Legend of the Fae: A Highland Fantasy (The Dark Fae Saga Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Legend of the Fae: A Highland Fantasy (The Dark Fae Saga Book 1)
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~ Chapter 12 ~



Galen woke early to visit the lass before making his trip to the market. As he had hoped, the lass was beginning to respond to him. He had asked several more questions, but tried to be less invasive. Each time, he shared a little something more about himself. As he had done the night before, he only read a few chapters, leaving her wanting more.

The journey to Stonehaven was uneventful at best but most profitable. He managed to obtain several more weapons, spices for Moira, and new linens and fabrics for Jenny. Stonehaven was several hours north, and the journey took up most of his day. But it was necessary.

He had hoped to return to check on the lass before nightfall. Now that her ankle was practically healed and she was no longer confined to the bed, he had hoped she would join him tomorrow in the great hall for supper.

As soon as he returned and the supplies were taken care of, he finished his duties and went to check in on the lass. On his way to her room, he bumped his arm against a nail sticking out from the wall. The nail head dug deep across his skin, leaving a long gouge along his forearm. Using the end of his tunic, he wiped the blood clean and knocked on the door.

Stepping inside the room, he found the lass sitting in the chair near a roaring fire. The warmth of the room felt like a hot summer’s night. The lass looked at him awkwardly until he noticed that blood had dripped down his arm and begun dripping onto the floor, creating a small puddle beneath him.

“Awe, dinna mind that, Lassie. ‘Tis only a wee scratch.”

The lass stood and reached for his hand, dragging him to the chair. Galen sat as she began digging through the bag Evelyn had given her. Moments later, she kneeled down in front of him with a handful of bandages scrunched in her hand. Grabbing his arm, she dipped one of the bandages in the basin of water and cleaned the wound. Her touch was as gentle as a whisper, the softness of her fingers like daisy petals.

The lass tightly wrapped the bandage around his arm, securing it with a double knot. Once finished, she raised her head and looked at him. For the first time, he saw a side of her he had not thought was possible. She suddenly went from being the lioness to the innocent lamb. From behind the façade she used to mask her fear, she was beginning to come out of her shell.

“Thank ye,” he said.

The lass smirked. Her smile made her even more beautiful. Nervously, she stood and sat back down on the bed, keeping her distance. Galen found himself not wanting her to run away from him.



Ella sat back down on the bed. When she’d seen the blood dripping down his arm she feared he was severely injured. When he claimed it was a mere scratch, she knew better. Over the past two days, he had visited her several times throughout the day. Her feelings toward him were changing from utter irritation to respect. She started to find herself anxious for his visits, but convinced herself it was only because she wanted to hear more of the story. With only a few more pages left to read, she wondered if he would continue his daily visits.

As night was already upon them, Galen wished her goodnight and excused himself.


~ ♥ ~


Eager to spend his morning meal with the lassie to see how she fared, Galen grabbed a tray of food, enough for the both of them, and headed up to the tower room. He was starting to enjoy their quiet visits. On his way, he instructed his men to send up a tub and several buckets of hot water for his guest. It would be a kind gesture, and one that would ensure her trust in him.

Reaching the top step in front of the door, he softly knocked and waited, though it was foolish to think the mute lass would openly respond. Turning the iron handle, he pushed the door open and stepped into the room to find the lass was still sleeping.

Quietly, he lightly tiptoed to the side of the bed to place her tray onto the table. Not wanting to wake her, he began to turn and head back out the door until something caught his attention. Turning back to take a look, he noticed the lass’s brown leather satchel resting upon the floor. He couldn’t help but notice yesterday how she had clutched it in her hand.

Galen looked back at the lass, making sure he had not awakened her. When he was sure that she remained fast sleep, he bent down and picked up the bag. The lass was a mystery he wanted to solve, and perhaps this bag contained the answer. This satchel became the focus of his curiosity. What if this purse contained more than mere coins? What if it contained a hidden clan medallion or sacred jewels? Both would give him some idea, some inclination as to who she was.

Unraveling the straps, Galen emptied its contents out onto the palm of his hand. Six small unpolished grey stones with deep etched markings fell into his hand. These were not coins at all. There was no mistaking it; they were runes. It was evident that these reading stones were ancient from their worn appearance, and surface scratches made the images depicted on each one hard to see. Glancing back at the lass, Galen would not have guessed that she was a Seer.

These stones were just another puzzling clue. Galen placed the stones back into the bag and secured the straps so they looked as they had when he had found it. Gently, he placed the satchel onto the bed next to her hand. As he headed for the door, he heard the lass stirring in the bed behind him.

Turning around, he saw Ella sitting up in the bed smiling at him.

“Good morning, Lassie. I did no’ mean to wake ye. I was just checking on ye and wanted to see if ye were ready fer a bite to eat.”

The lass nodded her head.

“I have also asked for a tub to be brought up here. The warm water should be a great comfort,” Galen said, hoping to make her smile.

Sitting in the chair near the bed, Galen picked up the book and continued the story where he’d left off. Once he finished the story, he glanced up at the lass. Her eyes widened, and he could swear he saw a half smile. It warmed his heart to see the lass so content. Her transformation was exciting to see. More than anything Galen wanted to learn more about her, but the speech barrier stood in his way.



As Galen looked at her, Ella could see his hardened wall coming down. From the moment they’d met, she had only seen him restrained and domineering, but now he seemed much more relaxed. He spoke of the castle’s history and that of his clan, but kept himself a secret, never speaking of his past or his future. She wondered why he kept his life so private. Perhaps he had a dark past or had experienced something tragic, and talking about the memory was too much to bear.

Over the past few days, she had spent more time with him than anyone in her whole life. She found herself beginning to care about what he thought of her. From the time she woke up, she eagerly waited for him to return and regale her with more stories about himself and his clan. Her view of humans slowly started to change. Little by little, she began to realize that they were not the savages she had always thought them to be. Galen had been patient and very kind. With him, she was not afraid. He made her feel comfortable and safe.

Shortly after, a few men entered the room with a large wooden tub and six large buckets of hot, steaming water. They poured the water into the tub and laid out a towel. Steam from the water rose in the air. Ella inwardly smiled, not wanting to show too much excitement. The large men finished preparing the bath and left.



“Now that the lads have brought ye in a bath, will ye be needing anything else?” he asked, searching her eyes for an answer.

The lass shook her head.

“If ye are up to leaving this room, I would verra much like ye to join me fer dinner.”

Standing stoically in a docile fashion, she nodded her head in acceptance.

“Well, I will leave ye to bathe,” he said as she looked between him and the tub. Without warning, the lass yanked at her dress. In a blink of an eye, the dress pooled to her waistline then dropped down to the floor. Galen’s eyes widened with embarrassment.

He shied away, quickly diverting his eyes, looking anywhere but at the naked lass standing in front of him. Raising his hand to the nape of his neck, he rubbed his tense muscles as he was left speechless. He had not expected
to happen.

In just one glance, his eyes had taken in more details than if he had stared at a painting for an entire lifetime. How could he have not noticed her creamy-looking skin, the slender curve of her hips or her well-rounded, ample breasts? How would he ever get this image out of his head?
Bloody hell!

Without looking at her, he managed to stutter out, “Lass, I would be more than happy to send up one of the maids to assist ye.”

In the corner of his eye he saw movement. Watching her shadow on the wall, he could see that she moved from the middle of the room nearer to the tub. He heard the sound of water splashing onto the floor as she stepped in and sat down. Once he was certain she was fully submerged, he took a chance and glanced back. Her green eyes somehow glistened in the candlelight. The tips of her long hair floated above the water like seaweed as it clung to her chest. Galen was more than mesmerized. He was downright bewitched.
Why the hell am I still standing here like a bloody fool?

“I will see ye this evening,” he said, as he hurried himself out the door.



Ella chuckled at Galen’s odd behavior. Had he never seen a woman’s body before? She found it quite amusing how he stumbled all over himself. There was much amusement watching a man so strong and stern stammer like an idiot. Perhaps he had a weakness after all. If only she could use that weakness to her advantage.

Ella felt herself melting down deeper into the tub. The warm water worked in an instant, relaxing her muscles and calming her senses. She had felt nervous about joining him for dinner. But she did not want to pass up the opportunity to spend more time with him. He invaded her thoughts from morning to night and every moment in between. From the way he looked at her, to how he made her feel, she felt a fire within her whenever he was near. A fire she desired, just as a moth was attracted to a flame.

Ella lay in the tub until the water had long cooled. She stood, and with the towel wrapped around her, she moved next to the fire to dry herself. The soft warm glow was as comforting as a soft blanket safely wrapped around her keeping her warm and protected. As she brushed her hair the natural curls began to twine around each other as they lay across her shoulders and spiraled down her back. Next to the chair, Ella noticed the bag Evelyn had provided. Unlacing the ribbon that held it closed, she pulled out the deep blue gown to wear.

~ Chapter 13 ~



Galen sat in the great hall with his fellow clansmen as Moira and the other kitchen maids filtered out of the kitchen serving the evening meal. On the high table next to Galen sat Alex, Brandon, his longtime friend and second in command, and master archer James.

Speaking to his men about his plans to bring the war with McGregor to an end, Galen noticed their eyes flickering away from him. Something distracted them, and apparently it was more important than discussing the matter at hand.

Turning his head to see what had caught their eyes; his mouth was left agape at the breathtaking image nervously standing at the top of the stairs. Draped in a dark blue gown, the dazzling beauty on the top step shined down like a midnight star. 

“She is a fair beauty,” Alex said in a lowered tone. “I have a mind to introduce myself to the lass.”

“Oh nay, Alex, no’ again,” Brandon whined. “Ye do remember what happened the last time ye became fond of a lass? Ye almost started a war with the MacLaren clan. Paid thirty silver for that debacle, and I believe some cattle as well.”

“Aye, but I dinna have intentions of marrying the MacLaren’s daughter.”

“Aye and that be the reason we had to save yer arse last time, if I recall,” Brandon reminded him.

The men at the table laughed at Alex’s folly, but Galen kept his eyes fixed on the lassie as she glided down the staircase. Like a soft wind blowing against a delicate flower, she moved gracefully. Her tiny waist and hips swayed in perfect rhythm when she walked. It reminded him of church bells on Sunday morning as they swung back and forth. For a lass who couldn’t talk, she had away about her that could light up a room. The thought of the lassie with any man, even Alex, strangely angered Galen. He thought her to be too vulnerable for a man to be pining over. At least, that’s what he told himself.

“This lass will be different. Women love my charm,” Alex continued.

“Aye, they be lovin’ something, but I dinna think tis yer charm,” Brandon joked.



Ella stood on the top step. The open hall allowed her to see the many people in the room below. As several took notice of her, the room seemed to fall silent despite the loud chatter she’d heard upon her advance. She felt as if all eyes were on her. The muscles in her stomach began to flutter like a swarm of tiny butterflies. She felt she had no guard against these people, no shield to hide behind.

She spotted Galen sitting at the far table, smiling up at her. When they were together she felt a sort of peace only felt before in her dreams. Somehow they were linked, connected in this life as if they were two halves to a whole. It was most certainly not love at first sight, though she would not deny her attraction, but something deeper, more powerful; as if fate had brought them together. But she had yet to know why.

Sitting next to Galen were three other men. To his right, an unshaven man with black hair and a maroon-colored tunic flashed a smile in her direction. The two blonde-haired men on Galen’s left paid her no attention. 

With a deep breath, she lifted the skirt of her gown and descended the stairs. Her eyes locked on Galen. Food had already been served; the tables were full, and people had already begun eating. Walking toward the head table, she stepped up on the dais where Galen had pulled out the chair next to him.  

“My lady,” he said, as he pushed in her chair once she sat.

As she approached, the man seated next to her glanced over their shoulders with wide eyes and jaws slacked open. She was grateful the table was not round, giving them a direct view.

The man with the black hair who sat next to her on the opposite side of Galen turned his chair toward her.

“My lady. My name is Alex Monroe Montgomery. I am the Laird’s high guard and advisor. O’er here, ye see Brandon and James, but pay no’ heed to them. Ye can call me Alex,” he said as he snatched her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.

Ella retracted her hand as Alex scooted his chair even closer to hers.

“Allow me,” he said, as he filled her mug to the rim.

Ella picked up the drink and took a small sip. Warm liquid suddenly burned the back of her throat, as if she drank liquid fire. Coughing profusely, she began to panic. Throwing one hand to her throat and the other to her chest, she thought she had been poisoned. Fear escalated.

Galen quickly slid his mug in front of her.

“Here, drink this. Tis water.”

Ella grabbed the mug from his hand. The water instantly cooled the back of her throat.


Ella nodded, intermittently coughing.

“Have ye ne’er tasted whiskey before lassie?” Alex asked. Ella turned to him and the other men as well. Anger rose within her as they tried to hide their smiles.

“Dinna mind them. Whiskey tis like water, but ye must have a taste fer it,” Galen assured her. 

Ella curled her nose at his comment. It was nothing like water. Devil’s spit or dragon’s fire was a better comparison. She took small bits of her trencher’s offering. The food tasted rich and salty compared to her normal bland diet, but it was filling. Midway through the meal, a group of men began playing music in the corner of the room. 

As the music played, Ella found herself smiling and slightly bobbing her foot up and down. It was a lovely, cheerful tune. It was as if they chose the beat to match the tempo of her heart. Several people around her stood and started dancing about the room; at least, she thought it was dancing. Ella giggled though she tried to hide it.

In her world, music was a part of her everyday life, but it was nothing like this. It was much more calm and orderly. There was even a time when the sun rose, and the sound of music could be heard as the flowers and trees greeted the new day. The flowers would bloom and the leaves would uncurl from the cold night to absorb the light and warmth of the sun. But that was before the Uprising.

Turning in her chair, she looked over at Galen. Dressed in a white tunic with a tartan sash hanging from his right shoulder, he looked very handsome. Galen raised an eyebrow, as if he wondered what she was thinking. Perhaps not being able to speak was a good thing, as Ella knew she had a wicked tongue.   

“Would ye care to dance?” Alex asked, interrupting her thoughts.

Dance? Though she knew very well how to dance, it was nothing like how the humans were doing it. That was not dancing! They looked as if they were a herd of crazed cattle running around in circles.

Ella indecisively furrowed her brows. Looking at her with sad eyes, he asked again. Biting her lower lip, Ella accepted only to stop him from asking again. Alex eagerly smiled and held his arm out to her. Placing her hand lightly upon it, she allowed him to escort her onto the floor. Ella quickly noticed his pleasant mannerism change from polite conversation to sweet words. Swinging her around the dance floor, she made every attempt to keep her distance and avoid eye contact
Though he was a handsome man, she felt nothing for him in return.



Seeing Alex and the lass together tore through Galen like a raging storm. Alex was a good man, and any lass would be honored to catch his attention. But the jealous monster within Galen was ready to break free, eager to drop Alex on his arse and bury him if he gave any indication of moving beyond flirtation.

Galen did not once remove his eyes from them. He kept close attention to where Alex placed his hands. With his palms beginning to sweat, Galen ever so patiently waited for the song to end. He swore the song was the longest he had ever heard.
By the saints,
hen is this bloody thing going to end!

The crowd cheered for an encore as the musicians jumped right into the next song, without a pause in between. Galen had had just about enough watching Alex paw his hands on the lass. Bolting up from his chair, he briskly walked toward them.

“Forgive me, but may I have this next dance?” he asked, stepping into the vacant spot between them.

Alex bowed and stepped aside as Galen moved to her front. Standing so close, he was about a head taller. He could smell the scent of primrose in her hair and milled lavender soap upon her skin.
Her skin.
Delicate and creamy as butter. Suddenly, Galen was transported back to the memory of her naked flesh. On the outside he remained unchanged, but inwardly his body began to ache with need.


Ella sighed in relief when Galen came in between them. One dance with Alex was one dance too many, she decided.

“May I?” he asked, as he held his hand up to wrap it around her waist.

How could she refuse him when every part of her wanted to be held in his arms? The idea of being close to him sent chills down her spine and caused her heart to quicken.

With a sharp thrust, he pulled her body closer to his. Ella bit her bottom lip to calm her nervous trembling. There was no doubt he could feel every shiver and shake her bones made.
Stay calm, stay calm
, she repeated like a mantra to herself as she attempted to draw in slow, calming breaths.



Holding a woman in his arms never felt more right. He was drawn to her like a bee is to honey. Though she was a mute and he knew nothing of her, Galen found the lass enchanting. Her subtle giggles, the way she blushed when he was near, even her body language spoke loud and clear of her character and personality. If only the lass could speak, all of his questions would be answered. There was never a secret he could not crack or a riddle he could not answer, but this lass was a mystery that might never be solved, and it drove him absolutely crazy. It only made him want her more.



After another song, then another, Ella could feel herself melting against his chest. Heat radiated off him in waves, and she thought he could probably warm the whole room if it continued. Ella took in a deep breath. He smelled of musk with a hint of lavender and thyme.

As they continued to dance, Ella felt as if she was lifted from the ground and dancing on air. Before she knew it, the song had ended and Galen still held her in his arms.

“Would ye care to take a walk wit’ me?”

Ella nodded. Galen escorted her down a long corridor, walking by her side. Hanging along the walls were several lit sconces offering just enough light to see the portraits and tapestries that adorned the hallway. Relatives of Galen, he explained, as he enlightened her with their stories and legacies. Ella listened attentively as Galen described the lively works of art they passed. He mentioned that he used to live here as a child before his mother died, but after her death he was sent to live at the priory.

The corridor led to a single door at the end of the hall. Galen pushed open the door and escorted her inside. The room had a feminine-like quality, with beautifully embroidered tapestries, dried flowers still in a vase, and a mountain of books.

“This was my mother’s sitting room. I have no’ been in this wing of the castle since she died.”

Ella eyed him suspiciously. Why had he brought her here? By his expression this room caused him much distress, and it was the first time he had shown deep emotion.

“She died when I was a young lad. I ne’er knew my father. Ye would have liked my mother. She was a lot like ye. Beautiful, stubborn to a fault, and quiet,” he chuckled.

“Lassie, I must tell ye that o’er the past few days, I have experienced something I have ne’er felt before. From the moment I laid eyes on ye ‘twas like we have some connection. Every morning, from the moment I wake, I cannae seem to get ye off my mind. It’s distracting and aggravating. But when I see yer smile, tis like the sun and I’d wait all day for just a glimpse. I cannae explain, it but even now am having difficulty controlling myself from kissing ye. This would be so much easier if ye could talk. Then at least I would know if ye were thinking I be a damn bloody fool fer telling ye all this or if ye felt the same even in its smallest measure,” he said as he crept closer to her.

Ella stood frozen. She had no idea how to react, and if she had the words she would not know what to say. No one had ever spoken to her so honestly before. His confession lit a flame of passion within her that she never knew existed. Suddenly, she forgot how to breathe.

Placing his finger under her chin, he tilted her head upwards so his face met hers. Slowly and cautiously, he leaned toward her until their lips were a mere breath away. Ella could feel his hot breath upon her lips. For the briefest moment, she felt his lips softly brush against hers. The light touch sent chills. For a moment he paused, as if asking for permission to continue. Ella slightly parted her lips, and with no argument or hesitation, Galen pressed his lips to hers in a hard and passionate kiss.

A feverish sensation began to heat her core as he placed a hand against her lower back and pressed her whole body against his. The kiss felt like Fae magic looked when a spell began to take hold. Tingles sparked throughout her body, and colors seemed to shimmer around her, sending waves of passion and desire whirling around her. Ella was tempted to wrap her arms around him and run her fingers through his hair to see if he would disappear, but kept her hands firmly to her sides.

BOOK: Legend of the Fae: A Highland Fantasy (The Dark Fae Saga Book 1)
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