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Authors: The Outlaw of Cedar Ridge

Lori Connelly (18 page)

BOOK: Lori Connelly
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His breath caught. Encouraged, Evie opened another. She caressed his flesh. The contrast between his coarse hair and soft skin fascinated her. Slowly, one by one, she worked her way down until his shirt hung open.

Ben squeezed her upper arm then trailed his fingers up and down over her skin, barely touched. Her breath quickened. She lifted up onto one elbow to watch his face. Evie reached down, pulled his shirt free of his pants and then spread the edges to expose a greater expanse of bare flesh.

A muscle in Ben’s cheek contracted. His eyes closed. She laid her palm on his stomach above his belly button then moved it in a large arc until it rested just above the waistband of his pants. He sucked in a ragged breath. Evie smiled, pleased with his reaction.

Crickets started their night song. She eased her hand back up over his stomach and the bindings around his ribs. His eyes opened, dark green pools. Evie tangled her fingers in the thick hair that covered his chest. Ben reached up to brush the hair back from her cheek. His fingers ran down the side of her neck then over her collarbone.

Without braking eye contact, Evie pulled back, sat up. Ben rose up on his elbows to watch spellbound as she unbuttoned the bodice of her dress. She eased it off first one shoulder then the other. His rapt expression emboldened her.

The thin straps of her chemise slid down, her undergarment fell left her breasts bathed in moonlight. Evie pushed him onto his back again, followed his downward motion to lie on top of him. Her lips brushed over his as their bare flesh met. She teased, tasted and feathered her mouth over his repeatedly.

His hands roamed over her bare back. Evie flicked the tip of her tongue between his lips. He moaned. With one hand on the back of her neck, Ben pressed her closer.

Encouraged, she deepened her kiss. His fingers moved over her skin, restless, in a path over her shoulder, down her arm, across her side and up her back. Their intensity awakened a sliver of alarm. She broke off the kiss and sat up, her breath hard while Ben’s hands fell to his sides.

Her heart thundered in her chest. Silent, they stared at each other, a taut thread of awareness between them. Seconds grew into a full minute. As Evie held her husband’s gaze, his need for her apparent, a heady rush of power, desire, coursed through her. She reached down, clasped his hand and placed it on her breast.

Shivers raced down her spine. The roughness of his palm against her flesh released a wave of sensation. Evie sucked in her breath. Her fingers tightened for seconds then loosed his hand. Her husband’s initial caress, a gentle touch, brought a whimper of pure pleasure to her lips.

Evie leaned forward and placed her hands in the dirt on either side of his head. Ben slid a hand along her side, up to her other breast, massaged it until she squirmed, restless with need. His hand shifted. Her sound of protest became a gasp as his lips closed over her nipple.

His tongue circled the hardened tip. Her breath became ragged. Ben shifted his attention to her other breast. Her arms quivered with strain as she held herself above him. The stimulation soon overwhelmed Evie. She wanted him to stop and yet she never wanted him to stop.

Her emotions in a turbulent state, Evie again pulled away from him. Wary but intrigued she moved onto her side, next to Ben. The breeze teased the flesh his mouth moistened. Passion crouched within her, hesitant but eager to unleash.

Frogs croaked. Their voices joined the chorus of nature’s serenade. Her husband turned to face her. His smoldering gaze left Evie in no doubt of his desire and yet he didn’t reach for her. She brushed a few dark locks of hair out of his eyes with a hand that shook.

Need clamored. Impossible for her to ignore, it demanded action. Evie wrapped her arms around Ben and covered his mouth over hers. The touch of his lips made her pulse race. She thrust her tongue into sweet battle with his and pressed closer, waist to chest, legs entangled.

His hands returned to her skin, moved from the curve of her hips to the slope of her shoulders. Evie broke off their kiss, her breath swift, hard pants. Without pause, she scattered open mouth kisses down the length of his jaw.

Ben moaned and buried his face against the side of her neck his breath rapid and uneven. His hands settled on the small of her back. Evie felt his rigid arousal against her thigh. His fingers worked to unfasten her skirt as he nipped the sensitive skin at the base of her throat.

Yet again, Evie pulled out of his arms. She pushed to her feet, clutched loose fabric around her hips while Ben stared at her with singular intensity. Before doubt could take hold, she dropped her skirt. A heady sense of power rushed through her as her husband sucked in a harsh breath.

Emboldened Evie smiled. Slowly, she removed her clothing, bit by bit, savored his riveted attention, until only moonlight covered her ivory skin. She looked down the length of Ben, inch by inch, then back up, an eyebrow arched, to meet his gaze with one full of challenge.

Her husband responded with action. Ben peeled off his open shirt, tossed it aside. Evie knelt then stretched out on her side and watched him unfasten his pants. She leaned closer, allowed her bare breasts to brush his skin. He swore under his breath. Her smile widened. The flustered man needed a minute before he could kick away the last of his clothing.

As soon as Ben turned to face her, Evie stroked one hand down his side, over his hip to caress his thigh. She molded her curves to his powerful body. When she spread wet, open mouth kisses over his chest, her husband moaned, low and guttural.

His response encouraged Evie. She worked her way down his body tasted and teased him with her mouth and tongue, stopped at his hips to repeat the process back up to his chest. Ben cupped her jaw, tilted her face so he could capture her mouth in a hot demanding kiss. One hand twisted in the hair at the base of her neck while the other explored her body.

For a second Evie almost forgot to breathe. Incoherent sounds passed her lips as his mouth left hers to blaze a path down her neck to her breasts. As he kissed and suckled, Ben continued to caress every inch of skin within his reach until she ached with need and writhed against him.

Her thighs clenched together. Ben nudged them apart. When he placed one leg on his hip and touched her intimately, Evie gasped. His fingers trailed over her her. Within minutes, she arched against his hand. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders while he continued to arouse her.

"Dear God," Her hoarse cry silenced nature’s creatures.

His mouth suckled hard on her breast. One finger dipped into her moistness. Evie couldn’t handle the assault on her senses anymore. She had to have control. With both hands, she pushed with all her strength against him.

Unprepared for her action, Ben fell onto his back. Evie followed, straddled him. For a heartbeat, courage threatened to desert her. She stared at the man beneath her while he trailed fingertips down her sides, waited.

Desire coiled tight within her. She couldn’t wait another second. Evie rocked her hips and slid over his hardness. Ben groaned. His hands moved to her thighs, assisted motion as she rubbed against him again. Need built to a persistent demand.


“You sure?”


Ben grasped her hips, raised them just enough to position himself at her entrance. His gaze locked on hers, he eased Evie down his length slow. Joined, she cried out with pleasure. He pulled her hips forward, started a rhythmic dance to completion.

Their bodies moved together, driven by need, faster and more frantic every moment that passed. Suddenly Evie clenched around him. Her muscles relaxed for a second then she arched hard against her husband. Rocked by a series of intense contractions, she threw back her head and screamed.

His fingers dug into her thighs while her release pulsated around Ben. The incredible sensation drove him to the edge. He thrust up into Evie once, twice then with a hoarse shout, poured his essence into her depths.

Languid she collapsed on his sweat slicked chest. Minutes slipped by. Breathing slowed. Triumph and satisfaction mixed, a fog of contentment clouded her mind.

Words refused to form. After some time, she pressed a kiss over his heart then shifted off her husband. Evie stretched out on the blanket. Ben laid an arm over her waist and kissed the tip of her nose. She smiled as her eyelids drifted shut.

“It’s time to wake up.”

His persistent voice pulled Evie out of a deep dreamless sleep. Her eyes opened to slits. Bright sunlight torture, she groaned.

“Come on sweetheart, we’re burning daylight.”

With a grimace she sat up, pushed hair off her face with an impatient hand. “I don’t care.”

“Well good morning sunshine.”

“Morning,” Evie mumbled, glared in the face of his grin.

“It’s a beautiful day.”

“If you say so.”

“I do indeed.”

Uncertain, shy in the light of day with areas of her body that hadn’t ached in this manner in ages aching, Evie felt out of sorts. “If you don’t stop being so blessed cheerful, I’m going to kick you.”

“You’d hurt me after I slaved over a hot fire for you?” He clapped a hand to his chest as his expression morphed into one of fake indignation.

Her eyes rolled. “Please tell me you didn’t cook.”

“Afraid my Darling?” Unperturbed by her grumpy tone, his smile returned, broader than before. “Don’t worry I made you something you’ll love.”

A rich aroma pierced her morning fog. “Coffee?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“With honey?” Evie dared to dream.

“It’s out and waiting for you.”

“Well then,” She snagged her clothing, pulled it under the blanket and started to dress. “You’re forgiven for waking me.”

Ben bowed, his eyes danced with laughter. “That’s most kind of you Dar-”

“Would you excuse me?” Personal needs urgent, Evie needed him to leave so she could dress quicker and dash into the brush.

“Of course,” Her husband didn’t hesitate. He leaned down, kissed her thoroughly, scattered her thoughts then walked away.

Bemused, Evie stared after him for some seconds before she at last finished dressing. She attended her needs, splashed her face and hands with frigid stream water. With the strong lure of fresh, hot coffee, her fingers made a few impatient attempts to smooth her tangled hair then gave up.

Evie glanced up as she turned to face their camp. Endless light blue painted the sky above. Her mood lightened. Eager to join Ben fireside, her gaze dropped, sought her husband as she stepped forward. A firm grip halted her progress.

Cool metal caressed her cheek. Her blood chilled. A bead of sweat dripped down along her hairline. Her lips parted but Evie couldn’t make a sound. Tears dampened her cheeks. She stared at her husband’s back, only a few yards away and willed him to notice.

With grim irritation in his tone, the man who held a gun to her head spoke and sent shivers down her spine.

“I should just shoot you now.”

Chapter Eighteen

Confusion hovered at the edge of her thoughts. The knot in her gut tightened. Evie recognized the voice. She knew one of the men who’d followed them from Cedar Ridge held her now but it didn’t make sense. Those men should be in jail.


The barrel dug into her skin, “Call out to him.”

“Ben,” Evie croaked. Fingers squeezed her arm hard then he moved his arm up, across her throat. Panic threatened to seize control. She tried again, louder, “Ben.”

Her husband turned. The smile on his face died. His gaze seared as he took a step forward, drew the pistol, aimed.

“Let her go.”

“Stop there,” She heard the man pull back the revolver’s hammer. His arm tightened against her throat, sent a wave of pure terror through her. “We’ve come for our money.”

Ben narrowed his eyes, “We?”

The cocking of a rifle, a distinct sound, came from her left. Saliva gathered in her mouth. Metal rubbed her temple and her stomach churned. Evie barely dared to breathe.

“Yeah, now toss over the money before I make a mess out of your pretty wife.”

“Harm a hair on her head and I’ll hunt you down like a rabid dog.” Ben’s voice was low, controlled and full of menace.

“Hand it over now,” the man’s tone cold, hard, resolved. “Or we’ll just dump you both and find it ourselves.”

“I don’t have it.”

Dead silence filled the air for a long moment. The smell of his unwashed body filled her nostrils. His arm moved for a split second Evie thought he was going to release her. Instead, his fingers spread over her throat the threat implicit as he squeezed. She gasped. Ben cursed.

The man didn’t make a sound. His hold eased. She felt a second of relief then his hand moved downward, settled over her breast. Slowly his grip tightened until tears streamed over her cheeks.

“If you want to play games,” His sour breath wafted over past her face. “There’s only one that amuses me.”

“I’m not playing,” Ben bit out.

The man crushed Evie against him. His fingers pressed her flesh with bruising strength. She whimpered.

Her husband growled, “I don’t have your money.”

“If you blew it all on hotels and restaurants,” His teeth closed on the soft skin where her neck and shoulder met. Evie froze, horrified. “I guess we’ll have to take it in trade.”

“No,” Fierce, Ben’s voice sounded almost feral.

“Then cough it up now.”

“I don’t have it.”

“Too bad,” The man started to drag Evie in the direction of his companion. She made an incoherent sound of protest.

“Stop,” The look in Ben’s eyes so cold shivers went down her spine. He pulled a small bag out of his pant’s pocket with his free hand. “I have some money.”

Her captor halted, “Pitch it here.”

“Let her go.”

Heart in her throat, Evie watched Ben inch closer. A scowl darkened his face. Her breath audible, strangled, she fought for a semblance of calm.

“When I have the coin.”

“Not until you let her go.”

“Billy could shoot you then we’d have the money and her.”

“You’d have neither,” Each word dripped venom. “You’d be dead.”

Their standoff continued for a number of minutes. Tension ate at her. Nerves stretched to the breaking point, Evie stared at her husband as she waited certain he’d rescue her.

“Throw it close and I’ll let her go.”

With a soft thud, the bag landed a few feet in front of Evie. The man shuffled them forward. As soon as the money was within reach, he thrust her from him. She hit the rocky ground hard and cried out.

In an instant, Ben was beside her. With his solid presence between her and the man, Evie sat up. Her husband reached down, touched her shoulder. A shaky breath passed her lips.

“This isn’t enough. What else you got?”

“That’s all we have.”

“We’ll see.”

The thin, raggedy dressed man headed to their wagon. He jumped up on the tailgate, kicked off the little honey pot then flung back the loosened canvas. In horrified fascination, Evie watched him rummage through things, toss clothes and dishes out on the ground. She flinched when the box with James’ bootie and their wedding picture cracked open on the hard earth.

Cold as ice, she got to her feet. Evie held her head high, pushed fear aside. Time crept by. In the end, the man pocketed a watch and an old silver comb then hopped down, stomped through the mess he’d created.

“Pathetic,” He scoffed. “The old lady had better stuff.”

“You done?”

“This was a waste of time.” The man smiled his contempt as he put his fingers to the brim of his hat in a mockery of the respectful gesture. “It was a pleasure ma’am.”

His sneer stiffened her spine. The outlaw slipped into the stand of trees where his companion hid. They heard the men ride away a moment later. Her shoulders drooped in relief.

“You okay sweetheart?” Ben smoothed hair off her face.

Tears clouded her vision. Evie locked her gaze on his as the events replayed in her mind in vivid detail. Tremors rocked her. She wrapped her arms at her waist.

“Oh my God.”

“It’s okay,” Ben wrapped an arm around her and held her to his warmth. “They’re gone, it’s okay.”

“They could’ve killed us.”

“But they didn’t,” His hand rubbed her upper arm.

Her gaze scanned the area. “They could come back.”

“It’s possible but I doubt it.”


“Nothing left they want.”

“I guess,” Doubt filled her tone. Branches creaked as the breeze picked up a little force. She shivered. “That sheriff said he caught them.”

“I know.”

“Then how could they have … ? ”

“I don’t know. I don’t think we’ll ever know.”

“What are we going to do? They took all our money.” Her voice sounded hollow, defeated.

“Not all, you have some.”

“A couple pennies in my pocket.”

Ben wrapped one arm around her and she leaned against his side. “We’ll be all right.”


Wind ruffled his hair as he shook his head. He held her gaze steady, expression serious, “We’ll be at the ranch soon with my family.”

Evie drew in a deep breath, considered his words a moment then nodded. For several minutes longer, they stood together, silent, and watched the tree line. Nothing stirred except for some birds. After a time, Ben relaxed his stance, shoved the gun back in his belt.

The instant he eased his vigilance, emotion seized her and Evie lost what little control of she had over her reaction. Ben ran a comforting hand up and down her back. A low keening sound escaped her lips and she wilted against him, wept like a child.

Sobs spilled forth, ripped from her depths. Her husband wrapped his arms around Evie and gently rocked her. She buried her face in his shirt, clung to him. Her distress soon dampened soft brown flannel. Untold minutes passed. Her ribs ached when at last she'd cried herself dry.

Afterward, drained, she still couldn’t relax. The awful man’s smell filled her nostrils. Revulsion crawled over her skin like an army of red ants. She could feel his touch.

“I need a bath.”

“That’ll have to wait until we get to the ranch.”

“I want to wash now.” She all but whined.

“Evie I don’t think they’ll come back but I can’t be sure.”

Her stomach knotted. “Okay,” Her tone subdued, she pulled away from her husband. “Sorry.”

Her braid had come apart. Long strands of hair poked her eyes, stuck to her lips. She wiped her face with the palms of her hands, felt her eyes puffy and raw.

“You’re fine.” Gentle but firm fingers cupped her chin and tilted her face up. “Just fine,” His voice subdued. He brushed a thumb across her cheek, wiped away a stray tear. “Come on, let’s get something to eat.”

“Just a second.”

With her husband close behind, she walked over to their scattered belongings. Evie picked up the little wooden box that she’d stored her precious things in. Tenderly she put the baby bootie safely back inside, shut the cracked lid then set it on the tailgate.

Evie let him escort her to the fire although her appetite was nonexistent. Tiny flames flickered among the coals. Her husband reached down and cut her a piece of charred, crumbly cornbread as she filled a mug. She took a sip of the lukewarm brew, grimaced then bit into her breakfast. Immediately she gulped bitter coffee to wash the taste out of her mouth then tossed the rest out for the grey jays that hovered near.

In silent accord, they abandoned all pretence of enjoying a meal. Evie doused the coals with the last of the coffee while Ben fed to rest of the bread to the birds. Dishes in hand they headed to the wagon. Working together, it didn’t take long for them to gather their things off the ground and repack the bed.

They were back on the well-traveled road headed west an hour later. Jittery Evie placed her hand on her husband’s rock solid thigh. The simple contact gave comfort. Love, powerful and strong, swept through her. Lovely memories from the night came up and chased out dark thoughts about the morning.

“Do you think we’ll reach your cousins’ place today?”


Ben didn’t say another word after that. Flat land evolved to fir tree covered hills as the day advanced. A narrow, muddy creek started to run along the left side of the road. Her dress clung to sweat damp skin, as the day’s heat grew uncomfortable despite the breeze. Although Evie found her husband’s silence odd, she didn’t prompt conversation again. It was enough just to be together.

After a time, she reached down into the bag by her feet and pulled out her brush. She took her time, worked out tangles and braided her hair. In deference to the bright sun, as soon as Evie finished, she put on her bonnet.

Around noon, they reached Fir Mountain and got directions to the Bar 7 Ranch. Over an hour from the small town, they rounded a stand of pines and arrived at their destination. The two men by the barn cast curious glances in their direction as they pulled up in front of the sprawling log home but neither approached. A stout middle-aged woman with a faded apron over her dress answered Ben’s knock on the door while Evie waited on the wagon.

Her husband returned a short time later. “They’re gone.”

“Your cousins? They moved?”

“No they’re out moving the herd. Alice, the housekeeper, expects them back in a few days.”

“Oh,” Worry knotted her gut. “What will do until then?”

“Alice isn’t comfortable with us in the main house. She doesn’t know us but since I’ve the look of a Rolfe,” Ben arched an eyebrow. “We’re welcome to stay in the old homestead cabin.”

Evie smiled with relief, “That’s nice of her.”

“Yes it is.”

An odd note in Ben’s voice troubled her but just then one of the ranch hands came over, told them he’d show them to the cabin and the opportunity to express concern was lost. The man led them down an old, mostly overgrown pathway. As they rolled between clumps of skinny oaks and over countless rocks, the main ranch buildings disappeared from sight. Several minutes passed before they pulled up in front of a snug house set back in a clearing. Their guide showed them the spring, the outhouse and where some split wood was stacked then left them to settle in.

A grin slowly spread across her face as Evie stepped inside the structure. The home, though small, was larger than the one they left behind and had an actual bedroom. She walked around a table and chairs to touch the cook stove with reverence. It’d been well over a year since she’d cooked on one and the prospect thrilled her. Hope displaced angst. She finally believed her husband’s claim that this would be the start of a new and happy life together.

“Here,” Ben walked in, handed her a wadded piece of linen.

In the cloth, Evie found two sad looking blueberry muffins and four squished boiled eggs. “Where’d this come from?”

“I got it in town.”

“When you got directions?” Hungry, her stomach growled.


Evie studied her husband a moment. His behavior seemed a bit off. She couldn’t pinpoint what worried her but the only thing that made sense was that the early morning standoff still bothered him. With a mental shrug, she decided to let it go.

“That was thoughtful.”

His expression distant, Ben nodded. He took a seat at the table as she divided the bounty onto two plates. They ate in silence while her gaze wondered the room, planned where she’d put things if his relatives let them to stay awhile. Wrapped up in her musing, Evie didn’t notice how quiet her husband remained until he got up and started to bring things in from the wagon.

An uneasy feeling tightened her gut as Ben ignored her plea to wait for her help. He brought in their dishes, bedding, her bag, their food supplies and the box that held their special items all before Evie finished her last bite. All he’d left for her to help with was the pallet.

After they lugged it inside, Ben went back outside to move the wagon around to the lean-to behind the cabin. She made up the bed, proper, in a matter of minutes. Her step light, she reentered the main room and started to unpack a few things. As she worked, Evie discovered an old washtub in a corner. Her gaze returned to it repeatedly and the desire to wash away any trace of the outlaw’s scent grew.

“Evie I-”

“Oh Ben,” she turned to face him. “There’s a tub.” Her palms rubbed together, her tone eager. “Would you fetch some water so I can bathe?”

For a long moment, her husband simply looked at her, his expression unreadable. The sense that something was wrong came back. Her eyes narrowed. She took a step toward him.

“Ben wha-”


“If you’re tired or hurting it can wait.”

“It’s fine.”

“I’ll try not to be so bath obsessed after this its just-”

“Evie,” his voice tightly constrained Ben grabbed a large pail by the door. “It’s fine.”


He paused by the door, looked back at her. “We’ll talk after your bath.”


“After your bath.”

His firm tone caused Evie to shake her head as he walked away. Her husband was more stubborn than a mule and when his mind was set, almost nothing changed it. Impatient to hear what troubled him, she had Ben dump each pail directly into the tub.

BOOK: Lori Connelly
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