Read Liar, Liar Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Liar, Liar (11 page)

BOOK: Liar, Liar
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“Goodbye, Regina.” I open the front door. 
And good riddance.

“I’ll take you for every penny.  You won’t make a mockery of me!” she shouts before laughing a cackle that reminds me of Cruella Deville.  I shudder as I jog down the steps and around to the garage to my vehicle.

As I pull out of the driveway and glide down the road, the only thought running through my head is,
I’m finally fucking free.


“I love how quiet it is out here,” Makenna murmurs.  Her hand is held firmly in mine, the full moon provides the only light as we walk along the deserted path, and a soft breeze blows wisps of her hair around her face.

“The city seems like a world away,” I agree.

“How did you find this place?” she asks.

“By accident, actually.  I needed to get away from everything one day and I just jumped in my car and drove.  I ended up here and I walked around for ages,” I tell her, leading her up the path to the top of the hill that looks out over the city.  “I sat right there,” I say, pointing to a large rock, “until my mind cleared and the tension eased from my body.”

“It certainly seems like the perfect place to escape the world,” she says softly as we reach the top.

“Oh my.  It’s absolutely beautiful,” she breathes as she takes in the sight of the city lights glistening below us. “Thank you for bringing me here.  For sharing this spot with me.”

“I’ve never brought anyone here,” I tell her honestly.

“That makes it all the more special.”

“You’re the special one, Makenna,” I whisper, stroking her cheek.  “You make me want things I never thought I wanted.  You make me want to be a better man.”

“You’re already a great man.”

“No.  I’m not,” I whisper harshly.  “But because of you I’m becoming the man I want to be.”

I wish I could tell her everything, but I can’t.  Not yet.  Not now. 

Taking her hand, I lead her over to a large tree.  I sit down, resting my back against the rough bark and pull her down to sit between my legs.  Her fingertips trace absent patterns on my thighs while my thumbs softly stroke her stomach through her shirt.  We sit silently, both lost in our thoughts of nothing.  Just enjoying each other’s company.

“When I was a little girl, I dreamed of moments like this,” she whispers softly.  I give her a squeeze with my thighs, encouraging her continue.  “A lot of the time I didn’t feel safe.  I imagined the day I would have safety, contentment. 
  That’s how I feel right now.  It’s how I feel when I’m with you.”

“I hate that you felt that way growing up, baby, but I’m happy as shit I’m the one who makes you feel that way now,” I say.

“You make me believe in things I long stopped believing in,” she murmurs.

“I feel exactly the same way about you, beautiful.  Exactly the same.”

Silence descends around us again and we stay comfortably wrapped in each other as the night wears on.

“Do you believe in fate, Benny?” Makenna asks.

“I’ve never really thought much about it, to be honest,” I reply.

“I believe fate brought me you,” she whispers.

“Whatever it was that brought you into my life, baby, I’m fucking thankful.” 

No truer words have ever been spoken.

Fate, destiny, luck, chance, whatever it was that planned the collision of our worlds.   To me it doesn’t need a name, I’m just happy I met her.




Regina Duncan on a good day is hell.  Regina Duncan on a bad day is disastrous. 

The past week since Juliette’s confrontation and subsequent transferal to the treatment facility has been hectic.  I have only seen Benny once, and we didn’t even have sex.  It was the wrong time of the month for me, and he didn’t seem to be in the mood either.  He just wanted to make out.  So we did, in the backseat of his Bentley while his driver drove us around.

Since that night, I haven’t had a chance to see him because we’ve had a lot of new small cases come in that require me to work nights.  Thankfully, Benny doesn’t question this at all, because he believes I am a waitress.

However, this morning when I was talking to Josephine at the reception desk, she got a call from Regina.  The minute I saw Josephine’s face pale, and I heard Regina shouting at her through the line, I knew something was up.  I told Josephine to transfer the call to me and I had raced into my office to take it. 

Regina had demanded an appointment for later today.  She also demanded I have the case file ready for her because my services were no longer needed.

I have been sitting here at my desk for the past two hours, staring at the files before me.

Getting personally involved with a client is always a no-no. 
  I have adhered to that rule strictly for my entire career, yet my defenses came tumbling down the minute I laid eyes on Benny.  He tore away all of my barriers and spoke to my soul without even uttering a single word.

Maybe this was a case of right love, wrong time?

Now I am faced with a conundrum of monumental proportions. 

I can complete the job I was hired to do by handing Regina the file containing all the information and documentation she needs to fulfill her motive for scheming more money from Benny when she divorces him.  Doing so will mean I will maintain my professional credibility.  However, it also means Benny will discover that I betrayed him in the worst way, and I’m sure he will never forgive me.

I don’t know what to do.  I wish I had time to go and see Benny, to explain to him everything.  To let him know of Regina’s plans and my involvement in the situation.  To let him know that regardless of this beginning as a case for me, it has turned into so much more than that.  In fact, it was
about work for me.  From the moment I saw his photograph that Regina had given me, I knew deep down that work was not going to be my primary focus.

My phone rings on my desk and I lift the handset.

“Ms. Banks, Regina Duncan is here for you.”

“Thank you, Josephine.  Show her to the conference room.  I’ll be there shortly,” I reply.

With a knot in my stomach, I lift the file from my desk and make my way down the hall, feeling every bit as heavy as the emotional lead settling in my chest.

“Regina.”  I smile weakly.  “Lovely to see you.”

“Makenna, I hope you’ve collated the file?” she says, launching right into the formalities. 

“I have.”

“I’m sure you appreciate my time is extremely valuable.  I have a meeting with my lawyer this afternoon, so I can’t delay.”

“Oh, that’s fine,” I stammer.  “Would you like me to explain the contents of the file?” I ask, praying she declines.

“No, that’s fine,” she replies briskly, shaking her head.  “My lawyer will check everything over and I’m sure he’ll be in contact should he need any further information on the affair.”

“Of course,” I say softly.

“Right then, I best be going.  Good day, Ms. Banks.”

She leaves the room and I slump in the chair knowing my life is about to change in ways I can’t even imagine. 



Unable to focus any longer, I collect my handbag and leave the office thirty minutes early.  Needing to burn off all my nervous energy, but too afraid to go to the gym in case Benny is there, I decide to walk the streets aimlessly.  The sun sets as the night air turns cool and I find a small café located on the corner of a quiet street.  I take a table toward the back and order a large coffee with a chocolate chunk muffin.  I’m in need of comfort food, but since this place doesn’t serve ice cream, the muffin will have to suffice. 

I feel absolutely horrible.  Betrayal not only affects the victim; it also makes the perpetrator feel like trash too.

I know Regina will be discussing the file with her lawyer, probably at this very minute.  However, I don’t know if she told Benny she had hired me to fabricate the affair.  I have no idea of knowing how much of this situation Benny is aware of.  Does he know Regina plans to file for divorce? 

My phone vibrates on the table interrupting my silent battle.  I glance down and my heart stops.  Benny’s name is lighting up the screen.  Part of me wants to reject the call, but the other part – the bigger part – hits accept instead.

“Hello.”  One word.  Filled with fear.

“Hey,” he answers easily and I relax slightly.

Maybe he doesn’t know yet.  Maybe she hasn’t told him.

“What’s up?” I feel awkward, stilted. I don’t know how to fully relax and speak normally to him.

“Everything okay?” he asks, picking up on my unease.

“Sure, fine,” I attempt to reply smoothly but I still sound rigid.

“You free tonight?”


“I’ll meet you at yours at around eight?”

I glance down at my watch.  It’s seven-fifteen.

That’s too soon. How about next week?
  “Eight is good,” I reply.

“See you then, babe,” he rasps.

A traitorous shiver travels through my body.  “Bye,” I whisper.

I set my phone back down and finish my coffee.  The half of the muffin I managed to eat before Benny’s phone call was delicious, but now I can’t stomach any food.  My insides are churning.

I decide to cab it home and shower before Benny arrives.  By the time I finish in the bathroom, I am even more nervous than I was when I left the café.  I throw on a pair of denim capris and a loose tee, and then I pull my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head. 

It’s ten minutes to eight.

Taking a bottle of wine from the fridge, I pour myself a full glass before bringing the bottle to my lips and taking a hearty swig.

The clock ticks over to eight and I wait with baited breath for the doorbell to chime.  The sixty seconds between eight on the dot, and eight-oh-one is the longest minute of my life. 

Tap, tap.

My heart jumps into my throat at the sound of his soft rap on my door.

My fingers are shaking as I pull open the door.  He looks heart-stopping, standing there in my hall, his ankles crossed, his arm leaning against the doorframe and his head resting on his hand.  He’s wearing jeans and a polo so he looks casual but incredibly handsome.  His hair is mussed up, and his face looks at ease.

God, he’s handsome.

“Hey,” I say with a small smile.

“Hey yourself.” He grins, giving me the dimples, and my knees go weak.

“Come on in.”  I hold the door open for him to enter before closing it behind him and securing the lock.

“Would you like a drink?  I don’t have beer, but I have a nice white wine.”

“Wine sounds good.”

I pour him a glass and hand it to him before bringing my own glass to my lips.

“You want to sit outside on the balcony?” I suggest.

“Sounds good.”  He follows me outside and I take the chair furthest from the door.  We sit in silence, watching the city lights and listening to the late evening traffic.  Things between us have never felt so uncomfortable.  I know he feels it too, and I have the overwhelming urge to just purge everything from my system.  Lay it all out on my overpriced wrought iron, antique-look table between us.  I can’t stand the awkward tension swirling around us.  It’s driving me crazy.

Honesty is the best policy. 
Right.  Right?

Oh, fuck.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly before downing the remainder of my wine in one gulp.

“I have to tell you something,” I begin.

Oh, shit.  I think I’m going to puke.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, concern marring his handsome face.

“I haven’t been completely honest with you, and I can’t take it any longer.  I have to tell you something that is going to ruin everything.”  Tears burn my eyelids but I fight to keep them from falling.

“Okay,” he says hesitantly.

Now the floor is all mine, I don’t know where to begin.  My mind has gone blank.  He waits in silence while I stare at my feet, trying to gain my bearings.

I decide to start at the beginning.

“I’m not a waitress,” I admit.  He has no other reaction except his eyebrows rising a little.  Other than that he looks unperturbed.  “I don’t generally frequent the gym, either.” 
I wish I had brought the bottle of wine out with us. 
“The truth is, I attended the gym knowing you would be there.  Bumping into you like I did wasn’t planned, but everything after was.  I orchestrated my attendance at the awards ceremony, I timed my visits to the gym knowing you’d be there…” I trail off, my heart pounding in my chest, as I let my words soak in.

“I knew everything about you before I even met you because I was given a file containing all of your details.”

“I’m lost here, Makenna,” he says tightly.

Like verbal vomit, the words pour from my mouth.  “I was hired to initiate an affair with you so your wife would be entitled to more money when she files divorce papers against you.”

I should feel lighter. 
The truth shall set you free.
  That’s a load of shit, because I feel so heavy with guilt, I’m sinking.

He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin in his fingertips.  From this angle, I can see his jaw is clenched tight and his eyes are hard.  He is angry, and he has every right to be.

“You’re an extortionist?”

“No!  God, no!  I own a business called
.  We’re an investigations firm.”

“How does you being a private investigator translate to you fabricating an affair with a married man?” he spits angrily, his blazing eyes finding mine.

“She wanted more money from you in the divorce.  She needed the proof.  But, it was never about the case for me. Yes, it may have brought you into my life, but it wasn’t the reason I pursued you.  I did it because I wanted to.  Because I couldn’t stop the attraction I feel for you,” I rush out, ending on a sob.

“You’re fucking unbelievable,” he snaps, standing up.  Worried he will leave, I rush over to him.

“Please believe me, Benny,” I beg.  “It wasn’t like you’re thinking.  Well, I mean it was to some extent, but it runs so much deeper for me than just a job.” I plead with him to understand.

“Believe you?” he roars.  “You expect me to believe you when you’ve done nothing but lie the entire time we’ve been seeing each other?  Well, fuck that!”

“Please, sit down.  Let me explain it all.  I’m not doing a very good job of laying it all out.”  A lone tears escapes, sliding down my cheek before I can stop it. 

“Is this all a lie, too, Makenna?  Is this all part of your act before you collect your check?”

Each venomous barb from his lip is like a dagger to my heart.

“I never wanted to betray you, but I couldn’t exactly be honest with you either.  I was hoping you’d be an asshole, because that would justify my actions.  But you weren’t.  I learned really quickly that Regina’s personality wasn’t a result of your actions.  It’s just the kind of person she is,” I ramble. I don’t even know what I am saying, or if it’s even making sense.  All I know is I don’t want him to leave, so I keep talking, hoping he’ll just stay and listen.

“I wanted so badly to tell you, so many times.  But I knew you’d end up hating me anyhow, and that’s the last thing I want.”

“I’ve got a confession too.  I planned on coming here tonight and spilling my guts about my fucked up marriage and the fact I had Regina served with divorce papers last week.  I wanted to tell you I’d fallen for you in a big way and that I wanted us to give this thing between us a serious go.”

“We still can,” I hurry out, interrupting him.  “We can still try.  Please, Benny.  I’ve fallen for you, too.”  Another tear escapes and I quickly swipe it away.

“You know, I knew you weren’t being honest about being a waitress, but never did I imagine you were a bigger bitch than Regina ever was.”  With that final blow, he strides through my apartment, slamming my front door as he leaves. 

I sink to the ground and let my tears fall freely.

BOOK: Liar, Liar
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