Read Love Redeemed Online

Authors: Sorcha Mowbray

Tags: #Historical Romance, #The Market Series, #Romance, #Victorian, #Historical, #Literature & Fiction

Love Redeemed (6 page)

BOOK: Love Redeemed
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Her gaze bore in to him with an intensity that made him want to squirm like a young boy before the headmaster. It seemed she could see every mistake he had ever made. He wrote out the check and passed it across the desk. “I foresee no issues. Might I see Serena before I leave? I would like to be the one to tell her of our arrangement.”

“Of course. She should still be in the green room.” Madame nodded in dismissal. Without a backward glance, he rose and departed to inform Serena.



Chapter Six



Alone in the green room, Serena waited to find out her fate. Brennan had left her, determined to find Madame, but she could not be sure he had the financial wherewithal to accomplish his goal. Besides being paid well there were other fees involved in being a member of The Market. More private club than public brothel, Madame Marchander catered to a very exclusive clientele. Most of the members were peers of the realm or the ridiculously wealthy from around the world.

A single knock was the lone signal she received before the door rattled and swung open. Brennan’s jaw locked tight, his body stiff and tense as he closed the portal. Serena’s throat tightened and her mouth dried out.
He failed

“I spoke with Madame Marchander.” Brennan crossed over to the bed and sat on the edge.

“Brennan, it is not your fault if an arrangement could not be reached.”

“True, but irrelevant. You are now under an exclusive contract to me. You will not entertain any other men.”

Surprised by the ferocity with which he spoke, Serena took a moment to absorb his words. Brennan had been so gentle before. This possessive side was a new development. She liked it. “Really? That sounds perfect. Will you be returning to see me tonight?”

“I will be returning tonight to collect you and whatever you will need while you stay with me.” He reached for her hand and took it in his much larger one.

“Stay with you? I do not understand. My clients have always visited me here. How is that possible?” Her heart sped up as fear Madame might throw her out clawed at her.

“Part of the arrangement we reached includes you staying with me. You are to have one night off a week, you may choose to stay at my home or come back here to rest. You are to visit with Madame once a week without my attendance, so she may be assured of your welfare. And, of course, whatever gifts I choose to give you are yours to keep.” Brennan beamed at her.

“Oh my. I had no idea….” She rose and paced. “How long is the contract for?”

“Six months.” He crossed the room, stepped in her way, and stopped her. His brow creased. “Is this not happy news?”

How could she explain her fears of being replaced at The Market, of becoming a two-bit dockside whore? “It—it is. Will I have a place to return to here if you no longer want me?” Fear squashed down on her chest, a leaden weight of worry.

“Not want you? Are you mad? I shall always want you.” He pulled her against him and kissed her soundly. His tongue slid past her lips and teeth to twine with hers in a velvety caress. The kiss ended with sweet nibbles on her lips.

“You say that now, but after six months of me, day in and day out, you might find you feel differently. I might find I feel differently. What will I do if Madame will not have me back?”

“You are still in her employ. I have simply paid for the pleasure of your company when and where I choose and for exclusivity.” His words should have soothed her, but there was an unmistakable annoyance in his tone. He resented having to pay for her time and services.

“I’m sorry. I know how repugnant it must seem after I gave myself to you so freely.” Serena jerked from his hands and traversed the room. Reflexively, her arms crossed over her body. Was this a mistake? Would he come to despise her for what she was, as she had feared originally?

A sigh slipped from his lips as he followed her, pressed his chest to her back, and cradled her in his arms. “It is unsettling, but I understand you need time to accept that my affection for you is real. I do not want you to feel trapped. Madame assured me, when I inquired, that a clause will be included in the contract allowing you to end the agreement at any time and for any reason.”

“Oh my. Thank you, Brennan, for asking for that.” She squeezed his hand resting on her arm. Perhaps this would work, as long as she kept her heart well-guarded. He would see soon enough that his infatuation would wane, and she would still have her livelihood.

“Now, I must go and prepare the house for your arrival and you must gather your things. I will be back at four o’clock to retrieve you. Will you be ready?” Brennan turned her to face him.

“I will. Thank you.” Serena leaned up and kissed him, a gentle press of her lips against his. The urge to giggle and spin with joy so unusual she had a hard time holding it back.

“You’re welcome. I will see you later.” He departed the room, leaving her alone again.

A quick twirl and a laugh escaped from her before she composed herself.




Brennan couldn’t cease smiling. Finally she stood in his home. Not the exact way he had imagined it over a month ago when acquiring the special license, but he had bought himself some time. Precious time he would need to convince her to stay.

“Serena.” He nudged a small woman-child toward her. “This is Maggie. She will act as your maid, help you dress and whatever else it is maids do for women. Her aunt is Mrs. O’Keef, the housekeeper.”

Serena smiled kindly at the girl. “Hello, Maggie.”

The girl curtsied and mumbled, “Mum.”

“That will be all for now. Miss Freemont will ring for you when she has need of your assistance.” Maggie curtsied and trod silently from the bedroom, closing the door behind her. “Now. Come here, Miss Freemont.” He towed her into his arms, unable to resist the lure of her body. Tilting her head back, he feathered his lips over hers in a gentle caress. As she opened to him, surrendered, he deepened the kiss, sweeping inside to claim her mouth. Their tongues tangled, twisted together in an intimate caress. Her body molded to his, his cock nestled between them.

Desperate for more of her, but unwilling to wait long enough to remove the many layers of clothes, he turned toward the bed and bent her over. Her torso splayed across the mattress as he rucked up her skirts, covering her head. Finding easy access through the split in her drawers, he let loose his hard cock and slipped through her slick, swollen folds. Her tightness clutched him in a silken grip that threatened to push him over the edge as soon as he entered.

With a slow retreat, he let his hard length tease her engorged tissues before slamming back into her body with a sure, swift stroke.

“Yes.” Her soft moan, muffled by her skirts and the mattress, floated up to him.

He repeated the tantalizing rhythm, trailing out in a slow drag and abruptly driving into her body. Brennan wouldn’t last much longer as her moans increased with each powerful thrust. Desperate for release, he reached down and searched her clit out through the opening in her under things. Ruthless, he flicked the sensitive nub and pushed her over the edge as his tempo increased. The silken walls of her passage clamped down around him then released. Over and over, the spasms squeezed him and pushed his control until he needed to explode. He pulled out to shoot his hot cum onto the linen drawers covering her bottom. Complete and relaxed, he drew the soiled garment down her legs and used them to clean himself up. Tossing them aside, he sat on the bed and tucked her into his arms.




Serena lay in bed sipping her hot cocoa when Maggie appeared bearing a folded note. Setting her drink down, she read the missive in which Brennan explained that a modiste would be arriving within the hour.

“It seems we will have company soon. I should get dressed.” She stretched and sat up, her chocolate abandoned on the bedside table. “I’ll wear the navy blue dress with the white trim.”

Her maid scampered to find the dress and left Serena to see to her morning ablutions. Refreshed with her hair brushed out and her undergarments in place, Serena finagled the dress over her head with Maggie’s help. After a few moments of struggling the gown fell into place and the girl could work on buttoning the back of the dress. “Thank you, now do you know anything about fixing hair?”

“Yes, mum.” She watched Serena move to the vanity.

“Come then, how would you style my hair for a meeting with a dressmaker?” The girl was painfully shy, not something Serena was accustomed to dealing with. At The Market all of the girls tittered and chattered like sisters, even the maids.

“Perhaps a simple knot at the nape would be best if you’ll be in and out of your gown.” Maggie walked over to where Serena sat and picked up the brush from the table.

“That sounds like an excellent notion. I leave it to you to sort out.” Serena sat still and waited for the stroke of the brush through her tresses. Soon her hair appeared coiffed into a neat knot. A knock at the door heralded Mrs. O’Keef’s entrance.

“Miss Freemont, Madame Le Fleur has arrived. She is in the front parlor.”

“Thank you. I will be down directly. You may go get your breakfast if you have not eaten yet. I shouldn’t need you again until later.” Serena rose and left the two women. Nerves got the best of her on the way downstairs. Brennan had left no instructions regarding what he expected her to buy. She entered the parlor, her hands damp with sweat and her stomach full of butterflies. She could do this. She could act like a lady as well as any gently reared daughter of the Ton. Pasting a pleasant expression on her face she greeted her guest.

“Thank you for coming, Madame Le Fleur.”

“Ah, at Monsieur Whitling’s behest I would travel to the far reaches of the earth,” the flamboyant woman drawled in her fake French accent, laced with slips of Cockney.

“Well, shall we look at some designs? I am in need of a new gown.” Serena strove for a calm she did not feel. How many dresses should she order? Stupid man left no instructions, no clue about what or how much.

, I have many beautiful gowns for you to look at.” She presented a thick stack of drawings for her to peruse.

After an hour of discussing the merits of various designs, Serena found four that she wanted. Without any direction she placed her order. “Please send the bill for two of them to this address.” She scribbled an address on a piece of paper and handed it to the dressmaker. She would send a note around to Madame with instructions to pay for the dresses out of her personal account. Madame’s man of affairs handled all the finances for the girls who chose to save their pennies.

, I cannot.
Whitling insisted the full bill be delivered to him.”

“But, I wish to pay for these two myself.” Frustration rankled her composure.

Madame Le Fleur’s chin took a stubborn tilt. “
, he gave strict instructions.”

“Fine. Reduce my order to the green baize and the dark blue riding habit.” Serena rose to leave the modiste and all her wares.

…the other two gowns—”

“Will not be ordered unless the bill is sent to the address I gave you.” Serena carefully tensed the muscles in her face, taking on the superior mask Madame Marchander had taught all her girls to use when dealing with recalcitrant servants and rowdy patrons.

“As you wish,
. I will send the bill for the other two gowns to that address.” The woman shrugged in defeat. Serena knew she would give with the threat of losing the sale. Money always won in the end.




Brennan fought for control of his fury. Two dresses. He had ordered the modiste to provide a complete wardrobe and the fool woman had billed him for two dresses. Two! He took a deep breath. This must be Serena’s doing. He crumpled the insufficient bill in his hand and stalked upstairs. He found her in the sitting room she had taken over. She perched at a small writing desk. Bathed by the sun’s rays, her hair resembled a nimbus of living flame. Despite the arresting vision, Brennan stormed into the room and slapped the bill down in front of her. “Please explain this.”

She gasped and jumped at the thump of his palm on the desk. She glanced down at the paper and up to his face. Her mouth drew down and her gaze narrowed in anger. “I ordered two dresses because you neglected to give me any direction regarding what I should order or how much I could spend. If I overspent, it is your own fault.” She rose and pushed past him.

A fool. He was an utter fool. He thrust his fingers through his hair and cursed roundly under his breath. “Stop right there.” His command rang out and she stopped, which caused her skirts to swish around her trim ankles. “You are right. I should have told you what I wanted you to do. I assumed telling the modiste would be sufficient. It is clear I was mistaken.”

“I see. She tried to have me order more, but I believed….” She sighed and turned to face him. “I believed she was pushing for a sale. It never occurred you would have given her instructions.”

Brennan laughed so hard his shoulders shook. “I can just imagine how that exchange went. Madame Le Fleur is very tenacious when following instructions. However did you convince her to only make you two gowns?”

“It wasn’t an easy fight. I purchased two others in addition to those two. She departed rather unhappy about our arrangement.” Serena giggled.

“I only received a bill for two though.” Brennan’s mind raced. What happened to the other gowns?

“Oh, I had her send me the bill for the other two. They are all quite lovely.”

His temper flared to life anew. Bloody hell, she had paid for the clothing herself. “Serena, you will give me those bills so I may pay them. I intended to furnish you with an entire wardrobe, not just four dresses. Now, please send me those bills, and then I would like you to order at least five more.”

“No. I have no need of a new wardrobe. The four gowns, two of which I will pay for, is more than sufficient.” Her brows drew together in a scowl.

BOOK: Love Redeemed
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