Read London Calling Online

Authors: Karen Booth,Karen Stivali

London Calling (8 page)

BOOK: London Calling
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By the next day, Jenna was starting to feel like herself
again. She got her phone out the minute Tim left for the studio and sent a text
to Gavin. She’d swiped his number from Tim’s cell the night before while he was
in the bathroom.


Hi, Gavin. This is Tim’s friend, Jenna. I noticed his
birthday is in a few days. Any advice on planning something for him?


To her surprise, her phone rang within seconds of sending
the message.

“Jenna, hello. It’s Gavin. I’m delighted to hear from you.”

She curled up on the couch in Tim’s living room under a
quilt. “I hope this isn’t weird. Me sending you a text.”

“Don’t be silly. I feel like I already know you. Tim talks
about you constantly.”

She felt her face turn hot. “I feel like I know you too. He
tells me all kinds of stories.”

“Well, don’t believe half of them. Tim loves to stretch the
truth, among other things.”

Jenna had taken a big drink of water to prevent a coughing
fit and nearly sprayed it across the room.

“Now tell me what you’re thinking about doing and we’ll see
how I can help,” Gavin continued. “I hope you have a pen handy.”

Twenty minutes later, Jenna had two pages full of scribbled
notes about Tim and his birthday. Gavin would email recipes for a few
specialties from his restaurant, including a pasta that he said would make Tim
orgasmic. Tim had mentioned to Gavin that he loved the chocolate cake at One If
By Land and Gavin was sure she could order one for the occasion.

“One more thing,” he said. “Tim’s sister, Janey, told me
she’s sending a tin of his favorite homemade biscuits. Those should arrive any

“Gavin, thank you so much. This is amazing. I hope I can
pull off the big surprise.”

“Oh, please. It was a pleasure, my dear. This makes me so
happy, I can’t stand it. Call any time you like.”

Jenna smiled. “Okay, I will.”

“Tell me. Do you have anything else special planned?” The
mischievous tone in his voice made her blush for what felt like the fiftieth

“Can you keep a secret?”

“Are you kidding? Did Tim not mention that I’m gay?”

* * * * *

Jenna had asked Tim if she could have his spare key for the
day. Something about how she’d get to his place before him. He gave it to her
without much thought then later realized he’d never given a woman the key to
his flat before. He had to admit he rather liked the idea of knowing she’d be
waiting for him when he got home.

Tim was a few blocks from home when Gavin called. “Happy
birthday!” he sang, terribly off-key. It was just enough to make Tim feel
slightly homesick. For the past several years, birthday dinners had consisted
of drinks and appies at Gavin’s restaurant followed by heaping bowls of salad
and pasta and some sort of decadent chocolate cake. Considering Friday had
become pierogie night for Tim and Jenna, he didn’t imagine any of the tradition
would carry over. He hadn’t even told Jenna it was his birthday.

“Big plans for your night?” Gavin asked.

“Nope. Think we’ll hit the local diner and then head home
and watch a movie.”

“And you’re okay with that?”


“All right then. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.”

Tim hung up and tore up the stairs to his apartment. The
hallway smelled wonderful, the scent of grilling meats and savory sauces filled
the air. For a moment he felt melancholy, wishing for his traditional birthday
meal. He keyed into the apartment and realized the delicious aromas were
emanating from his kitchen.

Jenna was wrapped in a black chef’s apron and had several
pots simmering on the stove. There was a tray of cheeses and smoked meats set
out on the kitchen table. Wine was open next to two tall glasses.

Jenna stood at the sink, looking incredibly sexy in sky-high
heels and a barely there dress, rinsing spinach leaves in a colander. “What are
you up to?” He walked up behind her and placed his hands on her hips, bending
forward to kiss the base of her neck.

“Don’t distract me, I’m hard at work preparing an important
birthday dinner for this handsome Brit I know.”

“Well, he better not be better looking than me or I’ll have
to ask him to leave.”

Jenna turned in his arms and sank her damp fingers into his
hair. He brushed his lips against hers and she immediately deepened the kiss.
Her tongue tasted tangy and sweet, like fresh raspberries.

She slid her cheek against his and pulled him into a hug.
“Happy birthday.”

“It is now.” He pressed into her, bending his knees so he
could align himself better with the tantalizing curves between her legs.
“Though technically it’s not until tomorrow.”

“I know.” She kissed his nose. “I’m allowing you a two-day
celebration to account for the time change. It’s already your birthday in

He glanced at the clock above the stove and chuckled. “So it
is. Speaking of which, how’d you know about my birthday at all?”

She ran her hand along his shirt collar, making it difficult
for him to do anything other than rub against her. “I snuck a peek at your
passport photo the other day and I saw the date.”

He caught sight of the crumbled blue cheese and balsamic
vinegar, and the pot of simmering vodka sauce. “And how did you find out my
favorite meal?”

An impish grin tugged at her full pink lips. “I texted
Gavin. I hope you’re not mad.”

“Hardly. That’s incredibly sweet. Not to mention clever.” He
ran his hands up and down her back, touched that she’d go through so much
trouble to try to make him happy. “I imagine Gavin was thrilled. He loves to be
consulted on, well, everything.”

She let out a breathy laugh. “He emailed me his recipes.”

“He must have really liked you. He won’t give those to

“I’m thinking he really likes you. He was willing to do
anything to make sure you had a good birthday. Oh, and he told me you needed to
have one of these.” She leaned over and grabbed a paper bag from the counter.
“He said you’d hate it and love it at the same time, but that you had to wear
it and I’m required to send photographic proof.” Her smile broadened as she
extracted a conical paper hat.

Laughter erupted out of Tim. “Too much. And he’s right,
bloody bastard.”

They ate at the kitchen table by candlelight. Course after
course, each taste more intoxicating than the one before, but none as desirable
as Jenna. Tim had to stop himself from sweeping her into his arms and carrying
her to the bed. Even the sight of her twirling pasta on to her fork was
mesmerizing. The flickering glow of the candles danced on the tangle of silver
bracelets on her arm. He ran his finger over them. “Are all of these your

“Mmmhmmm.” She sucked a long strand of spaghetti into her
mouth, flicking her tongue across her lips.

Tim’s cock twitched in reply. “They’re lovely.” He ran his
thumb beneath them, feeling the quickening beat of her pulse as he stroked her
silky wrist. “You’re lovely.”

He could see her blushing even in the dim light and he could
no longer keep from kissing her. Her mouth was warm and slick beneath his,
causing his heart to beat even faster. He cupped the back of her head and
slowly rose, drawing them both into a standing position.

Jenna leaned her hips into his and he couldn’t wait anymore.
His fingers tugged at the tie at the back of her neck and he felt the front of
her dress fall away. She wore no bra, and her firm nipples grazed against him
though his shirt. He ran his hands up her rib cage, feeling goose bumps spring
up across his arms. “You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever known.”

She smiled and turned her head away, looking shy and
lovelier than he’d ever seen her. The golden streaks in her hair were
illuminated by the flickering light, her alabaster skin shimmered. He had to
have her.

He scooped her into his arms, carrying her across the
kitchen and into the bedroom. It wasn’t until he’d placed her on the bed that
he noticed there were candles lit in here as well as in the lounge. The entire
apartment was glowing, but nothing more than Jenna.

He slipped the dress over her hips, delighted to find that
she wore nothing underneath. The incessant beating in his cock was becoming
more than he could bear. Jenna’s fingers were already busy undoing his buttons,
first his shirt, then the button fly of his jeans. Once he was free of all
confines, he returned to kissing her. He craved the velvety softness of her
skin, the taste of her tongue, all of her.

The responsiveness of her body still overwhelmed him. He
caressed her back, stopping to cup her bottom, and she bowed against him. He
could feel her wetness against his thigh, warm and ready.

Tim reached toward the nightstand, blindly groping for the
drawer handle, but Jenna stopped him. Her soft voice was warm against his ear.
“Here.” She pressed a condom into his hand.

“Where did you get that?”

A throaty giggle escaped her. “I tucked a few under the
pillow. Just in case.”

“Clever girl. Always thinking.”

“Always thinking about you.” Her hand closed around his cock
as she lightly stroked from base to tip, her fingers teasing.

I love you.
He almost said it but the words caught in
his throat. He’d never said it to anyone besides family. His heart thudded
unevenly in his chest. Jenna’s hand slithered against him again and his
thoughts shifted back to the matter at hand.

He entered her, inching his way inside her until their
bodies were flush against one another. Jenna shuddered beneath him and he
wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close and rolling them both onto their
sides. He hitched her leg up over his hip, thrusting into her with slow,
deliberate strokes, gauging the expression on her face. She gasped with each
movement, her eyes flashing then fluttering shut.

Her breasts were full and firm against his chest and he bent
his head to taste them. His tongue flicked against her puckered skin and he
sucked gently, eliciting a chorus of sighs and moans. Jenna kissed the top of
his head, her raspy breaths puffing into his hair, sending ripples of heat
through his body.

Tim could sense that she was getting close. He steadied her
with a firm hand to her lower back. She ground against him harder on each
thrust, her breathing faster. He could feel her starting to shake, the
vibrations shuddering through him. He steeled himself, keeping the rhythm
steady as he raised his head to watch her. To his surprise she was looking
right at him, her eyes intense and dark. The quivering of her body intensified.

“Come with me,” she whispered.

All resolve was lost. The pleasure he’d been trying to
contain unfurled inside him as the rush of semen raced up his throbbing shaft.
The sheer force drew a cry from deep within his chest as he pulsated inside
her, the walls of her body gripping him with renewed strength as she called

His mouth found hers, their tongues twirling together,
mimicking the dizzy swirls in his head. He was lost in a haze of contentment,
unable to focus on anything other than the sensation of her touch. Out of
nowhere the words returned.
I love you.
His heart drummed furiously as
he held her tighter.
Holy Christ.
The revelation was swift and stunning.
I’m in love.

Jenna lay breathing heavily in his arms, her fingers working
through his hair, tracing lazy patterns against his scalp. Tim couldn’t do
anything more than gaze at her, the contours of her cheeks, the swell of her
lips, every part of her enticing. He closed his eyes, trying to gather his

“Don’t fall asleep.” Jenna rubbed her fingers against his
jaw. “There’s still cake.”

“You mean to tell me we’ve been having sex when we could
have been eating cake?”

Jenna smacked his arm. “You’re so bad.”

He pulled her close. “That’s not what you said the other

She let out an exasperated groan and climbed over him.
“Here.” She tossed his shirt on to him, half covering his face.

“What? No naked cake eating?”

“That depends on what sort of birthday hat photos you had in
mind for Gavin.”

“Oh, right. Shirt it is. That doesn’t preclude naked cake
serving, does it?”

Chapter Seven


Jenna tried to be as quiet as possible, wanting Tim to wake
to the heavenly smell of breakfast. Bacon sizzled away in the oven while eggs
fried on the stovetop. The bubble and squeak, a hash of cabbage and potatoes, was
crisp and ready to go. Water was on for English breakfast tea and bread sat in
the toaster for a last minute warming. She’d skipped the traditional sliced
tomato now that Gavin had told her Tim hated them.

“What in the world are you doing?” he asked, shuffling into
the kitchen in his pale blue boxer shorts, rubbing at his eyes. His chest was
bare, his hair flopping in every direction and smashed flat on one side. Jenna
felt a flutter in her chest. She would have marched him right back to bed if
they didn’t have a tight schedule.

“I’m making you a birthday breakfast.”

He pulled her into an embrace and she set her head against
his chest.

“You’re unbelievable.” He leaned down to smell what was cooking.
“Just like my mum makes. The full monty.”

Jenna giggled. “I thought that meant naked.”

“Maybe to dirty-minded Americans. At home, it also means a
big breakfast. But if you want to cook while you go full monty, I’d love to see

Jenna scrunched up her face. “I don’t want to risk an
unfortunate grease splatter.”

“Always so practical, aren’t you?” He scratched his stomach.
“Suppose I should wear clothes, huh?”

Jenna grinned. “While you’re in there, pack an overnight
bag. I have another surprise for you.”

Tim peppered Jenna with questions throughout breakfast. “Where
are you taking me?” He stole another piece of her bacon, his fifth or sixth
slice at last count. “Why are you being so secretive? Are you kidnapping me?”

“I’m sorry. Did you say something?” She smiled. “Eat faster.
We need to leave in a few minutes.”

“What if I don’t want to hurry?” He sat back in his seat.

“If you want to see me naked later, you’ll do whatever I

He smirked. “Yes ma’am.”

They rushed to Penn Station and hopped aboard the Long
Island Rail Road with minutes to spare. Hunting down a pair of seats at the
back of one of the cars, they stowed his duffle bag in the luggage rack above
and Jenna kept her messenger bag on her lap. Tim put his arm around her as the
train made its crawl through the station and she cozied up next to him,
inhaling his scent and wanting to pinch herself over how well everything was

“Are you going to tell me anything?” he mumbled into the top
of her head. “This train says Babylon Station. That means nothing to me.”

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

They changed trains at Babylon, bound for the Bay Shore
station, but Tim had stopped asking questions, seeming much more interested in
holding hands and nuzzling Jenna’s neck. From Bay Shore, they took the ferry to
Fire Island and were back on land twenty minutes later.

Jenna consulted some directions she’d scribbled on a piece
of paper. She pointed to the left once they reached the end of the long wood
pier as the last of the passengers dispersed. “This way. Natalie said it’s only
a five minute walk.”

“So Natalie conspired with you?” He pulled her closer as
they walked and a cool but gentle ocean breeze lazed over them.

“She helped me book the inn. Her sister-in-law’s family owns
it. She got me a great deal.”

They walked a few more minutes and turned up a circular
stone path to the inn, which had graying clapboards and inside, a cozy lobby
filled with overstuffed white furniture and sea grass rugs. The woman behind
the front desk was warm and welcoming, fetching the room key as Jenna filled
out the registration card.

Their room was even better than Jenna had hoped, painted in robin’s-egg
blue and complete with a king bed loaded down with fluffy pillows and crisp
white linens. There were wood floors and an antique wrought iron gate on the
wall as art. They had a private bath with a deep tub and a window with a view
to the surf.

Next to the bed, Jenna found a gift basket of sparkling
wine, cheese and crackers. She plucked the card from the table. “For Jenna and
Tim. Have fun. Love, Natalie.” She stuck out her lower lip. “How sweet.”

Tim swept her up into his arms. “You make me barmy when you
do that with your lip.” He pressed his mouth against hers, his tongue gently
mingling with hers. He snuck his hand up the back of her sweater.

He went straight for the clasp of her bra and she pulled her
head back. “We should really go enjoy the beach before it gets too late. Otherwise,
it will be freezing out there.”

The corners of his mouth drew down. “Really? It’s my birthday,
you know.”

She traced a circle on his chest with her finger, enjoying
the fact that she was obviously torturing him. “The birthday boy gets whatever
he wants tonight.”

His eyes lit up and she watched as his frown turned to a sly
grin. “Whatever I want?”

“Within reason.”

“A Little Bo Peep costume?”

“Depends on who’s going to be wearing it.” She giggled and
dug into her bag for a clip to put up her hair. She pecked him on the lips. “I
promise I won’t leave you disappointed. Now come on. The ocean is waiting.”

They walked for more than an hour on the beach, talking and
holding hands, carrying their shoes. Jenna couldn’t imagine a more romantic
scene as they stopped to sit in the sand while the sun dipped lower and the sky
turned a wispy pink and blue. She leaned against Tim as he held her close and
kissed the top of her head. The waves lapped on to the sand and the sea grass
rustled atop the dunes.

He traced his finger over the bridge of her nose. “Where did
all these freckles come from?”

Jenna’s hands flew to cover her face. “Oh God, I hate my
freckles. They come out whenever I spend a day in the sun.”

Tim had a strange smile on his face, his eyes soft and
dreamy. “I think they’re lovely.” He pecked her on the nose and looked out over
the water.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked, admiring his

A smile crept over his face and he turned back to her. “Just
wondering how I got so lucky that I met you.”

Jenna was overcome with an inexplicable feeling that warmed
her from within. “I’m the lucky one,” she muttered.

He slipped his hand beneath her jaw, raising her face to
his. He tenderly kissed her lips. Her chin quaked as emotions overwhelmed her,
feelings like none she’d experienced before. She wrapped her arms around his
waist, never wanting to let go.

He unclipped her hair and raked his hands through the
strands. He gazed into her eyes, making her feel as if he could see everything
inside her. “I think that maybe we’re both lucky.”

* * * * *

Dinner that night was at a small seafood place, a few minutes’
walk from the inn. They sat outside on the dock, bundled up in
sweaters—Tim ordered a seafood platter and beer while Jenna had crab
cakes and a margarita. Everything he said was inordinately funny and after a
while, making her laugh was like a game he played against himself, even when it
got so bad that she began to snort or make other unflattering noises.

Tim moved his chair as close to hers as possible, rubbing
Jenna’s wrist with his thumb. He was breathtaking in the moonlight, the crisp,
briny night air making his cheeks cherry red and his hair a delightfully sexy

“Can I bring you two the dessert menu?” the waitress asked
as she cleared their plates.

Tim looked at Jenna, who was still collecting her composure
from the last fit of laughter. “Dessert?” he asked, while furrowing his brow
and shaking his head “no”.

“Just the check,” she told the waitress, her eyes never
leaving Tim.

He swept her hair behind her shoulder to kiss her neck,
right below her ear. She closed her eyes and wondered how they would manage the
quick trip to their room at the inn. Sprinting might be advised.

“Remember when you said I could have whatever I wanted
tonight?” he asked, his hot breath against her skin a sublime contrast to the
brisk night air.

She smiled and stifled another giggle. “I do. Is this the
part where we talk about French maid uniforms? Because I left my costume trunk
at home.”

“We can save that for another time.” He slid his hand across
her back and around her waist, tugging her closer. “All I really want tonight
is you.”


By the time they got back to the room they were both so
primed they barely had time to shut the door before they were all over each
other Tim held her up against the wall, unwrapping the layers of her clothing
as though she were a gift he couldn’t wait to open. Jenna worked her way
through his garments with equal speed. She surprised him when she withdrew a
condom from her bra.

“Aren’t you full of surprises,” he said, watching as she
unrolled it onto his anxiously waiting cock.

“I told you, anything you want…”

He returned to kissing her, bending his knees so his cock
could nestle in the enticing space between her thighs. She went up on tiptoe,
arching against him. He hoisted her against the wall, carefully bracing her
lower back as he thrust inside her.

Her arms coiled around his neck, fingers burrowed into his
hair. Their bodies were so in synch, their breaths, their movements, building
rapidly to an intense climax. He breathlessly lowered her to the ground, easing
his way out, his mouth never leaving hers. Tim’s phone vibrated against the
carpet, causing both of them to chuckle.

They flopped onto the bed together. Tim reached over to get
his phone. Three new messages. All from Gavin.

“Let me see.” Jenna snuggled against Tim’s chest, reading as
he scrolled through them. “Are you gonna answer him?”

“Yes.” He typed his response.


Glad things are going well. Bit busy right now. Talk


The phone buzzed a moment later.


Too busy to answer, eh? I take it that means I won’t have
to calculate international shipping rates to post you a brassiere? Well done!


Tim snorted and snapped the phone shut but Jenna had already
read it. “Post you a brassiere?”

Tim shook his head. “Old joke.”

Jenna propped herself on her elbow, both eyebrows raised.
“I’m waiting.”


“Come on…don’t make me ask Gavin.” The impish look on her
face made him think she’d do it, in a heartbeat.

“Fine.” Tim groaned, raking a hand through his hair. “It’s
not that interesting really.”

“Stop stalling.”

Tim closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “When I was
eighteen, my oldest sister came home to visit with her friend. They were in
their mid-20s and her friend was smoking hot. I was ridiculously shy with
girls, but she’d gone out of her way to flirt with me all weekend and the whole
time she was wearing this hot-pink bra that somehow peeked out of every

He glanced at Jenna and found her staring intently at him,
her cheek cupped in her hand. “Go on.”

He grazed his finger up and down her spine as he talked,
hoping to distract her. “I was totally in lust with her, but I didn’t have the
balls to do anything about it. When they left I was kicking myself for being
such a complete prat. I went to my room and found a paper bag on my bed.”

Jenna’s fingers played with the hair on his stomach, driving
him mad.

“There was a note that said ‘You seemed fond of this, so I
left it for you.’ It was signed with a little heart. She’d left me her pink

Jenna’s eyes got big. “That’s pretty bold.”

“Well, I thought it was pretty exciting, and I was so worked
up from the whole weekend I, well, I, uh…took advantage of the garment.”

A smile spread across Jenna’s face. “Meaning?”

“You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”

She nodded, biting her lip but unable to keep from giggling.

“Fine. I had a nice wank with the bra wrapped around myself.
And I was so engrossed in what I was doing I didn’t hear the front door, or the
footsteps on the stairwell, and Gavin walked in on me.”

Jenna gasped and Tim was grateful for the darkened room so
she couldn’t see how red his face was. “He screamed, I let go, but the strap of
the bra was tangled around me, and even after I’d tucked myself back into my
trousers the bra was still dangling from my fly. So it’s been a running joke
every time I have a dry spell, Gavin asks if I need a bra.”

The laughter tumbled out of her. “I’m guessing that must
have been pretty traumatic for Gavin as well.”

“Yes, he says it almost turned him straight.” Jenna flopped
onto her back, consumed with giggles, her breasts bouncing with each cackle.
She looked irresistible. Tim traced his fingers up her smooth belly and leaned
in to kiss her. His tongue worked at hers until the laughter subsided. He
pulled back, smoothing her hair away from her face. “I love you.”

She drew in a quick breath and stared at him, her eyes wide
and shining in the dim light.

“I’ve known for weeks now.” He stroked her silky cheek with
his thumb. “I love you, Jenna.” His heart beat madly in his ears as he wondered
if he’d scared her.

Her fingers wove through his hair and he braced himself for
a brush-off. “I love you too,” she said.

He felt as if the air had been sucked out of the room as he
processed her words.
She loves me.
Then her mouth was back on his and he
could no longer think at all.


Jenna awoke in the most wonderful mood. The sun streamed
through the sheer white curtains, casting their hotel room in a soft glow. Tim
lay sleeping next to her, on his side with his arm draped across her stomach. She
loved being able to stare at him for as long as she wanted—square jaw,
absurdly long lashes, touchable lips.

She couldn’t get over the fact that he’d told her those
three little words. It felt even better that she’d been able to return them
without hesitation. “I love you” was something she’d rarely heard over her twenty-six
years on earth and that made it all the more precious.

BOOK: London Calling
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