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Authors: The Gryphons' Dream: Soul Linked#5

Laura Jo Phillips (36 page)

BOOK: Laura Jo Phillips
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“What changed your minds?” Aisling asked.

“Prince Garen asked that we wait,” Olaf replied.  “We owe him much for his counsel.  Had we given up, we would not have found you.”

“It makes me sad to think that you almost gave up,” Aisling said.  “At the same time, I cannot imagine waiting for one person for seven hundred years.  I spent seven years on my own, and that was quite enough.”

“None of us shall ever be truly alone again,” Rand said.  “That is all that matters now.”

“What’s it like to fly?” Aisling asked, wanting a change of subject.  “Is it difficult to do the first time, or does it come naturally?”

“We don’t really know,” Rudy replied.  “We flew before we could walk.”

“Well, I guess I’ll find out soon, won’t I?” she said, yawning widely.  Olaf, Rudy and Rand stared at her.

“I thought you guys said it would be an hour.”  She yawned again.

“It varies, but the average is between half an hour and an hour,” Olaf replied.  “It seems that you, as usual, are faster than most.”

“Being fast isn’t always a good thing,” she replied after another jaw cracking yawn.  “I hope that...,”

Rudy leapt from his chair, catching Aisling as she fell forward, sound asleep.  “That was fast,” he said as he lifted her into his arms.

“Yes, it was,” Olaf agreed, not even trying to hide his worry from his brothers.  They all felt it.  But there was nothing to be done.  They had begun this, and they must continue.  It could not be stopped.

Rudy laid Aisling on the bed, then straightened her robe and brushed a stray lock of hair back from her face.  His heart skipped a beat in fear every time he thought of losing her.  They had only just found her, but she was everything to them.

“If this goes badly, and she travels to the next plane,” he began.

Olaf placed one hand on his shoulder and met Rand’s gaze with his own.  “Yes, I know,” he said.  “You will follow her, as will we all.”





Even though Aisling’s body had rushed through the first stage of the transformation process, the next stage lasted every single second of a full hour.  After they performed the second injection, Karma pushed her into a deep sleep, and they used their Water magic to hold her there as they had done in the infirmary.  As Rand showed Karma out, they thought that things were going quite well in spite of the shaky beginning.  That was their last positive thought for a while.

Olaf, Rand and Rudy were appalled at the level of pain that Aisling’s body experienced during the second stage of the transformation.  They agreed that they were fools to have allowed it, that they should have insisted she remain human.  There was nothing worth the torture they watched as they fought to hold her slender body to the bed so that the convulsions did not break her bones.  By the time it was over, they were all emotionally and physically exhausted.

“Let’s clean her up before we awaken her,” Olaf suggested tiredly.  “I do not want her to see herself like this.”

“Agreed,” Rand said, hurrying to the bathroom for some warm cloths.

“I’m not sure how we are supposed to have sex now,” Rudy said.  “All I want to do is climb into bed and hold her for the rest of our lives.”

“I know what you mean,” Olaf said.  “Maxim Katre said that we might feel this way, but that when the mating fever hits her, our feelings will change.”

“I hope so,” Rudy said, taking a warm cloth from Rand. 

“We need to do this quickly,” Olaf said as they removed her robe and began to wash her body.  “The mating fever will set in soon, whether she is awake or not.”

A few minutes later, they stood alongside the bed and withdrew their Water magic.  Aisling awoke all at once, instantly aware of where she was and what had happened.

“How did it go?” she asked, frowning at the expressions of worry and her men’s faces.

“It went as it was supposed to,” Olaf replied.

“You guys look tired.”

“Do not worry over us,
,” Rudy said.  “However, please know that we will never allow you to experience the slightest amount of pain again for the remainder of our existence.  And beyond.  Never.”

Aisling laughed and sat up, holding the sheet against her chest modestly.  “Since we all agreed that we want children, that’s going to be an impossible directive to keep to.”

“No children then,” Rudy replied steadfastly.  “We shall adopt.”

Aisling shook her head.  “I’m sorry it was so rough on you,” she said.  “But honestly, I never felt a thing.  The last thing I remember was us sitting over there talking.”

“Truly?” Rand asked.

“Yes, truly,” she said.  They all seemed to relax a little at that.

“What happens next?” she asked.  A sudden wave of intense arousal flooded her body all at once, answering her question.  She shoved the sheet away from her, unable to stand the feel of it against her suddenly hypersensitive skin.  Her breasts swelled, her nipples grew so hard they ached, and her pussy gushed fluid down her thighs.

“Help me,” she gasped, “please.”

“We’re coming,” Olaf said as they all rapidly tore their clothes off.  “Just one moment,
, we are hurrying.”

“Please,” Aisling gasped as her body began to shudder uncontrollably.  Who would believe that arousal could become so intense that it hurt?  She struggled to prevent the needy whimpers from escaping her own mouth, but simply could not hold them back.

Olaf tossed his clothes aside and reached for Aisling.

“Hurry up, Rudy,” he said as he lifted her from the bed and she immediately wrapped her legs around his waist.  The feel of her hot, wet vulva pressing against his stomach made him shudder with desire.

“I can’t stand this,” Aisling gasped, the tears running down her cheeks tearing Olaf’s heart to shreds.

“Rudy, you must hurry,” he said.  “She cannot take much more.”

“Just another few seconds,” Rudy said, his voice strained.  “I cannot hurt her, Olaf.  I just can’t.  I have to make sure this is right.” 

Aisling whimpered, desperate with need. 

Rand kicked his clothes aside and reached in between Olaf and Aisling, his long fingers finding her hard, throbbing clit.  He stroked it gently, but Aisling whimpered in frustration.  She didn’t want gentle.  He grasped the slippery nub between his fingers and began to milk it with firm strokes.

Aisling’s head went back, her hips arching against him.  He squeezed the nub more tightly, the way she liked, and tugged on it.  Her entire body bent backward, her head slamming against Rudy’s shoulder as she climaxed so hard that she didn’t even have the breath to scream. 

Rand continued milking her clit until her body began to relax.  He released her slowly, then slid his hand free.

“I love you,
,” Olaf whispered.

“I love you,” she whispered back, her body already growing tense with need again.  “I love all of you, so much.  But I don’t think we have much time.”

Olaf reached down between them and grasped his cock.  The moment he pressed the thick head into her hot, throbbing pussy, her inner muscles clamped down around him.  He had to grit his teeth against the urge to fuck her hard and deep until they both screamed their release.  Instead he pressed himself into her carefully, holding her hips to keep her from doing the very thing he wanted to do.  When he was fully seated he took a moment to breathe.  What he really wanted to do was whimper along with Aisling as her body continually pulsed and tightened around him.

“Rudy?” he asked.

“I’m ready,” Rudy said as Rand took his place on the bed.

Olaf felt Rudy shift Aisling’s body against him, then watched her face as Rudy pressed his thick cock into her tight rear opening.  He was relieved when she began straining back towards Rudy as though eager for more of what he was giving her.  Olaf held her still, knowing that the biggest danger at this point was Aisling herself.  If they weren’t careful, she could easily cause herself injury.

“I’m in,” Rudy gasped after a moment, panting as he fought to hold himself still within Aisling’s hot, tight passage. 

“Now Rand,” Olaf gasped.  “Quickly, please.”

“Move a little closer,” Rand said.  Olaf and Rudy worked together to shift a little closer to the bed.  “That’s good,” Rand said when his cock was level with Aisling’s mouth.  “I’m ready.”

“Aisling, we need you to raise your arms.  Left one to Rudy, right to Rand.  Once Rand is all the way in your throat, we will penetrate you with our fangs.  It will only take a few seconds.  You remember, we went over all of this, right?”

Aisling nodded, her breath rasping in and out of her lungs, her body struggling to move on the two cocks already penetrating her, barely able to think from the fire burning inside of her.

“Rand, get ready,” Olaf ordered.  He watched as Rand lifted the head of his cock to Aisling’s lips, saw her open her mouth and take him deep without hesitation.  He looked up at Rand who nodded as he lifted Aisling’s wrist to his mouth.  He turned to Rudy and saw that he had Aisling’s wrist ready as well. 

Olaf took a deep breath.  This was it.  The big moment they had never thought to have for themselves.  After this, their souls would be linked.  How often had they wondered what that would be like?  How it would feel to be whole?  To have the three parts of the soul they shared be rejoined, linked together through their Arima, as they were meant to be?  They were about to find out.

He lowered his mouth to Aisling’s neck and, at the exact same moment, they all sank their fangs into her flesh and froze.  Olaf counted his heartbeats, not daring to breathe as he waited for instinct to tell him enough.  Finally, the moment came, and they all slid their fangs out.  It was done.

Olaf heard Aisling breathe in deeply and glanced up to see that Rand was still deeply seated in her throat.  The miracle was working. 

They all began to thrust in and out of Aisling’s body in a strange rhythm they did not control.  Their bodies moved of their own volition, and for a split second, Olaf nearly fought it.  Then he remembered being told that this would happen, so he forced himself to relax as his body thrust into Aisling’s faster and faster, harder and deeper. 

Olaf closed his eyes and sensed a light growing inside of Aisling.  Small and green with a touch of gold at it’s center.  The light grew rapidly as they continued to plunge into her, harder and faster until, all at once, they exploded into a massive simultaneous orgasm.  Olaf’s seed sprayed from his body and into Aisling’s, racing through her passage towards the bright light in the center of her being.  It met with Rand’s seed and then Rudy’s, blending together within the light, causing it to grow larger and brighter.  The light began to vibrate, beckoning to them, wanting something more, though Olaf didn’t know what.  He felt it reaching out to him, and something within him responded.  His soul, he realized with awe.  He felt it as it flowed through him and into Aisling, racing towards her light as his seed had before it.  A part of Aisling entered him at the same time, sinking into his skin and bone.  He felt the essence of Aisling, her warmth, her heart, her love, as it settled across his shoulders, there to remain forever, an eternal part of his being.

Suddenly the green and gold light flared as brightly as the sun.  Olaf climaxed again, sensing his brothers and Aisling climaxing at the same time, all of them straining and groaning, holding tightly to each other as the pleasure roared through them with so much heat, passion, and love that he thought his heart might burst with it. 

Eventually Olaf realized he had control of his body back.  They remained standing for long moments, not ready yet to be apart from one another.  Before long, their trembling bodies clamored for rest.  Rudy and Rand carefully withdrew from Aisling’s body, gently laying her head against Olaf’s shoulder.  He looked down and saw that her eyes were closed, and smiled.  That was their Aisling. 

Rudy and Rand quickly straightened the bed, then Olaf lifted her off of him, and laid her down on the cool sheets.  Then they all climbed onto the bed with her and rested for a time.  When their heartbeats returned to normal, and their bodies no longer trembled, Olaf, Rand and Rudy began carefully inspecting Aisling’s body, going over her inch by inch to insure that she was unharmed. 

Her lau-lotu markings were beautiful, the bold, stern-eyed gryphons suiting her somehow.  None of them had words for how they felt to see their binding marks on their Arima.  When they looked down to see Aisling’s gryphon on themselves, it brought tears to their eyes.

“She’s stunning,” Rand gasped as he turned his right arm back and forth.

“I’ve never seen a gryphon with red fur,” Rudy said.  “She’s magnificent.”

“Stunning, magnificent, and ours for eternity,” Olaf said.  “She was worth every minute we had to wait for her.”





“Roar room.  Clever,” Karma said as she and Aisling stepped through the door that Rudy was holding open for them. 

“Actually, these compartment are officially called Shift Chamber,” Rand said.  “We have them on all of our vessels, for obvious reasons.  Someone on the Katres’ ship came up with the term
roar room
, and it spread throughout the fleet.”

BOOK: Laura Jo Phillips
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