Read Love Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Online

Authors: K E Osborn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Love Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

BOOK: Love Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy
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Goodreads Reviews

Ok Is it possible that I actually want to bitch slap Jeni myself? I need the third installment of this series like NOW! This was a great book with some big twists and turns. I love Aiden, he is perfect in every way I could eat him up. I don't want to say much more for those who haven't read this but I totally recommend this one.

- Melissa


This book picks up right where Trust Me? ended. It's a continuation of Jeni and Aiden's story. The first book left us hanging with so many unanswered questions. This book is about if Jeni and Aiden love each other enough to get through to what life keeps throwing at them. There are twists but in the end is love enough. Can they make it? God I hope so!!! I really loved this book. It's better than the first book because I'm more invested in the characters. There are twists and turns throughout the book. I love Aiden and Jeni together. They both question each other's love throughout the book but I know they love each other. Their love is the all consuming love because I don't think they can live without each other. It's that can't eat can't sleep kind of love! But can they pull together to get through life's twists or turns or will their love burn out? Go read this book so you can be on pins and needles waiting for book 3 because their story isn't over just yet.

- Stephannie Tolitsky



Love Me?

The Trust Me? Trilogy


By K E Osborn



Copyright 2013 K E Osborn

This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

ISBN: 978-0-9923338-1-2

Book design by Swish Grafix & Web Design

Cover design by Swish Grafix & Web Design

Cover image Copyright 2013 Swish Grafix & Web Design

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Dedicated to the best family ever!

Poopy, Nanga, Mummy Poos, Wendles and That Pony Tail Guy from TTP.

(Also known as Poppa, Nanna, Mum, Auntie Wendy and Uncle Craig.)

The Aussie Osborns rock!



First and foremost I want to thank my mother Kaylene Osborn. Without your help and support I'd never have gotten this far, again!

To all my friends who tirelessly read and re-read Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy and Book II Love Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy as they were coming to life. I know you're all probably sick to death of Aiden and Jeni by now, but without your guidance and help, it wouldn't be as fulfilling.

To my BETA readers - Joanna, Deborah, Jennifer, Melissa, Melinda, Becky, Kirstine, Stephannie, Laura and Maria. I thank you sincerely for your efforts and constructive criticism. Your help made this book what it is.

To my good friend Liz from Magic Within the Pages. I want to say a special thank you for all your support, including blog promotion, messaging, and friendship. You've made my days of endless promotional blogging bearable by chatting with me about anything and everything. Having a friend close by, even if we are three states away from each other has been very comforting.

To my BLOGS - Magic Within the Pages, Fictional Boyfriends, Amber's Reading Room, Quarter Moon Book Diva, Crazy Chaotic Book Babes, Maria's Book Blog, Book Reviews by Lexi, Bex 'n' Books, Jess's Book Blog, 1 Book Lover's Opinion, Confessions of an Obsessed Bookaholic Anomaly, Angels With Attitude Book Reviews, Cajun Book Lover, One More Chapter, The Scribe Library, Bookish and Bushytailed, Lovetiggi's Book Reviews, Life Becomes Me, 50 Shades of Gabriel's Crossfire Unscripted Destiny - Book Club, Endless Reading and Random Musesomy. I thank you whole heartedly for all your efforts in helping me to promote Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy and for continuing to help with Love Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy. Without you I couldn't have done this! There are many more blogs who have helped me throughout this process, and because I cannot name you all here, I have a page on my website dedicated to you with links to your pages. Thank you to each and every one of you for your continued support.

To Devin, my editor extraordinaire - THANK YOU! With all the help and effort you put into my writing, you need a medal! You're a star, and I thank you for always answering my questions and guiding me with your support. I'd be lost without you.

To Shannon - thank you once again for helping with the supply of my giveaways.

Last of all I want to thank YOU, the reader. Aiden and Jeni's journey is well underway. As your support and love grows for the characters, I know you will fall in love with these two people as I have, while following their story as they overcome all the odds thrown at them, and they still manage to find their way to each other.

Stay tuned because Book III
All of Me?
of The Trust Me? Trilogy is on its way!

Thank you,

Much love

K E Osborn xoxo


Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Coming Soon

Connect with me online

K E Osborn




A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

Sexual passion or desire.

Affectionate greeting (
give him my love

Pocket Oxford Dictionary Fourth Edition /


Chapter 1

room shifts to darkness as Aiden rolls over on his tattered mattress. The cell is small and dank, leaving him shivering uncontrollably. I watch him through the bars as a single tear rolls down my cheek. A glimmer of something dark stands in the background as he tries to sleep. His eyes are closed, then the figure floats toward him; dark, endless black nothingness fills the room as he opens his eyes. He rolls over to see the blackness drifting toward him. He sits up on the bed, his back to the wall. His eyes squint as the darkness surges, lifting him from the mattress by the neck, strangling him. He tries to call out for help, but when he opens his mouth, the blackness floods his throat. I reach through the bars to take hold of him, but he's so far away. The blackness engulfs him, and my Aiden is gone.


I take Mr. Snuggles, my trusted teddy bear, and hold him tight to me for comfort. The light is still on from a couple of hours ago when I woke to the same nightmare. I take a deep, calming breath. I would've thought by now I'd be used to this, but it still devastates me every single time I dream it. I look at the clock. It's five in the morning, and I start to remember the sentencing for Aiden's trial.


"All rise," the bailiff calls out then the judge walks in and sits down.

"Be seated. We are here today for the sentencing of Aiden O'Connell. Mr. O'Connell, you have been found guilty of embezzlement by a jury verdict. I am now adjudging you guilty of said offenses.

"Having adjudged you, I will now impose the following sentence: I'm ordering that you be committed into the custody of the state penitentiary for a term of eighty-four months or seven years. A good behavior bond will be set at forty months.

"You will be provided a copy of the judgment so you can read the conditions of your sentence. Mr. Monroe, you have the right to appeal the jury verdict and the sentence that the court has imposed. Should you choose to appeal, you must file your Notice of Appeal within ten days from today. Should you file that motion, I will take it under advisement and rule on it as soon as possible. Court is adjourned."

"All rise," the bailiff says then the judge leaves.

Matthew and Rachelle sit in the back of the courtroom, smiling.
Karma will get them eventually, I hope. I cry uncontrollably into my hands as Aiden is taken from me for seven years; he leaves quietly, this time in handcuffs, no struggles like at the trial. He's being incarcerated for something I know in my heart he didn't do.

* * *

I decide to get up from our bed and make myself a coffee. I find myself drinking it black these days since it reminds me of him. The apartment feels empty as I walk from the kitchen to the living room and sit on the sofa. I turn on the TV to the early morning news, where they're still covering the story of the embezzlement from Mornington Vale's biggest financial corporation. I switch the channel to cartoons; the Road Runner is speeding down a road while Wylie E. Coyote tries to push a boulder onto the road in order to capture his prey. He, as usual, fails miserably.

I drink my coffee, still wearing the gray sweatpants and a shirt of Aiden's. It's been three days since the sentencing, and Alistair has been demanding that I go remove Aiden's possessions from his office. I'm not sure how I'll cope with that. What a great start to my New Year. It's February, and I'm living in my incarcerated boyfriend's apartment, with no job, no prospects, and a broken heart. Happy New Year to me!

I sit on the sofa, mindlessly watching the morning cartoons. Even though there are funny parts, I don't laugh; I can't find the strength. Sarah is constantly asking me to come back to her house and take up my old room, but I can't leave here. I need every reminder of him I can get. I walk into our closet and take out one of his shirts from the hamper, and holding it tight to me, I smell his masculine aroma. I swallow a lump in my throat. I climb back into bed with his shirt on my pillow next to me as the pull of unconsciousness calls.

* * *

It's eleven fifteen in the morning. After walking to the en-suite, I wash my face and look at myself in the mirror. I look pale, gaunt, thin, and generally terrible, shocking even. I exhale as I brush my knotted hair and my teeth. Choosing my jeans and one of Aiden's polo shirts, I put them on. I message Mike that I'll be heading into the office today to pick up Aiden's things. Mike is waiting for me as I walk to the elevator and head down to the parking garage. He looks concerned; this is the first time I've left the apartment since the sentencing.

BOOK: Love Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy
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