Lillian the Vampire The Complete Collection (3 page)

BOOK: Lillian the Vampire The Complete Collection
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“You do not know how to hunt yet. I lead and you follow! End of story Lillian.”

“Well it seems to me that I picked up on them before you did, so I think I know what I am doing now let me go!”

Brandon just looked at her and after a few moments he let her go. He knew she was right and hated the fact that her senses were stronger than his. He knew he had to regain his composure and make sure that she didn’t mess anything up. She had only hunted once before but she followed his instructions to a tee. He watched as Lillian closed her eyes and soon two young runaway females walked out into the open. It was as if they were being called out, and he knew it was Lillian. He had never known of a fledgling that had those strong of powers so quick! This could be a very bad thing in the long run he thought, but only time would tell.  He watched as the two young girls were now standing in front of Lillian, and as if she spoke, one of the girls nodded her head and got to her knees. Brandon could not believe what he was seeing! She could sense her prey, locate and draw them out as well as instruct them to do her bidding. This was amazing and frightening at the same time. He knew of only one other immortal who had this power and that was Corbin. Brandon knew that if Corbin found out he may keep her to himself or even destroy her. Lillian slowly turned her head and the way the moonlight kissed her cheek and the way she now stared at him set his mind as ease. Lillian beckoned for him to come to her side and feed upon the young girl that was on her knees.

Brandon was instantly in front of his victim and he telepathically told her to rise, but she did not move. She looked over at Lillian and Lillian nodded her head giving her permission. Brandon became furious and showed the girl no mercy. He sank his fangs in hard and fast and almost tore the girl’s throat open. He drank his victim to the point of death and tossed her semi lifeless body against a tree, crushing every bone in her body causing her death. Lillian just looked at him, not showing any expression, and the she set her sights on her victim. Lillian kissed the young girl on her cheek and told her not to be afraid, that everything was going to be alright in just a moment. The young girl was lost in Lillian’s trance, and she tilted her head to the side displaying her jugular vein as an offering. Lillian was swift and merciful, unlike Brandon was. Once she finished, she broke her victim’s neck and carried her to an empty plot. Lillian dug a grave big enough for the two girls and told Brandon to clean up his mess and cover the grave before she walked off. Brandon could not believe that his fledgling was giving him orders. He knew that he must hide the bodies but Lillian had some nerve! He grabbed the broken body of the girl, tossed her right on top of the other and filled the grave back in with dirt. It took him only a matter of seconds but Lillian was already walking through the doors of the club. This was the last straw; he used all of his strength and was instantly in front of her, preventing her from walking in the club.

“Look here, I made you and you have to obey me! You don’t know a thing about being a vampire and you could get us all killed.”

“Well mister creator, from my point of view I am doing just fine with the little that you did teach me. Now stop being such a baby. Annabelle wants to braid my hair, Angelic wants to paint my nails and Alicia wants to put makeup on me. I told them we were on the way and it will be rude to keep them waiting now let’s go!”

Brandon could not believe that she was able to communicate with the triplets! They were made by Corbin himself and they had never telepathically communicated with any fledgling, and they never did that with him either. His jealousy had almost turned into rage when he heard Corbin’s voice in his head.

“Brandon, you will not do what you are thinking of doing. This young woman is the finest creature I have seen in over two centuries. You will not harm her in any way shape or form. She belongs with us here, with me, not with the likes of you. Now you have two choices, let her go and behave yourself in my presence, or have your skull turn into crushed powder. The choice is yours.”

Brandon knew that he had no choice but to obey his master and he stomped up the stairs to the second floor. He saw the triplets surrounding Lillian treating her as if she was a new doll, and to them she was. He knew that in time they would tire of her, and he would make her beg him to take her back. Annabelle the oldest of the triplets glared at him and his chest was on fire.

“Watch your fork tongue Brandon. You know I can set you ablaze in a second! We will not tire of this pretty young fledgling. Her powers are intense.”

“You do not have the power to control nor teach one such as her” Angelic said. Alicia just laughed and continued to
dote her affection on Lillian.

Corbin was sitting in his watching as the triplets laughed and dolled Lillian up. Brandon looked around and figured that the twins Damien and Dagan were out feeding. Corbin looked at Brandon and nodded his head in agreement hat yes the twins were out doing what they do best, hunting. Brandon knew that he had to hold his tongue and watched as his beautiful Lillian was surrounded by the triplets, and knew that this was his last night waking up with her in his crypt, he knew she now belonged to Corbin, and he knew better than to interfere. The last time he made that mistake, his female fledgling was tied to tree and left to burn when the sun came up while he watched and he was locked in a tomb for two months. When he was finally set free he was close to being a sack of bones. Thankfully Corbin took pity on him and let him feed enough so his body was replenished. He knew that his life could have ended, but for some reason Corbin prevented it and he never knew why, now he thinks he found out the reason, it was Lillian.

Corbin being the eldest, his coven knew that he had the power to see the future and many other powers as well. They all loved, respected and feared him. Corbin took care of any and all problems with the local law enforcement. He always made sure that whatever it was they wanted, and as long as it was within reason, he made sure they had it, no questions asked. He owed his immortality to him. When Corbin found Brandon, he was sick with a disease that the doctors in his time had no idea on how to cure. He was delirious with fever and when he saw Corbin, and he thought the angels had come to take him away to heaven. Corbin made him feel safe and told him that all his suffering was about to end.  Brandon could barely speak but was able to nod his head yes, and the next thing he knew he was strong and no longer sick.

Corbin took him under his wing and showed him how to live in the chaotic world as an immortal. They spent close to a hundred years together before Corbin taught him how to make another of their kind, and his first fledgling was a young male who had gone insane from staring at a painting for too long. Corbin told him that he had to take care of it and Brandon did as he was told. He rammed a wooden stake through the heart and watched as his first immortal child turned into a pile of ashes. Brandon knew the second that Corbin laid eyes on her, and the fact he didn’t kill her, that he wanted Lillian, and there was nothing he could about it.



Ashes to Ashes

A Young Adult
Vampire Romance

Lillian the Vampire Book Four

by Alice Marcs

rights reserved copyright 2013 by Northern Starlight Young Adult Press

Brandon looked on with a sad face as his beautiful new fledgling was slowly being taken away from him. As he watched the triplets playing with her long black hair and painting her nails and applying makeup he could not help but smile. Watching them pouring affection on her was a bitter sweet sight to see. He knew that there was nothing that he could do and his immortal heart was breaking. Corbin looked at him with a puzzled look and then a maniacal smile spread across his face. That smile sent chills up Brandon’s spine and he waited for Corbin to speak. Corbin read his mind just like it was a book and kept Brandon in suspense on purpose. Corbin crossed his pale hands and smiled once again. He turned his head to the side ever so slightly and glared into Brandon’s eyes.

“Have you forgotten that I can read your feeble little mind? Of course you haven’t. That is why you are blocking some of your thoughts from me. Take heed Brandon, I will destroy you and not think twice about doing it. Yes you have lost Lillian, and yes I saw this coming. Why do you think I allowed you to live as long as I have and showed you how to bring a mortal over to our blood? You think you are so smart, but Lillian being only two nights old knows more and is stronger than you. So my advice to you is this, leave this place now and do not think a single bad thought in your head, because I will hear it, mark my brutal words.” 

Corbin’s stare was icy and full of malice and Brandon knew better than to say a word. He bowed his head in respect and took his leave. Lillian looked up at Brandon as he walked away. She knew what had happened between him and Corbin, she heard it as if she was right there listening, she heard it even over the chatter of the triplets. She felt nothing for Brandon, she knew the reason why she was brought over to darkness was because Corbin wanted her and she was honored. Corbin looked over in her direction, smiled and blew her a kiss. Lillian smiled and went back the conversation she was having with the triplets without missing a beat. Corbin just watched as the four girls chatted about nonsense and he was pleased.  Lillian was exactly what he had been waiting for and he was not upset about using Brandon to find her. This was destiny, this was fate.

The triplets had finished Lillian’s hair and makeup. Corbin nodded his head in approval and the triplets began to giggle in unison while Lillian gave a slight bow. Corbin pointed to a wardrobe chest and smiled at his Lillian. The triplets all shrieked, jumped up and down and clapped their hands. Lillian thought it was funny that all three always showed emotion in unison. Alicia looked over and said “Of course we do Lillian; we do pretty much everything together, except feed. We have different styles when it comes to that. I like to take my time, savor every delicious drop, Annabelle over there, she just rips their throat open and drinks like a hog, and Angelic likes to toy with them, for her it is all about the chase!”

“They are just food to me so why would I care how they feel, I mean really?” Annabelle replied.

“I like how the blood tastes when they are afraid, it reminds me of candy” Angelic said.

Lillian loved the fact they were so much alike and yet so different. The more time she spent with them she was able to tell them apart even though they always dressed exactly alike. She read from their minds that they have always done this and it confuses their prey as well. Annabelle grabbed her by the hand and the four girls were now in front of the wardrobe chest. Alicia opened the doors and said “Ta Da!” as her sisters giggled. Lillian herself giggled as well. Inside the wardrobe was the most beautiful and exquisite clothes she had ever seen! Velvet, silk, lace, anything and everything you could imagine. Lillian felt like she was a kid in a candy store with a credit card with no limit. She began going through the wardrobe and could not for the life of her make a choice. Corbin was now behind her. He placed his hand on her shoulder and said “Let me choose for you if you don’t mind.” The triplets giggled again and Lillian nodded her head yes. Corbin stared into the wardrobe and then he smiled. He held up a long black skirt that had red ribbon on each side, a red velvet long sleeved shirt, a red rose for her hair and a pair of red knee high boots. The outfit was divine and Lillian could not wait to see what she looked like! She grabbed the clothes and ran into the other room to get changed. She almost got lost in the fabric once again. The triplets began urging her to come out already and show them how she looked. Lillian laughed and made her grand entrance.

All eyes were on her, and she basked in the attention. The twins, Dagan and Damien walked in and were in a heated conversation when they saw Lillian and stopped in mid-sentence. Lillian turned around and both twins whistled at the same time. Dagan acted like he was having a heart attack and Damien just stared with his jaw almost to the floor. Lillian smiled and blew them each a kiss and they both dropped to the floor. Lillian laughed and thanked them.

“So I see you told Brandon to hit the road right?” Dagan asked.

“Good, he was a wet blanket. Always acting like he knew everything. Corbin can we just kill him? I mean he served his purpose right?” Damien asked. Corbin glared at Damien and he shrunk back behind his twin brother.

“This is my coven and I will say when it is time to be rid of someone. Now don’t be a jerk and spoil this moment for Lillian and I. Show us both some bloody respect.” Corbin demanded and both Dagan and Damien nodded.

Lillian was lost for words.  All this attention on her was a very good feeling. Inside her head she heard Corbin’s voice telling her that she would hunt with the triplets tonight and see how they worked, and then she was to stay with them for all of eternity. If Lillian had a beating heart, it would have jumped right out of her chest. Corbin laughed and soon she was once again surrounded by the triplets. Corbin ushered the four ladies out of their chambers and into the night. He returned his gaze to the twins and smirked. “You both need to remember who is calling the shots here. Have I spoiled you so much that you do not know your place?” Corbin said showing his fangs. Both twins shrunk back in horror and began to apologize. Corbin held up his hand and they both were instantly quiet. Corbin smiled and the twins were instantly at ease and they knew better than to ever overstep their place again.

The girls walked out to cemetery hand in hand laughing like children. Annabelle looked at Lillian and smiled. The smile was a bit chilling and Lillian was a bit on edge from it.

BOOK: Lillian the Vampire The Complete Collection
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