Read Kismet Online

Authors: Tanya Moore

Tags: #romance, #werewolf, #magical, #shifter animals

Kismet (26 page)

BOOK: Kismet
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"Ah Sweetheart, maybe they could hear the
happiness in your voice. I know this is sudden, but I'm crazy about
you and we'll be perfect together."

"I know we will be, but my logical brain
keeps telling me this isn't possible and I'll be waking up from
this dream any minute," she sighed.

He wrapped his arms around her, placed a kiss
on each temple, and then brushed his lips back and forth across
hers, with their noses touching. "Trust me, this is real. What can
I do so you'll stop doubting our Kismet connection? I'll shout it
from the mountaintop, marry you like a human, claim you like a
mate. Just tell me and I'll do it."

"What do you want, Garrett? We've talked a
lot about me, but you're the other half here. What do you want to
do today, right now?"

"If I had my way, I'd take you to the bedroom
and claim you as mine this second." He said with darkening eyes.
"But I don't want to be that insensitive to you. I want us to move
forward when you're ready and not a moment earlier. Other than
that," he winked "I'd love to move you up here and introduce you to
the pack."

She gulped and looked at the floor. The first
part of his plan sounded like a good one. She could guess she
wanted him as much as he wanted her. The only difference being she
was completely inexperienced and didn't know how to lead the way.
She realized she had been quiet for a long time when she looked up
into his eyes and saw passion and lust blazing there. Maybe the
emotions she felt weren't all her own. She stepped closer, putting
her hand on his chest and felt his heart beating fast under her
palm. Reaching on her tiptoes, she placed a kiss to the corner of
his mouth and then looked into his chocolate brown eyes, asking
permission for more.

"You're killing me, Riley," he rasped. "Are
you sure?"

"Yes. I want you to claim me as yours, so I
can do the same," she smiled shyly.

She could feel their hearts beating in unison
as he lifted her off the floor. She wrapped her arms around his
neck and her legs around his waist as his lips slowly kissed a
trail from her jaw to her shoulder. Her eyes closed in contentment
as she felt him climb the stairs, opening her eyes when she felt
him sit and the bed dip below their weight. The entire world was a
fog around her and the only thing that existed was her and this
amazing man, her mate, husband, and Kismet. He continued kissing
her for a long while as his hands played over her body, and she
felt as if she were floating among the clouds from their combined
euphoria, unaware of anything but the moments they were

She tentatively trailed her fingers under the
hem of his t-shirt, feeling the warmth of his back and stomach. She
heard him suck in a breath as she pulled it over his head. He
flopped back on the bed, closing his eyes in ecstasy as she danced
her fingers across his body, tracing the lines of his muscles. She
lifted her own shirt over her head and unclasped her bra, letting
it slide down her arms. His eyes cracked open, then widened as he
saw her bared to him for the first time. His eyes locked on hers
and then drifted down, perusing her body. A lazy smile caressed his

"You are beautiful, my Kismet."

His strong hands gripped her sides and he
spun her, laying her on the bed beside him. He slowly loosened her
jeans and slid them off. She heard him groan as he looked down her
body. His lips descended on her collarbone and moved over her skin
in silky smooth caresses. After he covered every inch of her, she
watched as he rose and removed his jeans. She was in awe of his
perfect form. He was stunning. He cradled her in his arms tightly
and caressed her body with magical hands, bringing more pleasure to
her than she knew was possible. She felt their Kismet connection
crashing over her and knew she'd never be the same.


Hours later, Riley woke up with her head
pillowed on Garrett's chest and their legs entwined. This was the
feeling she was hoping to have with someone one day, and now the
time was here. She still couldn't believe how her life had changed
so irrevocably in one week. As she mused about all the changes and
how to move forward with her Rapha abilities, she noticed a glimmer
near her eye. She lifted her body to see what it was.

On his chest, over his heart, was the mark he
spoke of, her mark on his body. The light playing over the
three-dimensional looking lines was mesmerizing. The color appeared
white, but actually had a rainbow of colors from the lights
reflection. The mark was an outline of a hand. In the center of the
palm was a dot surrounded by hundreds concentric circles widening
to the outer edges of the hand, like ripples in a still pond left
from a single drop of water. It was stunning. She put her hand up
to it and realized it was the same size. She quietly sat up to look
for his mark on her body. In the same spot on her chest, was an
iridescent wolf paw print. The pads of the paw were tribal looking
with Celtic knot work. She rubbed her fingers over it, trying to
feel the edges, but only felt smooth skin. She wished everyone
could see it because it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever
seen. She wanted everyone to know she belonged to Garrett and him
to her. She looked at his sleeping face and felt such love and
unity she was overwhelmed. She wanted to wake him up and show him
the marks, but knew he needed to sleep after the stress of the last
few days, so she pillowed her head on his chest again and joined
him in a contented sleep.





THANK YOU for reading Kismet. This was my
first writing adventure and I had a great time creating the story.
I hope you found it entertaining as well. Although character names
were made up, some of the locations referenced in Vancouver are
real. I really do buy my dog food and treats at Canine Utopia and
my husband and I often enjoy the smell of the wood-fired ovens at

There is a lot more that will happen with
Rapha Riley and Shifter Garret. I hope to have the next book out by
spring of 2014.

You can follow the progress on Facebook at


Cheers! - Leah Moore

BOOK: Kismet
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