Read Little Black Book Online

Authors: Tabatha Vargo,Melissa Andrea

Little Black Book (7 page)

BOOK: Little Black Book
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She latched on to my shoulders and I let my hands dip lower to grab her hips. She was a handful. Her round hips fit perfectly in my grasp. Leaning back against my desk, I pulled her thighs against mine and she melted.










I didn’t know what I was doing. I had marched into his office totally sure of myself, knowing I needed to make money.

Sure, I’d kissed a boy before. Jeffery Middleton had practically shoved his tongue down my throat in eleventh grade; however it was nothing—
—like the kiss Sebastian was currently laying on me.

Once he pulled me up from the chair and devoured my mouth, I forgot all about my nerves. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he worked my hips against him in a way I’d never experienced.

And just like that, he pulled away, leaving me panting like some wild animal.

“That’s enough for today.” He grinned down at me.

His smile was heartbreaking. Smutty romance novels had nothing on those lips. I stepped back, knees jittery, and caught my breath as I pushed my hair behind my ear.

“A car is waiting for you downstairs and I’ll have a phone sent to your hotel. Always answer it when I call. I’ll see you soon, beautiful.” He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth.

“Okay,” I whispered.

Kyle was waiting downstairs with Vick when I left Sebastian’s office. I ran to him and held him so close
, I was sure I was hurting him. Seeing him gave me a break from having to think about what the hell just happened upstairs.

“I’m so sorry. So,
sorry,” I said through tears.

He pulled away and smiled up at me. “It’s cool, Roz. It wasn’t bad.”

Vick cleared her throat, reminding me that my big display of emotion was seen by someone who’d probably never cried a day in her life.

“Who’s car is this?” Kyle whispered, while giving Vick shifty eyes.

“It’s my… boss’s,” I lied. “He was nice enough to let us borrow it.”

I didn’t want Kyle asking anymore questions
, so I ushered him into the back of the sleek black car and avoided Vick’s knowing eyes.

As soon as I shut the door, the driver pu
lled away from the club. I hadn’t said a word to him, but he drove like he already knew our destination.

“Excuse me
,” I said loud enough to get his attention.

Warm brown eyes and a friendly smile found me in the review mirror. Silver hair peeked under his driver hat and soft line
s surrounded his eyes and lips. “Yes, ma’am?”

“Where are you taking us?”

“To the Hilton, ma’am.”

“The Hilton?”

“Yes, ma’am. Only the best for Mr. Black’s…” his eyes quickly shifted toward Kyle and then back to me. “Employees.”

I knew what he’d been about
to say, but I didn’t want to correct him. It was pointless to even tell him I wasn’t Mr. Black’s
in front of Kyle.

“Thank you
, Mister…”

“Martin. Just call me Mr. Martin,” he smiled in the rear view mirror.

“Thank you, Mr. Martin.” I leaned into my seat.

“Wow, the Hilton? Yo
u sure do have a nice boss, Roz.”

was beyond excited about the whole experience. I wished I could match his enthusiasm, but I was less than thrilled.

When the driver pulled into the
hotel, he told me to sit still. Seconds later, he was pulling our door open and holding it so we could step out. I flushed at the attention. I wasn’t used to being treated like anyone special.

Kyle followed closely behind as we followed
Mr. Martin into the front lobby and to the reception desk. When it was our turn, the woman behind the desk flashed a familiar smile for the older man.

, Martin. How are you today?”

“I’m doing well, Molly
, and you?”

“Happy to see you as always. How can I help

“I have two guests for Mr. Black. The suite, please.”

The woman casted a knowing glance toward me. Her expression quickly changed to surprise, followed by confusion, when she spotted Kyle. I wrapped a protective arm around his shoulders and tried not to wonder what she was thinking.

“Of course,
” she nodded.

She signaled for someone behind me and then there was a bellhop there at our side.

“Please take these guests to Mr. Black’s suite and don’t forget their luggage,” she ordered.

“Oh, we don’t have…
“ I started to correct her.

I stopped
when a cart was pulled up to the bellhop and I recognized our suitcases.
What the hell?

I wondered how
Sebastian had time to gather our things out of our car.

“Thank you,
” I said to both the desk clerk and bellhop.

“Right this way, Miss,” t
he bellhop gestured.

Turning toward
Mr. Martin, I smiled at him. “Thank you again.”

“You’re very welcome.” He mirrored my smile and patted my hands.

Kyle and I spent the night in one of the nicest hotels I’d ever seen. The room was equipped with everything we needed, and had four separate areas. There were two huge bedrooms, and a deluxe bathroom with a massive tub. But the best part was the spacious living room, lined with a wall of windows, showcasing a stunning view of New York City.

Once Kyle was asleep
for the night, I spent some time staring at the cars and the people bustling below. The surrounding buildings and streets were so beautiful from my vantage point. It was hard to wrap my head around our quick transition from sleeping in a shitty car… to this luxurious suite.

It wasn’t until I yawned and fogged up the window that I realized how late it was. Padding
across the mahogany wood floor on my bare feet, I entered the bathroom to get ready for bed. My stress level was nothing compared to the past few weeks, so instead of taking a shower, I filled the massive tub with hot, steaming water, and dropped in some lavender oil. I soaked my body until the water went cold. 

Unfortunately, I couldn’t hide from my conversation with Sebastian in his office.

I didn’t know what I’d been thinking or doing for that matter. I had marched into his office, ready for anything. I had to make money and I was no longer going to deny what my body obviously wanted. But boy had I definitely paid a price.

When he’d so
blatantly asked if I was a virgin I hadn’t expected his reaction. In fact, if he had slapped me I couldn’t have been more shocked. I felt like he
slapped me with his response. I thought he would’ve been pleased and turned on, not turned off.

I was humiliated and embarrassed
, and I wanted nothing more than to never lay eyes on Sebastian Black again. But even now, as I laid in the tub, my forbidden thoughts betrayed me and the sight of him bare chested made my fingers wander over my body.

I could still wa
nted him, even if I pretended differently. He didn’t want me and I should have been happy about it, or in the very least relieved. But something made me want to prove that despite the fact I was a virgin, I was still every bit as capable as the next girl.

I let my legs fall open and m
y fingers moved over my swollen lady bits, but before I could bring myself to orgasm, I stopped and closed my legs tightly. Covering my eyes with my hand, I exhaled loudly.

Who was I kidd
ing? I couldn’t even get myself off without worrying about embarrassing myself. How was I going to get a man like Sebastian off?

I expected a lot of things
when I finally worked up the courage to take Sebastian’s offer, but what was happening to me was completely unexpected. I was a woman, but it was clear I had no clue when it came to the opposite sex.


The next day, Mr. Martin was outside waiting to take Kyle across town to school. I was wondering if I would ever be surprised at the things Sebastian knew without me ever telling him.

Kyle was more
than happy to take the car and be chauffeured around in front of his friends, but I had a harder time being okay with it.

After making my way back up to the hotel suite
, I laid around and waited for something—anything to happen. I hated sitting around, twiddling my thumbs.

Finally, when I thought I would explode from anticipation, someone knocked at the door. I opened it to find a young guy smiling back at me. He was boyish, with a lopsided ear-to-ear grin
, and had an unfortunate case of teenage acne.

“Are you Jessica?” h
e asked.

I opened my mouth to say no, but then remembered when Sebastian insisted on calling
me Jessica, which was the weirdest thing ever.

ep, that’s me.”

He held out a small pink box with a ribbon on top. “This is for you.”

“Thank you.”

He turned and left without saying goodbye.

Closing the door, I sat on the bed and pulled the lid off the box to find an expensive phone sitting inside. It was sleek, with a large touch screen. I ran my finger across it and it lit up with a picture of the Brooklyn Bridge.

As soon as I sat it on the bed, it chimed. The tiny symbol on the screen said I had a
text message, but it took me a few minutes to figure out how to open it.


Meet me out front at 7. Wear something nice.


I should have smashed his stupid phone and walked out of the hotel room, but I couldn’t, and I kind of hated myself for it.

Like a true woma
n, I spent the rest of the afternoon obsessing over what I was going to do. If I’d had any flowers the hotel room would have been full of petals.

I was in the lobby twenty minutes before Kyle was even supposed to be out of school, but I couldn’t stay in th
at room a second longer. I’d never been in a hotel as extravagant as this before and I was extremely curious.

I passed the five-star restaurant and walked through the different ballrooms
, until I saw a sign labeled
Peterson Wedding
. Guests moved in and out of the beautiful double doors and after a quick peek around, I made my way toward them.

Pulling on the heavy handle, I slipped in and a wistful sigh escaped my lips. The room was breathtaking. It glittered and smelled like fresh flowers. I didn’t stay long
because I was obviously not dressed for the occasion, but for just a moment, I closed my eyes and I imagined having a life that included these kinds of luxuries.

An hour later,
Mr. Martin dropped Kyle off, and we went back to the suite and did his homework together.

When we were done,
I called for room service to bring some dinner. With our bellies stuffed, I left to get ready, and Kyle plopped down in front of the TV to watch some disgusting show about zombies.

I felt much better about leaving Kyle alone this time. There were plenty of locks on the hotel door, and I had a phone he could call if he needed something.

I dug through my suitcase for my nicest outfit, a light teal peasant top and a beige skirt that touched my ankles. I slipped on my sandals, ran a brush through my hair, and barely made it out front by seven. 

A black car pulled up in front, and Sebastian climbed out
of the back. His steps faltered as he looked me up and down. Then he surprised me with a grin and held his hand out to me.

onfused, I did the only thing that made sense, and placed my hand in his. Feeling a thumb close over the back of my fingers, he lifted them to his mouth.

His lips weren’t soft or rough, there wasn’t a word
that described the way they felt or what they did to my insides.

“You look… sweet,” he
said with a dimpled grin.

BOOK: Little Black Book
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