Read Kept Women: Two Fertile Submissive Stories Online

Authors: Nicole Snow

Tags: #domination submission, #spanking erotica, #losing virginity, #impregnation, #older man younger woman sex, #bdsm erotic romance, #breeding erotica, #alpha male domination, #submissive romance, #first time virgin sex

Kept Women: Two Fertile Submissive Stories (11 page)

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“And if I refuse?”

“That is written in your contract, Miss
Jane,” he replied, which meant she could quit or do as he asked. If
she had balls, he’d have them in a vise. He’d given her everything
and anything she wanted so the fall would be great if she left with
nothing. But in truth, she knew she had options. They both knew she
had a way out; Jane simply didn’t want to leave the lifestyle she’d
grown accustomed to over the last ten months, and Mr. Callaway made
damn sure leaving him was next to impossible. In a way, Jane would
be stripping for wealth, and the idea excited her. She never dared
to live on the edge, and stripping was certainly exhilarating.

Even if she didn’t justify disrobing for her
boss by reminding herself she always hoped he kept her around as a
romantic interest; Jane wished for the courage to do something
outrageous. Maybe it was her moment to show him she wasn’t too
young for him. After all, he didn’t need her as often as he claimed
or take such good care of her as he did when she rarely watched
Cody. Yet, his attention felt like a slow courtship; he was giving
her an opportunity to explore what he thought about her.

Nevertheless, it took a full minute to
muster the strength to do as he asked. But she refused to give him
the satisfaction of confessing her willingness, and silently turned
toward her walk-in closet. Jane rummaged for the chemise in its
shopping bag, removed the tags, and changed.

She came out wearing the silky lingerie that
reminded her of a very sexy apron that tied over her cheeks with a
big red bow. The red lace bra and thong matched the backless
chemise that ended high on her hip, and molded to her in all the
right places with a sexy peek-a-boo glimpse of her ass.

As expected, standing in front of him was
degrading, yet exciting. An exhilarating high rushed over her as
she stood almost bare in front of a man for the first time, but she
didn’t think he knew that. There was a burning desire to know what
he thought of the way the lace panties arched high on her creamy
hips to give the impression she had them. She wondered if he liked
how the thick push-up bra accentuated her bust and lean waist.

In spite of searching for signs he liked
what he saw, his stiff posture and somber expression gave nothing
away. He kept his fist over his mouth, taking his time, freely
invading her space by gazing at her feminine body without a word.
Jane stood there, thinking about the adventurous act, and she swore
she creamed her panties.

No matter how often she said she’d never
show fear or be intimidated by him, she trembled, feeling awkward
and empowered. If he noticed her mixed feelings, he never let on.
He tilted his head and freely examined her glittering red-painted
toenails, long legs, tiny panties that barely covered her slit and
mound; the sheer lingerie that exposed her navel, and then to her
milky-white breasts before saying, “Turn for me.”

She pivoted, but instantly slowed when he
barked the order. Jane could feel his eyes on her bare back and
ass. If she knew how to be sexy, she’d act the part.

Obviously he was doing his best to fluster
her, and demonstrate he had every right to inspect her body as long
as he wished; the moment she halted, he said, “If I want you to
stop, I’ll tell you.” He whirled a finger. “Keep turning.” To
please him, she inched around in a circle, twirling slowly for a
second and third time. Anything he asked she did, like taking down
her long blond hair, or adjusting her panties in apparent desire to
see them better. When she was on her fourth revolution, he made her
flush brighter by inquiring, “Are you attracted to powerful men?”
The careful question would disclose her hidden feelings, and he
knew exactly what he was asking. Jane couldn’t say no to save the
shreds of pride she had left.

“Yes,” she said which awarded her a

“Do you want to be dominated?”

She didn’t know if he was asking if she
wanted him or another dominating her. For clarification she said,
“I don’t understand.”

“Do you secretly wish a man would spend an
incredible amount of time assuring you that he’s always thinking of
you; demanding that you do all he asks, no matter how sexual or
strange; guiding you gently but exhaustively into the joys of
submission, leaving you no doubt that he cares for you?”

“That sounds…romantic.” They locked eyes,
and Jane was positive she was gazing at him with deep longing that
he’d offer such a relationship. If he didn’t, Jane knew she needed
to get him out of her system, because she liked him more than she
should for a boss.

“Turn for me, Jane.” She continued to make
small circles, and whenever her back was to him, he asked another

“Are you curious about what kind of lover,
as a strict, older man, I’d be?”

“I guess it would be a lot like this.”


“I’d feel helpless but safe, powerless but
free, and maybe cherished. I’d feel desired but exposed to the
possibility that I’d get my heart broken.”

“Face me.” She tried not to fidget when he
looked at her body. “I wouldn’t break your heart. It’s my
responsibility ensure you feel desired. Right now you need to feel
sexy. Do you feel sexy?”

“I hope you think I am.”

“I know you are, Jane. And I don’t need
lingerie to see that.” He paused to look her up and down, and then
shake his head like it was a shame he didn’t have her, and then he
asked, “Is this exciting for you?”

“My heart is racing.” And it was beating
faster by the second.

“Have you been with a dominant lover?”

“No,” she said, refusing to admit any more
that would hint at her lack of experience. She wanted to seem old
enough that she’d be a good match.

“How many lovers have you had?”

“Enough to know what I’m doing,” she

“How—many—lovers, Miss Jane? I want a

She shook her head. “I’d rather not say,”
she said, and braced for the worst. But anything was better than
him thinking she was too young for him. She’d endure anything he
dished out, if he left thinking about wanting her.

“If you don’t answer my questions, then you
don’t get to keep the lingerie. You’ll strip where you stand, fold
the garments, and set them on my lap.” A glimmer of amusement
pulled at his lips. By his repressed smile, she could see he dared
her to choose his punishment. Or maybe he knew she’d strip naked
before answering what should be a simple question, but Jane wanted
to control that one thing, and keep her innocence secret.

With shaky hands, she untied the big bow by
pulling on the ends. The thick satin unraveled as she tugged, and
the sheer garment relaxed, no longer hugging her curves. She let
the straps fall from her shoulders, and as it slipped, she caught
the chemise. While she folded it, he watched her tremble but she
refused to meet his eye. Not looking at him allowed her to avoid
his presence and act braver than she was; because if she felt her
actions to the fullest, she wouldn’t be able to go through with

Jane approached, walking to him before
dropping the lingerie on his knees. The chemise fell to the floor,
but bending to snatch it seemed too sexual, reminding her of the
position for giving oral sex, and she wouldn’t bow. Instead, she
reached behind her back, unfastened her bra, and let it drop.

There was nothing sexy in the way she
undressed. She didn’t tease by taking her time. She simply slipped
her thumbs under the lace of her panties and drew them down passed
her ass, and released them. While stepping out of the small pile of
clothes, she pinched her eyes shut, not wanting to suffer his
assessment of her body.

She was excruciatingly aware he took
liberties; gazing at her plump exposed lips that barely covered her
inner budding flower and the pink rings that encircled her erect
but petite nipples. She held her breath, hoping he saw her as a
woman. But at five foot two inches, she looked her age.

Suddenly emotional, Jane covered her face.
Eager to be alone, she was thankful when she heard him stand. But
instead of leaving, he draped a blanket around her shoulders, and
unexpectedly hugged her. He squeezed her, gently drawing her cheek
to his chest by brushing his fingers through her hair.

Having his arms around her instantly melted
her discomfort. By accepting her, he silenced her insecurities.
Relief washed over her. With a tender embrace, he made her feel
wanted. Jane was certain she’d endure a lot for his affection,
because when it was all over, his comforting made submitting to him
worth the moment of anxiety no matter how challenging. He gave her
an opportunity to be daring, and in the end she loved it and felt
closer to him than before.

She relaxed against his soothing heat,
pulling on his lapel. And she had no shame when he asked with a
calm, low murmur, “Are you a virgin, Jane?”

“My parents sheltered me, and then I moved
in here with you.”

He kissed the top of her head and stepped
away, holding the corners of the blanket until she took them. “Then
we can be done here, Miss Jane. I had no idea, and won’t make the
mistake of pushing you so hard again.”


room or where that put them once he saw her naked, especially after
he easily went through another week as if nothing happened; he
never let her keep the lingerie because he told her she didn’t need
them to be sexy. His response confused her, but like Mr. Callaway,
she ignored the encounter.

Their roles went back to normal. They
attended a white-tie affair, and met for lunch a few days after. As
an employer, he scolded her, and Jane as usual tried to appease
him, but she showed backbone, too. She explained her habit of
multi-space parking when he became irritated she forgot to mention
a parking ticket; she told him she was protecting the new car from
scratches and scrapes. He had the audacity to spank her, bent over
the hood of her Porsche; if she hadn’t felt his hard bulge when he
leaned close to whisper a warning to remember next time, she’d have
been livid. Then he called her into his office, accusing her of
watering his liquor, which she didn’t do.

“Why would I lie about that?” she asked
defensively, when he narrowed his eyes skeptically. From behind his
desk he threatened to spank her again while oozing his vast power
that she grew increasingly attracted to by the day. His
interrogations made her wet. But there was no way she’d get in
trouble for something she didn’t do, and challenged, “You order
wine for me any time we go out. If I wanted your Scotch, I’d drink
it. I wouldn’t hide it like I would if you were my dad.”

“Don’t sass, Miss Jane. It’s not
attractive.” When he slid a thick, stapled document and dropped the
subject, she considered the argument a victory or at least a truce.
“Read this carefully, and give it back in the morning. It’s our new

“I’ll sign it now.”

She reached for a pen, about to scribble her
signature when he cautioned her by first putting his hand on the
cover page, and then saying, “You’re not reading this first? I
might be suggesting a sexual agreement with a stipulation that
you’d do everything in your power to get pregnant; you wouldn’t
even know it.”

Jane stopped with her hand poised over the
line she needed to sign. Her eyes darted to his. He blankly stared
back, not even hinting at humor. Then again the statement was so
bold, and he too forward, for her to think his suggestion was
misunderstood. “Are you, Mr. Callaway?”

“Yes, Jane, that’s what I’m offering.”
Jane’s mouth dropped. He on the other hand, looked confident when
he said, “Think about it.” As if he already knew her answer would
be yes, he removed his hand, pointed to the crystal decanter on his
liquor tray, and instructed, “Have the surveillance videos searched
and terminate the employee who’s been drinking my Scotch. You’ll
see on page three that I expect you to run the house from now

Jane gawked, glowing from his proposal when
she never imagined he’d want her. And for a moment she almost
signed even though children were a condition—almost. On second
thought, she needed to read it to make certain he didn’t simply
want a nanny; she wasn’t convinced he found young, unshapely girls
attractive. She couldn’t understand why a rich man would like
someone like her, unless he got his jollies jerking her around or
truly valued their shared interest in charity work.

“You want me romantically?”

“You haven’t noticed that I’ve been pursuing
you for months? We’ve opened hospitals, and spent hours on the same
plane traveling to ten different countries. I’ve given you
everything you’ve wanted. I don’t do this with everyone, Jane.
Don’t you see this?

“Not really.”

“Well, I have. You’re nurturing toward my
son, you have a passion for world health as I do, and I’m attracted
to your willingness to submit. You take my dominance in stride by
doing everything I ask, like firing the thief.”

Now that he mentioned it, the request sank
in. But Jane never fired anyone, and wasn’t sure she could strip
away someone’s livelihood. “I stand up to you sometimes. Especially
if I don’t agree, and…and I don’t agree with you wanting me to fire
someone for drinking your liquor, when you would’ve spanked me.”
The repercussion seemed harsh, especially since she knew his staff
spent years working for him.

He dropped his pen onto the desk, gaped with
evident insult and before responding, rocked back and dropped his
elbows on the armrests. Her question surprised him, and he didn’t
like surprises. “I hope you’re not suggesting I
someone besides you, Miss Jane...”

“No,” she hastily interrupted; disturbed by
the idea he’d find pleasure in punishing anyone else. His
repercussions were sensual and always aroused her. Jane didn’t want
him enticing one of the maids. “Of course I don’t want that.”

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