Read Lose Control Online

Authors: Donina Lynn

Lose Control (4 page)

BOOK: Lose Control
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Cassie wiggled her hips against his hand,
silently begging him to continue. Everything he gave, she took and wanted more.
When he didn’t react and give her what she craved, her voice, throaty and full
of need, asked for it. “Don’t stop. Please, Myles. Again.”

“That’s right, baby. Beg for it. Tell me
what you want.”

Slap me again.”

Myles continuously worked her clit as he
brought his hand down three more times in rapid succession. Her arms and legs
started trembling and he felt the muscles in her stomach grow taught. Myles
knew she was close and, if he wanted to, he could take her over the edge with
one more slap. Knowing her body responded and craved what he was giving, that
he owned her pleasure, stroked his pride and his cock. Without a doubt, he was
going to give her what she desired and make her come. Repeatedly.
But her first orgasm with him, because of
him, wasn’t going to be because he was spanking her ass. No. When he took her
there, he preferred a much more up close and intimate approach.

He withdrew his hands, causing Cassie to
cry out in protest. “Myles, please. Don’t stop. I’m almost there.”

“I know you are, baby. But you are not
allowed to come until I tell you to.” Myles dropped to his knees behind her and
pulled on her hips to angle them upward. Breathing in the musky scent of her
arousal, he placed his head at her core and thrust his tongue between her lips.
Her essence ran into his mouth as he lapped at her, desperate to drink her in. Every
stroke, each taste, caused his desire to burn hotter and course through his
veins, pounding so loud in his ears that he barely heard her cry and beg for
her release. Lifting his head for only moment, he gave her what she’d been
asking for and told her to let go. He immediately went to her clit, scraped the
nerves with his teeth and sucked. She flew over the edge, trembling as the
first wave hit her. He thrust his tongue into her and greedily drank until the
orgasm passed.

His mind, his body, every part of his being
shouted and demanded he drive himself into her and feel her sweet pussy wrap
around his throbbing cock. Myles stood, pulled the condoms out of the pocket of
his swim trunks, and then quickly stepped out of them. Ripping the foil packet
open, he rolled one on and pulled on Cassie’s shoulder to stand her up and
twirl her around.

you, that was—”

Myles swooped down and took her mouth in
a searing kiss. He wasn’t going to let her finish or find any words. Rational
thought was gone. All that was left was pure instinct and a virile desire to
conquer and claim.

Not wanting to lose the contact, he
continued to kiss her while he lifted her off the ground. Cassie moaned into
his mouth as her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. Myles took the
few steps, pinned her against the wall, and brought her arms above her head.
Holding them tightly in place with one hand, he grasped his cock in the other,
positioned himself at her entrance, and buried himself within her in one hard

He swallowed her gasp and didn’t stop. Even
if he wanted to, he couldn’t. Liquid heat surrounded and welcomed him, and her
tight, soft walls cradled him as if she was made for him. It was too good, felt
too right. She was too fucking perfect.

Myles broke the kiss when he couldn’t
get enough air into his lungs and rested his head next to hers, listening to
her breath rush past his ears from the force of their bodies coming together. Relentlessly,
he pounded in her, fast and hard, never slowing and burying every inch of
himself within her with each and every thrust.

Cassie started to writhe and moan as her
legs strengthened their grip around him. She was climbing higher, getting
closer to the edge, and he was right behind her. His balls tightened as he
painfully held himself back. He wouldn’t go over without her or without hearing
what he needed her to say to imprint this moment into her memory like it would
be in his. “Tell me, Cassie. Who’s fucking you into oblivion? Who’s giving you
the feeling like you’re going crazy and about to explode?”

“You, Myles. You.”

“That’s right, baby. It’s me and don’t
you ever forget it.”

Myles plowed into her at a frenzied
pace. She responded with screams of pleasure that almost drowned out his
strangled command. “Come for me. Now.”

Her body grew still and a heartbeat
later, her walls clenched and convulsed around him, throwing him over the edge
as well. A bright white light exploded behind his eyes and his body shook as
the most intense orgasm he’d ever experienced took over. He gasped her name and
leaned against her as they rode out the waves together. Connected.

When his legs stopped trembling and he
was once again sure he had some strength in them, he lowered her to the ground
only to place his arm under her knees to lift and carry her. She wrapped her
arms around his neck, snuggled into his chest, and with a content sigh, she
whispered, “Where are we going?”

Once wasn’t
enough. If the way his cock was already stirring back to life at the feel of
her skin against his was any indication, he wasn’t sure how many times he would
need to be with her for him to quench the desire burning deep inside, but he
was going to try to find out. He started to move and answered, “The bedroom.”





Her name being
called and the touch of a strong, masculine hand stroking her hair tugged at
Cassie’s consciousness. Nope. Not waking up yet. Her dream was just getting to
the good part. A very handsome and tuxedo-clad Myles was about to bend her
backward and kiss her in true classic chick-flick fashion. Cue the breeze
ruffling the bottom of her skirt, the sunset, the music, and credits rolling,
signifying the end of the movie and the beginning of their happily ever after.


There it was
again. Who the hell kept saying her name and, more importantly, what the hell
was up with her dream? She didn’t even like chick-flicks and if a horse
miraculously appeared to carry them off into the aforementioned sunset, she was
going to gag just on principle.

“Wake up. Now.”

The demand and
the voice giving it instantly snapped her out of what was left of her dream
state and brought with it a bolt awareness sizzling along every nerve ending.
Her heart gave a hard thud against her ribcage and a shiver ran down her spine
on a path that ended directly at her clit.

For Christ’s
sake, she was worse than Pavlov’s dogs. One night with Myles and all he had to
do was use that tone and her body automatically responded and hummed in
anticipation. If she opened her eyes, she was positive she would find herself lying
in a pool of drool, waiting on him to give her a treat.

If she was lucky, that would be the
exact reason why he was trying to wake her at what she assumed was a rude and
ungodly hour. Myles having some wicked and naughty ideas about how to start the
day was definitely worth losing sleep over. Why dream when you could have the
real thing? Slowly lifting her eyelids, she was greeted by Myles towering over
her as he sat next to her on the bed…fully dressed.

Well, that was
utterly disappointing, and by the look on his face, sex was the last thing on
his mind. Fighting the urge to pull the blanket over her head and ignore the
stern expression spread across his face, she managed a weak smile and mumbled
an even weaker, “Morning.”

It was the best
he was going to get at the moment. At least she wasn’t grumbling. Taking how she
was the complete polar opposite of a morning person and add in the few hours of
sleep they’d gotten, there was a very real possibility it could still happen,

“Good morning.”

Yeah, good had
nothing to do with it until she infused her veins with some much needed
caffeine. She’d kill for a Starbucks delivery right now.

“Sit up. I
brought you breakfast.” Myles nodded in the direction of the bedside table,
prompting Cassie to roll her head to the side to see what he was referring to. Sitting
there was a serving tray filled with a mountain of muffins, a glass of juice,
…a large, steaming cup of
coffee. The man was a freaking mind reader. However, he really needed to rethink
his idea of portions. How much did Myles think she could eat? There was enough
there to feed an army.

“I didn’t know
what kind you liked, so I brought one of each,” Myles said, answering her
question before she got a chance to ask.

a mind reader. Cassie brought her
head back to face him and smiled. How could she not? Bringing her breakfast in
bed was beyond thoughtful and surprisingly sweet. It was also completely
unexpected and revealed yet another side to the man who Cassie was quickly
learning wasn’t your everyday, run-of-the-mill kind of guy. Myles was more,
well… complicated.

A six-foot tall
walking contradiction was actually more like it. Sweet and thoughtful? This
the same overbearing, demanding man who
raised his hand and spanked her last night. Freaking spanked her. Nobody had
ever done that before. Not even her parents, and when her shocked brain
processed what he intended to do, Cassie couldn’t believe he had the audacity to
demean her like that. And over what? Because she hadn’t obeyed his command? Screw
that and him. She’d been royally pissed and about a heartbeat away from storming
out and telling him to take that hand he intended to spank her with and use it to
go fuck himself.

Thank you very much for that not happening
—only because
his hand had come down faster than her mouth could form the words. If he had
hesitated for a second, she would’ve been gone and Cassie would have missed out
on the most erotic experience of her life. So, not an exaggeration. The
combination of pleasure with the sting of his hand had been that good, that
intense, that when he stopped, she’d begged for more. Literally. Begged. Who
knew getting your ass slapped could be so hot? And who would’ve guessed Myles
had just been getting started?

By the pool, in
the hallway, on the bed, in the shower, on the bed again—the whole night had
been mind-blowing and insanely hot. The way he commanded her, flipped her
around, pounded into her, consumed her with his mouth and body. He had her
trembling and shattering each and every time he told her to let go, taking her
to heights where her climaxes had felt like the very earth shook below her. None
of her ex-boyfriends or lovers had ever had the ability to manipulate her body
like he could. As if he knew exactly what she desired. How she would respond,
and how far he could push her limits.

Yes. Myles was a
force all of his own that took exactly what he wanted to satisfy his need for
control. There was probably a hand print branded on her skin to prove it. But she
damn well liked every stroke, rough grip, and slap. Cassie wasn’t sure what that
said about her and, honestly, couldn’t care less. Now that she had a taste, it
was an impossibility for her not to want more—more of him, more of what he was
capable of giving, and more of what he kept hidden from view just below the
surface. Because for all that no-nonsense, unyielding temperament and rigid
exterior, underneath was an entirely different man who was both warm and

That Myles had pulled
her close, trailed light kisses along her forehead, and whispered how beautiful
she was as they lied in bed exhausted and sated. That one had cradled her
against his chest while she slept, and in less than a day, managed to reach in
and tug at something deep inside. She wasn’t sure how, but this intriguingly complicated
man had gotten to her and she wanted to know everything about him.

“Cassie. Are you
going to say something or continue to stare at me with that smile on your

“Um, sorry. Thank you. You didn’t
have to go to all the trouble of bringing me breakfast.”

Myles shrugged. “Don’t
thank me. It was more of a bribe.”

Cassie chewed on
that tidbit of information for a second and concluded it didn’t make a lick of
a difference. No matter what ulterior motives he might have or said he had, she
was sticking with the original thoughtful and sweet theory. Call her curious,
though. “A bribe for what?”

“Motivation. There
are some things that need to get done and put together before the meeting
today. Since I had much more important and pressing matters needing my
immediate attention last evening, we didn’t get much work accomplished.” Winking,
he reached behind him and handed her a T-shirt. “Here put this on.”

Did she have to
cover herself up? She was hoping to do a little motivating herself. They could
squeeze in a quickie before getting down to the work stuff, right? “So, the idea
of watching me eat in the nude doesn’t appeal to you?”

“Baby, I will
always prefer you naked. But if I see that gorgeous body for more than a
second, I promise you the only person who will be eating is me when I bury my
head between your legs. Now, get that luscious ass moving.” Myles lightly
swatted at the side of her leg. Even playful, his words and actions held an air
of authority that thrilled her in all the right places.

Oh, she’d be
getting up alright. But, she wasn’t putting the shirt on. The idea of him
dining on her for breakfast sounded way too delicious, and she was going to do
whatever was in her power to tempt him into doing just that. If her quickly
formed plan worked and if he asked later, she would swear it was all totally
innocent and in no way was she intentionally trying to get him interested in
foregoing everything for a little morning pick-her-up.

Giving him what
she hoped was an angelic smile and nod, she slowly began pulling the covers
down in a makeshift striptease. Satisfaction rippled through her as his eyes
left hers and he hungrily watched the blankets inch down to her waist. With her
breasts exposed and Myles devouring them with his stare, Cassie added the
cherry to her little seductive sundae by lifting her arms, arching her back
ever so slightly into a stretch, and giving an appreciative throaty moan.

She watched as
his chest heaved and his body grew tense. This might be easier than she’d
thought. A little more incentive and he’d be hers. Bringing her arms down, she
“accidentally” brushed up against his bicep and then ran her hand down, feeling
the contours of his muscles as she continued to his leg and then to finally
rest on the bed next to him.

Cassie readied
herself and went to hoist herself into a sitting position. One that would just
happen to, and of course coincidentally, put her up close and personal to her
intended target—him. When she sat up, though, the sheets scraping against the
still tender flesh of her butt cheek and her inner thighs protesting the
movement caused an involuntary wince to escape.

Whoa, she ached.
The residual tenderness on her backside and achiness in her more private area
was definitely a good feeling. It was one that came as a reminder of their
marathon sex session. Nonetheless, and the good ache aside, there was quite a
bit of other soreness going on in the lower region of her body.

The man needed
to come with a warning label.
Remember to
stretch for fifteen minutes prior to engaging in any physical activity.
put her in positions that used muscles she’d forgotten she had, and not so
subtly reminded her of how she’d been neglecting the gym for far too long. With
the way she felt, Cassie could probably skip the monthly membership fee and
just continue to have sex with him. Now, that would be one incredibly persuasive
way to get her to work out.

Cassie looked up,
ready to joke about how out of shape she was, and froze when she saw the deep frown
lines marring his forehead and the muscle ticking along his jaw as he studied
her. A habitual smiley person he wasn’t, but currently, he looked almost…angry?


He didn’t reply
and Cassie searched his face as he searched her body. What was he doing? Making
sure all her parts were in the right place? His eyes scanned over her, scrutinizing
every inch until they stopped and glared at an area at edge of the blanket. She
watched his features darken even more and his jaw worked at double time speed.

What had him so
pissed he looked like he could spit nails? Looking down, she saw a circle of
purplish-colored skin on her hip. Myles reached out and pulled the blanket down,
further exposing more patches that resembled the shape of fingerprints. Tight-lipped
and voice low, Myles finally spoke. “Why didn’t you stop me?” His eyes flashed
up to hers, revealing a pain within him she didn’t understand. “You should have
stopped me. I hurt you.”

Stop him? Was he
serious? He had her at the first slap. There wasn’t any stopping after that. Cassie
read the all-too-real concern and guilt written in his features and her heart
clenched in her chest. For whatever reason, he was truly upset and she
instinctively wanted to reassure him that it was nothing.

Hesitantly, she
reached out and gently placed her hand on his cheek. Could she touch him? Did
the same rules apply during the day like they did when they were having sex? When
he didn’t back away or balk, she stared into his eyes, making sure there was no
uncertainty about what she was about to say. “No, Myles, you didn’t. There
wasn’t one moment or anything you did that hurt me. I might be sore, but that’s
because I’m out of practice. Not because of you. And that…” Cassie glanced down
at the marks he found so offensive and then quickly returned to him. “Is
nothing. I’m fine. Better than fine.”

Myles gave her
look that told her he wasn’t as convinced as she was, pulled her hand off his
cheek, and abruptly stood up. Taking the tray, he placed it on her lap and
turned on his heels. “Eat something,” he said over his shoulder as he walked
over to the glass doors that led to the private deck and left her alone.

Cassie watched
him leave and shook her head. What was that about? It was just some bruises. Hell,
to her, they were like a badge of honor. Been there, done that, and got the marks
to prove it. If he hadn’t rushed out like he couldn’t get away from her fast
enough, she might’ve been able to convince him of that.

No use in trying
now. The stubborn set of his jaw told her he wouldn’t listen even if she followed
after him and tried again. Sighing, she leaned back against the pillows. Guess
she was eating alone after all.

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