Read Lily in Bloom Online

Authors: Tammy Andresen

Lily in Bloom (6 page)

BOOK: Lily in Bloom
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For the next two hours, Elise explained and demonstrated and series of conversation starters then moved on to phrases and movements to make a man feel special and to quietly attract attention. For the first time in Lily’s life she felt like she understood what attracted a man besides a pretty face. She supposed, if she had a mother around when she had become interested in men, she would have observed these things but after her parents died, she avoided as many social engagements as possible.

“Now here is the last thing that I am going to tell you about today and probably the most important. Men, for whatever reason, like a woman who is a bit of a challenge. If she is too accessible, he finds it boring. Don’t be afraid to say no if he asks you to dance or if he tries to kiss you. It only makes him want you that much more.”

Lily looked doubtfully at Elise. After all the advice on how to attract a man, now she was supposed to push him away?

“Believe me, I am married to your brother because I made him work to win my love. Besides, Mr. Sampson seems to be very good at pulling himself away and it doesn’t seem to have deterred you now has it?”

Lily’s mouth dropped open and then she laughed. Could she possibly turn the tables on Eric Sampson?



. Society certainly agrees with you!” Amelia rushed up to Lily, embracing her as only Amelia could. Her brother Tom and Aunt Clarissa followed behind.

“I have missed you.” Lily hugged her cousin back, glad for her presence. Amelia brought such energy and enthusiasm to the house.

“I've missed you, as well. As soon as we get all settled in, you must tell me all about your time in Boston.” Amelia moved to hug Elise.

Lily turned to Tom and clasped his hands. It was wonderful to see him again. Tom was much more like their mother in personality than either she or James. He was exuberant and full of life like Amelia. While Lily looked like her mother, she had always resembled her father in manner. The two had been a perfect complement to one another in marriage and that is what Tom had found in his bride-to-be. Danielle was quiet and subdued but somehow seemed to fit Tom perfectly. “How have you been?” She gave her brother a hug.

His smile was strained as he spoke. “Glad to be here,” he said as he released her.

“Is everything all right with Seacoast?” Lily knew that the business’s position was precarious, but she had hoped things were on the upswing.

“Fine, fine. We will talk about it later.” The drawn look to Tom’s mouth did not go away and Lily wondered what the matter was but kept quiet. Tom was right. Now was not the time to talk. Seeing her brother like this, however, only strengthened her resolve to do what she could for her family.

The party moved to the parlor and refreshments were brought for the travelers. As they sipped tea, Amelia spoke. “So, you must tell me what has been happening, cousin.”

“Not all that much. I have missed most of the parties and dances because of various afflictions but…”

Elise piped in, “Please, wait until you hear about her afflictions…” She began to recount all the events that had unfolded in Lily’s life for the past two weeks.

Amelia, Tom and Aunt Clarissa listened and laughed as Elise regaled them with stories. As she finished, Amelia spoke. “Well, cousin, you have done well. Eric Sampson is a handsome man and rich. I am jealous.”

Lily cleared her throat. “Well, don’t be. He is not actually a suitor of mine. We have just had a few chance encounters.”

“A good thing, too. He would not make a suitable husband.” James frowned as he walked through the door followed by Mark.

“What are you talking about?” Lily’s eyebrow’s shot up.

“Let’s not discuss it now. I am just glad you don’t consider him a suitor.” James waved his hand to dismiss the conversation.

Amelia gave her a knowing look but said nothing and Lily was grateful. She hoped there was more to their relationship but she did not want to admit it to anyone but Elise yet. If James truly did not favor Eric than she would do best to keep her intentions quiet.

As James hugged everyone hello, Mark stood away from the family. Lily looked over and smiled at him and he approached. “I am sorry to be intruding upon your family reunion.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re practically family. Tom, Mark has completed his second term in the army and has returned in time for your wedding. Isn’t that wonderful?”

Tom turned to his childhood friend and they embraced. As the two separated, Amelia stepped forward.

“Well, hello there.” She smiled seductively and held out her hand as Mark bent down to kiss it.

“It’s astonishing. You and Lily have identical eyes.” Mark stared in disbelief.

“Yes, we do. That is where the similarities end, however, although my mother wishes it were otherwise.” Her hand subtly brushed his coat sleeve as she turned to sit down. “Now tell me, where have they been hiding you?”

Mark laughed and began to tell her about his experiences in the army. Lily realized that Amelia had not known Mark as she and her mother had not come to live in Kennebunk with them until after the death of Amelia’s father.

James interrupted the group’s conversation as a bottle of champagne arrived. “I would like to make a toast.” He smiled. “To family and friends and the success of Seacoast Shipping!”

Everyone toasted and Lily looked around wondering what had happened to suddenly make her brother James so happy. She saw Elise scowling and Tom looking confused. What was going on with her family?


Two days later, two carriages pulled up to take the Carters to the Winchester Ball. Mark had arrived a half-hour before to travel to the ball with the family. As they stepped outside he turned to Lily.

“You look stunning.” Mark helped Lily into the second carriage and climbed in himself.

The Winchester Ball was one of the largest of the season and a sea of carriages waited to pull up to the mammoth double doors of the impressive Brookline Estate.

As the Carters approached the entrance, Danielle’s family met up with them. Danielle took Tom’s arm and they led the group through the double doors. Danielle’s parents, Douglas and Lucille Handler, followed. Mark offered Lily his arm and the two walked in silence behind them. Lily wondered if she had hurt Mark’s feelings. He was far quieter than normal.

“Mark, is everything all right?” Lily turned toward him, her concern showing clearly on her face.

“Fine,” he said as he looked at her upturned face. “Are you worried about me?”

“Of course. You’ve been quiet and I…” she did not know quite what to say.

“It has been a long time since a lady as pretty as you has worried about me. I have to admit, I like it.” He gave her a devilish smile and for a moment he looked like he had just a few days ago.

“Well, I am happy to oblige, but everyone seems so tense. I cannot figure it out.” Lily gave a small shrug but she noticed Mark’s lips tightened.

She looked at him but he said nothing. She wanted to ask him further but they were about to be announced.

As she entered the ballroom she noticed the stares of many men. She smiled shyly at a few of them and they immediately smiled back.

The group progressed toward the dance floor but the ball was extremely crowded and progress was slow. Finally, they reached some available chairs and sat as they watched the dancers.

“Where did Amelia take off to?” Aunt Clarissa asked as she sat next to Elise.

“I am not sure. Perhaps Mark knows.” But Mark was gone as well. Elise raised her eyebrows, but before she had a chance to speak James approached with a gentleman Lily did not recognize.

The group stood as James and the other man came near. He was very handsome. Lily smiled at him the way Elise had taught her but her smile stalled. His eyes bore into hers, taking in every detail. She resisted the urge to squirm under his gaze.

James took Lily’s hand and drew her forward, “May I present Lieutenant Colonel Andrews. Lieutenant Colonel, my sister, Miss Lillian Carter.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Lily held out her hand to Andrews.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Andrews kissed her hand and the kiss lasted a moment longer than was necessary. “May I have the pleasure of this dance?”

“Of course.” Lily scanned the crowd, making sure she did not see Isabelle. She did not want to antagonize the girl and she had had enough of that woman for the week. Something about Andrews was also not to her liking but she had no good reason for denying him the dance.

As Lily began the first steps of the waltz she noticed Eric Sampson dancing with a pretty brunette. She felt a quick stab of jealousy and wondered if he was escorting the woman.

“Miss Carter, tell me all about yourself.” Andrews smiled a winning grin and Lily relaxed slightly under his gaze. He was a handsome man. Perhaps he was just the ticket to make Eric a little jealous, too.

“There is not much to tell. My family builds ships, as you may know, and it has kept us in Maine these past few years. You must have far more exciting stories being in the army.” Lily smiled coyly and batted her eyelashes.

He chuckled, clearly pleased. “When we are not on the dance floor, I must tell you about how my regiment recently defeated a band of renegade Indians.” He puffed out his chest slightly but Lily tried not to notice.

“How exciting. I can hardly wait.” Lily tried to smile convincingly but she worried it was falling flat.

“Indeed. You may find it of particular interest because we were in your home state. Although I have a most excellent tale involving pirates in the Carolinas. You must remind me to tell it to you.” Andrews winked.

Lily prayed for the dance to be over as Andrews continued his animated discussion about himself. Finally the music stopped, and Andrews escorted her back to her seat.


Two hours later, Lily had danced with a number of men and was enjoying herself thoroughly. Her ribs began paining her and she realized she had not sat and rested since she arrived. The doctor had told her to take it easy but she had felt so well she hadn’t been paying attention. It was time for a break. She sat near Aunt Clarissa as Andrews approached from her right.

“I was hoping for another dance?” He smiled and took her hand.

“As much as I would enjoy that,” Lily said, attempting to return his smile, “I am afraid I am in need of a rest.”

“Perhaps I could sit with you then?”

“That would be lovely.”

Andrews launched into one of his promised stories and Lily tried her best to listen as a man dressed in uniform approached.

“Lieutenant Colonel, you must introduce me to this enchanting creature.” He was a tall man, although not as tall as her brother and Eric and he had steel gray hair and eyes. He was in good shape and would seem attractive to many women but there was a hardness about him that made Lily immediately ill at ease.

“Of course. Colonel Kingsley, this is Miss Lillian Carter.” Lily stood as Andrews made the necessary introductions, although he did not seem particularly pleased.

“How do you do?” Lily held out her hand and the Colonel took it in a very firm hold. She felt a shiver run up her spine but it was not a pleasurable sensation.

“Very well, thank you. Pleased to meet you. I know your brother, of course. We are negotiating a contract for ships. I was hoping to ask you to dance.” The Colonel smiled at her but it did not look natural, like smiling was not something he did often.

“Oh, I am sorry. Lieutenant Colonel Andrews just asked and I was explaining to him that I was hoping to rest a bit.” Lily was glad for the excuse. She couldn’t explain it but she did not want to be alone with this man.

“Well then, why don’t we all sit and chat.” As the Colonel moved toward the chair a third man approached the group. Lily turned to see Eric as he extended his hand to her. Lines of tension marked his face and as his glance met Kingsley’s the other man straightened his shoulders and clenched his fists.

“Miss Carter, how wonderful to see you. I was hoping we would run into each other before now. How are you feeling?” Eric took her hand and gently pulled her toward him and away from the other two men. The softness of his touch was in direct contrast with the tension that exuded from him.

“Much better, thank you, although all of this dancing has worn me out a bit.” She smiled as he took her hand. Although Lily wished he had given her his attention earlier, her current company made her glad for his sudden presence. The Colonel stepped forward, as if to claim her back from Eric.

“Colonel Kingsley, how are you? It has been a long time.” Eric turned toward the other man as he tucked her hand into the crook of his arm and pulled her closer to him. Lily gladly moved as he wished, feeling much more comfortable by his side than she had a moment before. He continued to keep his other hand on top of hers.

“Mr. Sampson, it has been quite a while. I was sorry to hear about Caitlin.” The Colonel paused. His eyes held no sympathy. “She was such a…vibrant woman.”

Lily could see Eric’s jaw harden but his voice was calm as ever. “Thank you for your condolences. Now if you will excuse us…”

“You are not going to take the beautiful Miss Carter away are you? We were just getting to know one another.” Kingsley stepped forward again and Lily moved closer to Eric.

“Actually, I am. Her brother has asked me to escort her into the card room. You will have to excuse us.” Eric’s hand gripped hers more tightly. The tension between the two men was palpable.

“Perhaps another time then. Miss Carter, it was a pleasure.” He reached for her free hand and she held it out. But she did not move away from Eric and he did not let go of the hand tucked in his arm. The Colonel turned and left.

Andrews shuffled uncomfortably for a moment then turned to Lily and said, “I am sorry we were interrupted. I enjoyed our conversation immensely.”

“As did I. Thank you for keeping me company. I am sure I will see you soon.” She turned to Aunt Clarissa just to let her know where she was going.

“All right, dear. I will be there as soon as I can track down Amelia. She is off somewhere once again.”

BOOK: Lily in Bloom
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