Read Lord of the Grrr's Online

Authors: Amelia Jade,Terra Wolf,Mercy May,Kit Tunstall,Artemis Wolffe,Lily Marie,Lily Thorn,Emma Alisyn,Claire Ryann,Andie Devaux

Lord of the Grrr's (7 page)

BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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He walked over to her before she could finish what she had started,  reaching down to scoop her up in his powerful arms. He lifted her without effort, his strength  more evident now than ever before. This time Kailee didn't fight it, letting herself curl up against the warmth of his chest as he took her inside the bar to his office.

Part of her couldn't believe things were moving this quickly between them, that they had gone from kissing the night before, to what was about to happen. She could only hope that her instincts were right, that Jet was one of the good guys, for there was no turning back now. The demands from her body were too great to deny.

That didn't mean she had to give in right away. Regaining a meagre portion of her courage, she stopped him before he lay her back onto the couch along the wall. Putting her feet on the floor, hands pressed against his chest, she looked up at him.

"Kiss me," she whispered breathlessly, needing to feel what she had felt the night before.

She got it.

When his lips touched hers a shock of static electricity and emotion surged through her all at once, overwhelming her senses. Even her bear was caught up in the rush, momentarily subsiding in its calls for her to get to the good part already. Wobbly legs almost gave way, and if it wasn't for the thick, strong arms of Jet grasping her tightly, she would have collapsed into a puddle in front of him.

"More," he demanded when she pulled away to try and regain her senses.  He didn't wait for her to say anything, tilting his head to the side as he kissed her again, the urgency of his desire rising, flowing through him and into her. Warm, thick, honey built between her legs as did the throbbing coming from her clit as it pulsed its wants and needs through her entire body.

A moan escaped her lips as she parted them, his tongue and hers hungrily attacking each other with barely restrained fury. She was descending into a baser version of herself, Kailee knew, letting her hormones do whatever talking needed to be done. It had been so long since a man had made her blood burn like Jet did. His hard cock was firmly pressed against her stomach now, and she desperately wanted to feel him slide it in her, filling her wet cunt with its steel-like hardness.

"Take me, Jet. Take me now, I can't wait any longer," she begged him, her eyes full of desire as she looked deep into his hazel orbs.

"With pleasure," he murmured into her ear, his hands finding her shirt and tugging it over her head.

She felt a sudden surge of distress as he began to disrobe her, all her fears of inadequacy and low self-esteem flooding back as he slowly undid the clasps on her bra, his lips tenderly kissing the side of her neck at the same time. It was normally something that drove her wild, but here and now, baring herself to him for the first time, she felt the fire within her go abruptly cold.

"Hey, what is it? Did I do something wrong?"

Jet had noticed the change in her almost instantly, and he was now straightening up, looking at her intensely. She desperately wanted to tell him that it wasn't him, that he hadn't done anything wrong, except be attracted to her. The words failed her, and she simply stood there mute, her mind frozen as different sides of herself warred internally while her arms clasped themselves over her bare chest, hiding the large mounds from his view.

Then, gently, so utterly gently, he grasped her hands. She looked down in shock at the renewed contact. Even simple handholding seemed to fan the embers within her even if they were still far dimmer than before. He began to move her hands, but she resisted him.

The growl that came from his throat was not one of anger, simply one of warning. He was telling her to back off, that this was his decision to make and not hers. Kailee remained unmoving, not willing to give in, but her bear was back in tune with his now, and it surged forward, overwhelming her defenses. Against her desire, she let him move her arms away now, exposing all of her flaws for him to see.

She waited for the wince of distaste, or the sudden change of mood that she knew was coming. It was inevitable, a certain part of her knew, that a man like him, with his perfectly sculpted body, bulging muscles and gorgeous facial features would find her unattractive once he was able to finally see who she really was. So when Jet bit his lip with desire, his pupils dilating as he fixated on her half-naked body, she was caught unawares.

He surged forward, his arms wrapping around her, scooping her up once more with effortless ease. The way he tossed her around as if she weighed nothing was arousing, but as he spun around and sunk back into the couch, she settled down on top, straddling him. He was putting her in control for the moment, and Kailee loved every minute of it, her body going wild as she ground her hips into his. Each time she moved forward, his cock pressed through the thin fabric of her pants, the sheer length of it ensuring there was almost constant contact between her clit and him.

Her breathing became ragged as this continued, intermittent gasps escaping from her throat as he caressed her breasts with his hands and her nipples with his tongue, the variations in his movements driving her to the brink of explosion. She moaned in his ear, begging him to take her, but he ignored her, driving her wilder by the second with his touch until she could take it no more.

Kailee pushed herself off his lap until she slid to the floor in front of him, hands scrabbling at his jeans as she tried desperately to undo his belt. She wanted to see him, to wrap her hand around his thick shaft and guide him into her mouth, teasing him to full hardness before he slid the entire length into her wet cunt.

She could see the outline in his jeans, running her hand across it, a spark of fear flitting through her brain as she briefly wondered if she could even take it all. The bulge in his pants was very large, to the point of intimidation. Her teeth almost punctured her lip as she bit it hard in anticipation, pulling his jeans down to finally expose him.

Her breath caught in her throat as Kailee realized he wasn’t wearing any underwear. There, in front of her eyes was his exposed manhood, as rigid as steel and practically screaming for her attention. Wrapping her hands around it, she could barely force her thumb and index finger together he was so thick at the base.

Even with both hands wrapped around him, there were still several inches exposed that she hungrily took into her mouth, flicking her tongue around the base of his head in slow, deliberate circles. Jet moaned in pleasure, the sound renewing her desire to please him. There was something so utterly hot about a man who was confident enough to make noise.

His moans turned to growls before long as she worked his entire length, covering him in saliva until her hands moved easily along his length. She never once took him out of her mouth, doing her best to drive him to the brink as he had done to her earlier. It seemed to be working because he was getting louder, the frequency between his growls becoming shorter.

There was only a moment's warning, a short, deeper growl, and then his cock began to spasm in her grip. She braced herself, but the stream of molten liquid that erupted into her mouth was far more torrential than she expected. His hips bucked under her, forcing her to bob around to keep him in her mouth as he climaxed.

A small part of her brain was impressed with herself for not missing any, despite it having been quite some time since she had performed on a man, and never before having experienced such strength and volume. It seemed that everything Jet had or did was strong and manly. Her cunt throbbed at that thought, telling her she needed to bring him back to readiness, for the job was not yet done.

As she brought herself back to reality, Kailee smiled wryly, for Jet did not need any more time it would appear. He was already hard again, and his eyes commanded her, the blackness of his pupils clearly evident. The look spoke of lust and sheer, pent-up desire, that he now intended to fulfill.

Kailee stood slowly in front of him, not saying a word. His eyes followed her pendulous breasts as they swayed slightly from the motion. With shaking hands she managed to undo her pants, nervousness rising up to claim her once again. It seemed silly after what she had just done, but the tremors would not go away.

Jet must have noticed her distress, for he reached out to her, his big, warm hands touching her side, infusing confidence into her again as he ran them across her body, touching her everywhere, never shying away from any of her curves or bumps, admiring her the way she was. It was incredibly arousing, building her back up until she finally grasped his hands and put them on her pants, the buttons now undone.

With a grin of understanding, Jet swiftly pulled off all her remaining clothing,  until she stood naked in front of him. Although she got the impression he would have preferred to be on top, the simple logistics of the couch made it more practical for her to mount him.

It was Kailee’s turn to grin as she took control once more, pushing him back against the cushions. Pressing her left knee onto the couch, she positioned herself slowly, taking her time as she put her full weight on him. His cock was rock solid against the bare skin of her cheeks. Lifting herself up slowly, she looked him in the eye as she reached back, grasping his shaft and guiding it into her.

She gasped as the first few inches slid into her, the sensation catching her off-guard after so long without. The other thing that kept running through her mind was that he was
. She was stretching swiftly to accommodate him, but it was going to be awhile before she could take him without needing that first warm-up.

“We’re going to have to do this a lot more if you ever want to be able to have a quickie,” she teased in his ear, pushing her hips down a little more. She was ready this time, the extra girth doing no more than causing her to moan and bury her head into his neck, nibbling softly at the skin there.

He responded, his hands grasping her hips and pushing her down further than she had been prepared for. A mixed gasp of pain and also pleasure escaped her this time, as he buried the remainder of his cock deep within her. She sat still for several moments, letting herself get used to his size.

As it became easier, she started moving her hips slowly, grinding into him in a sensual back and forth movement that had both of them making increased amounts of noise. Part of her still couldn’t believe that she had succumbed to the temptation that was Jet, but the rest of her was revelling in the ecstasy of having him within her finally. It felt as if something was completed.

At one point, he picked her up and laid her on the floor so that he could take control. He sat back on his heels, pulling her hips towards him. Her eyes widened in shock at the sensations, his cock sliding against her in a new way. She cried out, begging him to go faster, to take her now.

This time Jet seemed to understand what she was asking for, and he increased his pace, his hips doing wonderful things as they controlled his cock, touching her just right. She felt the pressure between her legs intensify without warning and knew that she was about to climax.

“Don’t stop, Jet, I’m about to cum for you,” she cried out right as he thrust into her once more.

That was the last thing Kailee remembered for some moments, as an explosion ripped through her body at the same time a cry tore from her throat. She went into a frenzy, her body contorting and gyrating against him as his strong hands held her hips tight so that he could continue to fuck her.

She heard him groan and a rush of warmth erupted inside of her, his pleasure mixing in with her own as her back arched and came slamming back down, the waves of ecstasy crashing over her in succession, never leaving time for her to breathe. The world began to dim around the edges of her eyes as she lost herself on the rush of their mutual climax.

Everything returned in the blink of an eye, full control of her body relinquished back to her now-working brain. She sucked in a huge lungful of air, her chest heaving as she labored to recover, her eyes fixated up at Jet as his chest mimicked hers.

“We still have some time before we need to be at work,” he murmured in her ear seductively.

“What did you have in mind?”

“I have a few ideas,” he said suggestively, pushing his cock back against the swollen folds of flesh between her legs.

“You’re insatiable!” she cried as he leaned over her, all other words dying as he pressed his lips to hers at the same time she felt him push back inside of her.



“Here,” he said, handing her a towel as they stepped out of the shower. 

Jet took one last peek at her beautiful body before she wrapped the thick cotton around her, cutting off his view. She must have seen the disappointment on his face, for in her bravery she unwrapped the towel one last time to flash him.

“That had better tide you over,” she mock admonished him as they both chuckled.

“I’ll do my best, but that quickie may not be able to wait,” he told her, glancing down at his still semi-hard cock. He knew that it would only take a brush of her hips or hands against him and he would be struggling to contain the urge to take her again.

She was his aphrodisiac, no matter how many times he quenched his fire within her, she brought him roaring back to life mere minutes later, if not right away. He was tired and sore, not being used to such energetic love-making, but nothing would stop him from rising to the challenge if she presented him the opportunity to take her once again.

The connection he felt was unbelievably strong. It had been a titanic struggle within him to prevent his bear from claiming her. Several times he had felt the tingling in his mouth, indicating he was ready to make the bite that would claim her as his own.  Each time he had managed to get himself under control, but the longer they continued to be around each other would make it harder, and he dreaded what would happen the next time they had sex.

Jet knew his own strengths and weaknesses, and Kailee was a major weakness of his. He would do anything for her, and his bear wanted to ensure that she knew it. He would have a hard time fighting it off again if it came down to it. Still, he had to resist, to do it for her. He promised himself that he would not claim her until she was ready.

“By the way, my father is going to come by the bar later. He wanted to come see where I worked. I told him he couldn’t stay for long, but he insisted on stopping by.”

They were getting ready to open the bar now, and not for the first time Jet was thankful that he had installed the small sleeping/shower area in the back. Otherwise, the two of them would have had to work while they reeked of sex, which would have been a dead giveaway to the various shifters that frequented the place. Neither of them were ready to announce anything to the rest of the world just yet.

“That’s fine,” he said carefully, doing his best to guard his emotions at this sudden bit of news.

He was still suspicious of exactly what was going on with Kailee, her father, and his old life. While he knew he was destined to be mated to her, it still had yet to be decided if she was in on the whole thing, or an unwilling accomplice being used by her father.

Never once had One-Eye mentioned to anyone in the crew that he had a daughter, at least not to anyone that Jet had talked with. Jack had never been the type to overly care about others, even the rest of his crew were only safe because he was well paid by the boss. It would stand to reason then, that he would have no problems using his daughter to further his own ends.

He had listened carefully to the way she spoke as soon as she had mentioned her father, doing his best to pick up on any nuances in her tone, word choice or body language that might have hinted at her feelings. There was not much to go on, but he also barely knew Kailee in the grand scheme of things, so he did not have much in the way of data to work with.

That being said, his years of experience in reading people helped him out immensely. She was not looking forward to his visit to the bar, nor did she like the fact that he had come all the way out here. Something within her spoke of resentment, almost as if she felt she
to see him, and not just because he was her father. Jet knew there was more there, but he didn’t have enough data to work with, and he refused to jump to conclusions without anything more concrete.

He could also tell that she wasn’t particularly close with him in a familial sense, as if the two of them were quite distant. Combining that with her earlier professed distaste of anyone who operated on the wrong side of the law, he made an educated guess that she had no idea what her father did for a living.

With that knowledge in mind, he pointedly did not mention to her what had happened after she left the night before. It seemed unlikely that the shooter had any interest in hitting her. The car had been parked there for several hours at least, which meant that there had been several opportunities to hit her as well if that had been the intention. At any point while he had been kissing her, the shooter could likely have gotten them both.

Jet also harbored a suspicion as to whom the shooter may be. The cigarette butts that had littered the ground and tipped him off that the car had been parked for some time also had a smell to them that was very particular. Jet hadn't recognized it right then, but after some more thought he wanted to ask if Jack still smoked Cherry Reds, but just as they were getting ready to start shifts, the last thing he needed to deal with was Kailee finding out about his past.

The worrisome part was just how tangled up in the whole situation Kailee was. He began to plan in his head, to figure out a way to get her away from the rotten people in his past, the ones who could do her harm. He would fight for her if need be, but Jet had hoped to leave that all behind him.

“So what do we do now?” she asked, looking over at him with uncertainty.

“About us.” It was more of a statement than a question. He knew what her worry was though he was unsure of how to assuage it.

Kailee had barely started to work for him and yet barely a week into her new job, she was now sleeping with her boss. He didn’t want to lose her as a worker, but he had to give her the opportunity to do whatever made her comfortable.

“You’re my mate Kailee, whether you are ready to accept that or not. If you need to find other work to stay comfortable with me, then we’ll do that and I’ll help you look. There are, however, many husband and wife teams that run businesses together, and we both know how well we work together as a team. So I would love it if you would consider staying.”

There, he had said it, put the words out he had wanted to say for some time. He could only hope that she was ready to accept some level of reciprocation with him, something to let him know that it wasn’t just all about great sex.

“I am aware,” she started slowly, “that there is something going on between us, something very intense.”

It was more than he had expected, but still far less than he had hoped for. Jet looked at her, waiting to see if she would say more.  The pause dragged on, becoming more and more awkward as he continued to do nothing but stare at her. He knew they were destined to be mated, but
had to accept that as well.

“I’m just not sure how quickly I want to proceed with everything. I gave my heart to the last man I fell for, and he left it in pieces.”

Tears welled up in her eyes, and he longed to gather her up in his arms and tell her that it was okay, that he would wait for her, however long it took. He stopped himself when she opened her mouth to say more.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she practically whispered, tears streaming down her face as she continued to stare at him, her gaze never waving.

“I don’t know if I can be the woman you need yet. I think I need more time.”

She fled the kitchen back to the small apartment. He let her go, knowing that she just needed time to collect herself. There was no issue in his mind that she would be ready to work in twenty minutes when he unlocked the doors.

Fighting down one last urge to go to her rescue, he turned and went back to work, taking chairs down off tables and opening the windows. As he worked, his mind wandered, reflecting back on what Kailee had said. He wondered if she understood just how badly he needed her as well.

Jet had been without anyone for as long as he could remember. There had been one girl who ran with his gang, who he had thought he loved. They would spend all their free time together, going out to dinner, the movies and even on several trips to various destinations, all off of Jet’s stolen money. Then he’d had a lean month, and she had evaporated when the gifts stopped coming. Just up and vanished one day after he refused to buy her a purse she wanted.

It had been a painful crash back to reality, but one that, in hindsight, he could see had been desperately needed. Since then, there had been a few drunken evenings and whatever had been budding with Sandra. Each time he tried to discuss the future, the idea of settling down and starting a family, they all seemed to run away.

Even Kailee.

Jet couldn’t admit it to anyone, but he hurt from being alone. It was a cold, unshakeable pain that never went away, constantly hounding him in his dreams. For a long time, he had expected to never be able to fully shake it off. But for a few brief, intense hours earlier that day, when he had been one with Kailee, Jet had been healed.

If only he could tell her that.

“Ready for me to unlock?”

He jumped at her voice, the chair slipping from his grip and landing on his toe. He swore and cursed under his breath, hopping on one foot for a moment.

“Are you okay?” Kailee asked, rushing over to his side, touching his shoulder as she grabbed his foot, holding it aloft.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he rumbled, taking a deep breath and shaking his head, pushing the pain into the back of his head. It was more of a nuisance pain than anything, it had just caught him completely off guard.

“I’m sorry about that,” she said meekly, her hand still resting on his shoulder. He was hunched over, resting his weight on a table, his head at the same height as hers.

Two sets of eyes met, and he inhaled sharply, his fingers tightening until the knuckles whitened, gripping the table as hard as he could to control himself from doing anything more. The pull of her attraction was undeniable, a physical entity that held sway over him as the planet did the moon. Jet didn’t want to do anything, but he felt his body sway closer to hers, their lips mere inches apart.

At the last moment, before the magnetism pulled them together for a second time that day, Kailee recovered her senses and pulled away reluctantly. She left her hand on his shoulder longer than was to be expected, as if she too were having problems keeping apart from him.

The banging of a fist on the door broke the silence, drawing the focus of both of them, providing an extremely convenient diversion that Jet was thankful for. He straightened abruptly and moved to the door, glancing up on the wall at the ancient clock that was mounted above the far wall. The minute hand was almost a quarter of the way past the hour.

“We’re late,” he growled, more at himself than anything as he moved to open the door.

Dylan, Tanner, and Devon walked in, giving Jet some good-natured grief for opening late. The three friends were regulars at the Quencher. They were power line workers and bear shifters as well, who spent their time ensuring the lines were in good working order and that there were no trees about to fall on them. They were also some of the few people in town he considered his friends.

He apologized and went to pour them their drinks and get started on their meals. The three had been coming every weekday that he was open for well over a year now, so Jet often had their drinks ready and waiting if he knew they were coming. Today, because of the wonderful distraction that was Kailee, he was running behind.

In the years he had owned the Quencher, Jet had never once opened late and it irked him that he had been fully able to open on time, but hadn’t. To counter this, he worked extra hard, aiming for perfect pours on his drink, and five-star quality food presentation on the meals he prepared. It was his little way of fixing the wrong that nobody but he seemed to care about.

The evening progressed well, better than he had expected even. He wasn’t sure what it was, but the Quencher was packed early, far more people than he had expected to see. Jet and Kailee were both kept busy for several hours with requests for drinks and food. He could only smile, for it made him happy to see so many people enjoying themselves in his establishment. That was the best gift he could ask for.

For now.

He looked over at Kailee, a smile tugging at his cheeks as he watched her move from table to table, keeping up half a dozen different conversations all at one time with apparent ease. She seemed to be happy as well, sparking hope within him that she would choose to remain instead of finding some other workplace.

Jet was busy clearing off a table in the far corner when the door opened yet again to admit someone else. He didn’t give it a second thought until he heard Kailee’s voice, stiff and formal across the distance.

“Hello father, I’m glad you were able to stop by.”

It took every ounce of control Jet had not to swivel in place and stare. Instead, he waited, listening intently, letting his bear come to the surface, to augment his human abilities. Anything her father said in reply was drowned out as a nearby group of drinkers erupted into loud, boisterous laughter at some joke or another.

Forced to resort to his eyes, Jet slowly turned to face the direction of the door. Staring back at him was a face that was barely recognizable from when he last saw it. Beneath a pair of bushy eyebrows, however, was a set of eyes that he would never forget. They were the color of steel as they burned straight into him.

BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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