Lane (Made From Stone Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Lane (Made From Stone Book 1)
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My head is in a total mind fuck right now. When I was pressed against her I had hoped to scare her away but I failed. I could practically feel the lust rolling off her in waves. Even though I said I would never give into temptation, I wasn't convinced. That's why I asked her to leave the wallet on the counter. Leaving the room, I walk into my bedroom so I'm not faced with the temptation. If I see her again, I know what I'll do.

I want to bury my cock so deep in her that my name is the only name she can scream for as long as she lives. In my mind, I know this can't happen. But tell my cock that, I’m honestly freaking the fuck out.

"Lane," I hear her soft voice as she opens the door. Hearing the way her voice rolls over my name drives me crazy, I can feel her effect on me growing but I refuse to look in her direction. I can't. If I do, it's all over.

"Leave. Mallory. Turn around NOW and get the fuck out."

"No." She snaps back firmly and I can tell she’s serious this time. I can't help it. I lose it. But the moment I turn to say something, I’m frozen. Mallory is standing in front of me with nothing but those purple lace panties I’d been fantasizing about for months and a lace bra that matches. I’m stuck in place. Her pale skin is flawless, and the wave of red hair is hanging over her shoulders stopping suggestively just above her perfectly perky breasts. Her small, pink nipples are visible even through the thin, purple lace. I can see that they’re aching to be touched just as much as I’m aching to touch them. The internal struggle I’ve been up against since I first saw her becomes a war inside me as she slowly walks towards me. My crumbling resolve falls a bit more with every step she takes in my direction.

The moment she reaches me, she gently takes my hands and places them on her hips. Her silky skin burns my fingertips. Knowing I'm losing the will to fight this, I softly run my fingertips up her rib cage and feel the goose bumps on her soft skin being left in the trail behind my touch. A small moan escapes her pink lips and I feel the need to make her do it over and over again. I take a fistful of her hair and crash my lips to hers roughly. Her fragile mouth is open to my invasion and the moment I taste her on my tongue, I know without a doubt she will be marked by me. Our tongues are effortlessly dancing around each other. Needing to be closer, I pull her tighter against my hard body. Her fingers run softly up and down my back, and I could get lost in the feeling. She brings a hand forward and fumbles to get beneath the top of my pants. Fuck, I want this, but I have a brief moment of clarity that forces me to quickly grab her hand and back away.

“Leave, Mallory.” I beg.

“No,” she answers stubbornly, pissing me off. God, why doesn’t she get that this is wrong?

Once again, my eyes travel slowly over the body standing in front of me and the struggle is back. She's nineteen and innocent. She has her whole life ahead of her. We’re in two completely different places. Maybe that’s the angle I could use to get myself out of this situation, so I start speaking.

“Mallory you’re leaving for college next year. We’re just in different places in our lives and it’s best for the both of us if you go. Please.”

“I’m not asking for a marriage proposal. I’m just asking for sex!” she says casually, brushing off all of my reasoning. Although, in that moment, I’m reminded she isn’t innocent. She’s a whore. I reason that I’m not taking her innocence. Men have been there before me. Sure, that pisses me off, but Mallory likes sex. Hey, I
want a quick and no strings attached fuck.

“What do you want? Do you like being treated like a whore? I just don't get it,” I ask, just to clarify things. I need to make sure she doesn’t think she will be my girlfriend when we finish.

“For you to fuck me. Use me. Show me a good time,” she whispers bravely. I didn’t hear anything that makes me feel like she wants more and that makes up my mind. I stalk towards her and pick her up, grabbing her ass and squeezing it tightly. This little lace number she's wearing will be removed immediately.

“Fine, but you’ll leave my home and never return once it’s over.” I say, realizing I sound like a complete asshole.


“Ok, baby. As long as you know you’re about to be fucked hard and kicked out afterwards.”

“Just fuck me, Lane!” she whispers demandingly. Hell yeah, I’ll fuck her. It's been way too long!

I carry her to the bed and toss her on it roughly. My mind and swollen cock are going haywire. I’ve wanted this for so long without being able to act on it that I may get off just thinking about it. I want to taste her and fuck her at the same time, as impossible as it is. My cock is screaming to be inside her, and that need will win, but first a quick taste. I grab her legs, spreading her open wide on my bed. I haven’t even touched her yet and I can tell her pussy is wet for me. The saliva starts pooling in my mouth and I’m suddenly starving for her. With my willpower gone, I kiss up her thighs, craving her on my tongue. These small kisses are causing her to squirm and I smile against her skin. As my lips get closer to her pussy, her clean girly scent invades my nose and my inner beast takes over. Not able to wait a second longer I take my fingers and slip them underneath her panties. I was right. She is soaked. Something inside me is driven mad and I take my other hand and rip her panties right off. Exposing her perfectly wet, pink pussy. The buzz in my head keeps getting louder until I find her core and take a long slow stroke with my tongue up her slit, finishing at her swollen clit. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! It’s like a delicacy only for me. I’ve never had something so sweet on my tongue. I slowly lap up her juices and savor the taste, swallowing greedily. Mallory’s hands grip my hair and she starts pushing my head into her pussy. “You’re a greedy girl Mallory. I like that.” I growl. I’m just as greedy as she is so I start licking fast and harder. I take her clit inside my mouth and suck as hard as I can.

“Oh. My. GOD! Lane. Oh. My…..” Mallory shouts and a rush of her juices fill my mouth. Making sure none of her sweetness escapes my tongue I start the long slow laps again, making sure I get to enjoy all of it as she struggles to regain her composure. Once she’s licked clean, I raise myself and quickly remove my jeans. My eyes gaze over her post orgasm body and my cock can wait no longer. She’s beautiful and the sexy grin she’s wearing reminds me I put it there. She enjoyed what I did. I fucking did that.

“One last chance, Mallory. One last chance to tell me no,” I remind her, hoping like hell she hasn’t changed her mind.


“Fuck me, Lane. Stop asking and just fuck me,” I demand.

“It’s not going to be easy. You’re going to feel used afterwards, but I can't control myself. I'm going to fuck you right!” he explains with bravado in his voice.

“Then do it,” I quietly reply. Earlier, I meant what I said. I don’t want a proposal I just want to enjoy what I’ve never enjoyed before. With him. I want my first time to be with a man who knows what he’s doing. I’m not experienced, but after the orgasm he just gave me, I’m pretty sure he knows what he’s doing. I’ve never been able to give myself that kind of orgasm.

“Alright,” he says and stands up quickly. His jeans are off and it’s the first time I’ve seen his cock. I’m immediately scared. From what Amy has told me, it hurts like hell your first time. Judging by the size of his massive cock it will hurt the first, second and third time! He starts to lower himself on top of me and the anticipation and fear grow. He must notice my nerves because he slowly strokes my hair as he looks into my eyes. "What's wrong, baby?" he asks with compassion and concern. I need to tell him before we do this. I don't want to be in so much pain that I can't enjoy my one and only time with him.

"I'm scared."


"The 'not fucking me easy' part," I try to explain but find the words are getting lost somewhere along the way to my mouth. He rolls off me and I can tell he's frustrated.

"Why does that scare you?" he asks, while stroking my face with his finger.

I'm afraid to tell him I'm a virgin. I know he will stop if I do, so I just say, "I've never been with anyone your size, and I'm afraid it’ll hurt." I explain and his eyes soften a bit, revealing a side of Mr. Stone few have seen.

"I'll go slow until you adjust," he says, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I nod and smile softly.

He runs his fingertips over my clit a couple times and then he's above me, I feel him at my entrance. Panicked he will actually feel that I'm a virgin and stop and also panicked that it's going to hurt I say "wait," he immediately stops.

"Did you change your mind?" he asks with a frustrated groan, hiding his face for a moment in my shoulder.

"No. But you should know something."

"Okay?" he says, raising an eyebrow.


This girl is killing my cock. Does she want to fuck or not? She looks scared and I worry the size of my dick has her completely freaked. She sits up on the bed and puts her face in her hands almost like she's embarrassed. Worried, I ask, "What is it baby?"

"I.. I want to do this," she says, quickly looking up at me and then down at the bed.

"Ok. So what's stopping you?"

"Don't be mad….please?" she quietly says and then she whispers into her hands. "I've never done this."

What the fuck? She can't be saying what I think she's saying, can she?

"Mallory? You’re a virgin?" Please say no! Please say yes. No, please say no! I watch as she shakes her head yes.

Now what the fuck am I supposed to do? I'm not taking her virginity. At least the thought of her being sexually active helped me reason that she wasn't a young innocent girl. But Mallory IS a young innocent girl. FUCK ME!

"Go Mallory, please!" I say, standing up. I turn away from her so she can get up and out without me being tempted. Her taste is still on my tongue though, and my teetering resolve is continuously fading. I feel her come up behind me and she wraps her arm around my waist. I grab her hands and unwrap her. "Would you just fucking leave?"

"I'm sorry I ruined it by telling you. I just thought you should know,” she says with her head down. I can hear the humiliation and sadness in her voice as she moves away, and I feel like I owe her an explanation. I'm the one who should be ashamed.

"Wait, Mallory" I call out, completely aware I'm still naked. And she is still naked. Fuck! Do the right thing, Lane.


"I'm the one who should be sorry. I am, or at least was, your teacher. It was wrong to begin with but knowing you're a virgin.... I just can't. You're a beautiful girl."

"Thanks.... I think...." she says as she walks toward the door. Wait! Where are her clothes?

I follow her out to the living room after I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist. I watch as she picks up her clothes off the floor. I notice her face flush a beautiful pink as she realizes her panties are in pieces on my bed. I groan at the memory of ripping them off.

"Well this is embarrassing!" she half laughs, trying to lighten the mood. She is still bent over and her perfect ass is calling my name.

"Yeah. Sorry about that." I reply but I’m not sorry.

All of a sudden, I hear urgent pounding on my door. It’s fucking Eli, I know it! Panicked because he has a habit of knocking and then entering, I rip my towel off and tell Mallory to cover herself and go back to my bedroom. I jog to the front door completely naked and open it.

“What the fuck man? Where are your clothes?” Eli asks with humor in his voice.

“Go,” I bark out.

“Did I interrupt something? I’ve been texting you but you didn’t answer,” he informs me.

“Eli, I’ll explain later,” I tell him, shoving him out the door and shutting it in his face.

I hear him through the door say “I’ll be at Hansons if you need more after you’re done with the mystery woman.” I hear him laughing and it pisses me off. Not that he made the joke, but because I won’t be done with my mystery woman.

I turn around and walk back into my bedroom to find her standing in front of my dresser. She’s still naked. She had a few minutes to get dressed, why is she making this difficult? She must see the question in my eyes.

“Lane, I’m a virgin. Don’t you think it’s up to me who I give my virginity to?”

“It should be someone your age. Someone who might want a relationship with you. You should lose it to someone you love.”

“Did you lose yours to someone you love?” she asks.

“Hell no.” I was sixteen and lost it to a hot senior one night after a football game in the backseat of my car but I can’t say that.

“Ok. I’m leaving for college. I said before I don’t want a relationship. I want to focus on school and on making something of myself. So yes, I’ll lose it in some heat of the moment and probably wake up and regret doing it. But I know I wouldn’t regret losing it to you. I want you, Lane.” God hearing her talk she sounds all woman. She’s straightforward. FUCK! I can’t prevent another man from ever being inside her but I can prevent them from taking what's mine. Mallory’s virginity is mine.

I quickly move to her and pick her up, my every intention in carrying her back to my bed. My mind and body are at war as she instinctively wraps her legs around my waist, but my body has won. As much as I want, I cannot resist her.

“I can’t wait another second Mallory.” I say to her as we fall onto my bed, my body hovering above hers, our bodies just inches away from what we want most. With that, I slide my aching cock slowly inside her. She is so fucking tight. I know I’m about to rip through her virginity so I still myself inside her and say “Baby, there is no easy way to do this. Just hold on.” She nods her head, I keep my eyes locked on hers, and I quickly push inside her. And it’s a moment of pure ecstasy. It feels so fucking good, but I feel guilty when I see the pain in her eyes. I feel her tense up as the pain grips her. I hear her pained voice. "Ouch! Fuck!"

“I’m sorry,” is all I can say as I push a little further inside her. I lean down and kiss her forehead and then lower my lips to her ears whispering, “Thank you.”

“Mhmm. Lane you can move now.”

“You’re fucking tight on my cock,” I groan. Almost too tight. Her body is rigid, and I notice the tears building up in her eyes as I push balls deep into her tight pussy. Finally, my heart and body have gotten what they want. Mallory Carter is mine.

BOOK: Lane (Made From Stone Book 1)
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