Kidnapped and Bound: Kidnapped, Book 2 (3 page)

BOOK: Kidnapped and Bound: Kidnapped, Book 2
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The Viscount was clearly unhappy with my behaviour.  He stood, pouting with arrogant anger and demanded one of his servants bring him a riding crop.

“If there is one thing I can’t stand, it is a woman who doesn’t know her place and when to be quiet,” the Viscount bellowed. He stretched out an arm holding the riding crop and prepared to strike at my face with vicious intensity.  The crop came towards me and I gave an involuntary loud cry, dipping my head away.  Lord Grange gripped me by the hair and forced me to turn in to the face of the whip.  But the handsome dark-eyed man rose quickly from his chair and gripped the handle with such force, the Viscount was made to halt his brutal assault.  The stranger had come to my rescue after all.





Chapter Three

Both men stood there as if frozen.  The Viscount gave my rescuer a thunderous look

“Why spoil such a beautiful face,” the man said eloquently, speaking firmly in an upper-crust English accent.  “Let me try to tame her.  I think we might all be pleased with seeing what lies beneath that elegant dress and an angry welt to her face is going to spoil the appearance.  Not to mention lower the price when you sell her on as a bride.”

I held my breath and found myself glaring at the man.  His words were surprising and disappointing. Clearly I had mistaken the notion of him coming to my rescue for fantasy.

The odious Viscount appeared to be considering his request.  His eyes turned from being harsh to viewing me as a tasty morsel.  For the first time since I had arrived in the room, my anger deserted me and I wanted to sob.  Tears came.

“Yes, I believe you are right, Lord Drake.  Display the woman to us for our assessment and discipline her.  I want to see how she responds to a firm male hand across her buttocks.  I will also need to see how she orgasms.  If she responds well, I will take her for selling or for my collection, my own use, or perhaps even lend her to the members of the club.” 

I gasped in horror.

“It will be my pleasure, Viscount.” Lord Drake grinned, but I could not help feeling it was forced.  “She is most definitely in need of some well directed male discipline, if only for her reckless nature in becoming engaged to a gambling cad like Lord Grange,” Lord Drake said with dark humour.

Lord Grange cursed at him but the Viscount roared loudly with laughter.  He sat back down in the middle chair and made himself comfortable, pausing to take another puff of his pipe.  I watched Lord Drake approach, my eyes widening and dilating not only with fear but bemused attraction.  With a sharp action as if irritated and feeling nothing but contempt for the man, Lord Drake tore Lord Grange’s hand from my hair and pushed him backwards to the floor.

“Move him out of the way and bring me one of those red chairs,” Drake demanded of two of Blake Ryan’s men standing at the door.  I watched him view Lord Grange’s prostrate form with disgust and arrogant contempt before he was dragged to a chair far away by the drinks table.

Fear forbade me from speaking but I begged Lord Drake with my eyes not to strip me. He was not to heed my silent plea.  When I felt the cool sensual caress of his fingers on my arms from behind, I knew there was to be no escape.

Lord Drake stood close behind me and began to tear the back of my dress easily.  I jumped and cried out.  The men laughed and others in the room gathered around to view the spectacle.  He leaned in to my neck and brushed his lips gently across my skin.  My whole body tingled and traitorously softened to his touch.

“Trust me.  I won’t harm you.  Do as I say or the Viscount will kill us both.  He has done it before. I will protect you, but I need to get us both out of here alive.  Help is coming,” Lord Drake whispered quickly in my ear as he bestowed another tantalising tickling kiss upon the nape of my neck.

Before I could reply and betray him, he straightened and began tearing my dress more forcefully at the back.  I was surprised, at first disbelieving of his words, and cried out.  Perhaps he meant to trick his captive?  Yet my intuition told me to trust him however preposterous the situation I found myself in.  There was little to do other than to help myself by throwing caution to the wind and trust the stranger even though he sought to publicly bare my naked body.

The prospect of being stripped by a Lord in front of all not only frightened me, but made me self-conscious of my body.  Although I wasn’t overweight, I was not delicately thin either. I was a petite figure with generous breasts, wide hips and ample curves.  Both my aunt and myself had lamented my shape and form on many an occasion.  A tall willowy figure seemed more beguiling in my mind.  But women of my acquaintance were strangely often jealous of my breasts and many a man had complimented me on my pleasing countenance and attractive figure.  Then there was the shame of exposing my red chastised bottom as evidence of Lord Grange’s spanking.  As Lord Drake robustly finished ripping my clothing away and I felt the cool air of the room rest upon my bare flesh, my cheeks flushed.  The men chuckled at my unease and the way I cried and sought to cover my body from their gaze with my hands.

Lord Drake’s hands were soft and gentle as they caressed the trembling skin of my bare arms, soothing me unexpectedly despite the deplorable nature of my situation.  He leaned in and lifted my loose hair and sniffed it.

“Please, trust me,” he whispered.  “You must.  She smells good, Viscount.”

My would-be rescuer took hold of my arms and pulled them back, preventing me from hiding the attributes of my body from the men’s view.

“Hush, little one. We only want to see what delights you hide from us,” he said out loud with amusement, raising murmurs of agreement from the men who sought to examine my body so intimately.

“Lift your head high, girl, so we can get a good look at you,” the Viscount ordered.

I glared, watching the eyes of the men sweep my body with lusty need.  But when I did not comply, Lord Drake was to make me obedient.  He lifted my chin, standing behind me, and before I could utter a word of disrespect, he cupped my breasts.  Raising them, he held them out as though in offering to the Viscount.  His hold was firm and possessive.  I warmed between my thighs.

“Such pert, well-formed breasts.  A true delight in a woman,” the Viscount said and nodded his approval.

“They are indeed plump and juicy to hold.  I warrant they will jump beautifully when slapped,” Lord Drake agreed, beginning to flex my nipples with his thumb.  Sudden wetness pooled in my sex, not only at Lord Drake’s hold, but at the image of him slapping my naked breasts to his satisfaction.  I felt ashamed of my feelings and unwanted tears gathered in my eyes again, foiling any attempt I made to appear strong and defiant to the end of my humiliating experience.  Yet I was becoming aroused by it.  The Devil had affected my senses; I was in no doubt of it at that moment.

“Yes, I warrant they will.”

“Let us see,” Lord Drake suggested.

Shocked and appalled, I struggled in his hold.  But a sharp pinch of my nipples with his fingers before stretching and pulling them out to extreme distance stilled my disobedient movement.  The pain was stinging, harsh, yet exquisite in its application.  My vagina became sodden and my resolve threatened to become meek and pliant to his dominance.

“My, this girl needs a firm male hand, does she not, Alexander?” The Viscount looked at me with disapproval as he spoke to Lord Drake.  “If I keep her, the birch will tame her, and a stay in my stable with the hands and the horses as James suggested.”

“I think she will be brought to the leash more quickly than you believe,” Lord Drake answered with confidence.  “I shall begin her training.  First let us see how her breasts respond to discipline.”

With deft quickness, Lord Drake was to let go of nipples, making them throb with the loss of the pressure and stretch he had exerted upon them. He walked in front of me but kept a little to the side so as not to obscure the sight of my body with his tall frame.  Suddenly, with surprising force, Lord Drake reached out his hand and slapped my breasts thrice.

They jumped, wobbled and stung, flushing a delicate shade of pink with each firm disciplining strike from Lord Drake.  I was given one more for good measure when a hybrid moan of pain and pleasure escaped my errant lips

“Good.  She responds well,” the Viscount said.

“I can see wetness upon her sex.  It is clear she moistens with a firm breast slap,” Lord Drake informed the group with authority.  “Yes, she will be brought to the leash quickly.”

“Perhaps, but I am still not convinced.  I still believe the girl requires a birching and a hard mounting before she’ll be tamed,” the Viscount disagreed.

“Let us see more of her.  Lord Grange had spanked her.  Let us see the evidence.  A blushing bare bottom on a filly is well worth viewing,” one of the men called out.

“Yes, turn her around and bend her over.  I want to see her buttocks and anal entrance before she is examined internally.  We must make sure she is the virgin Lord Grange believes her to be.  Young women are getting more adept at concealing their shame of a taking these days,” the Viscount said.

Lord Drake turned and bowed.

“Of course, as you wish,” he said with a grin.

I panted when I felt Lord Drake’s hands rest upon my naked hips.

“Please.  I don’t want . . .”

My speech trailed off when Lord Drake hushed me with an unexpected firm breast slap.

“You will not speak woman unless ordered to do so,” he thundered at me.  “Your disobedience is tiresome.”

I gave a shriek when he cupped my pussy tightly, squashing the tight black curls against his hand possessively before slapping it with two firm strikes, catching my damp clitoris with his swat.  I gave an indignant cry but hushed when he raised his hand once more and took my sex to task again.  I pooled with fresh creamy wetness.  My clit throbbed yet yearned for more firm discipline.

A curious deep ache inside my slickening channel began to pulse with urgent need.  I did not understand my feelings.  They ranged from anger, fear and pain to desire, pleasure, need and lust itself.  Perhaps harnessing those wayward reckless and wanton thoughts was how Lord Drake and the Viscount sought to tame me for their own sexual needs.  I was helpless but to receive their direction.

Lord Drake turned me around and trailed his fingers the length of my spine before smoothing his palm over one blushing buttock that had been warmed previously by Lord Grange’s hand.

“Now, little one, bend over for me and reach for your toes,” Lord Drake commanded in a dark, stern but velvet voice that caressed and warmed my skin unexpectedly, dissipating the fear and humiliation I felt.  Yet still I resisted purely for my sense of propriety and stubborn nature.

“No, I will not.  How can you treat me this way?  None of you is a true gentleman despite the titles you carry and the power you wield,” I told them angrily, jutting my chin out at them.

“Do you wish me to bend you, myself, little one?” Lord Drake asked with amusement.  “It seems you respond well to being made to obey.” He grinned at me and then took hold of my hips firmly, bending me with force.  As he did so, he eyed me with concern.

“I asked you to trust me.  I will protect you with my life,” he urged in another secret whisper.

I found myself touching my toes and my hair falling in front to greet them with me.   My bare spanked bottom was now on show, thrust out at Lord Drake, the Viscount and the other men in the room.  Through my legs I could see them scrutinise my flesh with hungry devouring eyes.  It seemed I was a tasty dish to be set before the King.

My sex hung between my legs.  I could not hide the glistening dampness upon it any longer.  My pussy lips felt swollen and heavy.  I was so vulnerable and open to wanton male penetration.  I was frightened, but I clung to the words Lord Drake had uttered to me and allowed myself to believe he would indeed protect me.

“Open your legs wider,” he told me, giving my bottom a gentle tap.  Unable to resist for the position I was in, I obeyed his command immediately.  I was disturbed by the pleasure I took in obeying his simple request.  I felt a sudden need to please him.

“Open your legs, woman so that we may examine your anal entrance.  I need to see you a virgin there,” the impatient Viscount said.  Lord Drake softly skimmed his palms over the surface of my buttocks and opened them to bare the puckered entrance of my anus.  I bit my lip at the humiliation of being opened so widely.

“Blake, she has been spanked but I am not sure if she is red enough for your satisfaction,” Lord Drake told the man. “Do I have your permission to discipline her to your satisfaction?”

“Yes, I agree.  It will be a treat to see this filly chastised.  But first I must know whether she is a virgin.”

I felt Lord Drake lean across my back and the black velvet of his coat brush my skin.  My skin warmed with the closeness of his presence.  If I were to be so shamefully examined by a man, then Lord Drake would put some of my unease to bed.  His touch was skillful and artful - designed to dominate and tame yet with a protective and gentle application.

Lord Drake stroked the back of my hair and leaned towards my ear to plant another kiss.  I felt his breath blow across my ear, sending rivulets of tiny shivers of pleasure across my back and to my throbbing nipples.  He spoke to me as the men commented on the lack of redness to the backs of my thighs and bottom as well as discussing the size and shape of my puckered entrance for anal penetration.

“I know this is difficult but do everything I say.  I will not hurt you.  And I have to admit you do require a sound whipping for involving yourself with Lord Grange.  If I had not been here, your stubbornness would have got you killed.  The Viscount does not tolerate disobedience from his women or his men,” he whispered.

There was no time for a reply.  Lord Drake straightened and trailed his fingers along my spine.  He turned and cupped my buttocks in a tight punishing hold and opened them further.

“Now, little one, let us see if you are a virgin in your treasured entrance.”  I heard someone approach him and then a pause.  Soon after, I felt a cool balm applied to the small hole.  I gasped and tried to raise my body in response whilst Lord Drake applied the creamy substance, tracing the outline of the entrance.  With a firm hand on my back, he pushed me back down and began to gently insert a finger inside me.

BOOK: Kidnapped and Bound: Kidnapped, Book 2
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