. I didn’t try to be discreet about it. I blatantly looked between her legs and felt my dick twitch.
“You’re such a gentleman,” she said as she took a drink of her cosmopolitan.

“I never said I was.”

“What do you want from me?”

“I haven’t made that clear?”

“I’m getting married. I’m taken.”

“So? You should have one more go.”

“No. I could never cheat on my fiancé. I love him very much.”

I leaned toward her ear, placing both hands on her thighs. “It’ll be our little secret.”

“You don’t give up, do you?”

“Would you like to dance?”

“You know how to dance?” she asked incredulously.

“I know how to make love. They aren’t that different.”

“I guess it would be a nice preview.”

I smiled at her. “Down that drink and let’s go.”

She titled her head back and finished the whole glass. I liked having sex with her when she was drunk. She was already amazing in bed, but when she had some alcohol, she was free and wild. I grabbed her hand and pulled her from her seat.

Ryan was whispering in Janice’s ear and she smiled as she listened
to him. Cortland was making out with Monnique, his hand up her dress. Mike was gone. I had no idea where he went. I led Scarlet to the dance floor. A lot of guys looked at me with pure envy. They should be jealous.

She stared shaking her hips, smiling at me. I gave her my best moves, and she seemed impressed with the way I was moving my body. I grabbed her hips and grinded her
body next to me then turned her around so her ass was rubbing against me. Her fingers twisted my hair as my boner moved against her. I kissed her neck, not caring about the crowd looking at us. When I was with Scarlet she was the only person in the world. I never thought I would end up with someone so beautiful and perfect. I always imagined that my wife would be gorgeous, smart, had a smoking body, but I never expected her to be so amazing.

She turned in my arms, rocking into me as we danced together. “I didn’t know you could dance.”

“Why would you if you just met me?”

“We’re still doing this?”

My hands slid down to her ass and squeezed. “Yeah. It’s our first date.”

“I never would have let you grab my ass like that on our first date.”

“Don’t lie. You’re a slut and you know it.”

“I usually hide my slut
tiness for a while.”

“That isn’t necessary.”

“And I wouldn’t sleep with you on the first date.”

“Oh you will.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“I could get you in the sack so easily.”

“Arrogance isn’t a turn on for me.”

“It’s confidence.”

“Still annoying.”

I placed my forehead against hers and looked into her eyes. My lips were close to hers and I wanted her to kiss me, make the move. I knew she wanted to by the slight opening of her lips. To convince her, I brushed my nose against hers, making her melt like it always did, then I placed her arms over my
shoulders, her favorite feature. She always grabbed onto me when I fucked her. I knew the touch would make her think about it. I pulled her to my chest, begging her to kiss me. Like I knew she would, she pressed her lips against mine and breathed into my mouth. I cupped her face, kissing her with more passion than I ever had before. I loved her so much that my heart hurt. The blood pounded in my ears because I was so happy that I found the girl of my dreams. She was the sexist thing I had ever seen, the coolest chick I ever knew. I was the luckiest bastard in the world that she picked me. I kissed her for a long time, her body held to my chest. It was dark in the club and the music was loud, but all of that was blocked out as I kissed her. She had my full attention every minute of every day. I couldn’t stand being apart from her even when I was at work.

When I pulled away, I pressed my forehead against hers and looked
into her eyes. “That will be our first kiss.”

“What’s wrong with the first one?”

I felt my heart throb. “You deserve something better than that.”

“I thought it was pretty great.”


“Just because it led to a painful breakup doesn’t mean it wasn’t special. It was the best day of my life, Sean. After all that drama happened, we got engaged. Don’t be ashamed of the past. That’s how we got here, right? We’re spending our bachelor parties together because we can’t stand to be apart. What’s more pathetic than that?”

I smiled. “Yeah, it is pretty lame.”

“But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“So, that means I’m going to get laid tonight?”

She shrugged. “Maybe. There’s no guarantee.”

“I’ll make it a guarantee.”

She grabbed my hand. “I need another drink.”

“I can get that.”

“I already have five waiting for me.”

BOOK: Lover's Roulette
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