Read Learning Curves Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

Learning Curves (8 page)

BOOK: Learning Curves
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Stop it.

His eyes moved to her mouth, and as the blue of them deepened, her body came alive. “I’m glad I brought you here. The Keys have been good for you.”

You have been good for me.

She mentally kicked herself again. He offered her a weekend of sex, and tomorrow it was back to the real world.

But she had this weekend, and it was one she would never forget. Her ex was an asshole. Linc had proven over and over again that she was responsive, and had made her feel sexy, wanted and important. His touch, his kisses, his lovemaking…they had cemented the fact that she’d been with the wrong man. So, who was the right man? Her stomach squeezed, because she suspected the right man was the one sitting beside her, his gaze moving over her face, assessing her.

Don’t even go there. This is a one-time gig. You know how he is. Lose the hearts and flowers hope. Appreciate him for what he’s giving you

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

Not wanting to spoil the mood or bring reality into this crazy fantasy just yet, she shook her head. “Nothing.”

“No lies, Lauren.” He slowed the boat and turned to her. “What’s on your mind?”

From the command in his voice she knew he wasn’t going to let it go. “If you must know, I have that engagement party next week.”

“You don’t want to go?” A boat sped past them, and Linc waved then turned his attention back to her.

She crinkled her nose, a knot in her stomach at the thought of sitting at the singles table while Matthew rubbed it in. She could hear him now.
What, no Linc? Guess your boringness got to him
. What the hell was the matter with him? They were done. He was the one who’d left her. There was no unfinished business between them, so she had no idea why he didn’t just leave her the hell alone.

“Not really. Matthew will be there.” Linc’s eyes narrowed, and he scrubbed his face like he was trying to find the common link. “My cousin Gabe and Matthew are best friends. Gabe is the one who introduced us, actually.”

“Ah, I see. I’d always wondered how you two met.”

“I just…I don’t know. He’ll be there with Jessica.”

Linc went unusually quiet and looked past her shoulder, torment on his face. The muscles along his jaw rippled, and the hand on her leg tightened.

“What?” she asked.

“Can you imagine if I showed up there with you,” he said.

A sound, something between a laugh and groan, caught in her throat. “Oh yeah, that would really surprise him. I’m sure his head is still spinning from last time.”

“I don’t know why he was so shocked.” A slow sweep of his gaze filled her with sensual warmth. “You’re a beautiful, desirable woman. Just because
was too stupid to see it, doesn’t mean I was.”

Her heart squeezed at the things this man said to her, the way he made her feel about herself. It triggered a craving she couldn’t seem to sate. She leaned toward him, and need pulsed between them as their bodies touched. Heat ambushed her, and she no longer wanted to think about next week’s engagement party. Right now, she only wanted to think about Linc, and how little time they had left.

“Linc?” she murmured. Before this weekend she had no idea he was so rock solid, a guy she could count on. She touched his face, his broad shoulders. Buried underneath this perfect package was a kindness that ran deep, a man with integrity and heart—a man she knew better than to fall for, but went right ahead and did it anyway.

“Hmmm.” His lips found hers, for a long slow kiss she felt all the way to her core.

“Is there a bed on this boat?”

He turned the power off and pressed a button to drop the anchor. “Come with me,” he said, his voice rough with want. They stood, and he put a hand on her back as he guided her to the lower deck.

She went down the stairs and glanced around at the small space, taking in the little kitchenette before turning her attention to the bed. The boat swayed, and Linc put his arm around her waist to hold her steady.

“I’ve got you,” he whispered into her ear. He guided her to the bed, and as they fell, they reached for each other, their lips joining. His quick tug had her on top of him, and his body was hard and ready.

Pleasure boiled inside her as she sat up and straddled him, her eyes never leaving his as she pulled off her bathing suit cover up and removed her bikini top.

“Fuck me,” he said, and flattened his hand against her stomach.

The fire in his eyes, the heat of his palm against her body burned through her. She pushed his hand away.

He stared up at her. “What—”

She touched her breasts, rubbing her nipples, and he lasered in on the action.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he growled.

“Don’t like what you see?” she asked playfully, never having felt so wanted.

“Oh, I like it.” He lifted his hips, rubbing his cock against her ass. “Believe me I do.”

“Good.” With her legs still around his waist, she went up on her knees. With unhurried movements meant to drive him crazy, she slowly trailed her hands down her body, wiggling slightly as she reached the band on her bikini bottoms. His nostrils flared as his gaze tracked her hands. Her palms stilled on her stomach, and her breath grew shallow as she toyed with the slip of material.

“You know you’re going to pay for this,” he said.

She grinned. “Maybe that’s what I’m counting on.” She dipped her hand inside her bikini bottoms to touch herself. She gasped. “I am so wet.”

“Fuck, Lauren.”

She lightly stroked her clit, and Linc wet his lips as she rocked against her fingers, brushing her backside along his cock. The sweep of her fingers brought her so close, made her so wet and hungry, but she wanted to draw this out longer, wanted to tease and torment him. She pitched her hips forward and moaned.

Linc drew a ragged breath. “Fuck this.” She yelped when he grabbed her by the hips and flipped her over.

“Payback,” he groaned, and pinned her to the bed. He clamped down on her breast and sucked. A shuddering wave of pleasure rippled through her. She whimpered and moaned, as he kissed her furiously. Damn, she was so close to coming. Sex with this man was insane.

He shifted, his lips sweeping down her body. Pleasure hit a thousand times harder when he tugged her bikini bottoms aside and jammed his face between her legs. Her brain short-circuited, her body his to own.

He growled, and greedy hands ripped the material from her hips.

“Linc,” she gasped.

He tore into his clothes, tossed them away, and grabbed his cock. He pumped it in his palm, and she whimpered. “You like that?”

She nodded slowly. “Yeah.”

“You want it inside you?”


“Then spread your legs. Show me how much you want me to fuck you.”

He knelt between her thighs, and she reached for him, her hands trembling. He entered her, plunging so deep, it drove the air from her lungs. She gulped for her next breath. He kissed her furiously, crushing his chest against hers, and she let go. Never had she felt so naked and exposed, her body so deliciously used and beautifully abused.

He pushed up on one hand, the other going to her face as he rocked into her. Jesus, when he looked at her like that…like this wasn’t just about sex, it made her question everything they were doing…feeling.

“I never knew it could be like this,” she whispered.

He moaned. “It usually isn’t. This is something…I don’t even now how to describe it.” He stopped talking and ran his fingers over her face, a searing possessiveness in his touch. Her throat tightened, and he shifted to cup her breast, running his finger around her nipple.

She arched into him. “Don’t stop.”

He held her down, fucking her frantically, the pace furious as he owned her—possessed her. “Never.”

As his cock pleasured, her arousal peaked, and she took him deeper than ever before.

She closed her eyes, grinding against him, taking, giving, wanting it all…everything. “I’m there,” she murmured against his neck.

“Me, too.”

He stroked her hair, his fingertips grazing her temples as she lost herself in the sensations. An orgasm tore through her, more powerful than any before, the violent explosion scaring her a bit. But she didn’t need to be afraid. Linc was here with her, brushing her hair from her shoulders and peppering her jaw, her chin, and her collarbone with tender kisses as he let go, joining her in release.

She opened her eyes and stroked his damp hair as his jaw clenched, and his face contorted, a stunning display of a man coming undone. There was nothing sexier.

“Lauren,” he whispered.

He collapsed on top of her, and she closed her eyes, trying to shut out the things she was feeling. When she opened them again, and found him staring at her, her heart jumped.

Linc was right. He’d ruined her. How the hell was she ever going to piece herself back together when he took her home and said good-bye?

With the weekend behind them, Lauren stole a glance at Linc as he negotiated the car along the strip of highway leading to the airport. As if sensing her eyes on him, he reached out, closed his hand over hers, and gave a little squeeze. She swallowed against the dryness in her throat, but there was nothing she could do about the ache pounding away in her chest, around the vicinity of her heart. Over the weekend she’d fallen so damn hard for this man. Should she tell him? But what if he didn’t feel the same? What if this weekend really was only about sex for him?

Her heart crashed, and she took a breath, her mind racing a million miles an hour. She stared out the window, and a few minutes later Linc pulled into the parking lot, and powered the vehicle down. He turned to her. “All set?”

She nodded and reached for her door handle. The warm air fell over her as she left the air-conditioned car. Linc grabbed their luggage and met her at the front of the vehicle. They stepped inside the small airport, and, needing a moment to pull herself together and figure out how she was going to broach the subject of the future with Linc, see if maybe he wanted to continue this relationship past this weekend, she said, “I just need to make a quick trip to the ladies’ room.”

He twirled the keys around his fingers. “I’ll return the car and meet you back here.”

Lauren escaped into the bathroom. A pretty blonde stood at the counter, applying bright red lipstick to her pouty lips. As soon as she left, Lauren darted into one of the stalls, taking a few minutes to herself. She sat for a long time, trying to sort through everything that had happened this weekend and figure out what was real and what wasn’t. When someone else entered the stall next to her, she went to the sink, and splashed cold water on her face. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she smiled at the image she saw. There was a nice pink tinge on her cheeks, a new shine in her eyes.
Linc did this to me
. Honest to God, he was everything she’d ever wanted in a guy, and she had no idea sex could be like that. Maybe it was so good because she was with someone she really liked.

“This is something…I don’t even know how to describe it.”

As his words came rushing back, it gave her pause. Was it good for him, too, because he liked her the same way she liked him? Dammit, she didn’t know, but she sure as hell needed to find out.

She pulled open the door and was about to step out when she heard Linc’s voice.

“Yeah, I was just here for the weekend,” he said.

“And you didn’t call. I’m surprised,” a woman said, her voice light, flirtatious.

“Not this time,” he said. “I was, ah…busy.”

“Too busy for a special delivery from me,” the girl cooed.

A delivery from her? What the hell was she delivering? Herself on a silver platter, or on silk sheets?

“You know you have the nicest view of the beach. I’d love to see it again,” she said, her voice suggestive.

Seriously? She’d been inside, seen his view? Lauren’s heart fell to her stomach. So much for her being the only girl he’d ever brought there. Why did he lie? Was it all part of the seduction? Part of the game they were playing? Jesus, how could she have let herself believe there could be more? That a guy like Linc could go for a girl like her?

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

“I’m sure I’ll need one of your special deliveries next time,” he said.

“Okay, I look forward to it.”

Lauren pushed the door open and rounded the corner to see the pretty blonde with the red lips walk away, an extra little shake to her hips.

Linc turned to her. He opened his mouth, paused, and closed it again. He scrubbed his chin, a frown on his face like he was battling an internal war, and finally said, “Ready to get home?”

“More than ready,” she said, pushing past him to make her way to the Cessna waiting on the tarmac.

Chapter Six

Linc paced inside his condo. Here it was, Friday night, and instead of burying himself in some hot blonde like he would any normal weekend, he was wearing a hole in his floor, a hot fucking mess since dropping Lauren off at her place five days ago. He wanted more. Should have asked for more.

But she gave him no indication that she wanted anything other than a weekend of hot sex, and she seemed to cool on him at the airport. She had hardly talked to him on the way home, like she couldn’t wait to get way.

His heart thumped. Fuck, he should have known she’d be the one, the only woman who could ease the restlessness inside him. She was unlike any other woman he’d been with, and after having her he couldn’t let her go.

So what the fuck was he going to do about it? Pacing his floor like a raving lunatic wasn’t going to win her back. He shot a glance at the clock. Fuck this. He grabbed his keys and cell phone off the table and stormed outside.

Thirty minutes later he found himself outside Onyx, one of Miami’s trendiest clubs. People filtered in, and he scanned the sidewalk, looking for Lauren. He caught a glimpse of her rounding the corner, coming his way, and it scared him a little how much he wanted her.

But it was more than that. He needed her. Not just in his bed, but with him. The time they’d spent just talking had been different. It was good. No, better than that. It was unlike anything he’d experienced with a woman. And he wanted more. So much more.

BOOK: Learning Curves
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